The Great Snowball War

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Makime Ayano
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The Great Snowball War

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:43 pm

Not really a full on influence event (Ayano would be mortified to host this!) but a bit of odd fun for an open day. Preferably the morning sometime.

And now with Birb approval!
The morning rises on another day...and with it a strange and ominous sight. Throughout the beautiful gardens rest a series of snow berns, surrounding two large snow piles. Atop the great snow mounds rests a flag each. More alarmingly all who enter that no man’s land find themself ruthlessly pelted by a hail of snowballs!

A snowfight had begun! A snowball fight to end all snowball fights!


Part 1) The Build Up

A snowball war is not a simple matter. Rarely does one begin with a surge of white powdery violence. No such things begin with ESCALATION. In our case one errant gardener had been struck by one too many child thrown snowballs and retaliation had been inevitable.

You may roll one of the following:

SKIRMISH!: So a person of direct violence.... While others argue and play with snow sculptures, you bring the fight directly to the enemy! Choose a Weapon skill/Corresponding Trait, Atheletics/STR, Battle/Perception, or Defense/Reflexes vs TN15. You gain 1 Snowball point for success and 1 per raise

BUILD!: Let others fight and freeze, you understand the importance of a well fortified position! Or at least a pretty one. Choose Engineering/Intelligence or a Craft/AWA vs TN 15. You gain 1 Snowball point for success and 1 per raise

INSPIRE!: Call the troops to victory! Let them feel the glory of the cause through bombastic speeches, rousing song, ...interpative dance?! Choose one Perform/AWA or Perform/AGI or Courtier/AWA vs TN15. You gain 1 Snowball point for success and 1 per raise.

TREACHERY!: Hey...I mean sometimes you just want to win. Its not your fault they didn’t see it coming. Choose Stealth/AGI or Sincerty (Deceit)/AWA vs TN15. You gain 1 Snowball point for success and 1 per raise

Part 2) The Battle

The battle rages in full swing now, the time for escalation is over and all is committed to VICTORY. The gardeners rally around their beloved Banner of the Spade and Rake, the children press hard to overrun them!

Choose a side: The Gardners or The Children


You may roll a Defenses/REF, Jiujutsu/STR, or Etiquette/AWA(to shame the opponent) vs TN20. You gain 1 DEFEND! Point for success and each raise grants either a Snowball Point or a DEFEND! Point (your choice, must be declared in roll)


You may roll Jiutjutsu/STR, Stealth/AGI, or Courtier/AWA vs TN20. You gain 1 ATTACK! Point for success and each raise grants either a Snowball Point or an ATTACK! Point

Part 3) The Aftermath

The battle was long and arduous, many were forced inside to cower around braizers and sip hot drinks. Doomed to murmur the horrors they had witnessed to any who would hear. But for a happy few the day was won! And now...this had to be cleaned up before the Consort or Lord Shiba wander into the gardens!

After tallying the ATTACK! Vs DEFEND! Points a side will be declared the winner and their supporters get bragging rights!

Now everyone must unite or we are all in hot water!

You may choose one of the following:

War? What War! Their hasn’t been any war! - Courtier/AWA vs TN20 to smooth this over and distract while your comrades work. Success grants a snowball point and 1 additional point per raise. YOU MAY NOT CHOOSE THIS IF YOU HAVE CAN’T LIE

I mean yes there was a war, but we are very sorry now. - Etiquette/AWA vs TN20 to try to calm a few angry officials down. No conventions were violated….well none were written either. Success grants a snowball point and 1 additional point per raise.

Heave Ho! - Raw Strength vs TN15 to get the snow shoveled and the paths cleared. Success grants a snowball point and 1 additional point per raise. Shovel young one, shovel for your life depends on it!

We can rebuild it, probably… - Engineering/INT vs TN20 to fix damage to some of the garden structures. Maybe even improve them...or at least keep them up until blame can be shifted!

And I am out….bye! - Stealth/AGI vs TN20 to just get the heck out of here! Let someone else pick up the mess (you craven coward!). Success grants a snowball point and 1 additional point per raise.

And now at the end...tally your snowball points!

The Highest Wins a children’s game! And can probably start calling themselves the ‘Marshal of Winter’ or some other suitable title.
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
Status: 4.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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Chai Kotsume
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Re: The Great Snowball War

Post by Chai Kotsume » Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:08 pm

I love this and Kotsume will most definitely participate unless she absolutely cannot XD
Ki-Rin * Bushi * Trusting * Riverside Patrol/ Yoriki?
: 1 * Honour: What is expected * Glory: 2

Animal trainer * Otter fisher * River peoples represent!
Often with: Saen (Dark brown otter), Uen (Light brown otter), Chuuen (Walnut-coloured otter cub), Ryuusui (Pony)
Carries: Nage-yari or Tonfa (if allowed), travelling clothes or kimono-like gi, basket with otters, food for critters.
Battle-ready: Above plus Yari, Light Armour.

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: The Great Snowball War

Post by Togashi Satsuki » Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:21 pm

I will be there or be squared!
Dragon • Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 3.0 🐉 Glory: 2.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver (on occassion), scrolls, jade bracelet, Guqin (on occassion).

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: The Great Snowball War

Post by Jiyo Sora » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:54 am

I am IN :mrgreen:
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

Current Theme
Current Influence: All gone!

Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.3 Honor: 2.8

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Hantei Kinsen
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Re: The Great Snowball War

Post by Hantei Kinsen » Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:15 am

Count Kinsen in for major impact!
Stag • Mom • Bushi • Fierce • Blessed • Rawr • Ouch • Nails • Golden • Hearts • Yuki-onna
DescriptionTheme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0

Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0

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Jiyo Ayumu
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Re: The Great Snowball War

Post by Jiyo Ayumu » Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:02 am

Damn, this event raises the bar high for all the other ones.
Imperial • Bushi • Isawa Tribe • Experienced
Status: Low – Glory: Unknown – Honor: What Is Expected

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