[Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

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Makime Ayano
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:36 pm

Doji Misaki wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:04 am
Misaki gave one last bow to the Doji princess for her attention and insight; While she was pretty compulsive in her own views, what Dojihime said had made sense. Even as a crafter, sometimes one needed to find the essence of a thing, rather than be literal about it.

With the other Crane turning her attention elsewhere, Misaki turned to Ayano and gave her hand a private little squeeze, "Thank you for coming with me; It was nice to have support, even if my silly worries were easy enough to allay it seems. Would you like me to return you to your seat, or did you wish to mingle a bit more before anything else?"
"Perhaps we should retake our seats for a moment," Ayano squeezed back, reassuring the Doji, "And it was my pleasure Doji-san, I am just happy it made you feel better."

"Perhaps we might critique the music and movements? Doji-san is a dancer, so what would you have added to the flow on stage?"
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Otomo Gusai » Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:37 pm

Doji Tsubaki wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:32 pm
She considers, "For true travel: by river. I have been on a boat on the sea for a day trip or the like but no long distance travel."
"Ah! Then you've missed out!" Gusai proclaims. "There is something...special about being out of sight of land--and staying so for some days. Humbling, in some ways, of course, but also freeing--and ennobling. It becomes the sailors against the seas, their lives wholly in their own hands--and the Fortunes', of course," he hastily adds, looking upward.

"Usually, anyway."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Misaki » Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:41 pm

Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:36 pm
"Perhaps we should retake our seats for a moment," Ayano squeezed back, reassuring the Doji, "And it was my pleasure Doji-san, I am just happy it made you feel better."

"Perhaps we might critique the music and movements? Doji-san is a dancer, so what would you have added to the flow on stage?"
"Ah right. That sort of dancing is very different than the sort I usually do, but it feels like some others I've learned in the past. Very ritualized, as might be expected for a very precise art."

She sits back where she'd been before getting up, continuing to talk about the dancing, "I get the impression it was all very much choreographed ahead of time very skillfully."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Nozomi » Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:46 pm

Anjing Sagara wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:45 am
"bravo!" applauded the crab while raising up to cheer the show, still humming some of the songs. "wonderful" she added to the samurai next to her.
Seeing Sagara, Nozomi contained her emotions again and approached her. She'd seen Kuu in the distance, clearly pleased. Deep down, she was aware that there might be some 'revisionism' going on here, but if the play wasn't promoted far beyond tonight, she didn't foresee problems. As it was, this was... entertainment. That was all it was.

Drawing closer, she bowed with a bob, smirking at the woman. "Enjoy ourselves, did we Anjing-sama?"
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:04 pm

Otomo Gusai wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:37 pm
"Ah! Then you've missed out!" Gusai proclaims. "There is something...special about being out of sight of land--and staying so for some days. Humbling, in some ways, of course, but also freeing--and ennobling. It becomes the sailors against the seas, their lives wholly in their own hands--and the Fortunes', of course," he hastily adds, looking upward.

"Usually, anyway."
She holds a hand to her chest, "Ah! That certainly sounds exciting indeed. I can only imagine the thrill."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Otomo Gusai » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:07 pm

Doji Tsubaki wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:04 pm
She holds a hand to her chest, "Ah! That certainly sounds exciting indeed. I can only imagine the thrill."
"Would that I could show it to you!" Gusai replies. "But, alas, we are not where I can!"

And his eye follows her hand before returning to her face.

"Still, to speak of it eases the longing for it somewhat, even as it whets it."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:27 pm

Otomo Gusai wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:07 pm
"Would that I could show it to you!" Gusai replies. "But, alas, we are not where I can!"

And his eye follows her hand before returning to her face.

"Still, to speak of it eases the longing for it somewhat, even as it whets it."
"Then I am glad to offer even such small comfort."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Otomo Gusai » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:29 pm

Doji Tsubaki wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:27 pm
"Then I am glad to offer even such small comfort."
Gusai nods.

"Do you not find it so, Doji-san? And can I offer such comfort, in turn? Or another?" he asks.
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Jiyo Ayumu » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:42 pm

Doji Dojihime wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:55 pm
Ayumu took his sweet time consulting his notes and memory before answering to the Crane princess' dismissal. Time enough for another conversation to start and die apprently.

"There are many ways to tell this story indeed.

The focus can be on the love between the two brothers, with all characters but Hantei and Hisomu in the background or not even appearing at all.

It can a tale about the importance of ties: family, symbolized once again by the two Kami, love with Reiko, Shinjo and Koyama, comrades in arms with Taochusu and Satone. I'm using these names as examples, and one could easily replace them with others in that expedition that shared a similar relationship, a true-to-life bond that would translate seemingly into fiction.

The story is so dense it can be fictionalized to fit any theme really. For example, how important the fine art of diplomacy is even in the heart of darkness, with Saruko, Nanzi and Ch’chit T’kkiri as the main characters this time.

And yes, merging the accomplishments of a few people is acceptable artistic license as long as there is a natural resonance between their actions and nature. Sora can steal some of the exploits of Yamadono and the other way around. Haka can play the role of all powerful shugenja at once.

A simplification, with the deliberate choice of a certain focus, but still a good glimpse at what really happened, in essence if not in details.

This play does not do that. It tears events off their context, cut them from the virtues that gave birth to them, and deprive them of all meanings.

It chose to present how the expedition came to be, yet write off Reiko, Hisomu's wife to be, who was the very origin of it all. It replaces the power of love with a prideful discourse on power of arms.

By making the discovery of jade a quasi act of chance, it completely disregards both the work of the spiritually inclined people that understood its importance, and of the Nezumi that provided it to us. Luck, providence, inherent brilliance, instead of understanding between people and the world, between people and people.

And while it does not shy away to showing fights, it deliberately ignores that the bulk of people that stood on the line were not from any clan at the time, that it was the courage of those that had no personal stake in this conflict, and yet faced death together with us, that inspired us to give the best of ourselves. By refusing to grant the role of the spearhead to any unaligned person, it forgets that it was selflessness first and foremost that saved the day.

The play has some good moments mind you, notably in acts 3 and 4. But I disagree that it teaches anyone how to face the Shadowlands, or any menace really, better, as it takes all the elements that were instrumental to our victory and simply set them aside."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Dojihime » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:56 pm

She replied, “It has made you passionate enough to begin lecturing, Jiyo-san. So in that I feel it is successful. Art is not here to teach it is to inspire, and you are definitely inspired. There was a Spider samurai that began the play to represent those origins, given name or not we felt it best to create an amalgam of some as not to offend. Those that were named, we knew would be appreciative to be honored as such.”

“The Kami, well they are so singular we could not adequately gloss over them. It is quite common in Crane performances for roles to be simply by clan or position or theme; if someone takes offense by being named it could be a scandal,” she replied.

“As for the lesser tribes, we have no obligation to groups that no longer exist, but we are thankful to the Imperial records for cataloging their dissolution.”

She glanced around at the myriad pleased faces and said, “The works speaks for itself, but if you feel so strongly feel free to produce your own historically accurate production and make sure all grains of sand, people, and tribes are accounted for. I am eager to see what Jiyo-san produces.”
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:50 pm

Doji Misaki wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:41 pm
"Ah right. That sort of dancing is very different than the sort I usually do, but it feels like some others I've learned in the past. Very ritualized, as might be expected for a very precise art."

She sits back where she'd been before getting up, continuing to talk about the dancing, "I get the impression it was all very much choreographed ahead of time very skillfully."
"It would make sense...I gather the Crab are the ones more into improvisation?" Ayano took her own seat next to the Misaki, "Ah..." She pauses, pressing her lips into a thin line and considering something. "Speaking on the subject of dance...would Doji-san be willing to show me her art? Painting is not the only art I was wanting to explore."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Misaki » Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:55 pm

Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:50 pm
"It would make sense...I gather the Crab are the ones more into improvisation?" Ayano took her own seat next to the Misaki, "Ah..." She pauses, pressing her lips into a thin line and considering something. "Speaking on the subject of dance...would Doji-san be willing to show me her art? Painting is not the only art I was wanting to explore."
"My art? As in dance in this case I take it? Hm... I am unsure if I have a style of dance I call my own, unless one counts the ritual dances I learned growing up. Those were passed down through the generations by my family. I suppose if you would like to see them, I would have no problem sharing; It would be nice to carry on the tradition and not let them be forgotten."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Jiyo Ayumu » Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:54 pm

Doji Dojihime wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:56 pm
"One where the critique is played by a straw man?

Joke aside, the library does contain some very interesting books on the subject. I'll take you're familiar with Why We Came and Why We Fought by Miyako of the Scorpion, first of her name? Or the transcript of Togashi Saruko's oral story of these events? And I'm presently working on unifying the notes from yesterday's lengthy discussion of Shinsei, that does reference these events a few times.

They are but a few books among many. The Imperial historians have done an extraordinary job at safekeeping many testimonies about the rescue.

I confess however we may have not done enough to promote this mine of information. In particular, we definitely did not encourage enough the creation of pieces of art conveying the essence of what happened in a more accessible form. Maybe some sort of sponsorship program, or a contest... The Empire is full of talented artists, we just need to appeal to them."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Dojihime » Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:43 pm

Jiyo Ayumu wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:54 pm
"One where the critique is played by a straw man?

Joke aside, the library does contain some very interesting books on the subject. I'll take you're familiar with Why We Came and Why We Fought by Miyako of the Scorpion, first of her name? Or the transcript of Togashi Saruko's oral story of these events? And I'm presently working on unifying the notes from yesterday's lengthy discussion of Shinsei, that does reference these events a few times.

They are but a few books among many. The Imperial historians have done an extraordinary job at safekeeping many testimonies about the rescue.

I confess however we may have not done enough to promote this mine of information. In particular, we definitely did not encourage enough the creation of pieces of art conveying the essence of what happened in a more accessible form. Maybe some sort of sponsorship program, or a contest... The Empire is full of talented artists, we just need to appeal to them."
“I am partial to the Rescue of Fu Leng by Doji Jigutsuji, I am sure I saw a copy in your esteemed libraries. I have read it several times, including those other texts you reference,” she responded warmly.

“I am sure you will make the Little Teacher proud,” she added kindly at his mention of collecting the words.

“With the wheels turning in your mind, Jiyo-san, I consider this encounter fruitful. If you wish to discuss further a possible partnership on this future endeavor, Doji Hikaru or Doji Misaki would be pleased to assist you further on the subject.”
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Makime Ayano » Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:45 am

Doji Misaki wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:55 pm
"My art? As in dance in this case I take it? Hm... I am unsure if I have a style of dance I call my own, unless one counts the ritual dances I learned growing up. Those were passed down through the generations by my family. I suppose if you would like to see them, I would have no problem sharing; It would be nice to carry on the tradition and not let them be forgotten."
"Ahh..." Ayano nodded, "I would be interested in seeing them regardless. But if you wish to do something else...well I really would just to spend some more time with you Doji-san."

Her blush returned, "If you find such acceptable."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Misaki » Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:36 am

Makime Ayano wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:45 am
"Ahh..." Ayano nodded, "I would be interested in seeing them regardless. But if you wish to do something else...well I really would just to spend some more time with you Doji-san."

Her blush returned, "If you find such acceptable."
"I most certainly do, Ayano-sama. And I will consider it a deal then; I shall show you some of the dancing my family passed down, and otherwise entertain you some time. Something to make being inside all winter a little more of a good memory for the future."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:46 am

Otomo Gusai wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:29 pm
Gusai nods.

"Do you not find it so, Doji-san? And can I offer such comfort, in turn? Or another?" he asks.
"Why Otomo-sama, your presence and kind words are more than comfort enough already."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Otomo Gusai » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:15 am

Doji Tsubaki wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:46 am
"Why Otomo-sama, your presence and kind words are more than comfort enough already."
Gusai smiles. "Flatterer," he says, and gives his obvious wink. "Keep it coming!

"But, more truly," he continues, "if speaking of your home would ease you, I listen happily."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:35 am

Otomo Gusai wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:15 am
Gusai smiles. "Flatterer," he says, and gives his obvious wink. "Keep it coming!

"But, more truly," he continues, "if speaking of your home would ease you, I listen happily."
A laugh, "To be honest I have never been closely tied to any one place. Probably why I enjoy traveling."
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Re: [Day 6 - EE] The Play Observation Thread

Post by Otomo Gusai » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:36 am

Doji Tsubaki wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:35 am
A laugh, "To be honest I have never been closely tied to any one place. Probably why I enjoy traveling."
"No home port for the ship of your life? No reliable rest and resupply?" Gusai frowns. "Sounds quite lonely."
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