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D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:42 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Please note that observation / side-conversation is here.

The Great Clan of the Stag is pleased to present to the court an exhibition and contest of sumai, allowing the mighty in attendance to demonstrate their skill and strength in amity and harmony, for the glory of the Throne! Come, test yourself--or cheer on your favored competitors, exhorting them to victory!

The Sumai
The Bouts
Those who will compete (and who consequently may not cheer from the Stands), will make a series of three rolls. Results of each roll are independent, so one or two may be failed and the other/s passed. The objective here is to acquire the most Sumai Points possible.

Respecting the Spirits
Contestants roll Etiquette/Void (edit to add: or Etiquette / Name for Nezumi) to display their humble spirit, and to appease the elemental forces who are also spectators of their upcoming display. The TN is 20; success on the roll conveys a Free Raise that can be used on either Fists of Fury (or Friendship?) or Be the Mountain.

Benten's Blessing does not apply, nor do any other Techniques or Advantages that refer to persuasion, as you are simply putting out a display of respect, not persuading anyone for anything specific.

Fists of Fury (or Friendship?)
Contestants roll Jiujutsu/Strength against TN 20 to represent the fierce palm-strikes and grapples that are legal, or at least expected, in the current state of the sport. Sumai Emphasis applies, if present. Hands of Stone provides a Free Raise. Any Techniques that specifically refer to Jiujutsu, such as Togsahi Monk 2, apply. This is not an Attack or Contested Skill Roll.

Success on the roll earns 1 Sumai Point; each Raise on the roll earns an additional Sumai Point. For every Called Raise on a failed roll, you sustain 1 Wound.

Be the Mountain
Sumai is not only about fierce barreling towards your opponent, but also standing your ground and owning your space within the domain of the ring. Contestants roll Defense/Stamina, TN 20; Large provides a Free Raise, while Small increases the TN by 5. This is not a Contested Skill Roll.

Success on the roll earns 1 Sumai Point; each Raise on the roll earns an additional Sumai Point. For every Called Raise on a failed roll, you sustain 1 Wound.
The Stands
Those who will cheer on competitors (and who consequently may not participate in the Bouts) may declare a competitor in the Bouts and roll either Etiquette or Sincerity / Strength, TN 20. Success on the roll awards the named competitor 1 Sumai Point; each Raise on the roll awards an additional Sumai Point. Failure on the roll lowers the named competitor's Sumai Point total by an equivalent amount (i.e., a roll that would have awarded 2 Sumai Points instead subtracts 2), to a minimum of one (1).

Those cheering may roll unSkilled without penalty (i.e., Raises can be made, 10s explode).

Benten's Blessing, Dangerous Beauty, and Voice all apply (cumulative, if applicable). For purposes of Techniques and Advantages, this is not a Contested roll, but it is a Social Skill Roll.

In the event that the named competitor does not appear in the Bouts, the lowest-scoring competitor will receive the benefit, with the rolls applied in order of occurrence (i.e., the lowest-scoring competitor gets the first unallocated cheering roll, then the now-lowest gets the second).
The Backhanded Options
Of course, not all will want to win...fairly. Contestants may roll Agility instead of the listed Traits for any or all of the three listed rolls in the Bouts; TNs and restrictions listed above continue to apply.

Too, not all in the Stands will cheer for competitors, opting instead to heckle and demean them. Those choosing to do so may make a roll as if cheering on a competitor--but, instead of awarding Sumai Points, their jeering and imprecations will reduce the competitor's Sumai Points by the same amount, to a minimum of one (1).

In either case, the character taking the Backhanded Option should lose Honor as if committing a major breach of etiquette--or a blasphemous breach if the Emperor or the Lord Consort are present (per Core pg. 91). Hope it's worth it to you...
Clearly, the victor--whoever accumulates the most total Sumai Points, with ties broken by total Raises made in the Bouts, then by support from the Stands--will be proclaimed the Sumai Champion of the Winter Court. Too, since this is the first one, the champion will surely be remembered in the histories as the First Sumai Champion of the Winter Court.

And such a champion cannot go unrewarded! The champion will have the honor of accompanying the Lady Hantei in a celebratory dance to commemorate the victory. (If Kinsen is the victor, the second-place contestant will accompany her.) That person will also be awarded, per the statement of the Lady Hantei, an invitation to study among the Hantei Bushi, which they may use or convey to another.
Thanks to TPO Hantei Genji for the base text, and to TPO Hantei Kinsen for refinements.

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:31 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Sora had to remind himself that he wasn't allowed to sweep legs, stomp on insteps, gouge eyes, do palm strikes to break noses, or, indeed, do most of what he conceived as bare-handed fighting.

His efforts at spiritual humility were, well... not exactly convincing. Hikaru trusted in the strength of their arms to shove people around, and for all that had changed over the past two decades, Sora still didn't really have much of a sense of ceremony when it came to a scrap.

The more stylized nature of the contest meant he had a bit of trouble asserting himself on his opponents, especially since he had to keep checking himself from doing what everything in his life had conditioned him to try to do in an unarmed fight.

No, don't knee him in the balls and then chop his throat, you have to... fight at a handicap.

And not kill him. DO NOT kill him.

But he was still far too tough to be pushed around easily, even by opponents half his age.

[1 sumai point!]

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:34 pm
by Nozomi
Nozomi wasn't that familiar with the idea of Sumai, but she knew jiujutsu. It was not her preferred way of beating heads in, but the form of training that they had begun to develop among the monastic order had been similar, and had relied heavily on hand to hand principles. So, when she had seen and heard of this presentation, she wasn't about to let the opportunity pass her by. She didn't expect to win, but she intended to display at least a little bit of grace in the process.

Respecting the spirits was a thing that was simple. If anything, despite the motions being different than those of a prayer of a shugenja, different from the meditative postures of a monk, this was something she understood. She moved in reverence to the spirits and to their hosts, hands spread wide in the process.

Her hands moved swiftly once the demonstration began. They were resolute, carried power behind them, even as she put real effort into making sure that the blows that she moved with struck true. When called upon to test that mettle and show herself able to withstand the same blows, it was like the spirits of the earth heeded her call, and she stood resolute.

As her demonstration came to a close, it was unlikely she had performed the finest among them, but she wanted to believe, bowing to the dignitaries of the festival, that she'd done well.

(1 Point - Fists, 2 Points - Mountain = 3 Points, depending on audience participation)
-2 Void Points

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:31 am
by Chai Kotsume
Kotsume was also not really acquainted with Sumai, but friendly unarmed fighting competitions among the Daikawa were common and enjoyed, and she clearly remembered them fondly. One of them, in particular, was quite similar in spirit to the competition Otomo Gusai now organised - although, of course, maintaining one's balance while trying to throw the other person out had some particularities of its own when it was done while the competitors tried to keep their footing on a boat floating on a river.

Although the competition now held was much more grounded than the one she had in mind, she found it very interesting, and did her best to show her respect to the competition itself, and especially to the spirits watching over it. Particularly, given the nature of the sport, she imagined bear spirits watching over them, and whispered a prayer to these spirits of nature to guide her on her fights.

The prayer seemed to reach far to the spirits of nature. Despite the differences between the movements she was used to and those that were most useful for such a competition, her body and hands moved with precision and force, striking true and to great effect a great many times during the competition - much more, in fact, than she herself had expected.

Similarly, the spirit of the bear seemed to grant her great resistance - and while the strongest competitors might be able to shift her around, maybe even winning a bout, she stood strong and firm, her feet planted into the ground, moving when necessary but not more than that.

She was almost sure someone else - probably more well-versed in this style, or maybe just larger than her - would have put on a better performance, but all in all she was very pleased with herself.

While looking around at the others' performance, she unwittingly searched for someone, grinning as she wondered if her performance would be enough to impress them as well.

D4 EE - Sumai - Respecting the Spirits. Etiquette/Void TN 20.: 4d10o10k3 21 - 1 FR gained!

D4 EE - Sumai - Fists of Friendship. Jiu/St, 1 CR, TN 25. VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's: 5d10o10k4+4 72 - HOLY CRAP! 2 Sumai points, sadly only 1 raise called!

D4 EE - Sumai - Be the Mountain. Defense/ Stamina TN 20. VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's. FR from Respecting the Spirits: 5d10o10k4+4 38 2 Sumai points, using FR from Respecting the Spirits.

Total: 4 Sumai points before the effects of cheering. Should have called more raises! XD
2 VP used.

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:40 am
by Yoshitsune Chizu
Yoshitsune Chizu stepped onto the sands in a dark blue mawashi and a tight-fitting top. She bowed three times - first to the judge, then to the north in the direction of her clan’s homeland, and then finally to her opponent. The big woman’s pre-fight etiquette was flawless.

Crouching down to keep her center of gravity low, Chizu faced off with her opponent. As the fight began, her opponent tried charging the big woman, but to no avail - Chizu was a child of the Crab, and despite her enemy’s furious attack, the Mountain Did Not Move. Chizu’s brow furrowed with effort as her big hands closed around her opponent’s arms; then, quite suddenly, the Crab shifted her weight slightly to the left, which allowed her to push her opponent out of the ring.

4EE Respecting Spirits, Void/Etiquette TN20: 6d10o10k3 30 succeeds
4EE Fists of Fury with 1 called raise, STR/Jiujutsu +Void Point TN25: 5d10o10k4 34 succeeds for 2 Sumai points
4EE Be the Mountain with 1 called raise and 2 free raises (first roll + Large), STA/Defense +Void Point TN25: 6d10o10k4 32 succeeds for 4 Sumai points

Total: 6 Sumai points

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:16 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji entered the bouts as the Stag sumai representative....and exited quickly. The spiritual aspects came easy to him, but it soon became obvious that unarmed was not his favored choice of fighting style. Still, he gave his best, and offered respect to his superior opponents.

D4 EE Sumai, Respecting the Spirits, Etiquette/Void, tn 20: 6d10o10k3 37

D4 EE Sumai, Fists of Fury, Jiu/Strength, tn 20, VP for +1k1: 3d10 16

D4 EE Sumai, Be the Mountain, Stamina/Defense, Prodigy, tn 20: 4d10o10k2 20

Total: 1 sumai point!

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:01 am
by Otomo Gusai
(Got everybody to here so far; get in there and fight and cheer!)

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:58 pm
by Akodo Moshi
Well, there is an expectation for shugenja to join in the festivities of sumai. However, Moshi knew nothing about this sort of thing, so she goes and gives some quiet cheers for the guy currently in the lead, Hantei Genji. Sadly half-hearted and sumai do not mix.

D4 EE: Etiquette/Strength, Base TN 20: 4d10o10k3 15

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:17 pm
by Doji Dojihime
Dojihime fluttered her fan for the Crab and said, “Yoshitsune-san is both fierce and honorable and she is certainly the paragon of sumai… even my dear cousin, for all his strength sees her beauty and power. She is the pinnacle of strength and glory.”

“Or as the Crab say, bushi got back,” she teased.

OOC: Cheer on Yoshitsune Chizu Etiquette + Strength Tn 25 1cr 1 fr: 6d10o10k4 25 she gains 3 Sumai points.

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 10:59 am
by Anjing Sagara
"My dearest Yoshitsune Chizu-san is a real force, a real representative of the might of the Crab and our unbreakable spirit."

Sumai Event. Etiquette/Strength. TN20: 27 - An extra point for Chizu-chan

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:37 am
by Otomo Gusai
(Entered to here.

There's still more time to contribute!)

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:57 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Kawauso was feeling like maybe she knew what she was doing here. In the castle, courtly stuff... But probably not sumai. She'd heard it was about hitting people and standing tough, like the river and the mountain, and that made sense. But maybe a different kind of sense to a river girl than to the true courtly types.

[More fluff to come]

When she was told too late that her way was not proper, Kawauso flushed with anger and embarrassment. But gosh darn it, she'd kicked butt.

Offering: passed. Gain FR.
Striking: success w/2 raises, using FR so 4 sumai points.
Standing: success w/2 raises, 3 sumai points.

Total 7 sumai points, breach of etiquette honor loss (plus idealistic), and return of grumpy Kawauso.

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:54 pm
by Makime Ayano
With her clanmate out their performing in the...event, Ayano suddenly felt the need to say something. But she had nothing really in mind. What does one say in these things?

Suddenly inspiration: WWID - What Would (Lord) Ikoma Do.


In hindsight Ikoma’s teachings on battlefield motivation were always going to be poorly received at an event like this.

Attempt to cheer Akodo Kawauso.

Sincerity/STR. VP spent for 1k1. Glory to the Lion . TN 20: 5d10o10k3 12 - Failed. Lose a point Kawauso (sorry :( )

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:58 pm
by Otomo Gusai
(Entered to here.

There's still more time to contribute!

Fight, and fight them hard!)

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:37 am
by Isawa Kyosei
After watching the first match, Kyosei walked up and volunteered to try his fortune. First was the attempt to call upon the spirits. And it was there that things went well for him. The Earth spirit he had called upon so often, filled his body, filled his spirit, and guided his words, and guided his movements.

He had seen the movements the sumai did, and knew where the hit. However, while the Earth spirit guided his hands, he focused on hitting the places precisely, rather than with strength. As the other struck at him, the Earth spirit sustained him, and supported him, and allowed him to stand fast, to be undamaged.

He finished the match, and took a towel to wipe off the sweat. "Whew. That is a lot harder than I thought. I think I've gained some respect for those that compete this way."


Respecting the Spirits: Etiquette/Void, 1 VP for 1k1, TN 20: 35. 1 Free Raise for Be the Mountain.

Fists of Fury (or Friendship?): Jiujutsu/Agility, VP for phantom rank, 1 Called Raise, TN 25: 40?!? 2 Sumai points.

Be the Mountain: Defense/Stamina, VP for 1k1, FR for point, 2 CR, TN 30: 31, whew. 4 Sumai points.

Whew. 6 Sumai points. Anyone want to call up the Earth caller?

Lost honor/Reputation.

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:16 am
by Otomo Gusai
(The new challenger is recorded!

Get your last-minute contributions in!)

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:30 pm
by Kuu
Kuu was certainly not a professional sumai. He proved that with his lack of experience in defending against a grapple. His strikes were okay, but he was likely slightly more dangerous when using that kiho he's been seen using. As it was though, this clearly was not his sport.


D4 EE, Sumai, Respecting, Etiquette/Void, TN 20: 6d10o10k3 22
D4 EE, Sumai, Fists, Jiujutsu/Strength, TN 20: 5d10o10k3 27 +1 point
D4 EE, Sumai, Mountain, Defense/Stamina, 1 FR lower TN, TN 15: 4d10o10k3 13

Total: 1 Sumai point

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:48 pm
by Wh'rr'kk
Respecting Spirits TN 20: 6d10o10k3 26

Fist of Fury TN 20: 5d10o10k2 18

Be the mountain TN 15 (Fr for lower) Name: 3d10o10k2 10

0 Sumai Points

The Nezumi attempts to participate in this, understanding he is not to use teeth. He does the opening prayers well, but does not do well against the other contestants.

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:55 pm
by Otomo Gusai
(Noted to here.

There's still time!)

Re: D4EE Player Event: Sumai

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:02 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Amazed by the lionesses initiative and smirking over Kawauso's fair leg move. Kinsen stands up tall and provides a positive finger up for all to see. Then, she says to the referees and Gusai:

"I'll allow it!"

D4, EE Approving Kawauso TN 35 (20 + 3 Raises) + Benten: 8d10o10k6 45