D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

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D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:32 pm

Bright and early, Hadananzi had the gardens set up for Makime Ayano's lessons in art portrayal. Several little stations had been set up for use throughout the day, but the one Hadananzi was favoring focused exclusively on painting. A myriad of brushes, paints, and inks were set up around the area, along with some heavy papers suited to the task of being the canvas.

Looking around at the available displays, Hadananzi smiled, breathing in deeply and heaving a sigh of satisfaction. Now all he need do was wait for his would be student to arrive and begin her instruction.
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:04 pm

Ayano soon joined the Crane. For this she felt compelled to wear one of her finest outfits, as well tailored as the finest of the Lion could provide. She smiled at Hadananzi, but her attention was soon focused on the equipment laid out.

"Good morning Nanzi-sama...I see you are well prepared." She had some reservations and of course tried to keep propriety, but the hint of excitement was in her voice and perhaps more tellingly...in her green eyes.
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:42 pm

"Good morning Makime-san, I hope you have had rice today?" Hadananzi's bow was flawless in execution, and as he rode he gestured to the surrounding supplies. "Let it never be said that a Crane was unprepared in the avenues of artistic creativity. I wanted to share my specific passion among the arts, painting, with you this day."

He hovered his hands over some of the papers he had laid out. "This paper is specially created for use with oils in particular, so take care if you touch it, as your hands can upset the careful balance between paper and paint."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:11 am

"Ah...no, I had forgotten in my haste to come here." Ayano's smile wavers a little, "But something to handle later."

Her eyes return to the canvas, "Do you have a subject in mind to paint?" She looks out into the gardens, "An attempt to capture the beauty of the Emperor's gardens may haps?" Then she turns back to him. "...specially treated paper?"
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:21 am

"Ah, something to address later then, yes." Hadananzi's smile is warm and inviting as he gestures once again. "Yes, specially treated paper, something to which paint adheres more readily."

He motioned for Ayano to sit beside the array of brushes and paints. "Perhaps you shall, perhaps not. I want you to paint what you feel you should paint, to get lost in the moment of creation and free your mind." He tapped his finger lightly on one sheet of paper. "I'll be painting a depiction of the Lady Doji from memory myself, but you should feel free to choose your own subject."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:18 am

"I see..." Ayano thinks on this for a moment, "I think I have a subject in mind." She smiles to herself for a second, then shakes her head. Her eyes go over to the various brushes and paints. "Where...does one even begin." Gingerly she picks up a paint brush. Her attention now turning back to the Crane.
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:07 pm

"Each brush has a different shape to it, but it is entirely possible to paint an entire scene with just one. Generally speaking, the larger brushes are for large, broad strokes while the smaller ones are for finer details."

Hadananzi selected his own brush with a warm smile. "Typically one starts at the beginning, but what that means is up to the individual artist. Ask three people the same question and you'll get three different answers. Just let the brush guide your hand and you should be just fine."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:13 pm

"I...suppose it best to create the painting in layers? Like a building?" Ayano offers, relating existing knowledge to the process of painting... "The foundation? Or I guess background?" She sets down the brush picked up earlier and selects a larger one, "If I am just doing that, it seems silly to use a small brush."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:30 pm

"A good way to look at it, there are often many different layers to a given painting. Each stroke of the brush adds to the greater whole, creating harmony and majesty." Hadananzi dipped his own brush in some paint and began to confidently sweep it across the paper in broad, bold strokes. "Just let yourself get lost in the moment of creation."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:03 am

Ayano watches the Crane work, then tries her own hand. Before long she found herself lost in the process. She picked up the brushes that seemed natural and the colors that felt right. She turned her eyes to the Crane's own work, fewer and fewer times, until her entire concentration was on the canvas. Maybe it was the Lioness's natural perception and tendency to deliberation...but whatever it was, Ayano had set out to paint a person and she did an amazingly good job for a person who had not painted before.

Setting the brush down she turned to smile at Hadananzi, clearly pleased with her attempt. That pleasure soon turned to embarrassment. The subject of her painting, conjured up from her mind, was recognizable.

Artisan: Painting/AWA. Untrained. Fluff roll: 3d10 24 - Uhh...OK

One well done amateur painting of Doji Misaki produced.
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:45 am

Hadananzi was lost within his own work for a time, painting almost as if in a trance. Each sweep of the brush was more confident and ferocious than the last. The world seemed to disappear around him, until all that existed was him, the paints, and the canvas.


When he was finished, Hadananzi set his brushes down reverently and regarded the picture he'd painted. He remained that way, staring in silence for a time, before he came to his senses and remembered Ayano was present. When he turned to regard her work, he smiled curiously. "Ah, a fine piece for your first attempt, and from memory as well. You have the makings of a great artisan, Makime-san." Then the smile turned wry. "Is that Misaki-san? What made you favor her for your portrait I wonder?"
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:11 am

Ayano looked at her painting and closed her eyes, then let out a sigh, "I suppose Doji Misaki-san had just left a strong impression." She shifts her attention to the Crane's painting. "But my own efforts are meager compare to yours, it is as if the Kami herself were present." Her attempt at shifting the topic was plain. Ayano silently chastised herself, she had not expected to make anything worth discussing even...
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:44 am

"Yes, a fine painting indeed." Hadananzi turned to his work, that curious expression on his features again. It passed quickly, though, and a moment later he was sitting beside Ayano, inspecting her work more thoroughly. "But let's not overshadow what you've done here today. For a first work this is remarkable, truly remarkable. I dare say you'd do well if you turned your mind to art completely, Makime-san."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:01 am

Ayano's cheeks reddened a little at that, her eyes now firmly on the painting. "I just followed what felt right after observing your own work." She smiled lightly, it was a pretty good rendition. Perhaps she could make a gift of it to the painting's subject.

"It just flowed naturally from there. I have always had a memory and an eye for details."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:09 am

"They serve you well, I can see the technicality of each brush stroke, almost feel the intent behind each motion. This would make s fine gift." Hadananzi didn't seem to call attention to Ayano's blush, though he clearly noticed it judging by his smile. "Lady Doji herself would be proud to see such a rendition."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:13 am

"I am sure such an austere figure would find little use in such a work, not when Lady Doji has the pick of the best her followers can offer." Ayano said eyes still on her painting. She was still caught off guard on how well her first attempt had been. "...I should probably arrange for this painting to find its way to the subject. I hardly asked her permission before painting it." Her eyes settled on the ground in front of her.
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:19 am

"The Lady Doji values all art, not just that which the masters produce. You have created value today, do not seek to diminish it so." As she looked down, Hadananzi placed a hand on Ayano's shoulder comfirtingly. "We most certainly can arrange to have this work reach its subject. I'm sure she will be pleased, permission notwithstanding."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:39 am

Ayano froze at the touch, contrary to its intent it only matter her more nervous. "I...would like to see it get to Doji-san."

She looks uncertain, "My apologies, it was not my intent to mock my own work...indeed I am stunned at how well I did. It makes the truth of this being my first attempt seem a lie."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Hadananzi » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:17 am

Hadananzi gave a light squeeze before slowly moving his hand away. "In that case, I think you should deliver it to her yourself, to show that you are proud of the work you created."

He glanced at his own work for a moment. "The truth is not always so simple. Some artists feel they peaked with one work and struggle to regain that glory they felt the first time they plied their craft. Be proud of your accomplishment, Makime-san."
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Re: D5, EM, Happy Little Accidents, Open

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:29 am

"Thank you Nanzi-sama," Ayano smiled a bit more warmly, though her eyes were a little unfocused. Her mind elsewhere for a moment.

"Oh...ah, forgive my impertinence but are those words from experience?" Her tone conveyed some measure of sympathy.
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