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[D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:17 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
The Great Clan of the Stag is pleased to present to the court an evening of grace and temperance with a masked ball, allowing those in attendance to present themselves in the best form they can convey while inviting others to uncover more of themselves. Get ready to impress the court with your beauty, elegance and mysterious allure. Enjoy the finest drinks in the Empire and show your best moves.

The Location
The dojo has been set up with red feathers and several stag racks hanging on the walls. There is a grand counter where servants are politely serving any sort of drinks available in the Imperial Capital, as well as a minor table with finger food (make sure your hands are clean). Even more grandiose is the dance floor (the dojo grounds proper), where the light is dim and proper to hide any potential imperfections. A small stand at the back has been raised to announce the Prince and Princess of the Ball. Two small sitting cushions lay there. Each one with a head garment waiting for their winners. Musicians are around. If you play, feel free to do so.
The Ball
Anyone entering the thread is considered at the Ball and receives a drink of their option and must Roll. There's no escape. Actually, there is. Characters that opt not to escape have to go through the rolls below. The objective is to acquire the most Ball Points possible to become Prince or Princess of the Ball.

Dress to Impress
Players roll either Courtier/Void or Sincerity/Void TN 20 to make their entrance noticed by the attendants. Ranks in either one Craft or one Artisan Skill grants the Rank as bonus to be added to the roll's result (not cumulative). Dangerous Beauty or Benten's Blessing grants a FR (not cumulative). Benten's Curse or Obtuse increases the TN by 5 (not cumulative).

Success in this roll grants 1 Ball Point; each Raise on the successful roll earns an additional Ball Point.

Hold my cup!
Players roll Etiquette/Stamina TN 15 to –– literally –– hold their cup with grace. Doesn't matter if the drink is alcoholic or not. Everyone that doesn't escape The Ball must have a cup in hand at some point. Large or Jurojin's Blessing grants a FR (not cumulative). Small or Bad Health increases the TN by 5 (not cumulative).

Success in this roll grants 1 Ball Point; each Raise on the roll successful roll earns an additional Ball Point.

Who am I?
Players roll Acting/Awareness TN 15. Characters that want to be immediately recognized have to imply so in this roll. Those willing to stay undercover use their roll as TN for any other character in the thread that want to recognize them. Ranks in Stealth grants the Rank as bonus to be added to the roll's result. Bland or Antisocial grants a FR (not cumulative).

Characters willing to recognize others that are undercover may do so by rolling Investigation/Perception vs. the character's roll set in 'Who am I?'.

Success in this roll grants 1 Ball Point; each Raise on the roll successful roll earns an additional Ball Point. Failing this Roll makes everyone aware of the characters identity.

Pair Up
Players may choose to pair with another character (it could be a character that already posted or a character that posts afterwards until the event is complete). If the chosen character accepts the pairing later in their post, both earn 1 Ball Point each.

Murder on the Dancefloor
Players roll Perform: Dance/Agility TN 15 to show their moves without killing the groove. Ranks in Athletics grants the Rank as bonus to be added to the roll's result. Daredevil grants a FR. Lame increases the TN by 5.

Success in this roll grants 1 Ball Point; each Raise on the successful roll earns an additional Ball Point. Failing this Roll makes Senpai notice you (no mechanical effect).
Hantei Genji
Genji starts with 3 Ball Points that he may –– or not –– distribute to whomever he chooses in the form of 3 pins (accolades). People may steal these pins (after they are granted) with a successful Sleight of Hand/Agility vs. the target's Investigation/Perception.
The player that accrues most Ball Points may chose the title of either Prince or Princess of the Ball. After selecting one of these 2 titles, the following player with most accrued points may select the remaining title. Any player may forego the entitlement they would receive, thus passing to the other character with most accrued points. Titles that have not been taken are left for Kinsen to grant to whomever she chooses.

The Prince earns a private audience with Hantei Kinsen, the Princess gain a private audience with Hantei Genji. Both Prince and Princess each earn an invitation –– that they may pass to any honorable soul in the Clan –– to study at a Stag School (also Paths) of their choosing.
Thanks to Hantei Genji and Otomo Gusai for both providing the format and improvements for this event proposal.

Conversation thread link

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:18 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
With a cup in hand, the witty fox masked Kinsen doesn't really manage to hide her appearance, nor does she over-shine other guest's glamour –– despite potentially being one of her intentions. She moves accordingly to the music and waits patiently for other people to arrive.

D2, EE, Dress to Impress TN 20 (FR Dangerous Beauty): 6d10o10k3 18 - Not impressive.
D2, EE, Hold my cup! TN 15: 6d10o10k3 30 - Drinking fine.
D2, EE, Who am I? TN 15: 3d10o10k2+1 5 - Hi, I'm Kinsen (+1 Ball Point)
D2, EE, Murder on the Dancefloor? TN 15: 4d10o10k3+1 33 - Dancing Fine (+1 Ball Point)
Pair Up: Open for the first one that wants to dance with her.
Total = 2 Ball points
Note #1 = Kinsen's points will not count for this event.
Note #2 = Kinsen is not undercover

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:33 pm
by Doji Misaki
Misaki was not one for drinking or costumes or intrigue. She was one who had taken vows of poverty and right conduct, and she couldn't bring herself to deceive people. But she had heard there was dancing...

So it was she made no splash in her entrance and held her cup of water fine. But when it came to dancing, she was a twirling white and black flower on the floor, letting her inhibitions loose in at least one way.


Dress to Impress = 13; Not trying to make a splash and succeeding.
Hold My Cup! = 15; Weak, but not so weak as to drop a cup. (+1 ball point)
Who Am I? = 31; Apparently no one recognizes the mysterious beauty despite her just being herself? (+1 ball point)
Fire on the Dance Floor = 33; Dancing up a snowstorm. (+3 ball points)
Pair Up: Open but being a shy wallflower for the most part.
Total = 5 ball points
Note #1 = technically not undercover

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:44 pm
by Anjing Sagara
Sagara did enjoy a good party and some refreshing, less courtly, activities to have fun and enjoy. A party was all that she needed after a depressing day indoors with not much to do but stay inside the castle. She wore her best, which had little space for envy. She walked in with the ease that was of knowing it was a party, and she grabbed a drink of sake of strong aroma. She could not really decide where it seemed to come from, but the quality was superb. And after a few drinks she found herself at the dance floor.

Rolls. (TN already includes Disturbing countenance)
-Dress to Impress. Courtier/Void. Raise, TN 28: 39 - 2 Ball Points
-Hold my cup. Etiquette/Stamina. TN 20: 21 - 1 Ball Point
-Who am I? To be recognized. Acting/Awareness. TN 20: 20 - 1 Ball Point
-Murder on the Dancefloor. Dance/Agility. Raise, TN 20?: 23 +3 Athletics = 26 - 2 Ball Points
Not undercover
Pair up at own risk :P for the dance machine, +1 from pairing with Ongaku
Total of 7 Ball points

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:02 pm
by Doji Tsubaki
A feminine figure, bedecked in a cloak of feathers, enters the ball with panache and flair. Her mask is a stylized raven though is divided in a swirl between black and white. The cloak, black at first, swirls and reverses in a flash to white and back again with a flourished motion. The figure moves smoothly and gracefully, never spilling a drop, though unfortunately the cloak makes proper dancing mostly impossible.

(Dress to Impress - 2 raises called, Doji 1 free raise - TN30 = 48 - 4 Ball points
Hold my Cup - Doji 1 free raise - TN15 = 38 - 2 Ball points
Who am I - 1 raise called - TN20 = 26 - 2 Ball points
Pair up - Paired!
Murder on the Dance Floor - TN15 = 11 - 0 Ball points

Tsubaki is undercover

Total: 9)

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:50 pm
by Ongaku Masanori
While he wasn't the sort to consider himself a social climber or debutante, Masanori did think he ought to see who was present and record anything important that happened, and so in order to avoid standing out, he dressed the part.

Arriving in a woven ceremonial robe with diamond patterned gray and orange, the hue changing as the pattern rose from the feet, beginning a golden yellow and ended a dark crimson - hinting at flames through latticework. His face was obscured by an oath-listener's veil, a smoky gray cloth which shadowed his features, hanging from the base of his horns. It was clear that this was an Ongaku, but not necessarily clear which. Normally, this was to make it so that the oath ceremony participants wouldn't know which of the Ongaku would testify to their oaths, but in this case, it worked to obscure his identity at the ball.

Taking a stone gourd, laden with what, if smell and taste were to be believed, was a rather strong spirit, he nursed it gently through the night, using the binding around the neck of the bottle to let it hang when it wasn't needed, an old ogre drinking style. At no point did his drink spill, nor impede any others - in that sense, it was almost as if it wasn't there, save when he gently yanked it up with the cord, catching it for a sip.

His manner was relatively unobtrusive, perhaps as a result of his rather unimportant station, or simply thanks to not presenting anything publically, and thus not projecting his voice, he wasn't immediately easy to recognize - after all, that was the spirit of the event, was it not?

When the time came to dance, he stepped out, attempting to continue to remain unobtrusive, and through some sheer fluke of chance, despite never being much of a dancer, he managed to scrape by with the old ceremonial beat keeping steps from the caravan days. Not exactly tearing it up, but not getting in the way of anyone else, and if nothing else, he would make a perfectly passable backup for someone more impressive.



Making an entrance: 2pts
Hold your liquor. Literally:: 3pts
As Incognito as a Horned Man can be: 2pts
Somehow not making a total prat of himself: 1pt

8 pts, 9 if anyone is willing to accept his support on the dance floor

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:02 pm
by Makime Ayano
By the evening Ayano was already fighting the effects of exhaustion. Arriving in a simple but elegant mask, she was completely overshadowed. As she moved through the party she managed to keep firm hold of her cup at least. To anyone that noticed the Lioness, it took scant seconds to uncover who was under the mask. And it all built up to the dance. Tired, self-conscious, and feeling overpowered, Ayano barely managed a pathetic shuffle before retiring to the wall to hopefully catch her breath before passing out.

Courtier/Void to make an Entrance. +1 from Calligraphy(Artist Skill) TN20: 6d10o10k3+1 19 - Failed

Etiquette/Stamina to not drop a cup. 1VP for +1k1. TN15: 4d10o10k2 16 - Passed!

Acting/AWA. No Skill Raw. TN15: 3d10 13 - Failed

Dance/AGI. No Skill Raw. TN15: 3d10 8 - Cruelly failed

1 Ball point for the Exhausted and Embarrassed Makime Heiress.

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:37 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Pair #1: Hantei Kinsen & Doji Misaki

Doji Misaki gains +1 Ball Point

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:03 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Pair #2: Doji Tsubaki, a.k.a Lady Raven & Makime Ayano, the Cupholder.
Doji Tsubaki gains +1 Ball Point
Makime Ayano gains +1 Ball Point

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:07 am
by Yoshitsune Chizu
The mysterious lady wore a brown robe and had darkened her eyes with makeup and wore a cleverly wrought mask, complete with animal ears, giving her the raccoon-like aspect of a tanuki spirit. She laughed as she downed cup after cup with seemingly no ill effect. Though the mystery woman tried hard to slouch and conceal her identity, her great height made it impossible for anyone not to recognize her as the big Crab, Yoshitsune Chizu.

Chizu crooked her finger to invite the horned man in gray and orange to the dance floor - the closest man to her height, it seemed. Unfortunately, her dance ability could most charitably be described as “enthusiastic”. But with everyone in disguise, Chizu refused to allow her lack of dance skills to keep her from having a good time!

2EE Stag Ball, Dress to Impress with 1 free raise and 1 called raise, Void/Courtier +Void Point TN25: 7d10o10k4 42 succeeds for 3 points
2EE Stag Ball, Hold cup with 1 free raise and 1 called raise, STA/Etiquette TN20: 6d10o10k3 28 succeeds for 3 points
2EE Stag Ball, Who am I? AWA/Acting with 2 called raises, TN25: 5d10o10k4 16 fails
Offer to pair with Ongaku Masanori - 1 point if he accepts
2EE Stag Ball, Dance Floor, AGI/Perform: Dance +Athletics +Void Point with 1 called raise TN20: 5d10o10k4+1 19 fails

Total: 7 (?) points

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:06 am
by Kuu
Kuu arrives in... his only set of clothing. Monks are not blessed with large wardrobes. But he does have a new mask that he has apparently constructed from some sort of paper like material. It appears to have a hand print over the eyes and text that reads 'You Can't See Me'. It was really well done for someone with zero budget, which is the only saving grace. But the counter-intuitive words do spark at least some interest in his mask, and thus he achieves the goal of gaining some attention.

He gets a cup of alcohol, possibly surprising for some, but he also nurses the same cup for the entire night. Not only does he nurse it all night, he sometimes sets it in odd places for a moment, like atop his head or on a shoulder, showing off a little bit, but certainly not the most impressive party tricks.

While it is painfully obvious who he is because he has the same sturdy clothing that has the same written characters on it, he also does get into the spirit of the ball. His behavior shifts, his attitude is more haughty, he laughs more freely and he uses a decent accent. If he had been able to change clothes it would be easy to see how he might have got people thinking he was not Kuu.

When it eventually comes to showing off his dance moves, he puts in a decent effort. It's clearly not his forte, but he doesn't shy from it. At one point he slips on a bit of liquid on the floor, but actually lands on one hand in a backwards bend that looks more impressive then the actual mistake he made.

During the dance period he approached Anjing Sagara. "Care to give the dancing a go with me?"


D2 EE, Stag Ball, Dress, Courtier/Void, +3 Calligraphy TN 20: 5d10o10k3+3 30 +1 point
D2 EE, Stag Ball, Hold My Cup, Etiquette/Stamina, 1 CR, TN 20: 6d10o10k3 25 +2 points
D2 EE, Stag Ball, Who Am I, Acting/Awareness, Not Undercover, TN 15: 3d10 18 +1 point
D2 EE, Stag Ball, Murder, Perform:Dance/Agility, +2 Athletics, VP Phantom Rank, TN 15: 4d10o10k3+2 12 Luck Reroll
D2 EE, Stag Ball, Murder, Perform:Dance/Agility, +2 Athletics, VP Phantom Rank, TN 15, Luck Reroll: 4d10o10k3+2 18 +1 point
5 Ball Points
Offers to join Anjing Sagara

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:18 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
A sudden breeze, cold and misty, could be felt as the hour grew late. The doors of the dojo suddenly opened with the intensity of a star falling from the skies.

From the dark corridor a figure appeared. Wearing a fox mask, Mysterious in its ways, alluring in presence. Stiking awe in the hearts of ningen. Its mere presence made the Heavens tremble as it slowly but surely walked into the dojo and the ball.

''Cold day gathering
Evening dance, the stag charge
Prince and Princess time
Fox arrives to show tonight
A northener graceful prance

The figure recited with a clear, seductive voice. Words that would melt the heart of even the staunchest.

One could notice that the figure was carrying a stick on his hands. A mysterious item, clearly enhancing the beauty of the gallant being. It seductive pase was slow, not because it had trouble of moving. No. The mere thought that this being could be having trouble was not possible, one could even say an heretical thought.

The fox was offered a cup with some brevage, and he was about to take it, but clearly the servant made a mistake and dropped it. Yes. This supreme being was totally incapable of failing in such way. Truthfully...

No matter. In a magnificent display of mercy, the fox-being ignored the failure of etiquette, saving the servant from a shameful display among its peers and those above him.

Who could be this brilliant being, one could think? Who was wise enough to identify his graceful way of moving, one leg at the time. Who could hold such a perfect walking cane in such graceful way? Even the wisest of sages would fail to do so. Clearly...

And then it came the time, the moment of truth. Yes. How this being moved around, it was clearly astonishing. Some times the being almost fell to the floor, not because of any failings on his limbs. That was imposible. No. This was the difference of perspectives between those that knew about dancing and those that did not. Simple as that...



1) Courtier/Void, Dangerous Beauty FR, Artisan: Poetry +1, Reducing TN15 - 19|Pass [TN15, 1FR]
2) Etiquette/Stamina, nothing but my godly physique! - 13|Fail [TN15]
3) Acting/Awareness, untrained non explosive - 24|Pass [TN15]
4) Agility/Perform: Dance, untrained non explosive, Lame! - 6|Fail [TN20]
*Non hidden identity. Leg makes it obvious.
*Willing to be pair with someone who doesn't mind the complete lack of skills from this part.


+2 magnificent Ball points!

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:05 am
by Akodo Kawauso
When Akodo Kawauso walked into the ball, she thought she'd have a good time. It was silly to her, the masks and all, but she'd had the idea to carve a mask herself, that even had some small, stag-like horns branching up from her temples.

She figured it'd make quite a splash -- and no one noticed her entrance. Puzzled, she took up a drink and tried enjoy herself. In trying to keep the cup safe amid the party, some spilled. Despite all her care, she somehow failed to protect it. Her mask was impressive enough that she wasn't immediately recognizable to others, but by the time she'd recentered herself to be ready to get dancing -- no, somehow, her dance moves were just too much.

Frustrated and disappointed, she headed for a quiet corner to sit with her drink.

Dress to Impress: Sincerity/Void TN 20 plus one Craft Skill grants the Rank as bonus to roll.
cruel failure.

Hold my cup!: Etiquette/Stamina TN 15
similar disappointment.

Who am I?: Acting/Awareness TN 15.
success. Not trying to stay hidden.

Pair Up
Claiming Yatsufasa if he'll have my pouty, hating-the-haters attitude right now.

Murder on the Dancefloor
Players roll Perform: Dance/Agility TN 15 to show their moves without killing the groove. Ranks in Athletics grants the Rank as bonus
I hate Orokos so much.

Total 1 ball point, 1 sad and confused Kawauso.

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:16 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji arrived, the man of the hour! Or the dojo. Or something.

He was quite strangely dressed, draped in dark blue, almost black cloth from the top of his head. He was obviously nervous, but he tried to present himself decently, as Lord Moon.

He grabbed a drink to calm his nervers....perhaps he shouldn't have, as he obviously threw the sake back. Still, despite the booze, he held himself well, and even managed to take to the dance floor without hitting anyone!

D2 Stag Ball EE, Dress to Impress, Sincerity/Void, Prodigy, +1 Artisan: Poetry, tn 20: 5d10o10k3+1 32

D2 Stag Ball EE, Hold your Cup, Etiquette/Stamina, tn 15: 5d10k2 14

D2 Stag Ball EE, Who am I, Acting/Awa, untrained, Genji is obvious, tn 15: 3d10 15

D2 Stag Ball EE, Mordor on the dance floor, Perform: Dance/Agi, tn 15, untrained: 3d10 16

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:18 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Pair #3: Anjing Sagara & Ongaku Masanori
Anjing Saga gains +1 Ball Point
Ongaku Masanori gains +1 Ball Point
Yoshitsune Chizu wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:07 am
Offer to pair with Ongaku Masanori
Chizu-chan, don't give up! Gambatte!
Kuu wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:06 am
During the dance period he approached Anjing Sagara. "Care to give the dancing a go with me?"
Kuu-sensei, gambatteyo!

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:33 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
A wildcat padded into the dojo.

An old-fashioned dance mask in a style reminiscent of the old tribes completely hid the "cat's" real face, and androgynously slim black robes covered their body. It was quite hard to guess whom this might be (TN 35 :? ). Unfortunately, the cat spoiled their striking entrance somewhat by clumsily knocking the first sake cup they reached for off of the table... wait, unless that was an intentional part of getting into character?

Rather than reach for a second cup, Kogi gave that up as a bad idea. She wasn't at all sure how she would have drunk anything in her cat mask, anyway; unlike her habitual veil, she couldn't very well have slipped the cup underneath without taking it off.

The mask's limits on her peripheral vision, which already foiled her attempt to act smooth at the drinks table, make her a little nervous about joining the dance. But it would be even more conspicuous not to join, so she gives it her best, and that turns out to be... adequate. Strategically, she positions herself nearby another dancer whose skill level seems to be about the same as her own--and then realizes he looks familiar!

[Dance with... Genji! :D ]


D2 EE - Stag Clan ball pt.1, Courtier/Void, antis., TN20: 5d10o10k3 25
D2 EE - Stag Clan ball pt.2, Etiquette/Stamina, antis., TN15: 3d10o10k2 12
D2 EE - Stag Clan ball pt.2, Acting/Awareness DON'T LOOK AT ME TN 15: 5d10o10k4 35 +1 FR (antisocial)
D2 EE - Stag Clan ball pt.4, Dance/Awareness unskilled, TN15: 3d10 16

Total of 4 Ball points, and luckily Kogi is wearing black so perhaps no one notices the spilled drink on her sleeve as the night goes on? :lol:

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:48 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Another kitten came out to play. Her kimono was quite well placed. Her red hair well brushed. She wasn't one for flair and tried to keep herself unnoticed. Thank the kami that she didn't spill the cup. She parade around the dance floor looking for a partner and was found by Nokomi. Seems that all was going pretty well but one side step and Sasori lost rhythm.

//D2EE Stag Dress to impress Courtier void FR for+1BP TN 20: 6d10o10k3 25 2bp

D2EE Stag hold my cup Etiquette Sta TN 15: 4d10o10k2 16 1bp

D2EEStag WhoamI?ConsealActing Awa 1VP PS 1CR +1BP FR+1BP TN20: 4d10o10k3+3 203BP

Up for a pair no longer (Nozomi has claimed this cat)

D2EEStag Murder the dance floor Dancing TN 15 untrained: 3d10k3+3 14 failed and feels bad for killing the Groove

Total points: 6

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:53 pm
by Nozomi
Nozomi entered the entire event with a flourish of the sort of person who tended to get attention anytime she went somewhere. The most identifiable thing about her, a certain tag-along, was in the care of someone with strict orders. There were beverages being served here even if she requested something without alcohol that she didn't want anywhere near the youngling's curious little fingers. She was alone, and yet still the shock of short-cropped black hair behind a simple red tengu's mask. It wasn't fancy. Her kimono wasn't fancy. But she wasn't going to suddenly become a fancy person because she was here. Still, everything was clean. Everything was well tended. Everything was cut to catch notice. And, as she reached the threshold of the door, she breathed in carefully, her focus on the world around her as strong as ever. She could practically feel where every guest stepped, and when she moved it was with that awareness, never seeming to step too close to any of them.

Why in the kami's name am I at this blasted event? Oh right. This is the wife of a good friend of the love of your life. You are showing support to a friend of a friend, and someone who has been good to your family in the past. Who cares if this feels like the silliest waste of my and everyone's time imaginable. It is such a Kinsen thing to host, but you are here to support her, so... behave.

She masked the grimace at her distaste in coming here, accepting something offered that was not alcoholic, she moved through the group with no obvious difficulties. If anything, she almost looked like she was at least distantly in her element. That said, the pallor of her skin, the unhealthy air of it all, it was impossible for her to hide who she was. There was just no concealing that, though she had little difficulty at least keeping her cup steady. It wasn't that different from balancing something on the palm of her hand.
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:48 pm
She caught sight of ... was that one a Scorpion? Eh, it didn't really matter. Either way, she moved towards the stranger and bowed once, managing not to be curt about it and making a motion towards the dance floor. "If you don't mind dancing alongside someone who hasn't done this sort of thing for a few years..."

Rolls: (+5 TN to the first two rolls. I forgot Disturbing Countenance in the rolls.)
8-Fold Awareness - activated as a Standard in most scenes to maintain situational awareness

1) Dress to Impress - TN 25 w/ Disturbing Countenance, rolled 28, Success (+1 Point)
2) Hold my Cup - 1 CR, TN 25 w/ Disturbing Countenance, rolled ... uh, 50, (+2 Points)
3) Who Am I - TN 20 w/ Disturbing Countenance, Fail
4) -Offered pairing with Bayushi Sasori (+1 Point if accepted)
5) Murder on the Dance Floor, 1 CR, TN 20, rolled 30, Success (+2 Points. I don't think DC counts here, but she's successful even if it does.)
Easily Recognized

5 Ball Points, 6 if her pairing with Sasori is accepted
-2 Void Points

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:43 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Pair #4: Lord Moon & Neko-san
Hantei Genji earns +1 Ball Point
Bayushi Koji earns +1 Ball Point

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:54 pm
by Saru Takurou
Although he didn't quite know what this "ball" was supposed to be, he was told by the servants to dress smartly. Something that Takurou also did not particularly understand. However, he had already seen some beautifully dressed people at court and took them as an example. He supported his evening dress with the exotic smells of some spices to distract from the otherwise, in comparison, simple nature of his clothes.

When he was handed a cup of sake, he grabbed it, only to dodge a moment later another dancing couple, there was almost an accident!

One thing Takurou realized quite late, something that all the guests had in common, something he had somehow forgotten,....... He had forgotten the mask!
Well, now it was too late to get one, so he looked for a free place on the dance floor and just danced away.

[D2, EE] Dress to Impress, Courtier/Void + Artisan:Cooking 3, BTN20, 2CR, FTN30: 6d10o10k4+3 61 +3 Ball Points

[D2, EE] Hold my Cup, Etiquette/Stamina, FTN15: 5d10o10k2 33 +1 Ball Point

[D2, EE] Who am I?, Acting Awareness, FTN15: 4d10 14 0 Ball Points

Up for Pairing

[D2, EE] Murder of the Dancefloor, Dancing/Agility, VP for Shadowskill, FTN15: 4d10o10k2 16 <- should be k3, but passed anyway 1 Ball Point

Total: 5 Ball Points, yet