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[D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:01 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji was dressed nicely, and was trying to hide his nerves. He ordered some tea from the Scorpion lands for his guest. His back was straight, and his posture was stiff, but still, there was some anticipation visible in his stance.

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:21 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi is pretty much always dressed nicely, but she has taken some extra care to make sure everything is just so this evening, from the ornaments in her hair to the hems of her layered kimono.

Escorted to Genji's alcove by one of the house's servers, she bows gracefully. "Hantei-sama. You've had to wait for me--please forgive the inconvenience." Oddly--to her own mind, anyway--she thinks she might be a bit nervous, even though she's also been looking forward to this evening.

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:12 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji smiled. "No need. I believe I was a bit early. Perhaps...eager." He indicated towards the seat opposite of him. "I took the initiative and ordered some tea from your home lands, if that is not a problem for you."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:03 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
“Of course it isn’t,” Kogi says, the voice from behind the silk veil carrying a warm note. “Hantei-sama is thoughtful, especially… well, at this rate, none of us might get home again until after the spring thaw.” She gives a slight, rueful shake of her head as she slips into a seat on the cushion opposite him.

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:53 am
by Hantei Genji
"Well, perhaps that would be tragic. Or it would be a good opportunity to spend even more time together." He threw up a smile that was...maybe sly?

He poured some tea for both of them. "Are you looking forward to returning home?"

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:31 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
A quiet laugh escapes from behind the veil. "Not that tragic." Kogi accepts the tea with a grateful nod, encircling the cup with the fingertips of both hands. She watches the fragrant steam drift upward for a few moments before answering his question. "Yes... and no? The capital is exciting. I'm learning a great deal, and... meeting interesting people." Her head tilts a little to the side at that, eyes bright. "Of course I also miss familiar routines. Sleeping in my own bed. And it ought to be at least a little warmer than this at Kyuden Bayushi."

As she lifts her teacup, she returns the question. "And you, Hantei-dono? Are you in a hurry to get free of this court?"

While Genji responds (assuming he does), she takes a sip of tea, a procedure that involves lifting her veil a bit from one side with her left hand while conveying the cup to her lips with her right hand. The whole sequence is executed with the grace of long practice, all without exposing the lower half of her face.

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:36 am
by Hantei Genji
Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:31 pm
A quiet laugh escapes from behind the veil. "Not that tragic." Kogi accepts the tea with a grateful nod, encircling the cup with the fingertips of both hands. She watches the fragrant steam drift upward for a few moments before answering his question. "Yes... and no? The capital is exciting. I'm learning a great deal, and... meeting interesting people." Her head tilts a little to the side at that, eyes bright. "Of course I also miss familiar routines. Sleeping in my own bed. And it ought to be at least a little warmer than this at Kyuden Bayushi."

As she lifts her teacup, she returns the question. "And you, Hantei-dono? Are you in a hurry to get free of this court?"

While Genji responds (assuming he does), she takes a sip of tea, a procedure that involves lifting her veil a bit from one side with her left hand while conveying the cup to her lips with her right hand. The whole sequence is executed with the grace of long practice, all without exposing the lower half of her face.
Genji observed with fascination the methodology of....drinking tea. His wyes seemed wide in observing the movements.

"Familiar routines, ha." He flashed a smile. "Truthfully, I think my familiar routines have shaken up. For a long while, I was living in the northern parts of our provinces, then I moved to our capital, with my father. Then...a few months in Nezumi lands. And now here. I think I am past the point of caring about the exact futon under me. As for this is a welcome distraction. I have no major obligation until the gempukku of my younger sister, I was planning on returning to my father's side until then, but a break seems appealing. Besides, I get to meet my cousins AND some lovely new people."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:22 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"I'm sure you work hard enough to earn a break, Hantei-sama," she says with a little shake of her head that, as usual, shifts the drape of her veil subtly. "Even if it is partially enforced by circumstances. It sounds like you have had to be quite a wanderer lately." She glances down; once more, her fingertips frame her teacup on the table. "Now that I know... it was generous, offering a taste of my home rather than yours this evening."

Looking up at him again, she asks, "Do you know your cousins well? Lady Dojihime mentioned you played together as children..."

Well, that wasn't exactly what Dojihime had said, but, uh, close enough.

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:35 pm
by Hantei Genji
"Oh? Well, perhaps next time I can offer you a taste of my own homeland. I just wanted to present you with something nice, and this was the closest thing that came to me."

He smiled one again, a pretty boy, Rokugan Pop boy band kind of smile.

"Please, if you wish, you can call me by Genji, at least if alone, if it pleases you." There was a slight blush to his face as he offered.

"Some of them, aye. Hime-chan and I spent time together. Satsu-chan or Rei-san, ie, not that much. And...I am not sure if Uncle Bayushi has any children?"

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:50 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"It's very nice," she assures him, sliding her cup in a bit closer toward herself. "And I, um... I'd be honored to call you Genji... Genji-sama? Please, use my name too." She tilts her head, the corners of her dark eyes creasing in (the top half of) a pleased expression. "If outside this teahouse you need to remain Hantei-sama, I don't mind. I'll follow your lead."

She performs another tea-drinking maneuver--'taking a sip' doesn't really capture the deliberateness required--and then adds, with her cup halfway back to the table, "My lord--er, your uncle--he's private about his family. But his foster daughter is here in the capital--Lady Shosuro. You might have seen her around the palace."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:39 pm
by Hantei Genji
"Ah, I see. Well, he is a very private person, from the little I recall."

He glanced at her yet again. "You are quite skilled. At uh...drinking tea."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:59 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi laughs--startled, but not unpleasantly. "It's easier than it looks?" She lifts the teacup in his direction in a sort of toast and drinks from it again, still laughing softly to herself. After placing the cup back on the table with a decorous clink, she asks, "How did you manage when you were Lord Moon?"

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:12 pm
by Hantei Genji
"I.. just briught ir up under the veil? Looked far more awkward then how you do it."

He smiled. "You have a nice laugh Kogi-san."
He did catch hinself at least.

"Have you been wearing that veil long?"

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:42 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
The compliment brings on another soft laugh, confusingly overlapped with a sudden attack of self-consciousness--wait, what does her laughter sound like? When she tries to listen to herself, inevitably it sounds weird and awkward to her.

Kogi feels her face heat up under her veil but attempts to play it cool. Sort of.

"I, oh... long? How long has it been?" Counting winters gives her a moment to re-center. "It's about four years now, I guess. Since I came of age and entered Lord Bayushi's service. It seems like longer, though. When you do something every day, it's almost like a part of you, ne?"

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:41 am
by Hantei Genji
Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:42 pm
The compliment brings on another soft laugh, confusingly overlapped with a sudden attack of self-consciousness--wait, what does her laughter sound like? When she tries to listen to herself, inevitably it sounds weird and awkward to her.

Kogi feels her face heat up under her veil but attempts to play it cool. Sort of.

"I, oh... long? How long has it been?" Counting winters gives her a moment to re-center. "It's about four years now, I guess. Since I came of age and entered Lord Bayushi's service. It seems like longer, though. When you do something every day, it's almost like a part of you, ne?"
Genji's golden eyes never waver from her, just minute movements tracking her face seemingly.

"Ah, I see. A gift perhaps, on your gempukku?" He took another sip of tea and placed it down, though his eyes never moved.

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:44 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi isn't sure whether she feels seen or seen through by those intent golden eyes; either way, it's not unpleasant, but it is... more intense than she's accustomed to.

"Not really? I just chose to do it. It was around that time that I realized I could, so I did." One hand drifts up to touch the hairpins securing an end of the veil behind her right ear, as if checking they're still secure. "Hardly anyone pays it much mind in Lord Bayushi's castle town and his lands along the river. I suppose it looks more unusual to people here."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:18 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji's eyes followed her hands as they traveled to the hair pins, a light smile touching his face.

"It is a bit unusual, but not unwelcome, I would say." He was tempted to reach out and just touch her, but he held back.

"It is a choice that suits you." He blushed. "Not that...I mean, you are beautiful Kogi-san, even without the veil, I am sure. Please do not take it the wrong way."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:37 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"You don't know that, Han... Genji-sama," Kogi says, her voice shifting to neutral. "You are optimistic." Her fingertips brush the head of the hairpin one last time before she folds her hands on the table again. "But... I'm glad you like it this way."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:39 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji shrugged.

"Perhaps, but there are worse things than to be optimistic. Besides." His eyes sought hers out. "You are more than you seem. And that is what matters, Kogi-san."

Re: [D5 EE] Notadate

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:47 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
The corners of her eyes crinkle a little in the way one might expect if, under the veil, a smile had snuck up on her. "Oh.... So are you. I'm not sure just what I expected, but I know you're more than that." Kogi doesn't quite have Genji's boldness; her gaze finds his, but not as steadily. Her eyes, unlike his, are a very mortal dark brown. "I knew your parents' stories, of course, for a long time. I didn't think how much a man can be more than the sum of his parents."