[D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

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Hisomu Fumi
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Hisomu Fumi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:08 am

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:48 am
So instead, Hikaru stood by himself, not quite as he would stand while at attention, but nearly so, the only difference that his shoulders were more relaxed.
Seeing one of the host clan looking a bit more relaxed than the others, Fumi quietly approached. "Crane-sama, is this your first time attending a wedding as well?" She hesitated, "forgive me, I am Hisomu Fumi of the Spider."
Hisomu Fumi
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Togashi Satsuki » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:09 am

Kuu wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:50 am
Sensing that there was more to her being here, but not wanting to pry out what she was avoiding, he moved on. And then the hiding which was definitely not working well, since she was 3 inches taller and wearing clothing that was likely far too bulky to fit behind him.

"So, when you are trying to avoid talking with someone, it's best to avoid drawing attention. You are the only person in the room trying to hide behind someone smaller than you," he says with a smile. "That stands out.". He otherwise doesn't move, allowing her to use him for cover.

"I've spent a decent amount of time at Great Falls. But I came back to the Imperial City a while ago to help the order here. I've moved around a decent amount."
"........." the sullen teenager straightened. "I'm not used to this, ok. It's much easier back home."

She sighed, shook her head, and put on a serious expression of focus. "Has the Order established temples in other clan's territories too?"
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Kuu » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:17 am

"No temples as of yet, but we also have not established any dedicated diplomats either to ease the process. Which is part of what I do. I am a scribe and I gather stories from all over, but I also do what I can to foster good relationships. Many appreciate the ide of recording and sharing tales of their heroes, but it'sharder to get them to commit resources when so many are still building cities and castles."
Order of Heroes ° Monk ° Calligrapher ° Ascetic

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:22 am

Viveki Doshi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:02 am
"Ah, yes, she is the... Kami of the Crane, yes? Why..." Viveki realized that this was probably not the venue to ask just what he meant with his comment about Doji, so she veered in a different direction. "...or rather, what is this drink?" She motions with her almost-empty sake cup. "It does not taste like most wines. What fruit is this?"
"Oh, it's not fruit. It's grain. That's sake. We make it out of polished rice. Not quite as much to my liking as the beer we used to make in the Spine of the World, but it grows on you."
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Togashi Satsuki » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:22 am

Kuu wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:17 am
"No temples as of yet, but we also have not established any dedicated diplomats either to ease the process. Which is part of what I do. I am a scribe and I gather stories from all over, but I also do what I can to foster good relationships. Many appreciate the ide of recording and sharing tales of their heroes, but it'sharder to get them to commit resources when so many are still building cities and castles."
Right. This was a much easier topic to talk about. "The Dragon are always interested in supporting the Order of Heroes."

"Well, I think that more temples should be built in the Empire. Not only castles... well, cities are good because people live there. But temples are important, to promote a higher understanding and education for the general populace, like they do back home. My father is actually interested to see more temples built in the Empire, I think to promote that and more spiritual harmony overall."
Dragon • Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens
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Viveki Doshi
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Viveki Doshi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:27 am

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:22 am
"Oh, it's not fruit. It's grain. That's sake. We make it out of polished rice. Not quite as much to my liking as the beer we used to make in the Spine of the World, but it grows on you."
"It is not terrible," she admits, "but I am not sure that it entirely to my taste. In fact, I have been seeking a way to ask something, but I do not wish to give offense to my hosts. All of the food I have tried since arriving has been very well prepared, but I notice that your people tend to prefer meals that are somewhat... bland?" She casts a glance at a platter of passing rice dishes. "Do your servants know about spices?"
Ivindi • Merchant • Dangerous Beauty • Trustworthy Foreigner • Kami-Resistant • Rich AF

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:31 am

Viveki Doshi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:27 am
"It is not terrible," she admits, "but I am not sure that it entirely to my taste. In fact, I have been seeking a way to ask something, but I do not wish to give offense to my hosts. All of the food I have tried since arriving has been very well prepared, but I notice that your people tend to prefer meals that are somewhat... bland?" She casts a glance at a platter of passing rice dishes. "Do your servants know about spices?"
"Well, Nanzi's people brought curry to the Crane- which I think might be the best thing he's contributed to the Empire- but you have to remember, twenty years ago, we weren't an Empire, we were a bunch of tribes. Among my people, the Hikaru, simply cooking food could sometimes be seen as a luxury. So we haven't really refined a unified cuisine yet. We're still sorting out customs there. For example, the Crane and Stag tend to eschew animal meat aside from fish and some poultry, but other Clans aren't quite so... self-restrictive."
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

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Current Influence: All gone!

Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Shosuro » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:32 am

Kakita wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:29 am
“Good evening...” He replied with very little start as if he was a man accustomed to sudden apparitions manifesting themselves near him.

“I am called Kakita.” He said with a polite bow of his head.
She bowed slightly, adding a small smile that appeared and vanished like a shadow. Her features are very hard to define. Some part could be recognized as beautiful, but her looks were hard to keep in his mind when he glanced away. "I am Shosuro. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kakita-san." Her gaze moved across the room. "How are you finding the gathering?"
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Kuu » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:33 am

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:22 am
Right. This was a much easier topic to talk about. "The Dragon are always interested in supporting the Order of Heroes."

"Well, I think that more temples should be built in the Empire. Not only castles... well, cities are good because people live there. But temples are important, to promote a higher understanding and education for the general populace, like they do back home. My father is actually interested to see more temples built in the Empire, I think to promote that and more spiritual harmony overall."
"Well, different people have different ideas of what a temple should be. The Dragon see them as places of growth, but some see them as places purely for worship, others as a center for providing peace of mind and support for the people of the Empire. I see them much like libraries, given my duty. What is important is finding ways for people to feel connected to them and trying to widen their world view from there."
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Doji Hikaru
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Doji Hikaru » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:37 am

Hisomu Fumi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:08 am
Seeing one of the host clan looking a bit more relaxed than the others, Fumi quietly approached. "Crane-sama, is this your first time attending a wedding as well?" She hesitated, "forgive me, I am Hisomu Fumi of the Spider."
With a graceful turn, Hikaru bowed. "Greetings to you, Hisomu-san." Hikaru said, his voice deep and soft. "And please, there is no need to apologize. I am not on duty."

He considered her words a moment, expression thoughtful. "It is not, Hisomu-san. And yet, in a way, it is. I have attended weddings before, but always in a different role. This is the closest I have come to attending one as a guest."

For a moment, it looked as though he would say more on the subject, but his lips pressed together. "And you, Hisomu-san? This is your first wedding, or so I gather?"
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Viveki Doshi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:37 am

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:31 am
"Well, Nanzi's people brought curry to the Crane- which I think might be the best thing he's contributed to the Empire- but you have to remember, twenty years ago, we weren't an Empire, we were a bunch of tribes. Among my people, the Hikaru, simply cooking food could sometimes be seen as a luxury. So we haven't really refined a unified cuisine yet. We're still sorting out customs there. For example, the Crane and Stag tend to eschew animal meat aside from fish and some poultry, but other Clans aren't quite so... self-restrictive."
"Oh, you have curry? Or rather, the Crane do?" Her voice is relieved, and she casts a quick glance across the room, as if to make note of the Crane in attendance. After a moment, she looks back to Sora. "Good. That is good to hear. The Crane and Stag are mostly correct. There are some animals that are sacred and should not be eaten, such as cows, but others like chickens and other birds are safe. Others are best avoided due to the diseases they carry, such as rats."
Ivindi • Merchant • Dangerous Beauty • Trustworthy Foreigner • Kami-Resistant • Rich AF

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:39 am

Viveki Doshi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:37 am
"Oh, you have curry? Or rather, the Crane do?" Her voice is relieved, and she casts a quick glance across the room, as if to make note of the Crane in attendance. After a moment, she looks back to Sora. "Good. That is good to hear. The Crane and Stag are mostly correct. There are some animals that are sacred and should not be eaten, such as cows, but others like chickens and other birds are safe. Others are best avoided due to the diseases they carry, such as rats."
"Eh, I was thinking more of hare, or deer, or goats, or, in a pinch, the right kinds of snakes."

He paused.

"And bear is damned tasty if you can get hold of one, but they're generally not found near settled areas."
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

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Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Togashi Satsuki » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:41 am

Kuu wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:33 am
"Well, different people have different ideas of what a temple should be. The Dragon see them as places of growth, but some see them as places purely for worship, others as a center for providing peace of mind and support for the people of the Empire. I see them much like libraries, given my duty. What is important is finding ways for people to feel connected to them and trying to widen their world view from there."
"I think worship, support, and peace of mind is also growth. You can't grow without those things," she sounded very sure of herself as she spoke. "But if you see them as libraries... what about the Imperial libraries?"
Dragon • Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Kuu » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:46 am

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:41 am
"I think worship, support, and peace of mind is also growth. You can't grow without those things," she sounded very sure of herself as she spoke. "But if you see them as libraries... what about the Imperial libraries?"
"There cannot be too many libraries. There is more knowledge in the world than could fit on all the scrolls in the empire. And with each passing day, the history of the empire grows larger. Who better to record theological ideas and history than those that seek understanding of theology."
Last edited by Kuu on Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Kakita » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:46 am

Canary wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:32 am

She bowed slightly, adding a small smile that appeared and vanished like a shadow. Her features are very hard to define. Some part could be recognized as beautiful, but her looks were hard to keep in his mind when he glanced away. "I am Shosuro. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kakita-san." Her gaze moved across the room. "How are you finding the gathering?"
“It’s quite the beautiful occasion. The trappings of a truly important union.” He replied with a look over at the happy couple.

“It is a shame Lady Doji could not attend. I heard on the road that she has fallen ill. Parents do tend to find such joy in the happiness of their children.” He said with a somber tone.

“Are you a relative of the bride? Perhaps a child of Bayushi-no-kami. I’m sorry I’m not current in my heraldry of the influential members of capital society.”
Bat Clan | Mystical Sword | Daimyo | Avian-like | Kenku-trained | Demon Cutter

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Viveki Doshi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:56 am

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:39 am
"Eh, I was thinking more of hare, or deer, or goats, or, in a pinch, the right kinds of snakes."

He paused.

"And bear is damned tasty if you can get hold of one, but they're generally not found near settled areas."
"You do have snakes!" Viveki grins widely. "I was speaking with Hisomu Ayeka earlier, and she did not know of them. How wonderful." She finishes off her sake, then hands the cup to a passing servant before looking back to Sora. "If you have snakes, you should lift your beds from the floor when you sleep, so that they do not crawl into bed with you. Perhaps I can show one of your craftsmen how to make a charpai to help with this."
Ivindi • Merchant • Dangerous Beauty • Trustworthy Foreigner • Kami-Resistant • Rich AF

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:59 am

Viveki Doshi wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:56 am
"You do have snakes!" Viveki grins widely. "I was speaking with Hisomu Ayeka earlier, and she did not know of them. How wonderful." She finishes off her sake, then hands the cup to a passing servant before looking back to Sora. "If you have snakes, you should lift your beds from the floor when you sleep, so that they do not crawl into bed with you. Perhaps I can show one of your craftsmen how to make a charpai to help with this."
"Oh, we have 'em, but they mostly sleep the winter away- only really active in the summer months. Beds off of the floor, huh?"

He scratched his chin.

"I can see benefits beyond the snakes, too. If my wife could put her feet down before standing up in the morning, this pregnancy might be a bit easier on her... some kind of wooden frame to put the bedding on, is that what you're talking about?"
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

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Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Viveki Doshi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:07 am

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:59 am
"Oh, we have 'em, but they mostly sleep the winter away- only really active in the summer months. Beds off of the floor, huh?"

He scratched his chin.

"I can see benefits beyond the snakes, too. If my wife could put her feet down before standing up in the morning, this pregnancy might be a bit easier on her... some kind of wooden frame to put the bedding on, is that what you're talking about?"
Viveki nods, and takes the opportunity to motion with her hands, now that she wasn't holding a drink. "Yes, they are wooden frames about this wide by this long. Then you take rope and weave it back and forth, like this." She laces her fingers together to illustrate. "You do not even need bedding, if the rope you use is fine enough. It helps keep the snakes away, as well as with pregnancy, as you said. Also, if your hut floods, then you do not wake up in the water."
Ivindi • Merchant • Dangerous Beauty • Trustworthy Foreigner • Kami-Resistant • Rich AF

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Shosuro » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:07 am

Kakita wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:46 am
“It’s quite the beautiful occasion. The trappings of a truly important union.” He replied with a look over at the happy couple.

“It is a shame Lady Doji could not attend. I heard on the road that she has fallen ill. Parents do tend to find such joy in the happiness of their children.” He said with a somber tone.

“Are you a relative of the bride? Perhaps a child of Bayushi-no-kami. I’m sorry I’m not current in my heraldry of the influential members of capital society.”
"Hai... Trappings. It's... very busy," she agreed, dipping her head slightly. "You heard correctly from what I understand. I planned to visit her after this is over. We do share some family ties, yes."
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception (Open, Event)

Post by Ryoshun Rei » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:10 am

Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:34 am
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:27 am
Rei joined the reception proper, looking around at the other guests and silently debating who to speak with.
Kyosei drifts close to the pale figure. When in conversation distance, he gives a short bow. "Good evening. I am Kyosei, of the Isawa. May I ask you some questions?"
She returned a polite bow. "Certainly, Isawa-san. I am Ryoshun Rei. How may I help you?"
Bat Clan 🦇 Heir 🦇 Ishiken 🦇 Void 🦇 Spirit Guide 🦇 Ethereal 🦇 Pale 🦇 Lost in Thought 🦇 Engineer
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