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Day 3

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 6:53 pm
by Canary
Day 3

Days: 12:00 6/12 - 11:59 6/15

Though the snowfall has died down significantly, and the wind brings with it a biting chill that seeps into the bones. Enough snow has been cleared to allow for travel outside the castle, though caution should be taken as the dangers of exposure remain significant. Despite this, an expedition has been planned outside the castle grounds to investigate some disappearances among the peasantry.

EM: The Hunt
EA: Consort's Court

Re: Day 3

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 6:56 pm
by Canary

"Isn't it funny--the groom was in Court on the day after the royal wedding, but the bride was nowhere to be seen. Do you think she was still worn out from the wedding night? Eh? Ehh?"
"Hey, don't speak disrespectfully of Doji's daughter. I hope she isn't unwell or anything..."


"Those poor Lion samurai all looked a mess at the Stag Clan party last night--all tripping over their feet, and I was afraid one of them was going to fall right over! Maybe they were up past their bedtime?"
"Back home, Lord Akodo probably has them up before dawn every day running drills and reciting his book backwards in the freezing cold. I bet they get used to turning in early..."


"There's been so much snow the last couple of days!"
"I heard there was some sort of portal around. Inari no kami must have been angry and sent it."
"What could have caused that?"
"Do I look like a priest to you?"