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[D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:08 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji waited nervously by the hot springs, his invitation sent out. Hopefully he wasn't too forward, but it somehow felt...appropriate.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:26 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
A figure loosely draped all in red approaches the hot springs, with a candle lantern in her hand and a slight hesitation in her step. In the darkness,she can see there is someone there... hopefully the right person.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:27 pm
by Hantei Genji
"Kogi-san." The smile could be heard in his voice. His eyes seemed to be transfixed on her form, even under the cloth.
"Thank you for accepting my invitation. I hope my gift was not too forward?"
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:34 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"Not at all." The soft glow of her candle, and hearing his familiar voice, confirms Genji's identity. She bends down to set the lantern on a flat rock a safe distance from the water. "It was... kind. Well-thought."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:35 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji smiled. He turned his head away, to give her privacy in case she wanted it.
" seems star and moon allegory has been with us for a while." He let out a small sigh. "I hoped to give you an opportunity for a social bath, since you mentioned you haven't so far."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:08 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"I was surprised you remembered." Kogi's voice is soft, its usual determined edge gentled by a warmer note. "Most people wouldn't take notice." The red fabric of her robe slips off her shoulders, and she sweeps it into her arms and drapes it over a rock where it will stay dry. Lastly, she begins unwinding the silk loosely draped over her head and half covering her face.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:12 pm
by Hantei Genji
"Most people are fools then." His voice was a bit...rougher, than usual? Somehow, it seemed different than the usual kind, measured tone.
"It's..." he fell silent, though still turned away. Intrigued by the noises, but giving her her space.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:32 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
The fabric noises cease, and the soft sound of bare footsteps marks Kogi's progress to the mineral pool, followed by the murmur of disturbed water as she starts to get in. If Genji looks at her at any point, he will see the profile of a slender figure silhouetted by the lantern, which makes it a bit indistinct. Winter-pale skin, a delicate face with a determined set to the mouth. She looks mostly 'normal,' from this angle and with the light directly beyond her, though there's something a bit off about the color of the flesh over her throat and chin.
"Some people might say being generous and thoughtful makes you the fool. But I--can't agree. Oh..." She ends on a happy sigh at the warmth of the water.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:36 pm
by Hantei Genji
"Hai, I like to think so too." He glanced, but did not stare. He had some self control.
"Umm...people usually face each other, but I am happy this way if you prefer, Kogi-chan."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:45 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi laughs, though there's a nervous note in the laughter. "I'm sorry, Genji-s... Genji-kun. I did tell you I don't do this often, I'm not--"
Unsure how to finish that thought, she leaves it to hang in midair between them as she turns toward him in the water.
As he might already have come to suspect, the side of Kogi's face which now comes into view is indeed disfigured. The particular cause is a large, patchy scar, spreading from the left-hand corner of her lips across the lower part of her left cheek, and down her chin and jaw toward her collarbone and shoulder. As best as one can tell in the low light, it's probably a years-old burn scar--somewhat faded by time, but still rippled and uneven, with patches of skin that are reddened or too harshly white.
Kogi's dark eyes watch Genji with a mixture of tension and, perhaps, hope.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:59 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji slowly turned his gaze, his golden eyes seemed to be a paler hue now. His gaze roamed, strictly above the water, but taking all of it in, his smile was the same...well no, not exactly, not the usual one. This one seemed more...cavalier, a bit more primal. Not a leer, but something other than the proper, kind one he usually wore.
When she settled in, he lowered himself a bit, his leg stretching towards her. "It is nice to see you without your veil. Though, don't misunderstand me. I find you beautiful with it on too."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:51 am
by Bayushi Kogi
"...Too?" Kogi's brows draw together a little. Her body sinks gratefully into the warm water, but her lips--now that Genji can see them--still form a sober line, pulled down a tiny bit at one corner by the scar.
Now that she's become visible herself--and in the safety of dark and solitude--Kogi looks at Genji with more sustained directness than she'd usually dared before. His reaction isn't easy to read. It's not the immediate disgust that she'd most feared, but he seems... wilder? It's hard to explain.
"So now you see the other reason I wear the veils. It's... it's easier that way."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:09 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji's smike didn't waver, his gaze still direct at hers.
"I see." He offered simply, but did nit look away. "My oponion hasn't changed."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:41 am
by Bayushi Kogi
She doesn't quite relax, but the line of her mouth softens somewhat. "You're not going to ask 'What happened?' Or what 'ruined' me?" Her head tilts slightly as she watches his face.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:22 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji shrugged. "I found you intriguing not because of your face, and that hasn't changed." He smiled at her. "Beside,s it's your story to tell. From my perspective, not the most important story, though that is probably different for you. But you are more than a scar, Kogi-chan. If I am not defined by my parentage, you are not defined by a scar."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:26 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi is quiet for a few moments, head bowed slightly, looking down into the mineral-clouded water.
"...A sharp counterattack," she says at length, in a low voice. She lifts her head, and blinks twice, her eyes a bit bright. "You really would be dangerous in a duel, Genji-kun."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:30 pm
by Hantei Genji
"Oh? Is this a duel then, Kogi-chan?" He slowly moved towards her, giving her enough space and opportunity to move away in case she wanted.
"I did not wish to hurt you."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:32 am
by Bayushi Kogi
"No. You only... cut me open." She doesn't move away, but remains curled in on herself for a few moments longer--then eventually looks up and, slowly, turns her head toward him, her hair falling half over the scarred side of her face.
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:42 am
by Hantei Genji
Bayushi Kogi wrote: ↑Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:32 am
"No. You only... cut me open." She doesn't move away, but remains curled in on herself for a few moments longer--then eventually looks up and, slowly, turns her head toward him, her hair falling half over the scarred side of her face.
He moved close, and slowly extended a hand to brush her fingers past her scarred cheeks, the mive slow and gentle.
"Perhaps, but you cut me first. And it was a deep one."
Re: [D8 EN Closed] Stars and Moon Align
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:06 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Her hand comes up to catch his hand, both of their fingers tangling a little in the loose drape of her hair. Candlelight and the scattered starlight glitter off the wetness in her eyes, filling them but not quite spilling over. The corners of her lips curve upward.
"What are we doing here? Both bleeding in the water?" she asks softly.