Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

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Chai Kotsume
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Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Chai Kotsume » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:24 pm

In the morning, old man Jiyo Sora and the River girls Akodo Kawauso and Chai Kotsume - who some will know by now are twins - are outside in the gardens atop the frozen pond with a variety of equipment and Kotsume's trusty otters, hopefully among a growing crowd assembling to observe a demonstration of ice-fishing techniques, followed by a competition in which participants may try their hand at different traditional techniques - or try something different and entirely new.
Ice Fishing - Player event

Participants to this event may join as Competitors - who will try their hand at ice fishing and compete for the prize - or as Observers, who are free to talk to others and make remarks on demonstration and on the competitors' performance.

This event will have 3 steps for participants, two of which are the same for everyone and one which will depend on the approach they decide to take.

Step 1. "Cold hands, warm heart" - Make an Earth roll at TN 10 to keep your focus in the chilly outdoors. (This TN may be increased to 15 if the weather is particularly cold in the day the event is held). If you fail, you get -5 to your "Get some" (Step 3) roll. If your result is lower than 5, you may decide to just give up on this slow process and head indoors for a warm drink and blanket. If you decide to go and brave the chill, you get a penalty of -13 to your "Get some" (Step 2) roll as you feel the cold biting your skin. You may decide to brave the weather with lighter clothes for greater freedom of movement by calling raises to the Earth roll. For each 2 Raises called, you gain 1 Free Raise that can be used in any of the next rolls (Step 2 or 3) if you succeed. If you fail, however, you suffer an additional penalty of -5 to all your other rolls for the event (i.e. -5 to "Breaking the Ice", Step 2, and -10, or -15 if you roll 5 or lower to "Get some", Step 3) as you get chilled to the bones.

Step 2. "Breaking the Ice" - Roll Craft: Fishing/ Perception at TN 15 to size up the ice for a good place to cut a hole and approach it most successfully. If you pass, you gain a Free Raise to your "Get some" roll. Each 2 Raises called in this roll grant 1 extra Free Raise to your "Get some" roll.

Step 3. "Get some" - Choose one of the following approaches:
  • Spearfishing - Roll Athletics/ Agility at TN 20. Success grants 2 Fish points and each Raise on this roll grants 1 additional Fish point.
  • Fishing with a rod - Roll Craft: Fishing/ Willpower at TN 10, or Hunting/ Willpower at TN 15. Success grants 1 Fish point, and each Raise on this roll grants 1 additional Fish point.
  • Fishing with a net - Roll Craft: Fishing/ Perception at TN 15, or Hunting/ Willpower at TN 20. Success grants 3 FIsh points, and each 2 Raises on this roll grant 1 additional Fish point.
  • Otter fishing - Roll Animal Handling/ Awareness at TN 20. Success grants 2 Fish points. Each Raise on this roll grants 1 additional Fish point. If you succeed on this roll with 2 or more Raises, you gain 1 additional Fish point. This assumes you'll offer part of your catch to the otters, as is usual. If you choose *not* to do so, you gain 1 additional Fish point - but this will definitely be frowned upon by at least part of the organisers!
  • Building a gizmo - Describe the odd method you're proposing, then roll Engineering/ Intelligence against a TN of 20. Success grants 1d4-1 Fish points. Each raise on this roll grants an additional 1d4-1 Fish points. Let's see how well this thing works!
Winner and rewards

The winner of the event will be the Participant with more Fish Points, and will receive a carved wooden fish-shaped plaque carved by Akodo Kawauso herself. The plaque shows the name and year of the event ("Ice fishing challenge at the Imperial Capital, Year 20 of Shiba's reign"), as well as name and clan of the Winner.

Depending on how things go - and assuming the winner doesn't mistreat otters - there may be a small influence reward ;)
EDIT: Changed "Raises called to" to "Raises on" rolls, as the raises from earlier parts are supposed to help!

EDIT 2: To avoid cluttering things, I"ve set up an Observation and discussion thread for ongoing conversations in the event. ;)
Last edited by Chai Kotsume on Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Otomo Gusai
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Otomo Gusai » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:34 pm

Gusai steps forward, a (borrowed) spear in hand. The cold does not seem to affect him at all; his kimono is fairly open, in fact, as he takes the butt end of the spear and rapidly pounds upon the ice, opening a hole in it. His single eye stares intently at the water for a while before he slowly lifts the spear, points it downward--and thrusts!

Several small fish flop on the point when he pulls back up, and he, grinning, tosses them to the otters

Step 1: TN 10, passed at 31,; should've Raised, but didn't.
Step 2: TN 15, passed at 18,; Free Raise on Step 3
Step 3: TN 20, passed at 20,; 3 Fish Points
Otomo Gusai
Experienced * Stag Clan * Admiral * Missing Eye * Discoverer of New Lands
Status 4.0* Glory 3.0 * Honor Untrustworthy

Current Influence: 0
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Jiyo Sora
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:42 pm

While it was poor form to compete in your own event, doing a demo was an entirely different matter.

Sora was... dressed like most would for a brisk fall day, rather than midwinter. And appeared entirely comfortable, a youth spent in the Spine of the World having toughened him more than a little. His three children, on the other hand, were bundled up so much they were hardly recognizable, even with the puppy each one had snugged up in their clothes.

As a local, he knew where to go, even if he didn't head for the best spots- he wanted to leave those for actual contestants.

He opted for a net- mostly with an eye toward feeding himself, three kids, a pregnant wife, and three increasingly ravenous puppies.

But it seemed fish was not to be on the menu.

"Uh, Dad... aren't you supposed to, you know... catch fish when you fish?"

"Aw, Phi..."

"Not like any of you little twerps has gone hungry a day in your life!"

"He's got a point..."
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

Current Theme
Current Influence: All gone!

Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.3 Honor: 2.8

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Chai Kotsume » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:46 pm

As the crowd gathers, and after getting fishing nets, fishing rods, bait, spears and a variety of other equipment settled in the part of the pond where the demonstrations and the competition are to take place, Kotsume places her basket down, whistles to Uen, Saen and little Chuuen - who was happily running around and sliding through the snow - to gather the three of them, then shepherds them with some kind words and pats to their back so they keep all three close to her.

Getting up, she looks and nods at Sora and Kawauso, then sets off walking around the pond followed by the otters. After some time, she finds a spot in the ice that seems good enough and, using the spear on her back, she cuts through it enough to make a decent opening.

When the whole is wide enough, she whistles to call the otters again, then, holding a net, she sends Uen and Saen inside with a tap to their behinds. After some time and encouraging, she sends Chuuen in as well. After a while and some communication with them through yells and whistles, she casts the net on the hole. Some more time passes, then she finally helps the animals up again and, after a while, pulls the net, which comes with a decent catch. Smiling, she tosses one fish to each of the adult otters, which they readily share with the cub.

As she comes back, Kotsume will be glad to introduce other participants to the Otters and let them enlist them help in catching the fish if they want to, providing tips here and there to help those who decide to go with otter fishing.

Demonstration rolls - Kotsume is not actually competing :)

Cold hands, warm heart D4 EM - Ice-fishing demonstration. Earth TN 10: 3d10o10k3 24 - Passed without raises, so no penalty.

Breaking the ice D4 EM - Ice-fishing demonstration. Breaking the Ice. Craft: Fishing/ Per TN 15 (assuming Blessing of Ebisu doesn't count): 5d10o10k3 17 - Passed, gains 1 Raise to "Get some" roll.

Get some - Otter fishing D4 EM - Ice-fishing demonstration. Otter fishing. 1 Raise called, TN 25. 1 FR from "Breaking the Ice", so total 2 Raises: 9d10o10k4 33 - Succeeded with 2 Raises.

Would have 2 Fish points for succeeding, plus 2 for 2 raises, plus 1 for succeeding with 2 or more raises. She gives some of the fish to the otters, so total 5 Fish points ;)
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Togashi Satsuki » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:24 pm

Why had she agreed to do this in the early morning?

It was too cold. Too early. Also fishing? She had never really fished herself. The waters of Great Falls were too intense for most fish, and being responsible for food had never been her thing.

"Ok... I suppose I'll try to catch some for you, Hsieh-Hsieh," she remarked to the old fox. Satsuki didn't really like to hurt animals, but she understood that this is what many people ate, and many animals too.

No success.

It was a cold and wet experience for the little dragon. "C-c-c-colder than Ko's waterbucket..." her teeth clattered as she stepped away from the fishing to warm herself up by putting on her cloak, and breathing on her hands. Brief hints of flame could be seen in her breath.


D4 EM. Ice Fishing. Part 1: Raw Stamina roll. TN 10: 2d10o10 7

D4 EM. Ice Fishing. Part 2: Untrained Craft: Fishing/Perception. TN 15: 2d10 6

D4 EM. Ice Fishing. Part 3: Athletics/Agility. TN 20: 5d10o10k4 16
Dragon • Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 3.0 🐉 Glory: 2.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver (on occassion), scrolls, jade bracelet, Guqin (on occassion).

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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Canary » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:44 pm

[GM Note: The Imperial Consort is in attendance.]
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Experienced 2

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste, and see."

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Doji Misaki
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Doji Misaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:01 am

Misaki was not here for fish. Misaki was not here to show off. Misaki was not here because she knew a ton about fishing, though she did know a bit. She was here for testing! Inspired by Hsieh-Hsieh and the otters, she had thought up the concept of a moving fishing lure with a tail.


So it was that she'd designed a shiny lure with different colored floof on the tail to catch the light. The biggest innovation was that not the different materials not only caught the light in different ways, she had designed them as such that the expansion and contraction of the materials at different rates in the cool water was enough to make the tail "wiggle", thanks to the way water quickly moved heat about.

She was warm enough, and knew enough to at least pick a decent spot to fish, so it was all up to her testing. Which proved quite fruitful indeed. By the end, she'd caught and released quite a lot of fish and was happy with her results.


"Cold Hands, Warm Heart" - Passed with no raises 14

"Breakin' the Ice" - Pass with no raises 26

"Get Some (building a gizmo)" - Pass with 2 raises 49

Gizmo Roll (2 raises + free raise from Breakin' the Ice) - 9 Fish Points
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
Glory: 2 | Status: 1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question
Often carrying: plain but immaculately kept priestess' clothes
In the Wilderness: walking staff, yumi and arrows

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Bayushi Sasori
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:54 pm

Sasori was able to manage the cold of this morning. She watched how the fishes were moving to lead the way. She talked to the two otters. "Little friends if you help me with this you can have some tasty fishies." She smiles at the Otters. "Over there is a school nya." The little Otters brought 4 fishies for them to nom on.
//D4 EM Cold hands warm hearts Earth TN 10: 2d10o10k2 14

D4 EM Breaking the ice Craft fishing Per TN 15: 4d10k4 26

D4 EM Get some Otter fishing Animal Handling 1VP +1k1 1FR +1CR for extra points TN 25: 5d10o10k4 27 5 FP

5 points and 2 happy otters
Last edited by Bayushi Sasori on Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
☆Scorpion ☆Courtier ☆Dangerous Beauty ☆Bland ☆Silent ☆Fan girl
Carries: fan, cat mask, warfan
Followed by: Shino (black cat)
Status: 2 Glory:2 Honor: Untrustworthy

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Jiyo Ayumu
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Jiyo Ayumu » Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:48 pm

Appropriately dressed for the cold, Ayumu quietly joined the other fishcatchers, meticulously cut a hole in the ice, peacefully set up his fishing rod, and serenely caught nothing.


D4EM | Ice Fishing | Cold hands, warm heart | Earth TN10 | No raise: 3d10o10k3 11 -> Pass
D4EM | Ice Fishing | Breaking the Ice | Craft: Fishing/ Perception TN15 | Unskilled: 3d10 27 -> Pass, 1 Free Raise on next roll
D4EM | Ice Fishing | Fishing with a rod | Hunting/Willpower TN 15 | 1 FR, 3CR (TN30) | VP for +1k1 | Tawagoto's Army: 5d10o10k4+4 22 -> Fail, 0 Fish Point
Imperial • Bushi • Isawa Tribe • Experienced
Status: Low – Glory: Unknown – Honor: What Is Expected

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Akodo Moshi
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Akodo Moshi » Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:31 pm

D4 EM: Earth Ring roll, TN 10: 2d10o10k2 10
D4 EM: Breaking the Ice, Base TN 15, Craft: Fishing/Perception: 3d10o10k3 10
D4 EM: Fish with a net, Craft:Fishing/Perception, TN 15, void point for skill: 4d10o10k3 20

Akodo Moshi casually fishes along with everyone else. After all, fish are a staple food for these parts of Rokugan.
Honor: What is expected Status: 1.0 Glory: 3
Lion Clan *Shugenja * Blessed by Air *Sage *Great Expectations *Humbled
Current influence: 1

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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Wh'rr'kk » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:16 pm

Cold Hands Warm Heart TN 10 Earth: 2d10o10k2 22
Breaking the Ice Fishing/perception TN 15, Name: 3d10o10k2 16
Spear Fishing TN 20: 7d10o10k4 43
(Three Fish Points)

"Why we use spear, I usually just fish with teeth" He shakes his head but humors his hosts showing that he is able to at least make a decent showing at the sport.

Nezumi * Rememberer * Kwa-Thch * Tch'Tch
Niche: 3.5

Wears: Haori,Courtier's Cap, Tail Netsuke

Pouch: Wet Tooth Rock, Divination Sticks, Flint & Steel, Flask of Oil, Go Set, Sake Cup & Chopsticks, Several Sticks
Bedroll: Imperial Gift, Blanket, Hankyu & Quiver

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Wu Zhe
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Wu Zhe » Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:59 pm

Well now this would be interesting! Not only would he relax after his part of the brunch was done, but he could get some fresh fish for Takurou!

Zhe moved along with the other contestants, not bothered by the cold. On the contrary it seemed raise his spirits!

"Cold hands, warm heart" void, one cr, 1 fr from wu, TN 15: 4d10o10k4 25 1 FR

But alas he wasn't sure he had found as good spot since he was unfamiliar with the region.

Breaking the ice, unskilled tn 15: 3d10k3 14

OOOOOOH! He almost had it!

Otter fishing void, 2 CR, 1 FR, TN: 6d10o10k4 29

Oh well...he gave a few scratches to the otters as thanks and rewarded them with an apple. He might have lost but that was his fault alone.
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed
Honor: What is expected, Infamy: 1, Status: 4

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Chai Kotsume » Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:30 pm

All tabled so far - quite happy to see all methods tried :D There's still time if any others wanna give it a go!)
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Chai Kotsume » Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:29 pm

(I'll be afk for a while but will post results, prizes and some RP related to it when back! Thanks to those who participated! :D )
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Chai Kotsume » Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:14 am

Still waiting to talk to the other organisers about possible Influence rewards, but for now

Final standings!

1st place and official Winner of the 'Ice fishing challenge at the Imperial Capital, Year 20 of Shiba's reign': Doji Misaki, who landed a huge catch with her moving coloured fish lure with a wiggling tail, at 9 Fish points!
Doji Misaki will be granted a carved wooden fish-shaped plaque carved by Akodo Kawauso herself, featuring her name and clan and the year of the event. Kotsume was a bit cranky and unsure about this very untraditional method... but seeing its efficacy (and the cuteness of the tail wiggling in the water), she'll warm up to Misaki and ask if she could explain better how it actually works. She'll also invite Misaki to a fishing trip to the river on one of the following days if she wants to. I expect Sora will also be quite interested in this innovative method!

2nd place: Bayushi Sasori, who got 5 fish points enlisting the help of Uen and Saen - who seemed quite happy (and well fed!) after working with her!
Kotsume will be radiant about that, and will congratulate Sasori and invite her as well to go fishing with her at the river one of the following days if she would want to :)

Akodo Moshi, Otomo Gusai and Wh'rr'kk also got decent catches, the first using a net, the other two with spears. Kotsume and the other organisers will thank them and the others (who sadly got nothing...) heartily for their participation, and remember all that their catch today will be offered to the cooks at the palace and will serve to prepare a meal to the guests - maybe even for Shiba himself!

The Ki-rin will be around for a while longer, and she (and maybe the other organisers too!) will be happy to talk more about fishing with any who may be interested!
Last edited by Chai Kotsume on Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Chai Kotsume » Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:29 am

After long and careful consideration among the organisers, Doji Misaki's astounding success with her wiggling bait is also rewarded with 1 Influence Point!.
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Doji Misaki
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Doji Misaki » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:02 pm

Chai Kotsume wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:29 am
After long and careful consideration among the organisers, Doji Misaki's astounding success with her wiggling bait is also rewarded with 1 Influence Point!.
*wiggles her bait in thanks*
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
Glory: 2 | Status: 1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question
Often carrying: plain but immaculately kept priestess' clothes
In the Wilderness: walking staff, yumi and arrows

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:29 pm

Doji Misaki wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:02 pm
Chai Kotsume wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:29 am
After long and careful consideration among the organisers, Doji Misaki's astounding success with her wiggling bait is also rewarded with 1 Influence Point!.
*wiggles her bait in thanks*
Now, about that bait design... we'd like a copy of the schematics. We're gonna make a really BIG one and use it to go fishing for Orochi in the summer...
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

Current Theme
Current Influence: All gone!

Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.3 Honor: 2.8

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Doji Misaki
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Doji Misaki » Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:53 am

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:29 pm
Now, about that bait design... we'd like a copy of the schematics. We're gonna make a really BIG one and use it to go fishing for Orochi in the summer...
Do Orochi go for wiggling shiny things?

Or are we talking about Misaki's wiggling bait?

Because she'd show how the Silver Fox works, but would need some convincing to give a coppy of her posterior.
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
Glory: 2 | Status: 1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question
Often carrying: plain but immaculately kept priestess' clothes
In the Wilderness: walking staff, yumi and arrows

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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: Ice Fishing - Player event (D4, EM)

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:41 am

Gosh darn it, I can't believe I forgot to do Kawauso's exhibition post. Had the rolls done and just forgot it in drafts. Consider this a bonus gift for our attendees--even the hosts aren't perfect!
Cold Hands? freezing, in fact! Gets an anti-FR (+5)
Break the ice: easy peasy. +FR.
Get some: yes! 4 fish points, in exhibition only.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
Status: 2.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 2.3
Carries, in respectable places: rustic tunic and pants, daisho. Outdoors, adds: worn but well maintained woolen cloak and big damn spear.

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