D4EE Player Event: Sumai
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:42 pm
Please note that observation / side-conversation is here.
The Great Clan of the Stag is pleased to present to the court an exhibition and contest of sumai, allowing the mighty in attendance to demonstrate their skill and strength in amity and harmony, for the glory of the Throne! Come, test yourself--or cheer on your favored competitors, exhorting them to victory!
The Sumai
The Great Clan of the Stag is pleased to present to the court an exhibition and contest of sumai, allowing the mighty in attendance to demonstrate their skill and strength in amity and harmony, for the glory of the Throne! Come, test yourself--or cheer on your favored competitors, exhorting them to victory!
The Sumai
The StandsThe Bouts
Those who will compete (and who consequently may not cheer from the Stands), will make a series of three rolls. Results of each roll are independent, so one or two may be failed and the other/s passed. The objective here is to acquire the most Sumai Points possible.
Respecting the Spirits
Contestants roll Etiquette/Void (edit to add: or Etiquette / Name for Nezumi) to display their humble spirit, and to appease the elemental forces who are also spectators of their upcoming display. The TN is 20; success on the roll conveys a Free Raise that can be used on either Fists of Fury (or Friendship?) or Be the Mountain.
Benten's Blessing does not apply, nor do any other Techniques or Advantages that refer to persuasion, as you are simply putting out a display of respect, not persuading anyone for anything specific.
Fists of Fury (or Friendship?)
Contestants roll Jiujutsu/Strength against TN 20 to represent the fierce palm-strikes and grapples that are legal, or at least expected, in the current state of the sport. Sumai Emphasis applies, if present. Hands of Stone provides a Free Raise. Any Techniques that specifically refer to Jiujutsu, such as Togsahi Monk 2, apply. This is not an Attack or Contested Skill Roll.
Success on the roll earns 1 Sumai Point; each Raise on the roll earns an additional Sumai Point. For every Called Raise on a failed roll, you sustain 1 Wound.
Be the Mountain
Sumai is not only about fierce barreling towards your opponent, but also standing your ground and owning your space within the domain of the ring. Contestants roll Defense/Stamina, TN 20; Large provides a Free Raise, while Small increases the TN by 5. This is not a Contested Skill Roll.
Success on the roll earns 1 Sumai Point; each Raise on the roll earns an additional Sumai Point. For every Called Raise on a failed roll, you sustain 1 Wound.
The Backhanded OptionsThose who will cheer on competitors (and who consequently may not participate in the Bouts) may declare a competitor in the Bouts and roll either Etiquette or Sincerity / Strength, TN 20. Success on the roll awards the named competitor 1 Sumai Point; each Raise on the roll awards an additional Sumai Point. Failure on the roll lowers the named competitor's Sumai Point total by an equivalent amount (i.e., a roll that would have awarded 2 Sumai Points instead subtracts 2), to a minimum of one (1).
Those cheering may roll unSkilled without penalty (i.e., Raises can be made, 10s explode).
Benten's Blessing, Dangerous Beauty, and Voice all apply (cumulative, if applicable). For purposes of Techniques and Advantages, this is not a Contested roll, but it is a Social Skill Roll.
In the event that the named competitor does not appear in the Bouts, the lowest-scoring competitor will receive the benefit, with the rolls applied in order of occurrence (i.e., the lowest-scoring competitor gets the first unallocated cheering roll, then the now-lowest gets the second).
RewardsOf course, not all will want to win...fairly. Contestants may roll Agility instead of the listed Traits for any or all of the three listed rolls in the Bouts; TNs and restrictions listed above continue to apply.
Too, not all in the Stands will cheer for competitors, opting instead to heckle and demean them. Those choosing to do so may make a roll as if cheering on a competitor--but, instead of awarding Sumai Points, their jeering and imprecations will reduce the competitor's Sumai Points by the same amount, to a minimum of one (1).
In either case, the character taking the Backhanded Option should lose Honor as if committing a major breach of etiquette--or a blasphemous breach if the Emperor or the Lord Consort are present (per Core pg. 91). Hope it's worth it to you...
Thanks to TPO Hantei Genji for the base text, and to TPO Hantei Kinsen for refinements.Clearly, the victor--whoever accumulates the most total Sumai Points, with ties broken by total Raises made in the Bouts, then by support from the Stands--will be proclaimed the Sumai Champion of the Winter Court. Too, since this is the first one, the champion will surely be remembered in the histories as the First Sumai Champion of the Winter Court.
And such a champion cannot go unrewarded! The champion will have the honor of accompanying the Lady Hantei in a celebratory dance to commemorate the victory. (If Kinsen is the victor, the second-place contestant will accompany her.) That person will also be awarded, per the statement of the Lady Hantei, an invitation to study among the Hantei Bushi, which they may use or convey to another.