Hisomu looks at Satsuki with a moment of unabashed curiousity. He shakes his head for a moment. "Forgive me, I had a few preconceptions about what the children of kami in the other Clans would be like. Hisomu Eiji is quite young still, so it was difficult to draw conclusions. What I expected was what I saw from your cousin. I did not expect that there would be someone so..." Hisomu casts his eyes down for an instant. "Down to Earth. Please forgive my wrongheaded thinking. I am happily surprised."Togashi Satsuki wrote: ↑Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:31 pm
Satsuki chuckled. "I think there's plenty of weird folks in all the clans, Hisomu-san. Yours and mine being no exception or exclusive. Just the flavor of weirdos seem to vary depending on the clan and the Kami that leads it."
At the admission of using her as a cover, the princess waved it away. Dojihime was leaving with her throng of sycophants anyway. Or were they servants? "Ah, don't worry about it. She's a... uh.... weirdo too, to be blunt about it. The Crane seem to believe strongly that circumstances of birth should exclusively judge a person's character, which I simply don't agree with. We're only one generation into this Empire, with me and my cousins being those of noble birth finally reaching adulthood," she used the term with some amount of sass, "I think it's way too soon to start talking about one's lineage being far superior to others. Sure, my father is Lord Togashi, but my mother was also a goat-herder and storyteller before they wed, I think that more than shows anyone has the potential to rise to greatness, no matter one's birth or station."
[D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
- Hisomu Susumu
- Posts: 294
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:29 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
Spider | Bushi...and Courtier? Nani?!? | "Representative" of the Brood (Ninube and Reo's kids) | Surprisingly high ranked
Status: 4.0 Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Yumi, Sturdy Clothing, Light Armor, Straw Cloak
Status: 4.0 Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Yumi, Sturdy Clothing, Light Armor, Straw Cloak
- Doji Hikaru
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:48 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
With Dojihime gone, Hikaru was left once more to his own devices. He settled back, much as he was, except that his thoughtful frown was darker than before.
Slowly, he continued to sip tea, his pale eyes distant, fixed on nothing.
Slowly, he continued to sip tea, his pale eyes distant, fixed on nothing.
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
After he has made his arguments the Nezumi finds a corner where he is currently wiping an bit of biege paper with writing on the opposite side over his nose.
Nezumi * Rememberer * Kwa-Thch * Tch'Tch
Niche: 3.5
Wears: Haori,Courtier's Cap, Tail Netsuke
Pouch: Wet Tooth Rock, Divination Sticks, Flint & Steel, Flask of Oil, Go Set, Sake Cup & Chopsticks, Several Sticks
Bedroll: Imperial Gift, Blanket, Hankyu & Quiver
- Ryoshun Rei
- Posts: 490
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:50 am
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
She shrugged. "We are very spiritual, so a familiarity with the elements or with spirits would be welcome. We are practical, as well, craftsmen who seek improvement and innovation. But, there are the things we lack to consider. We have few warriors or negotiators."Hantei Kinsen wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:41 amThere's a moment of joy and the pops her fan open once more to approach closely. "Although one's preference has to be considered, let's begin with your duty. What would be best for the Bat in this potential match?"
Bat Clan
Spirit Guide
Lost in Thought
Status 4
Glory 3
Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: Tanto, Divination Kit, Medicine Kit, Lantern, Parchment, Seal, Water
Accompanied By: Hen

Status 4

Carries: Tanto, Divination Kit, Medicine Kit, Lantern, Parchment, Seal, Water
Accompanied By: Hen
- Bayushi Sasori
- Posts: 616
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:27 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
Sasori's prank seem to have gone unnoticed so now a new prey for the girl. The Bayushi girl approached the Ratling with an amused look on her face. "Good afternoon."
☆Scorpion ☆Courtier ☆Dangerous Beauty ☆Bland ☆Silent ☆Fan girl
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy
- Doji Hikaru
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:48 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
The corner happened to be not only not far from Hikaru sat, but it also happened to be where he was staring. It took a bit, but the waving blue paper drew his attention.
Frowning, Hikaru approached him. "Are you in some distress, Nezumi-san? Paper like that should not be used so. I have a cloth if you need to wipe your nose." He said politely.
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
Greeting Scorpion-san" he bows toward her as she approaches.Bayushi Sasori wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:06 pm
Sasori's prank seem to have gone unnoticed so now a new prey for the girl. The Bayushi girl approached the Ratling with an amused look on her face. "Good afternoon."
He then bows to the Crane, "Yes a srvant brought me this though, it has a strange scent but i can not understand the message in it, no matter how hard I sniff"Doji Hikaru wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:07 pm
The corner happened to be not only not far from Hikaru sat, but it also happened to be where he was staring. It took a bit, but the waving blue paper drew his attention.
Frowning, Hikaru approached him. "Are you in some distress, Nezumi-san? Paper like that should not be used so. I have a cloth if you need to wipe your nose." He said politely.
Nezumi * Rememberer * Kwa-Thch * Tch'Tch
Niche: 3.5
Wears: Haori,Courtier's Cap, Tail Netsuke
Pouch: Wet Tooth Rock, Divination Sticks, Flint & Steel, Flask of Oil, Go Set, Sake Cup & Chopsticks, Several Sticks
Bedroll: Imperial Gift, Blanket, Hankyu & Quiver
- Doji Hikaru
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:48 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
Seeing as he arrived at the same time as a Scorpion, Hikaru bowed. "Bayushi-san. Good afternoon. I'm sorry, I didn't see you." She seemed to blend in naturally. "My name is Doji Hikaru."
Hikaru looked blankly at the Nezumi for a few moments, then his eyes widened just a little. "We do not send messages by smell." He explained patiently. "We write words on them." He frowned. "Can you read our language?"
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"It smells like flowers but there is no memory there" he frowns and then pauses, "Wait is this one of your...books? the memory sticks man-man read with eyes? " He looks at the letter a little more reverently, and begins uncrinkling it.Doji Hikaru wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:19 pmSeeing as he arrived at the same time as a Scorpion, Hikaru bowed. "Bayushi-san. Good afternoon. I'm sorry, I didn't see you." She seemed to blend in naturally. "My name is Doji Hikaru."
Hikaru looked blankly at the Nezumi for a few moments, then his eyes widened just a little. "We do not send messages by smell." He explained patiently. "We write words on them." He frowned. "Can you read our language?"
Nezumi * Rememberer * Kwa-Thch * Tch'Tch
Niche: 3.5
Wears: Haori,Courtier's Cap, Tail Netsuke
Pouch: Wet Tooth Rock, Divination Sticks, Flint & Steel, Flask of Oil, Go Set, Sake Cup & Chopsticks, Several Sticks
Bedroll: Imperial Gift, Blanket, Hankyu & Quiver
- Bayushi Sasori
- Posts: 616
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:27 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
Sasori tilted her head. "Do you need help then?" The Scorpion bowed to the ratling. "This one is Bayushi Sasori."
☆Scorpion ☆Courtier ☆Dangerous Beauty ☆Bland ☆Silent ☆Fan girl
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
The Nezumi turns the paper so both can see the writing.Bayushi Sasori wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:23 pm
Sasori tilted her head. "Do you need help then?" The Scorpion bowed to the ratling. "This one is Bayushi Sasori."
Nezumi * Rememberer * Kwa-Thch * Tch'Tch
Niche: 3.5
Wears: Haori,Courtier's Cap, Tail Netsuke
Pouch: Wet Tooth Rock, Divination Sticks, Flint & Steel, Flask of Oil, Go Set, Sake Cup & Chopsticks, Several Sticks
Bedroll: Imperial Gift, Blanket, Hankyu & Quiver
- Bayushi Sasori
- Posts: 616
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:27 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"Seems you have a friend amonst the Crane. Who wish to arrange a meeting." She looked at Hikaru. "My guess it is for you to guide the ratling emisary to your clanmate or relay the message."Wh'rr'kk wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:27 pmThe Nezumi turns the paper so both can see the writing.Bayushi Sasori wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:23 pm
Sasori tilted her head. "Do you need help then?" The Scorpion bowed to the ratling. "This one is Bayushi Sasori."
☆Scorpion ☆Courtier ☆Dangerous Beauty ☆Bland ☆Silent ☆Fan girl
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy
- Doji Hikaru
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:48 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"It is from Doji Misaki." Hikaru confirmed, nodding to both. "Would you like me to read you the whole thing?"
His eyebrows went up a little. "Are you acquainted with Doji-san? Would you recognize her if you... encountered her?"
His eyebrows went up a little. "Are you acquainted with Doji-san? Would you recognize her if you... encountered her?"
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
- Hantei Kinsen
- Posts: 1087
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:37 am
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
Kinsen frowns in thought. It was indeed a dilemma, every time. She puts a smile at her face soon after and says, "Well. What does your Clan need it can't get from others: more people familiar with the elements or spirits, innovative craftsmen, warriors or negotiators?"Ryoshun Rei wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:03 pmShe shrugged. "We are very spiritual, so a familiarity with the elements or with spirits would be welcome. We are practical, as well, craftsmen who seek improvement and innovation. But, there are the things we lack to consider. We have few warriors or negotiators."
Stag • Mom • Bushi • Fierce • Blessed • Rawr • Ouch • Nails • Golden • Hearts • Yuki-onna
Description • Theme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0
Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0
Avatar by Asdj 008
Description • Theme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0
Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0
Avatar by Asdj 008
- Ryoshun Rei
- Posts: 490
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:50 am
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"We have been largely self sufficient since our founding. We have the resource to provide and care for our own." she explained. "But, we have limitations in how well we can defend ourselves and in how we represent ourselves to the rest of the clans. To put it simply, we are small and number inn comparison to everyone else."
Bat Clan
Spirit Guide
Lost in Thought
Status 4
Glory 3
Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: Tanto, Divination Kit, Medicine Kit, Lantern, Parchment, Seal, Water
Accompanied By: Hen

Status 4

Carries: Tanto, Divination Kit, Medicine Kit, Lantern, Parchment, Seal, Water
Accompanied By: Hen
- Togashi Satsuki
- Posts: 1035
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:45 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"Eiji-kun, hmmm... I believe he's about the same age as my younger brother Taiyo, yes," she said thoughtfully, but wasn't quite sure. Some of her aunts and uncles were producing babies at every corner so at some point she had kind of stopped keeping count - at least with Shinjo since the woman seemed to be kept in a continual state of pregnancy.Hisomu Susumu wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:23 pmHisomu looks at Satsuki with a moment of unabashed curiousity. He shakes his head for a moment. "Forgive me, I had a few preconceptions about what the children of kami in the other Clans would be like. Hisomu Eiji is quite young still, so it was difficult to draw conclusions. What I expected was what I saw from your cousin. I did not expect that there would be someone so..." Hisomu casts his eyes down for an instant. "Down to Earth. Please forgive my wrongheaded thinking. I am happily surprised."
"Down to earth? I keep hearing that compared to the other clans, this makes me weird," Satsuki chuckled and sipped her tea. "It's just how I was raised, really. The teachings of Shinsei promotes the innate capability in all mankind to reach amazing heights - and his teachings are pretty far-spread in our lands. Father also says there's wisdom in what Shinsei says... though not as clearly as that. But what's it like in the lands of the Spider? How much focus is there on these philosophical ideas regarding the Celestial Order and the power of man?"
Dragon • Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens
Honor: What Is Expected
Status: 3.0
Glory: 2.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver (on occassion), scrolls, jade bracelet, Guqin (on occassion).
Honor: What Is Expected

Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver (on occassion), scrolls, jade bracelet, Guqin (on occassion).
- Hantei Kinsen
- Posts: 1087
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:37 am
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
She nods, and gives her point of view, "You're neighbors of the Crab and Ki-rin Clan. Both are inclined to martial activities. Then you have Lion and Dragon with an open middle field. Also considering and affinities, I would presume making an alliance with the similarly martial Lion would be the best way to ensure independence and Clan identity –– they would need you as much as you need them. As a secondary option, I would consider choosing the favor of the Dragon Clan. In any case, it should be someone that knows how to lead people, either in court or in the battlefield."Ryoshun Rei wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:59 pm"We have been largely self sufficient since our founding. We have the resource to provide and care for our own." she explained. "But, we have limitations in how well we can defend ourselves and in how we represent ourselves to the rest of the clans. To put it simply, we are small and number inn comparison to everyone else."
Stag • Mom • Bushi • Fierce • Blessed • Rawr • Ouch • Nails • Golden • Hearts • Yuki-onna
Description • Theme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0
Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0
Avatar by Asdj 008
Description • Theme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0
Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0
Avatar by Asdj 008
- Hisomu Susumu
- Posts: 294
- Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:29 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"I don't know about "weird". I mean, the Spider aren't a bastion of normalcy throughout the Empire but to be quite honest it's rather refreshing to meet you. As wonderful as the kami are, they are imposing as they are magnificent. Your "normalcy" is an asset to convey your family's message to the world at large. In my humble opinion, milady"Togashi Satsuki wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:05 pm
"Eiji-kun, hmmm... I believe he's about the same age as my younger brother Taiyo, yes," she said thoughtfully, but wasn't quite sure. Some of her aunts and uncles were producing babies at every corner so at some point she had kind of stopped keeping count - at least with Shinjo since the woman seemed to be kept in a continual state of pregnancy.
"Down to earth? I keep hearing that compared to the other clans, this makes me weird," Satsuki chuckled and sipped her tea. "It's just how I was raised, really. The teachings of Shinsei promotes the innate capability in all mankind to reach amazing heights - and his teachings are pretty far-spread in our lands. Father also says there's wisdom in what Shinsei says... though not as clearly as that. But what's it like in the lands of the Spider? How much focus is there on these philosophical ideas regarding the Celestial Order and the power of man?"
" As for Shinsei-ism, we do not have much in the way of organized monestaries. There is plenty of room for self-actualization, but a significant portion is in regard to care for others. We came from such disparate backgrounds, what kept us together was the chance to be something more while still being ourselves. You can't encourage craftsmen to innovate new methods, or farmers to experiment with new agricultural practices, or scholars to research new topics, or even a new dojo if the cost of failure is starvation. You have to be willing to pick them up if they fall. In the Celestial Order, the greatest service that can be offered is to help that flourish as caretakers. Does that answer your question? "
Spider | Bushi...and Courtier? Nani?!? | "Representative" of the Brood (Ninube and Reo's kids) | Surprisingly high ranked
Status: 4.0 Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Yumi, Sturdy Clothing, Light Armor, Straw Cloak
Status: 4.0 Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Yumi, Sturdy Clothing, Light Armor, Straw Cloak
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"Please do, I am afraid I do not know what she smells like, unless that is her sweat-smell on the letter"Doji Hikaru wrote: ↑Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:53 pm"It is from Doji Misaki." Hikaru confirmed, nodding to both. "Would you like me to read you the whole thing?"
His eyebrows went up a little. "Are you acquainted with Doji-san? Would you recognize her if you... encountered her?"
Nezumi * Rememberer * Kwa-Thch * Tch'Tch
Niche: 3.5
Wears: Haori,Courtier's Cap, Tail Netsuke
Pouch: Wet Tooth Rock, Divination Sticks, Flint & Steel, Flask of Oil, Go Set, Sake Cup & Chopsticks, Several Sticks
Bedroll: Imperial Gift, Blanket, Hankyu & Quiver
- Doji Hikaru
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:48 pm
Re: [D4 LA] RP Thread: Discourses on Tea and Wine
"I'm afraid I could not tell you that." Hikaru said blandly, his expression neutral. Lifting the letter, he began to read:
"To Wh'rr'kk-san". He cleared his throat, frowning, having trouble with the name. He went on.
"I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, and with yourself having a good winter so far. My name is Misaki, of Lady Doji-sama's Crane Clan, and I am writing to you with the hopes that we can arrange a time to meet, some time in the next coming days. It would be you, myself, and Makime Ayano-sama, a woman of good manners and intellect who was also fascinated to hear your storytelling prowess the other day." Another brief pause.
"If I could hear back from you, or meet with your sometime should you ne unable to reply, I would be most grateful to be able to arrange something so we can sit and talk, perhaps have some food or drink that would be agreeable to everyone involved."
"Hoping to hear from you." Hikaru folded the letter, handing it back. "This at the end is her personal seal. Any letter you receive with that at the end will be from her."
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional