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Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:26 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
The more the Empire grows, the more it requires men and women of exception to tie it up together, people able to understand and balance the concerns of the worldly merchant, the recluse priest, the seasoned warrior, and pull off the best compromise for everyone.

Handpicked by the Emerald Champion and her most trusted advisors, the civil servants burdened with such high responsibilities are expected to be knowledgeable about the many facets of the Empire. In an effort to improve their selection and training have been gathered some of the most common and more difficult questions they had to answer through their career in a short pen-and-paper test, allowing anyone to experience the complexity of the task at hand.

Participants: Unlimited

There are more questions in the quiz that there are stars in the sky, and only a candle worth of time to answer as much as possible. The subjects discussed vary widely, from practical geography to conceptual theology by the way of the very new legal code. Candidates are expected to mostly focus on the things they know the most about, though there are some easy points to be picked by answering an extra question on an unrelated matter here and there.

Choose any three distinct Lore skills, and roll Chosen Lore/Intelligence for each against a TN15. Your score will be equal to the number of successful rolls, plus one for each successful Raise.

No penalty for having called raises on a failed roll. Candidate can pick Lore skills they have no rank in following the usual Unskilled Roll rules. Sage grants phantom ranks as usual. All techniques, advantages, disadvantages relative to Lore rolls apply as usual.

The contestant with the highest score will be allowed to request, should they wish so, an interview with the Emerald Champion forgoing the usual process, to discuss the subject of their choice.

Ties will be broken in favor of highest number of successful rolls, then in favor of the highest sum of all rolls.


The test is assumed to be exactly one hour long (even less for people giving up quickly) so participants can conclude the timeslot by going to its RP thread.

Re: Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:00 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Now this was her idea of fun!

Alas, she quickly went off on a tangent on her first subject, the elemental dragons, words coming out too fast from her mouth as the fire kami were already egging her on with unbound energy. Whatever she tried to explain about just kind of ended up a failure.

Trying again, she had much better luck with the broader subject of theology, especially how it was taught in the lands of the Saru and Togashi. A skill she knew well and had been schooled on several times.

Lastly, the subject was about the spirit realms, and while it wasn't a topic she had studied, she had a lot of first hand accounts and experiences to draw upon for another excellent round of trivia.


D6 LA Test of Knowledge. Casting Fire Kami's Blessing. +1 Affinity. +1k0 Teacher's spell. 1 raise for duration. TN 15: 6d10o10k4 53 (2 wounds)
D6 LA Test of Knowledge. Lore: Elemental Dragons/Intelligence. +4k0 Fire Kami's Blessing. 3 raises. TN 30: 9d10o10k4 23 - 0 Points
D6 LA Test of Knowledge. Lore: Theology/Intelligence. +4k0 Fire Kami's Blessing. 3 raises. TN 30: 9d10o10k4 34 - 4 points
D6 LA Test of Knowledge. Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence. +4k0 Fire Kami's Blessing. Void for Skill. 3 raises. TN 30: 9d10o10k4 32 - 4 points

8 Points

Re: Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:16 am
by Makime Ayano
Ayano was curious to test her own skills. The Lioness had a surprising depth of knowledge and after some consideration settled on those she felt would best display her dedication to the roads project.

Lore Skills for Test of Knowledge. Phantom Rank from Sage. 1 VP per for +1k1. 2CRs per. TN25: 6d10o10k5 29 - Lore: Cartography - Passed 3 points

Lore Skills for Test of Knowledge. Phantom Rank from Sage. 1 VP per for +1k1. 2CRs per. TN25 #2: 6d10o10k5 34 - Lore: Architecture - Passed 3 points

Lore Skills for Test of Knowledge. Phantom Rank from Sage. 1 VP per for +1k1. 2CRs per. TN25 #3: 6d10o10k5 28 - Lore: Geometry - Passed 3 points

9 points

Re: Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:18 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora was quite secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't win.

Which was good, because if he really wanted to talk with Jiyo, he didn't need to win a prize to do.

But it was important to show willing, and to encourage others to participate, and thus, the Worst Sage in Rokugan applied himself to the test.

He started with his personal favorite, the lord of the Spirit Realms.

And nailed it.

He was less successful with Theology, and then, when he tried Engineering for the hell of it, did slightly worse.

But he seemed quite happy, all the same.

[Lore 1, Spirit Realms, 2 raises- Success, 3 points
Lore 2, Theology- Failed.
Lore 3, Sage-Rank Engineering, Failed

3 points total for the Worst Sage in Rokugan!]

Re: Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:35 pm
by Akodo Moshi
D6 LA: Fire Kami's Blessing, 1 raise, Dutiful Disciple, TN 15: 7d10o10k3 33
D6 LA: Wisdom and Clarity, TN 15: 6d10o10k3 35
D6 LA: Lore:Nature/Intelligence, TN 15 base, 3 called raises, TN 30, Fire Kami's Blessing, Sage, Void Point: 8d10o10k4 40 (Pass, 4 Points)
D6 LA: Lore:History/Intelligence, TN 15 base, 3 called raises, TN 30, Fire Kami's Blessing, Sage, Void Point: 8d10o10k4 32 (Pass, 4 points)
D6 LA: Lore:Omens/Intelligence, TN 15 base, 3 called raises, TN 30, Fire Kami's Blessing, Sage, Void Point, Free Raise from Wisdom and Clarity: 8d10o10k4 29 (fail)

8 points total

Akodo Moshi works extensively to complete the test, doing much to prove why she is a pillar to her community. Explaining what needs to be done to avoid fires and floods, what her ancestors did to combat these problems, and gets through the information about omens. Sadly, there were still a great deal about omens that she never seen before, only read about in the library and so she misses the importance of the more obscure ones.

Re: Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:24 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Kyosei, once he had heard that another was holding a test, was careful to avoid any chance of learning the questions. It was best to avoid any sign of favoritism.

He called upon the spirits to cleanse his mind, and allow him to focus the entirety of his being on what was being asked. Once he had done that, he simply wrapped the wound, and prepared to enter.

Looking over the array of questions, he knew he couldn't possibly answer them all. But, there were a few he could. First, as a spirit speaker, and one trained by a true Isawa, he answered the questions dealing with the theology of the world.

Then, he discussed the elements, their place in the world, and how they interacted. It was interesting to him, but might be a bit obtuse to a generalist. And, he realized he needed to move on, as time was moving on!

He hunted through the questions, then found a simple one on the qualities of jade. He not only showed how incomplete the question was, as well as it's underpinnings, but also how Jade was one of the stabilities of the world, and the purist points of it.

When time was called, he sighed, wishing he could have answered the question about Obsidian as well. At this point in time, he might be the Empire's authority on the two stones. Turning in his paper, he moved to the exit.

Fire Kami's Blessing, 1 CR, TN 15: 41, pass with 2 wounds. Still healthy.

Lore: Theology, Fire Kami's Blessing, 3 Called Raises, 1 Void Point for 1k1, TN 30: 39*

Lore: Elements, Fire Kami's Blessing, 3 Called Raises, Void point for 1k1, TN 30: 47*

Lore: Jade, Fire Kami's Blessing, 3 Called Raises, Void point for 1k1, TN 30: 49

Total points: 12.

*Forgot to keep extra dice with the Void point on these rolls, but since it passed anyways, not worrying about it, unless GM calls. True totals should be 46 and 53.

Re: Test of Knowledge [D6, LA, Player Event]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:03 am
by Jiyo Ayumu
Though Isawa Kyosei is the technical winner, the jury has decided not to consider participants from the Imperial families for prize attribution. It's therefore Makime Ayano that gets a free coupon for a private tea party with Jiyo.