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[D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:39 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
Today the young Saru shugenja decided to play a game, so to say, that has been spreading through the attendees of the weeding. It consisted in writting a few words, usually in secret, as a part of a game.

Yatsufusa was not completely knowgeable about the concept, but he was always open to learning new stuff, and also about playing and discovering new concepts, of all types of areas, whether it is spiritual or artistic.

He brought some ink and brushes, and some paper in order to start its artistic expression.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:38 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Still carrying the cord from before, Gusai comes into the rooms, looking for...something with his single eye. Finding the Dragon, though, he nods a greeting.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:10 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
Giving a few moments of thought then Yatsufusa left its imagination and creativity to take control of his hand, as he wrote down with the brushes.

Once the poem was ready, he noticed the other samurai making a greeting from afar, and Yatsufusa acknowledged him with a slight nod. At the same time he began to prepare the rest of the presentation of the letter.



Artisan: Poetry/Awareness, 1 VP, 2CR - 33|Pass [TN20, 1VP, 2CR]
Artisan: Origami/Awareness, 1VP, 2CR - 37|Pass [TN20, 1 VP, 2CR]
Calligraphy/Intelligence - 20|Pass [TN15]

Poem, here

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:17 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai watches intently. He's not skilled in the arts on display, certainly, but that doesn't mean he doesn't see hard work and application in play, or that he doesn't appreciate such things.

His eye glances down at the cord in his hands--which he quickly coils neatly and tucks away.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:21 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
As he finished the presentation of his letter, the young dragon created a rather beautiful flower shape with the paper, quite interesting at first glance. It would seem that the letter can be opened by moving the petals so its contents could be read.

Once that was done, the young dragon picked up his walking stick and approached the samurai from before.

'' This one hopes that you had been blessed this day, Stag-sama.'' He bowed to him. '' This one's name is Saru Yatsufusa.''

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:24 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai bows in return. "Otomo Gusai, skipper of the Hopeful Endeavor," he replies, then adds, "If I may, my friend, what were you doing just then?"

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:32 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' It is an honor, Otomo Gusai-sama.'' He bowed again. Then presented the letter to the stag so he could see it.

'' Oh, this? It would seem that there is some sort of cultural event, perhaps a game, which involves in writting some sort of thing into a letter, which can be then delivered to another one so it can be replied.'' He said to him, not so sure about the rules. '' This one has heard that Doji-no-kami invented this game and it has been spreading thanks to the efforts of the Daughter of Heavens.''

'' Some among the people present here has been playing this game, and so i found this fascinating and tried to see if i could be part of it.'' He adds.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:02 am
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai nods.

"Following local practice's usually a good way to go," he affirms. "Though there've been times I've seen that it didn't go so swimmingly. Of course, those weren't in places nearly so nice as this, so that's got something to do with it."

He chuckles.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:00 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Indeed. Well, i'm not here for mastering the abilities, simply to have some sort of fun and well see where we go from there...'' He chuckled.

'' And you Otomo Gusai-sama, if might ask you, what brought you today to the library?'' He asked politely.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:12 pm
by Otomo Gusai
"Wandering, for one," he replies. "Always good to check out the holds and such.

"And finding new people, and new things. Both are also always good to do."

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:15 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Interesting.'' Yatsufusa thought for a moment.

'' You said you are the Captain of a Ship, this Hopeful Endevour. Quite fascinating. I, for one, have never seen the vast oceans. I was brought with my parents when i was little to the mountains, following Togashi-no-kami, and mostly lived up there all my life.'' He explained.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:18 pm
by Otomo Gusai
"I've been meeting many people who have not," Gusai replies. "I have not spent much time in mountains, myself, so I suppose there is that. But I would, of course, commend the sea to any who would seek it."

He considers a moment, then asks "And how is your family?"

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:24 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Looking at the vast sea must be quite an extraordinary sight.'' He expressed. '' Never ending elemental water and the power of the kami, it would be quite awesome to see such display of nature's raw power.''

He shrugs. '' I hope they are doing well, to be honest, i have not seen them in quite a while. I try to keep contact with them, but my training in the elemental prayers specifically reduces my time with other people dramatically. My sensei was imperative that connections should be lessen in order to detach myself due to my powers.'' He adds, a bit sad.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:28 pm
by Otomo Gusai
"You are a priest, then?" Gusai asks. "Or is there another term preferred in your homeland for one who speaks with the spirits?"

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:35 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Priest is fine. Priest of the elements, of the Fortunes.'' He nods. '' Earlier on my parents era before the Sons and Daughters of Heavens fell from the skies, shaman would also be a good term, but now it has fell on disuse for priest.''

'' But, yes, my main elemental affinity is air, although i can also have the rare gift of piercing the veil of reality itself and see the void.'' He said to him.

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:42 pm
by Otomo Gusai
"A priest who can command the winds would be a valuable member of a crew," Gusai says, cupping his chin. "The Seppun and her acolytes tend to stay ashore, and no blame upon them for it. The Otomo have not run long on priests, though we value their wisdom, of course."

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:08 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Indeed, although one such like myself, i don't know if it would be a worthy addition...'' He clearly was referencing to his lame leg. '' Though i don't think controlling but rather, managing, is the correct word for it. After all, people like me, don't control anything we just ask the elemental kami to do things that we cannot.''

'' We just channel their powers through our offerings of blood.'' He explained to him. '' It is not my power, it is theirs, i just simply serve as the bridge between our worlds.''

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:12 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai catches the intent, and he taps the lower edge of his eyepatch meaningfully.

"The loss of a member of the crew may slow the ship, but it does not sink it."

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:08 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' I see.'' He nods to him. '' I wonder how reactive would be the elements in the sea. Up in the mountains they tend to be quite reactive, powerful, showing their raw power, i assume that is the same for another of nature's vast domains.''

Re: [D3 - LM] Writting and Art (Open)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:03 pm
by Otomo Gusai
"I might guess so," Gusai replies, "though I couldn't speak to it with certainty. Again, I'm not a priest.

"Still," he continues, "perhaps it might be a thing to explore? Were you minded, I might well be able to make room on the Venture for such a trial."