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Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:10 pm
by Doji Dojihime
Really writing down the ramblings of an old man was not terribly difficult or even hard to decipher. She watched as others struggled. But ultimately in the end when she had finished she had not written down the words as written but more just a critical analysis of the lack of style in Shinsei which was thrilling but sadly not exactly theological.

Or whatever this exercise was.

She blamed the stupid big hat.

OOC: 1 points total.

Recording the Tao Intelligence + Theology + Void TN 20: 4d10 24 1 Point.

Recording the Tao Meditation TN 25: 3d10 12 - Failed

Recording the Tao Calligraphy + Void TN 20: 7d10o10k4 24 Failed, I thought it was TN 20.

Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:50 am
by Akodo Moshi
D5 EA: What did that even mean, void point, 2 raises, TN 30: 5d10o10k4 51
D5 EA: Take a deep breath, 1 raise, void point, TN 30: 7d10o10k4 27
D5 EA: Make It Pretty, 2 raises, Void point, TN 35: 5d10o10k4 27

Akodo Moshi seems to have a solid idea of what is being talked about, it's just impossible to get it on the page. She constantly notices her own biases and crosses them out, but this leads to a constant streak of ink blobs that would be impossible to read unless put under candlelight. Hopefully no one is crazy enough to do that . . .

Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:58 pm
by Doji Tsubaki
Tsubaki had no great love for the so called Little Teacher but that was all the more reason that it was vital that Crane assisted in capturing his words. It was apparent Shinsei would be influential and thus it would serve the clan to know how he thought and how his words and teachings might be used in their favor... or by their enemies.

Though none of it, other than drafting the words, is her forte she manages to follow along adequately.

(Unskilled Theology, VP for +1k1, TN20 = 20 - accidentally rolled exploding but treated explosion as 10 as per GMs - 1 Point

Unskilled Meditation, VP for +1k1, TN25 = 27 - 1 Point

Calligraphy/Intelligence, VP for +1k1, TN25 = 47 - 1 Point

3 Points total, 2 Influence for completing the event)

Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:25 pm
by Kakita
Kakita heard some of the conversation between the two while standing near Rei, but seemed to not put much thought into what it all meant. The things Shinsei was saying made more sense when it came out of a kenku’s beak to him.


D5 Kakita likes The Tao Theology VP TN 20: 3d10 18

Failed Step 1.

Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:39 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kotsume's ideas about 'religion' were more akin to 'it's important to try to understand the spirits of nature and have a good relationship to them'. Still, as she heard the conversation between the emperor and the little teacher, she felt there was much in there that helped her... understand.

Understand the spirits, nature, the elements, and how it all connected. Understand herself.

She knew then she had much more she did not understand, and much to the surprise of one who was always so focused on practical matters, she was elated. She tried to think of how that might help her do what she had been doing, help her be. She had to talk to Kawauso about this. And her mom! She would be so interested in all of this!

... or would she think it took away from proper focus on the spirits? She was uncertain... but she had to tell her!

Of course as she thought about all that, she ended up placing much of her own ideas on the text she had been writing, and it ended up rather unfocused in many parts. And... well, her calligraphy was not fantastic at the best of times. While trying to follow the ideas discussed and the discussion on her own head, of course it suffered even more.

It seemed like the River Tribes' version of the Tao would not find much traction, sadly. But a certain river girl got suddenly quite interested in Shinsei's ideas!

D5 EA - Recording the Tao - Wait, what did that even mean. Theology?/ Int? VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's, unskilled. TN 20: 3d10k3+4 21 - Whoo, I actually understand some of this!

D5 EA - Recording the Tao - Take a deep Breath. Void/Med TN 25, unskilled: 3d10k3 16 - Focus? What's focus?

D5 EA - Recording the Tao - Make it Pretty - Calligraphy/ Int TN 25, VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's: 3d10k3+4 18 - Wait what was that letter again?

D5 EA - Recording the Tao - Make it Pretty - Calligraphy/ Int TN 25, VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's; Luck reroll!: 3d10k3+4 20 - Ah, THAT letter! Now what was the stroke right order for it... ah, not this one :cry:

Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:55 pm
by Wh'rr'kk
Theo/Int w/ name TN 20: 7d10o10k6 32
+1 Record Point
Med/Name Tn 25 name for skill: 4d10o10k3 23
Lore Nezumi Culture/Int TN 25: 10d10o10k7 47
+1 Record point

(Birb Authorize alternate rolls)

Wh'rr'kk is in attendance, and he has brought a small Bonsai tree that he prepared earlier in the court. As sensei and the Emperor talks he diligently begins making additional cuts and gnawing on the tree, turning it into a memory stick and recording the entire conversation for future Nezumi generations.

+2 Record Points Total
+2 Influence Points
+1 Bonsai Memory Stick of the Tao

Re: [D5, EA] Recording the Tao (Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:35 pm
by Canary

Jiyo Ayumu gains 4 Influence and becomes the writer of the Tao of Shinsei.
Doji Hikaru, Makime Ayano, Ryoshun Yua, Bayushi Kogi, Wu Ko, Anjing Sagara, Doji Tsubaki, and Wh'rr'kk each gain 2 Influence.