[D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

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Ryoshun Rei
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Ryoshun Rei » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:41 pm

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:54 pm
He half-smiled.

"You sure about that? I mean, I've been called many things, but very seldom have I been called particularly good company... would mind terribly if I asked after some business?"
"I will answer any questions you wish, if I am able." she assured him.
Bat Clan 🦇 Heir 🦇 Ishiken 🦇 Void 🦇 Spirit Guide 🦇 Ethereal 🦇 Pale 🦇 Lost in Thought 🦇 Engineer
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Shiba » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:44 pm

Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:16 pm
"Greetings Emperor of this land. This one was conversing with another of your servants on the previous evening, and a thought occurred. While most prefer to live within this Empire you have lead, some do not. They leave, often heading to the north. For single persons, well, what matter is that? But this one has also heard tell of entire, if small, tribes heading that way. This one has heard not of what your Rulings might be about this, and wished clarification on how we should react to them. Should we assist them? Prevent them from heading out? Other?"
"Simply do not impede their passage northward unless they show themselves to be hostile. If some choose to show them generosity, they should not be punished, but that is for the individual to decide."
Imperial Families | Kami | Emperor | Clear Thinker | Enlightened | Paragon of Compassion | Precise Memory | Sage

Honor: 10.0, Status: 10.0, Glory: 10.0

Run by GM Canary

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Hisomu Ayeka
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Hisomu Ayeka » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:48 pm

Ah, look, an Ayeka. A new dark kimono, this time with a pattern reminiscent of several branches, though still with a dark jingasa and veil. She makes all appropriate bows before finding a corner to be out of the way.
Spider | Bushi | Swordswoman | Idealist | Kind | Kouhai
Honor: A Soul Above Question | Status: 1 | Glory: 3

Carries: katana, fashionable kimono, fancy hat with silk veil, sake cup.

Companion: Shuri, cat.

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Isawa Kyosei
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Isawa Kyosei » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:48 pm

"Thank you for this ruling, Oh Emperor. I shall see it is passed on at the earliest chance." He then waits to be dismissed.
Imperial • Shugenja • Mine-Overseer • Trader • Experienced 2 • Jade • Earth • Granite

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Often seems dirty, or has a dusty form.
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Nozomi » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:55 pm

Stuck. She was stuck in this blasted city for not just one day, but several days. Nozomi wanted nothing more than to be on the road, away from the Imperial City. It was one of her least favorite places in the empire, though she didn't let on that fact when she visited... other than the constant glower that she seemed to wear. Still, the monk managed to put it aside, bow deeply to the emperor as was expected, follow the mores and expectations of anyone who was attending their presence, and promptly try to nudge her way to the background.

It wasn't working. It wasn't working at all. There was a young woman next to her, who was just managing not to point and gawk at all the people in their finery. She kept leaning in to whisper. "Is that uncle Sora?" Mayumi whispered. She hadn't seen the old man in too many years. Oh kami but this was going to be a long day. Sighing, she nodded. "Yes, yes, but he's going to be busy here, Mayumi. Don't go trying to get his attention, please. Maybe later."

But as she murmured that, she caught what the emperor said and ruled. Her eyebrow climbed and she smiled, nodding in accession to that wisdom. Ok... not everything was bad today. That was a fair ruling.
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0, Current Influence - 4
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Accompanied By: Her daughter, Mayumi (14)
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
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Jiyo Sora
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:56 pm

Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:41 pm
"I will answer any questions you wish, if I am able." she assured him.
"The last time I was in the Bat lands, the library work was proceeding nicely. But I was wondering if there was anything further you needed from us? I feel a bit... unfair, since the Bat Clan's contributions to the libraries are rapidly outstripping what we send you..."
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

Current Theme
Current Influence: All gone!

Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.3 Honor: 2.8

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Hadananzi » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:11 pm

With a little more flourish than was perhaps necessary, Hadananzi made his way into the court and offered his respects to the emperor Shiba. Though the kimono he wore was less ostentatious than the one he'd worn at his wedding reception, it was still immaculate and ornate, matched only by the smile he wore for all those that he greeted. He was the model of a perfect Crane gentleman, so highly practiced that the routine was almost as simple as breathing to him.

Once he had made his rounds, he found a place to relax and wait to be approached by any who might choose to mingle with him.
Crane Clan | Bushi | Charismatic | Groom of Ananzihime

Honor: 5.5, Status: 5.0, Glory: 3.0

Played by GM Bakuriel

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Shiba » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:22 pm

Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:48 pm
"Thank you for this ruling, Oh Emperor. I shall see it is passed on at the earliest chance." He then waits to be dismissed.
Shiba nodded to him. "Thank you, Isawa-san. Have a good morning."
Saru Yatsufusa wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:36 pm
Of course the young dragon appeared in court after all. It was the first time he is experience this type of event, but he was confident that his sensei had trained him well to not cause an embarrasment to him, his family and clan.

Yatsu noticed that the Imperial Consort brought a small. He knew that he was from the Ayakashi family, much like him. Maybe both were distant family to some degree, and he was happy that the tribe still lived on and that their ways were so close to the Son of Heavens.

For now, the young dragon waits. He has a petition for the Son of Heavens, but he would listen first of what the rest of the clans and petitioners had to ask and discuss.
He signaled Yatsufusa to approach.
Imperial Families | Kami | Emperor | Clear Thinker | Enlightened | Paragon of Compassion | Precise Memory | Sage

Honor: 10.0, Status: 10.0, Glory: 10.0

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Kuu » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:23 pm

As a counterpoint to the more reserved Nozomi, the monk Kuu was far more socially inclined in such a setting and took no issue with the city. He liked the open road, but having a lot of people around was nice. He bowed to the emperor on arrival before moving to mingle.

And so he moved around and mingled until he came across the groom from yesterday. He offered a bow, "Good afternoon Hadananzi-sama. I hope the day is treating you well so far?"
Order of Heroes ° Monk ° Calligrapher ° Ascetic

Glory: 1.5 | Status: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected
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Doji Tsubaki
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:30 pm

One can hardly be darling if one is not present. As such Tsubaki was, of course, ready to witness and participate in courtly matters.

Clad in appropriate finery she first made proper obeisance to the Emperor and Consort before beginning to make the rounds and circulate.
Shadowlands • Harbinger • Sweet Dreams are Made of These
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Hadananzi » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:31 pm

Kuu wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:23 pm
As a counterpoint to the more reserved Nozomi, the monk Kuu was far more socially inclined in such a setting and took no issue with the city. He liked the open road, but having a lot of people around was nice. He bowed to the emperor on arrival before moving to mingle.

And so he moved around and mingled until he came across the groom from yesterday. He offered a bow, "Good afternoon Hadananzi-sama. I hope the day is treating you well so far?"
Hadananzi inclined his head in a brief nod, before returning the bow with a pleasant smile. "Aside from the weather I should say today has treated me quite well indeed, thank you for inquiring. And may I ask in return how the day is treating you...?" He trailed off, not knowing the name of the monk to which he was speaking.
Crane Clan | Bushi | Charismatic | Groom of Ananzihime

Honor: 5.5, Status: 5.0, Glory: 3.0

Played by GM Bakuriel

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Saru Yatsufusa
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Saru Yatsufusa » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:32 pm

Shiba wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:22 pm
He signaled Yatsufusa to approach.
That was unexpected, that the Son of Heavens himself noticed him. Though, he was a god, literally one. His level of awareness was on a total different level, Yatsu thought.

In any case, slowly, the lame dragon approached to where the petitioners stood in front of the dais. The walking stick touching the floor echoing on the chamber. When Yatsufusa managed to arrive to the proper area, he bowed, at first standing, then he, with a lot of difficulties, dropped into his knees and bowed again, this time in a kneeling position, with his forehead touching the floor.

He waited for the Son of Heavens to acknowledged him and speak first.
*Dragon *Saru *Shugenja *Blessed Spiritually *Bishounen *Lame *Green Eyes *Blonde Hair *Avian Enthusiast

Honor: What is Expected|Glory: 2.0|Status: 1.0
Mon: Dragon, Saru

Equipment: Walking stick, sturdy clothing, trained falcon, songbird, small knife, wakizashi, han kyu, arrows


accompanied by Reimei, a falcon, sometimes by Getsumei, a songbird, since D6 onwards by Yukiashi, a female fox

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Shiba » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:35 pm

Saru Yatsufusa wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:32 pm
That was unexpected, that the Son of Heavens himself noticed him. Though, he was a god, literally one. His level of awareness was on a total different level, Yatsu thought.

In any case, slowly, the lame dragon approached to where the petitioners stood in front of the dais. The walking stick touching the floor echoing on the chamber. When Yatsufusa managed to arrive to the proper area, he bowed, at first standing, then he, with a lot of difficulties, dropped into his knees and bowed again, this time in a kneeling position, with his forehead touching the floor.

He waited for the Son of Heavens to acknowledged him and speak first.
"Greetings, child of the Saru Family," he says, inclining his head slightly toward him. "What brings you before me?"
Imperial Families | Kami | Emperor | Clear Thinker | Enlightened | Paragon of Compassion | Precise Memory | Sage

Honor: 10.0, Status: 10.0, Glory: 10.0

Run by GM Canary

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Isawa Kyosei
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Isawa Kyosei » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:39 pm

Nozomi wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:55 pm
Stuck. She was stuck in this blasted city for not just one day, but several days. Nozomi wanted nothing more than to be on the road, away from the Imperial City. It was one of her least favorite places in the empire, though she didn't let on that fact when she visited... other than the constant glower that she seemed to wear. Still, the monk managed to put it aside, bow deeply to the emperor as was expected, follow the mores and expectations of anyone who was attending their presence, and promptly try to nudge her way to the background.

It wasn't working. It wasn't working at all. There was a young woman next to her, who was just managing not to point and gawk at all the people in their finery. She kept leaning in to whisper. "Is that uncle Sora?" Mayumi whispered. She hadn't seen the old man in too many years. Oh kami but this was going to be a long day. Sighing, she nodded. "Yes, yes, but he's going to be busy here, Mayumi. Don't go trying to get his attention, please. Maybe later."

But as she murmured that, she caught what the emperor said and ruled. Her eyebrow climbed and she smiled, nodding in accession to that wisdom. Ok... not everything was bad today. That was a fair ruling.
As he moved away from the center of the court, he noted a semi-familiar face, and headed in that direction. Approaching her, he gave a bow, and asked "Do you have a moment, Nozomi-san?"
Imperial • Shugenja • Mine-Overseer • Trader • Experienced 2 • Jade • Earth • Granite

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Kuu » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:43 pm

Hadananzi wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:31 pm
Hadananzi inclined his head in a brief nod, before returning the bow with a pleasant smile. "Aside from the weather I should say today has treated me quite well indeed, thank you for inquiring. And may I ask in return how the day is treating you...?" He trailed off, not knowing the name of the monk to which he was speaking.
"I am Kuu, of the Order of Heroes, and it has been quite well. Met some new people, did some morning exercises. Took a pleasant walk outside," he says with a smirk. "Once the snows stop falling I'll likely take care of the walking paths for everyone. Shouldn't take more than an hour."
Order of Heroes ° Monk ° Calligrapher ° Ascetic

Glory: 1.5 | Status: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected
Carries: Calligrapher's Kit

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Nozomi » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:47 pm

Nozomi gave the briefest of nods to Kuu. The young scribe was good at what he did. And if he wanted to grace that man with his presence, then so be it. The other monk never did like Nanzi's companion very much. He was too smooth by a thousand-fold for her tastes, and whenever he spoke it was like honey dripping. She'd already made very clear that the someone attending with her would not be talking to that man if she wasn't present. No, too smooth by a mile.
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:39 pm
As he moved away from the center of the court, he noted a semi-familiar face, and headed in that direction. Approaching her, he gave a bow, and asked "Do you have a moment, Nozomi-san?"
And then she was being addressed and blinked for a moment before her lips cracked in a smile. Oh good, another person she actually knew. "Isawa-sama," she said, bowing to him. "Of course. How've you been? I forget if you've met my daughter, Mayumi." She glanced over and breathed a sigh of relief. The girl was remembering to bow.
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0, Current Influence - 4
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Accompanied By: Her daughter, Mayumi (14)
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
CharacterProfile * Theme Song * (The safe word is still "Sea Cucumber")

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Hadananzi » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:49 pm

Kuu wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:43 pm

"I am Kuu, of the Order of Heroes, and it has been quite well. Met some new people, did some morning exercises. Took a pleasant walk outside," he says with a smirk. "Once the snows stop falling I'll likely take care of the walking paths for everyone. Shouldn't take more than an hour."
"Ah, a monk of the order I've heard so much about. It is pleasant to meet you, Kuu-san. I must admit that I haven't traveled outside the castle walls much since the snow began to fall. I've heard the cold is quite bracing, you must have quite the fortitude to travel out within it so casually."
Crane Clan | Bushi | Charismatic | Groom of Ananzihime

Honor: 5.5, Status: 5.0, Glory: 3.0

Played by GM Bakuriel

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Isawa Kyosei
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Isawa Kyosei » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:54 pm

Nozomi wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:47 pm
And then she was being addressed and blinked for a moment before her lips cracked in a smile. Oh good, another person she actually knew. "Isawa-sama," she said, bowing to him. "Of course. How've you been? I forget if you've met my daughter, Mayumi." She glanced over and breathed a sigh of relief. The girl was remembering to bow.
"Not for nigh on a decade now. She has grown amazingly. Nearly ready to face the world, I would say. Almost like you were, when first I saw you." He returns the bow of the young lady, and returns his attention to the mother. "And how is your traveling companion? Is he also present this winter?"
Imperial • Shugenja • Mine-Overseer • Trader • Experienced 2 • Jade • Earth • Granite

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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Nozomi » Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:01 pm

Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:54 pm
"Not for nigh on a decade now. She has grown amazingly. Nearly ready to face the world, I would say. Almost like you were, when first I saw you." He returns the bow of the young lady, and returns his attention to the mother. "And how is your traveling companion? Is he also present this winter?"
Mayumi beamed at the compliment and flashed the man a rather large grin. "I will be of age soon, -sama," she chirped. "But Mother says we're going to travel together for a while yet. Lots of stories to tell." Nozomi chuckled a little, reaching her hand over to ruffle at her daughter's head when Isawa asked about one of her known occasional companions. She put on a bit of a wicked grin as she replied herself.

"Oh, that old crow? He likes to beg for scraps from time to time when he's around me. I know I've heard a caw in the air recently. Careful of that one. He's a cunning old bird. He will be eating out of your hand if you are not careful." Yes, of course she knew they were talking about Shinsei. She could be coy.
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0, Current Influence - 4
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Accompanied By: Her daughter, Mayumi (14)
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
CharacterProfile * Theme Song * (The safe word is still "Sea Cucumber")

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Saru Yatsufusa
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Re: [D2, EA] Imperial Court, Part 1 (Open, Event)

Post by Saru Yatsufusa » Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:01 pm

Shiba wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:35 pm
"Greetings, child of the Saru Family," he says, inclining his head slightly toward him. "What brings you before me?"

'' Heika...'' Yatsu said as he raised his head. ''This one's name is Saru Yatsufusa, from the Saru family, descendant of the former Ayakashi tribe. Allow me to express my gratitude for the honor of being able to speak to you, Son of Heavens.'' He said. '' To be able to express directly to you what this one has to say it is an honor on itself. I'm truly grateful.'' He adds politely.

a pause.

'' Since the formal creation of the Empire...'' He began. '' things have changed, and prosperity and knowledge has been spreading through the vast corners of your domains, bringing your Divine Mother's light where before darkness ruled, bringing wisdom where ignorance governed and most important, peace, where violence dominated the hearts of ningen.''

another pause.

'' This has been a remarkable era, and what we are living today will impact thousands of generations on the future. The path that were are traversing will, and is, changing the world in ways that nobody, just a generation before, could predict.'' He commented. '' It is for this very reason that this one is here today, Heika.''

'' As you known, the blood of the Ayakashi, was deeply ingrained with the caring of the spiritual worlds. Although our blood nows is separated in the ones that directly followed you, Heika, and those that followed your Divine Brother Togashi-no-kami, this one believes that the mission and way of living of our ancestors stills hold a valid way to promote peace and prosperity, not just for us, ningen, but those beyond the veil of our reality.''

'' Many creatures, both mortal, and spiritual, live in your vast domains, and while the progress that we are seeing is without a doubt, good, it is possible that it will bring changes in the way the spiritual realms balance each other. We don't understand how, and not even the wisest of us, could predict how destiny will work out, but my voice today is for those that live among us, but we cannot see...'' He said.

'' Spirits and other beings are part of this world, and not only that, they are a crucial bond that keeps together the balance and harmony of the celestial realms. ''

'' I don't have a petition, per se, for you today, Heika. My only hope today, is to remind everyone here, that as we walk forward through the path that the Divine Sons and Daughters of Heavens have laid before us, we don't forget the balance and harmony that ningen-do plays with the other realms and that we don't forget that many other creatures and beings share this world with us, and they all play an important role not only in keeping the balance, but also in the future that we all now share.''

He finished his speech and bowed again towards Shiba.



Fluff Courtier (rethoric - no emph)/Awa, 1 VP, Benten's - 46
*Dragon *Saru *Shugenja *Blessed Spiritually *Bishounen *Lame *Green Eyes *Blonde Hair *Avian Enthusiast

Honor: What is Expected|Glory: 2.0|Status: 1.0
Mon: Dragon, Saru

Equipment: Walking stick, sturdy clothing, trained falcon, songbird, small knife, wakizashi, han kyu, arrows


accompanied by Reimei, a falcon, sometimes by Getsumei, a songbird, since D6 onwards by Yukiashi, a female fox

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