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Minor NPCs

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:06 am
by Tyrus
A list of minor NPCs around the capital may randomly appear in threads and can be called upon by request (GM availability may vary)

Jiyo Kazutoshi - Captain of the Imperial Guard


Kazutoshi is the Captain of the Imperial guard tasked with keeping order in and around the Castle and Capital as a whole. A former Hikaru and early follower of Shiba Kazutoshi has joined the Jiyo family and been taught the ways of the Jiyo bushi building on his former training as a fighter. Kazutoshi was no child when the Kami fell and has since begun to reach what many would call an old age. Despite this his sword arm seems no weaker than before and those who whisper that his time may be up are swiftly silenced when they see the captain in action.

Yuzuru Hiroya


A young man fascinated by history Hiroya was born into the Yuzuru family by a pair of shugenja that followed the Imperial consort. However Hiroya was born without the gift, leaving him to find a new purpose in life. The boy became a scholar and historian studying what he could and stories handed down through the ages. Somewhat shy upon meeting others he comes alive when discussing history, science or almost any field of academia. For now he serves the Imperial families as a record keeper and chronicler recording any significant events that happen in the capital.

Anjing Takane


A sturdy woman who gives credit to the Anjing Takane is a courtier sent to the capital to see what can be done to help the Crab’s position, a tenuous one at best. While many Crab believe they were in the right, some of the (few) politically minded Crab recognize the importance of good relations with the Imperial family. Takane is young and untested but determined to help and serve her clan.

Wu Yasuko


A traveling Dragon warrior Yasuko seems to be here in the capital by chance when the snows fell and made going any further impossible. Snowed in and a little restless, the young warrior is often seen in drinking establishments and the dojo letting off steam.