Writing letters. [D9, EE]
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 4:50 am
Kyosei loves to read. He really does. But writing now. Writing he can do. Barely. Sort of. This doesn't stop him from corresponding as needed. Merely that it is a struggle.
After some time of struggling for a while, he looks at what he has written:
"Nanzi-sama, my old debating partner,
I wish I could write only of what is good - I will be visiting the Crane Come the spring. Not only will I bring the silver you have requested, but also 20 ingots of brass will be available.
Sadly, I cannot only write thus. While the Wedding seemed the event of the Year, sadly, it was not to be. Within a week, there were rumors and whispers, and then a duel between your new Son in Law, and a Bat clan samurai named Kakita. There it was discovered that your Son in Law had become tainted in some way. Which Way was revealed<-> likely the next day, as another claiming to be of your clan, on Tsubaki, revealed herself to be not only severely tainted, but also freely so. And gave us warning of the new method in which the Realm of evil will be attacking the Empire.
Beware of Dreams, particularly bad or nightmarish ones. The Realm of evil has decided to attack through the Realm of Dreams. Also, the creature Tsubaki's creation, Carmella House, has been destroyed here. While I don't know that any in Crane lands have issues, you might investigate them thouroughly.
Also, my praise to Doji, your esteemed wife, who has been Holding the Line within the Dreams!
I did see your daughters, but only the twice, and neither seemed to indicate they remembered me. IT has, after all, been 12 years since I was personally in Crane lands; part of the reason I will be visiting come the Spring. The first was at the Wedding, and just after, a very formal occasion. And the second was after your Son in Law's revealing of being tainted. Additionally, they might have thought I did not like you, as I debated you quite hard at times. Too young, then, to understandd that friends could still disagree, sometimes vociferously.
Which raises another thought I have had. I know your homeland is a great disatnce, but as he had become tainted, should perhaps an expedition be sent to them, both to check they are well, and to warn them of the potential attack from the Dreams?
Your friend,
Kyosei of the Isawa."
He looks it over, then grimaces. There are a couple words that need to be swapped, and some that he got the shape of wrong. He will have to do it again. More time...
After some time of struggling for a while, he looks at what he has written:
"Nanzi-sama, my old debating partner,
I wish I could write only of what is good - I will be visiting the Crane Come the spring. Not only will I bring the silver you have requested, but also 20 ingots of brass will be available.
Sadly, I cannot only write thus. While the Wedding seemed the event of the Year, sadly, it was not to be. Within a week, there were rumors and whispers, and then a duel between your new Son in Law, and a Bat clan samurai named Kakita. There it was discovered that your Son in Law had become tainted in some way. Which Way was revealed<-> likely the next day, as another claiming to be of your clan, on Tsubaki, revealed herself to be not only severely tainted, but also freely so. And gave us warning of the new method in which the Realm of evil will be attacking the Empire.
Beware of Dreams, particularly bad or nightmarish ones. The Realm of evil has decided to attack through the Realm of Dreams. Also, the creature Tsubaki's creation, Carmella House, has been destroyed here. While I don't know that any in Crane lands have issues, you might investigate them thouroughly.
Also, my praise to Doji, your esteemed wife, who has been Holding the Line within the Dreams!
I did see your daughters, but only the twice, and neither seemed to indicate they remembered me. IT has, after all, been 12 years since I was personally in Crane lands; part of the reason I will be visiting come the Spring. The first was at the Wedding, and just after, a very formal occasion. And the second was after your Son in Law's revealing of being tainted. Additionally, they might have thought I did not like you, as I debated you quite hard at times. Too young, then, to understandd that friends could still disagree, sometimes vociferously.
Which raises another thought I have had. I know your homeland is a great disatnce, but as he had become tainted, should perhaps an expedition be sent to them, both to check they are well, and to warn them of the potential attack from the Dreams?
Your friend,
Kyosei of the Isawa."
He looks it over, then grimaces. There are a couple words that need to be swapped, and some that he got the shape of wrong. He will have to do it again. More time...