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[D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:46 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori decided to explore the waterfall. She would like to get closer to where the bear lives. The wardens are quite vigilant and she wonders if she is capable of pulling her mother's stunts from back then. Her father, on the other hand, had taught her other techniques to handle those who would catch her.

//D5 LM Stealth: 7d10o10k3 18

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:48 am
by Akodo Kawauso
Against her better judgement but at the behest of her "little" sister Kotsume, Kawauso was traipsing through the snow as though it provided no impediment to her. Which, between her snow shoes and athleticism, it didn't. Unfortunately, being able to go fast didn't necessarily translate into going quietly, so the skilled hunter was pretty noticeable to anyone within a good hearing distance.

It's pretty clear where I should have put at least 1 xp...
Stealth: 9.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:05 pm
by Chai Kotsume
After her sister told her about the bear and its behaviour in the depth of winter, Kotsume had insisted on trying to find any hints in the area of things that might provide clues of why, exactly, the beast was active at this time of the year.

When getting closer to the den, she mentioned to the other two just telling the wardens what they wanted to do might be enough - especially as Kawauso had been the one to deal with the bear the first time (her face when saying this clearly showed she was still happy and proud about that!). But in the end they decided to try and just come closer without talking to the guards unless it became necessary...

...the shorter river girl proceeded along with Kawauso and Sasori at a short distance from them and doing her best to not be too conspicuous. She suddenly heard as Kawauso produced a rather noticeable 'swoosh' while moving quickly through the snow, and she tried to gesture to call her attention and ask her to slow down a bit. Now whether that would be noticed - or be noticed in time - remained to be seen...

D5 LM - Stealth/ Agility: 4d10o10k3 21

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:32 pm
by Nozomi
Nozomi, against any level of her better judgment, was here to assist in drawing close to the area of the den. "I would recommend that we remain far back from the actual warren. The bear was already extremely excitable and it would be best not to further rile her. She is protecting her cubs and any further incitement might lead to hostility. Akodo-sama. You know where her territory lies as well as I."

Kami, but the others moved like Shai'Hulud in a rage she reflected. She, for her part, was virtually invisible and silent as a tomb in the midst of her work. Bow was out and at the ready and she homed in on her spiritual awareness so as not to be surprised by the bear's presence if possible, her body's motions blurred by the air slightly.


Stealth - 41, 8 Direction Awareness and Soul of the Four Winds are active. Bow is at the ready. TN is 31, I want to say, but she is actively trying to recommend that they not engage the bear and back off entirely if there's a risk of confrontation.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:53 pm
by Tyrus
As the group drew close to the perimeter they would see a few signs that warned travellers away and told that the area was restricted by order of the Imperial Consort. Only those with his permission were allowed inside.

A little past that point they would hear a shout "You there! With the red hair! And you with the spear! Halt! This area is not safe and is restricted by Imperial Orders! Turn back now!" Coming through the trees was a man in heavy clothes carrying a spear and a bow on his back. One of the Waywatcher's designated to guard the area.

With part of their group discovered the others had a choice to either stick with the other two and talk to the guard, continue forward, or retreat back to the Waterfall. If they stayed close they would surely be spotted.


D5 watchers investigation +2k0 from waywatcher tech: 7d10o10k3 20

Nozomi and Kotsume may either go forward into the bears area without the others, retreat back, or stay and be discovered. This decision must be in your next post.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:12 am
by Bayushi Sasori
I should have used my mask. Sasori smiled at the guard as she moved toward him. "Ah honorable guard... How is the progress in the investigation?" Sasori beacon Kawauso to follow her lead.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:48 am
by Akodo Kawauso
Kawauso, catching up to her marginally stealthier friend, acted as if everything was as it should be.

"Good morning, good watcher. I'm glad you all are on your guard. I was with the party that found the great bear the other morning," she says, leaning into the part of the story that's true, "so we know where we are and intended to be. You're clearly doing a fine job. Now, as my friend asked, how goes this protection effort? Have you seen anything amiss? Besides us, I suppose," she chuckles more convincingly than might be expected, as internally she thinks, this is the stupidest thing I've ever done.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:23 am
by Nozomi
Nozomi doesn't bother with a ruse. Her stealth was for the bear, not for the Imperial guards. And, the moment that 'Imperial Order' was proclaimed, she simply moved back to the legitimate side of the warnings and emerged from the foliage with silent footfalls. "Guardsman, good. You are maintaining the vigil," she said, bowing to them and rising. "Does the mother bear remain in its den?" Her body posture made it very obvious that she intended to follow through with the guardsman's order and retreat back to a safe distance.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:50 am
by Chai Kotsume
... and necessary it was. Kotsume steps out of the woods and closer to the guards along with Nozomi, bowing to them as well. "Ah, warden-san!" She points at Sasori with her head, then to the others. "We were hoping to see if anything else had been found out about the bear, and if anything stirred it up. Ka...Akodo-san here", she nods to Kawauso "had been in the initial scouting party and told me about what happened. I... was hoping I might help, as I'm experienced with animals."

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:08 pm
by Tyrus
The guard eyes them all suspiciously, even more so when others come from another direction. "The area has been closed off and we were posted to make sure no one goes close to the den for now. To avoid repeating what already happened and to keep away vengeful people from the town."

"I can't say I know much about what's going on with it over all, I'm just one of the guards here. Haven't even seen the thing myself."

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:15 pm
by Nozomi
"If you have not seen the bear, then that is good. She is huge. It would be better if none see her, and she and her cubs depart further," Nozomi said simply, taking a few steps back and nodding, looking back towards the town. "If there has been no further traffic, though..." She was looking at the others, making a subtle motion of her recommendation that she felt they should turn back. But that was their call whether they intended to press further. she showed no signs of wanting to break the imperial orders.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:21 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori shook her head at Nozomi. "Oh interesting. Lord Yuzuru sama had said something was amiss. Two of the present company where the ones to locate and subdue the creature. This one was wondering if we could find out what it is that is...intriguing about this case." Then she took out her fan. "This one is a student of the realms and this creature could have been a spirit but unless we get closer to the area the venture will be lost." The woman fanned herself. "Would you allow this small troupe investigate a bit further in?"

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:26 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kotsume nods at the warden, but looks a bit unsure. She then nods approvingly at Sasori's words, then at the Warden again. "It would be important if we could find out more about why the bear has behaved as it did."

She looks at the others, then in the direction of the den and around. "Nothing else strange here while you've stood guard, warden-san? Or that you might have heard from the others who do the other shifts?"

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:41 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
The Lion notices Nozomi's gesture and her eyes narrow at Sasori waving it off, but she grudgingly allows the questioning to at least continue for now. She shifts her grip on her spear, realizing it had gotten very tight.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:35 pm
by Tyrus
The guard looks flatly at Sasori "I thank them for their service but I am not going to let people into the area as my dirty is to keep them out."

He huffed a little "I understand Yuzuru-sama holds court. Ask him if you may enter the area. I am just the guard."

"My guard posting has been rather normal. I have had to turn away a few others. Mostly younger people trying to get a look at the bear."

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:14 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Kawauso eyes curious like an otter, steps forward. "Thank you. That's a good suggestion. Now, these people who were not so young and just looking to see the bear, what of them? Anyone memorable to you or another of the guards?" The Lion smiles kindly, knowing her best tool is honesty. "It would help us keep others out of your way if we knew who you need help discouraging..." Whether they're supposed to be sure eyes or puppy eyes, there's some adorable animal aspect tio Kawauso when she's helping.

Sincerity acceptable for persuasion or do we need to roll something else in here?

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:45 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
As Sasori bats her eyes and smiled. "Would you let some warriors of the empire help out? I understand it is your duty but it is somewhat ours to see that the bear is okay. The coutts are very busy to get authorization in due time." She pouted as she looked like an innocent kitten trying to get her way in.

//Should I roll Courier Manipulation or Temptation?

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:54 am
by Tyrus
The guard eyes the two suspiciously "such things aren't up to me. I'm just a guard. I have simple orders, no one without permission from Consort Yuzuru is to be let in." He eyes Sasori for a moment "I can't just let people in because they say they want to." He seems to hesitate a little but clears his throat and looks to Kawauso.

"As far as other people like I said just younger people mostly. There have been a couple distraught children of the dead who were angry. But nothing unusual given the circumstances."

The guard isn't adversarial and doesn't mind talking so no roll should be needed for information gathering if that was your intention Kawauso.

Sasori however. To convince him to break his duty for no other reason besides you wanna is a tough task. Courtier(manipulation) tn 35. Temptation would be lower given you're actually giving him a reason to do it so that would be 25 but would require at least a vague promise of something in exchange.

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:11 am
by Nozomi
Nope, she was done.

"My apologies for further disturbing your work, Guard-sama," Nozomi said, bowing low and directly. She was done with this entire conversation the moment that she saw the Bayushi attempting to bat her eyelashes. It was painfully obvious to all three of them and probably the guard that the look on her face was of a woman nakedly appalled at the attempt to manipulate him. "May the fortune Bishamon and Jurojin guard and shield you in your duties. I will leave you in peace if that is acceptable."

And, so long as nobody stopped her and she was permitted to, she would exit. "Lion-sama, Ki-Rin-sama, should either of you require me I will be in the guest quarters and easily found at a later time."

/exit (so long as the Guard and PCs either permit or do not interfere.)

Re: [D5 LM open]The curious cat

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:48 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Watching the monk leave made Sasori sighed. She looked at the warden and fanned herself. "Can you tell me a bit more about the bodies found?" She decided to take a step back looking at the gathered around her. They are my friends and I don't want them to get into situations that I am going to get the blame again. She nodded to Kawauso and Kotsume. "When was the last one recovered...or any of the bodies were not unearthed?"