Lion/Makime Battle Event

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Makime Ayano
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Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Makime Ayano » Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:01 pm

To avoid confusion with the Snowball War, and since a lot of others have posted their event stuff already, here is Ayano(and any Lion that wants to support her with it)'s event.
The Makime family has developed a codified training method to teach planning to their students. Key to those have been complicated thought exercises to make the student deal with the growing rigors of war. These exercises have proven successful enough that Lady Makime and her closest advisors routinely develop new scenarios for her clan mates.

Laid out is table covered with fictitious maps and little figurines. Several servants stand ready to help organize however one feels best. A little note is neatly folded like a tent on the table:

As tensions rise your lord has grown tired of posturing and demands you deliver a clear message to their foe. You have maps of the land you will cross and ultimately fight on, you have basic information what to expect from your enemy. Develop a plan and then see it through to victory.

Step 1: The Plan

A pile of information lays at your fingertips, some of it clear and some of it not. Sift through the mess and form a plan to deliver to the proctors. Several of the servants seem ready to answer questions...if you know how to ask.

You will roll a Battle/Intelligence at TN30 for 1 Planning Point, +1 Planning Point per raise.

You may enhance this Battle roll by choosing up to two of the following skill rolls. These rolls must be different and the second has a +5TN penalty (this does not count as a raise). Success on these rolls adds 1 free raise to the Battle roll. You may again an additional raise to the Battle per 2 raises on the secondary skill.

Opinions vary on the righteousness of your cause, if you could convince bystanders to at the very least stay out of it...or maybe even provide some assistance surely your plan will succeed.
Roll Courtier/Awarness at TN25

Moving large numbers of warriors is no easy feat. You will need to keep them fed and supplied as they march to victory.
Roll Commerce/Intelligence at TN25

You can’t shake this feeling that you are missing something obvious. Perhaps you should go over what information you have with a finer eye.
Roll Investigation/Perception at TN25

It’s all too much. The servants are constantly bombarding you with information to quickly to process. The maps and reports piled up are confusing. You need to step back and center yourself.
Roll Meditation/Willpower at TN25

Step 2: Complications

Having delivered your plan you now have to carry it through. The servants set up a map and begin to follow your instructions...but already there are problems. Seems not everything was as it seemed.

You must choose one of the following. You may do up to all of the following. Each roll here will grant a Planning Point. Raises for additional Planning Points have a differing requirement per skill. A failure subtracts 1 Planning Point per raise. The outcome of these rolls have an additional effect in Step 3.

A representative of your Lord arrives. You will have to tread carefully less your undermine your own plan in the eyes of your Lord.
Roll Etiquette/Awareness at TN15, for every 3 raises you may gain an additional Planning Point

One of the servants playing the role of a subordinate has been bothering you constantly. It seems they do not understand your plan no matter how many times you explain it…
Roll Sincerity/Willpower at TN20, for every 2 raises you gain an additional Planning Point

Looks like some unexpected obstacles have appeared. You need to devise a means of bypassing them quickly and with minimal loss.
Roll Engineering/Intelligence at TN20, for every 2 raises you gain an additional Planning Point

Something...something is off. The more you look at the plan the more you grow certain there is a problem in your original concept.
Roll Battle/Perception at TN30, for every 1 raise you gain an additional Planning Point

Step 3: The Decisive Battle

Your plan has varying degrees, but now the table is cleared and a new one set up in its place. You find yourself looking over an impromptu battlefield. The enemy has gambled on one final battle, defeat them on the field and claim absolute victory!

Roll a Battle/Perception vs TN40. Success gives 2 Planning Points plus 1 Planning Point per raise.

If you succeeded on 2 or more complication rolls from Step 2 lower the Battle roll’s TN to 35

If you succeeded on all 4 complication rolls from Step 2 lower the Battle roll’s TN to 30

Leadership provides a Free Raise on the Battle Roll.
Tactician provides a Free Raise on the Battle Roll.
Having finished you leave the field to let the servants reset the board.

Tally your Planning Points!

The highest receives Makime Ayano’s personal copy of Leadership... it has been heavily annotated with notes from her conversations with the Makime Damiyo and Lord Akodo.

Makime Ayano will be impressed...for whatever that may be worth.
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
Status: 4.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Chai Kotsume » Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:00 pm

I'd like to make Kotsu participate - only to make her suffer. She'll be SO BAD at this! I'm looking at these TNs and going "riiiiight!" :lol:

It might make sense for big sis to drag her around for this, maybe. Or she could just go ahead and think "ok, I was never very good at this, let me try" and get out worse than she started XD
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Makime Ayano
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:04 pm

I might have set them a bit too high. They were based off what Ayano could reasonably hit, at least the battle parts.

But really all one gets out of it is a deeply personal object of Ayano's.
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
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Chai Kotsume
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Chai Kotsume » Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:43 pm

Makime Ayano wrote:
Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:04 pm
I might have set them a bit too high. They were based off what Ayano could reasonably hit, at least the battle parts.

But really all one gets out of it is a deeply personal object of Ayano's.
Oh, I never expected to be one of the best contestants. I'm just giggling thinking of Kotsume really frustrated! :D
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Otomo Gusai
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Otomo Gusai » Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:46 pm

When is this?
Otomo Gusai
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Makime Ayano
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:13 pm

Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
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Otomo Gusai
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Otomo Gusai » Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:16 am


I missed a lot, it seems.
Otomo Gusai
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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Doji Hikaru » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:33 pm

It might be an in-character thing, as Ayano is like "Wait, you mean not everyone knows this stuff?" But I expect to hit maybe 2 of these, and not any of the important ones.
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Makime Ayano
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Re: Lion/Makime Battle Event

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:22 pm

Every roll nets some points. And I tried to spread them off.

The Battle portion is probably the roughest. :oops:

It is a humourous idea though. "I mean this is the basic one..."
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
Status: 4.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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