[D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

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[D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Canary » Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:18 pm

The Wedding Reception: Gifting

With the wedding ceremony wrapped up, the guests and the happy couple have moved to the Audience Hall for the reception. Hadananzi and Ananzihime are both seated in the place of honor at the dais, greeting guests and accepting gifts. This, naturally, is the perfect opportunity for the social climbers of the new Empire to show the wealth of their Clan and the thought that they put into the gifts for the child of Doji and her husband. Give the best performance in offering the gift, and it may even draw the interest of the Emperor or his Consort. Of course, those who came to the wedding and choose not to offer any gift are viewed with a few raised eyebrows going forward.

Participants: Anyone

Time: Early Evening, Day 1

Magic: Not Allowed

Gifts are provided by the Clan at no cost, so feel free to be creative in choosing what you present.

Any player who chooses to participate may make up three rolls. The first roll is TN 20, the second is TN 25, and the third is TN 30. They may choose to roll Etiquette/Awareness, Courtier/Awareness, Sincerity/Awareness, Any Lore skill related to the gift/Intelligence, or Perform: Oratory/Awareness. Players may choose not to roll for any or all of the three rolls, choosing instead to make three simple offerings of their gift and stepping aside. There is no shame or loss of influence for choosing this route. Players who do roll successfully will gain 1 Gift point, plus 1 Gift point per successful Raise. Characters who participate in this event may also participate in the Reception during the same time slot.

Rewards and Consequences:
Each participant who makes at least 1 roll with gain 1 Influence point. The participant who earns the most Gift points will gain 3 Influence total. Any character who does not give a gift at all will lose 1 Influence point.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Experienced 2

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste, and see."

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Kakita » Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:29 pm

In the midst of the social climbers and powerful elite there was one simple samurai who approached the happy couple.

In his younger years he had seen the bride on several occasions... his old teacher's daughter was one not easily forgotten. The man too, he had seen but never really interacted with other than hearing his father speak of a new advisor to their daimyo.

Now... all these years later they were here together celebrating their union in front of the Emperor and all his followers. When Kakita had imagined this occasion he had envisioned a very different position for himself; wearing different colors and serving a different function for the couple's parents.

He bowed humbly before the couple and provided a small package in his hand.

"To the honorable daughter of Doji-no-kami and Nanzi-dono, and the noble Hadananzi. I offer this simple gift of the craftmanship from the far north of the empire." His etiquette seemed polished for a wanderer in the north... and he wondered if either of the couple would recognize him.

"I pray that you receive my humble gift that I extend. I have considered what I should pass to such at such an auspicious event and have decided to share that which I hope would be most pleasing to them who receive it." He spoke with clarity and kindness despite the polite refusals that came in return.

"I have heard of the affinity for avian life which the family of Doji-no-kami and Nanzi-dono have. The Crane themselves are a reflection of the beauty inherit in this world. In my travels in the north I came across tales of avian-men in the mountains of the Bat... an ancient and noble race known as the Kenku. My present is a necklace which was is said to be crafted by these Kenku; master artisans of crystal and steel. I hope that the purity of the crystal will continue to bless your house just as the pure rays of Lady Amaterasu have blessed this special occasion. It was truly my honor to attend as the aide of your cousin and will forever be grateful for the sight of beauty I was blessed with this day." He bowed deeply to the couple and waited a moment for their response before departing back into the mass of the reception...


D1 Gift Giving Event Etiquette/Awa Void TN 20: 6d10o10k5 41

D1 Gift Giving Event Etiquette/Awa Void TN 25: 6d10o10k5 46

D1 Gift Giving Event Etiquette/Awa Void TN 30: 6d10o10k5 42

Total: 3 gift points
Bat Clan | Mystical Sword | Daimyo | Avian-like | Kenku-trained | Demon Cutter

Status: 7.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Exceptional

- 逸材の花より挑み続け咲いた一輪が美しい-

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Jiyo Sora » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:29 pm

What does Hadananzi remind me of? There's something familiar about him but I can't place it. And whatever it is... I don't like it one fucking bit.

If he'd particularly liked Doji, Nanzi, or Hadananzi, Sora might have brought the twins with him and let them make the presentation. Among friends, the gesture would have been understood.

As it was, he only attended the wedding at all because he knew it was expected. The price he paid for being slightly Important. And he damn sure wasn't going to bring his children anywhere near Hadananzi.

So the middle-aged former Hikaru approached the couple bearing three scrolls. Kinyoubi had made them when she'd heard about the wedding, and knowing their subject matter, he'd been so, so very proud of his wife.

He bowed as was appropriate- the Crane were picky about that sort of stupid shit, and it wouldn't do to cause a scene- and offered up the writings in his wife's impeccable calligraphy.

"My apologies to the groom, if I knew his parents as well as I know the bride's, I might have tailored this a little more precisely. As it stands..."

He offered the scrolls he carried.

"Don't worry, you won't be reading any of my crude efforts at calligraphy. My wife, who keenly regrets that she cannot attend this happy event, wanted to make a contribution, and therefore it is her handiwork that I pass on. In honor of the Bride's family heritage, from her divine grandmother to her mother, and the spiritual journey her father took to win her mother's hand, I offer accounts of Tengoku as repeated to me by those who have been there. In light of my shared history with the Bride's father, I offer a copy of some of Shinsei's teachings. The third, in honor of my shared history with the Bride's mother, is an accounting of the various social customs I have observed as I have traveled the lands of the Empire."

Now why is it that my eye keeps sliding off of you, Hadananzi?

Still. He was happy with the rather barbed nature of the second and third scrolls.

[Rolls- Assuming that the Lore skills here would still be considered social rolls:

Roll 1, TN 25: 19, thanks Orokos!
Roll 2, TN 30: 40
Roll 3: TN 35: 26

Yay, 1 gift point!]
Last edited by Jiyo Sora on Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
ImperialAssassin and former Babysitter • Experienced 2 • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Probably Older Than You • Librarian • Literally Went to Hell One Time

Current Theme
Current Influence: All gone!

Wears: Relatively simple kimono in Imperial colors most of the time, although he has armor handy if things look dicey.
Carries: A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, and some dried flower petals.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.3 Honor: 2.8

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Hisomu Fumi
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Hisomu Fumi » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:43 pm

"Greetings, honorable Hadananzi-dono and Ananzihime-dono. I come from the Spider bearing a gift created by Mai-sama, our most skilled craftsman. She crafted you a mempo based off your Clan's symbol, a great crane.So far, so good, Fumi thought.

"Mai's work is exemplary and every piece of hers is worthy of such an audience." Right about there, Fumi choked. She couldn't think of anything else to say.

She made her third simple offering and as the mempo was accepted, stepped aside and back into the throng of people looking a tad pale.

courtier/awareness one raise tn25=31 success!
etiquette/awareness tn 25= fail
No roll for third roll
2 gift point, edit for total
Hisomu Fumi
Spider Clan * Bushi
Status 1.0* Glory 1.0 * Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: parchment and charcoal, medicine kit sometimes followed by a cat named Sho

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Hisomu Ayeka
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Hisomu Ayeka » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:49 pm

Hisomu Ayeka approaches, offering a very simple gift: a tsuba created by Hisomu Mai. While her sincerity is clear, she has issues expressing the importance and kindness of the gift... and she trips on her veil on the retreat. Not enough to fall, but just enough of a gaffe that any of the effectiveness is... a bit lost.


Wedding reception: Gifting. Day 1. Gift 1. Sincerity. Void. 1 raise. TN 25: 5d10o10k4 26

Wedding reception: Gifting. Day 1. Gift roll 2. Etiquette. Void. 1 raise. TN 30: 7d10o10k4 29

Wedding reception: Gifting. Day 1. Gift roll 2. Courtier. Void. 1 raise. TN 35: 7d10o10k4 16

2 gifting points
Spider | Bushi | Swordswoman | Idealist | Kind | Kouhai
Honor: A Soul Above Question | Status: 1 | Glory: 3

Carries: katana, fashionable kimono, fancy hat with silk veil, sake cup.

Companion: Shuri, cat.

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Viveki Doshi
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Viveki Doshi » Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:20 pm

Viveki stepped forward when there was an opening, clasped her hands together, palm to palm, and bowed deeply. "Allow me to offer my deepest thanks for allowing me to be present on this, your day of greatest joy." Her words were carefully practiced and precise, betraying far less of her accent than normal. "My people may not know much of your land or people, but even if I did not speak your language, I could not deny the affection and pride that I see in your eyes this day. To commemorate this day, I present to you a gift from the Doshi family."

She motioned to a servant, who carefully lifted the lid of a small box, revealing a delicate ivory sculpture of a couple holding hands. "This sculpture was carved by a master sculptor of the Ivory Kingdoms, specifically for this moment. It is made from ivory, which I have been told is rare in your lands, almost as rare as a loving heart that beats in time with your own."

The item was well given, but unfortunately, Viveki had missed the memo on Rokugan's "refuse three times" custom and was thus caught off guard by the initial and subsequent refusal. She recovered quickly enough, but it was still a faux pas, and when she finally bowed and returned to her seat, her smile seemed a bit more forced than before.

(Courtier/Awareness TN 20, 3 Raises = TN 35, Roll = 65 w/ Gaijin Name, Pass) = 4 points
(Sincerity/Awareness TN 25, 2 Raises = TN 35, Roll = 57, Pass) = 3 points
(Etiquette/Awareness TN 30, 2 Raises = TN 40, Roll = 27, Fail) = 0 points

Total = 7 gifting points
Ivindi • Merchant • Dangerous Beauty • Trustworthy Foreigner • Kami-Resistant • Rich AF

Status: Gaijin - Honor: What is Expected - Glory: 2.0

Speaking: Rhuumal, Nezumi, Senpet

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Makime Ayano
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:42 pm

Makime approached the couple, her best smile on her face. She bowed low and held up her offering: a bolt of the finest silk, dyed by her mother's own hand. She spoke of a time when the Lady Makime made a similar gift to the esteemed father of Nanzihime and its fate as the canvas Lady Doji had used to craft her husbands first silken kimono.

Alas her stamina gave out in the last recitation and her voice stammered, it was only for a moment but it ruined the gifting...it was less then perfect for a clan that demanded nothing less.

Lore:History For Gifting. 1 Raise, VP Spent. TN25: 6d10k5 35 - Roll 1 Pass 2 points
Lore:History For Gifting #2. 1 Raise, VP Spent. TN30: 6d10k5 33 - Roll 2 Pass 2 points
Lore:History For Gifting #3. VP Spent. TN30: 6d10k5 24 - Roll 3 Fail

4 points total.
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
Status: 4.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Kuu » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:01 pm

The order did not have great wealth and resources, a long history, or impeccably trained courtiers. But it did have Kuu and his own artistic talents. With guidance from the leader of the order and some scarce resources, they were able to put together a fine piece of artwork that specifically commemorates the day of the wedding. What he presents is a large scroll, offered in progressive steps of unfurling as he goes through the ceremony. It showed the names of the spouses, the date, and a short blessing worded by the head of the Order hoping for a long and fruitful marriage. It was adorned with stylized and colorful accents. The main text of the artistic scroll had apparently been done with ink that had flecks of some silvery metal, as the light reflected off the text quite beautifully.

D1 LE, Gifting 1, Etiquette/Awareness, 1 CR, VP +1k1, TN 25: 7d10o10k4 48
D1 LE, Gifting 2, Etiquette/Awareness, VP +1k1, TN 25: 7d10o10k4 26
D1 LE, Gifting 3, Etiquette/Awareness, VP +1k1, TN 30: 7d10o10k4 33
4 Gift Points
Order of Heroes ° Monk ° Calligrapher ° Ascetic

Glory: 1.5 | Status: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected
Carries: Calligrapher's Kit

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Isawa Kyosei
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Isawa Kyosei » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:48 pm

Kyosei was carrying the small box he was using for the presentation. He is wearing finely crafted robes, though they are of a dull sort of nature, being in browns and greys.

"Uh, I'm, the uh, trader known as Kyosei. This is the present of the tribe, uh, the family of the Isawa. It is made of Jade." He is clearly not used to speaking in front of a crowd like this.

"Jade is a perfect combination of the elements, just as it is prayed to the heavens that this marriage will be the perfect combination of all elements of the pair of you." This time, he seems to be on more comfortable ground, and his voice is much steadier.

"This humble priest of the spirits and gods prays that this small gift may bring harmony to your home, and to all it's inhabitants." The voice retains it's speaking, and then unveils the gift. Within is a small diorama, of a family sitting around a room, a male guiding a young boy in walking, and a woman holding a babe, and pruning a small bush. What makes it interesting is that each piece is made of jade, with other stones, precious or not, used as decoration and emphasis.

Kyosei gives a deep bow, and having presented the gift, and given his own small blessing, moves back.


First roll, using Lore: Jade. Fail, no points.

Second roll, Lore: Elements, 1VP used, 1CR, TN 30: 31, 2 points

Third roll, Lore: Theology, 1 VP used, 1CR, TN 35: 36, 2 more points.

4 total points!
Imperial • Shugenja • Mine-Overseer • Trader • Experienced 2 • Jade • Earth • Granite

Reputation: 4 • Glory: 3 • Status: 1
Often seems dirty, or has a dusty form.
small knife, regular knife, mining hammer, 3 belt pouches, small ink set with brush, candle.

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Doji Hikaru
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Doji Hikaru » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:53 pm

With practiced steps, Hikaru approached the dais, bowing smoothly as he came to a stop. With equally practiced motions, he unrolled a scroll. The paper and calligraphy work were both exquisite, beyond the work of mortal hand.

Tilting his chin up, Hikaru began to speak, his voice deep, but quiet. "Lord Akodo has gifted to humankind knowledge of the laws of Bushido." A brief inclination of his head towards the Lion in the room. "These laws set the rule of proper and virtuous behavior for those who serve the Kami most closely." His free hand came up to gesture to the unrolled scroll. "While scholars debate which virtue is the most important, your mother Lady Doji is known as a paragon of Courtesy. This is a treatise written by her on the subject."

Rolling it up, he bowed once more, as gracefully practiced as before. "With it, she gifts you her best wishes, and her hopes that your married life will be as blessed as hers." With that done, he laid the scroll carefully on the dais and stepped carefully away.


Gift Giving, Lore:Bushido, VP +1k1, 1CR TN 25: 7d10o10k4 35
Good enough!
2 gift points
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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Ryoshun Rei
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Ryoshun Rei » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:19 am

Rei had given much thought to the gift she'd offer. As heir to the Ryoshun and to her mother's teachings, she wanted the gift to reflect spirituality and the Void, but not the Bat in particular. This was about her cousin and her husband after all.

"It is said that butterflies are spirits, of life and death. As the Void connects all things, these beautiful creatures connect this realm with those beyond, all the possibilities the future may bring. I offer them as a symbol of the hope your union represents."

It all sounded very clear and logical in her head, though she may have dwelt on the afterlife a bit too much. The statues themselves were very nice, crafted by the best Ryoshun Artisans There were two crystalline butterflies flying about one another. One was clear and pristine. The other was darker, with traces of iron.

- - -
[D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event), Lore: Elements (Void)/Intelligence, Roll 1 TN 20+2 Raises, Roll 2 TN 25+1 Raise, Roll 3 TN 30, VP for +1k1 per roll: 3#7d10ro1o10k4 43 42 28 Pass, Pass, Fail

5 gift points.
Bat Clan 🦇 Heir 🦇 Ishiken 🦇 Void 🦇 Spirit Guide 🦇 Ethereal 🦇 Pale 🦇 Lost in Thought 🦇 Engineer
Status 4 ⚪ Glory 3 ⚪ Honor: Untrustworthy

Carries: Tanto, Divination Kit, Medicine Kit, Lantern, Parchment, Seal, Water
Accompanied By: Hen

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Togashi Satsuki » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:34 am

Satsuki was unhappy that she had been told to dress nicely for this. Which meant she had to wear the stupid voluminous multiple-layer monstrosity that auntie Doji gave her, and she absolutely hated it. It weighed her down, it was hard to move in, she felt like sweating and it was winter damnit, and it didn't let her show off the tattoos she had! It was unfair, an outrage!

Stepping forward for her turn to offer the gift to the couple, Togashi's child nearly tripped on the long stupid robes of her outfit, which began a brief tirade at the "injustice of stupid fashion that wasn't made for people who want to walk normally"... before she composed herself to try again.

"I present the lovely couple and my honorable niece in particular with this collection of wise words from both my Lord Father, Lady Mother, and Shinsei. Not that you're gonna read it though..." awkward cough, "... because, uh, you're going to be busy with... whatever it is married people do..."

Realising she needed to save some face, Satsuki began to go into details of the text, waxing philosophical on the topic of the unity of the wisdom of Heaven with the wisdom of Humanity. For anyone who actually cared about the topic, it was probably fascinating.


Baby Dragon has landed and set the event aflame with her "charming" manners.
D1 EVENT LE: Wedding Reception. Etiquette/Awareness. 1 raise. +1k1 Void. TN 25: 5d10o10k4 20 -0 points
D1 EVENT LE: Wedding Reception. Etiquette/Awareness. +1k1 Void. TN 25: 5d10o10k4 22 - 0 points
D1 EVENT LE: Wedding Reception. Lore: Theology/Intelligence. +1k1 Void. TN 30: 6d10o10k5 52 - 1 point
1 Point total
Dragon • Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 3.0 🐉 Glory: 2.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver (on occassion), scrolls, jade bracelet, Guqin (on occassion).

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Saru Yatsufusa
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Saru Yatsufusa » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:26 am

After the dragon princess had delivered her knowledge about the their clan, kami and Shinsei, it took a while for another dragon to approach. Slowly, limping from one leg and carrying a walking stick to help himself in the rather ardous process of getting in front of the couple.

The young dragon male, which had rather strange eye and hair color, stood in front for a few moments and then with immaculate manners bowed to husband and wife. The bow was quite low.

a pause.

'' Ananzihime-sama...'' The dragon said with warm words, then he turn towards the groom. '' Hadananzi-sama...'' the dragon also said with a rather warm tone. '' This one's name is Saru Yatsufusa. It is a honor to be in front of you two. '' Yatsu bowed again.

'' To be a witness of such an explendid event, when the gaze of Ningen-do and the Sacred Light of the Tengoku is here to blessed this divine union is truly something that fills my heart. '' The young man adds. ''

'' This union truly shows to the entire world of the blessings that the Sons and Daughters of Heavens, through their Divine Mother Amaterasu-no-kami, has bestowed upon the whole land, bringing the new hope and understanding for future generations.'' He said.

another pause.

'' Not long ago, this land was in turmoil and in obscurity. But no more. Your union is the prime example of a new era of prosperity. I'm truly grateful to be in front of you today...'' He bowed for a third time, keeping his manners to high levels, even with the complication of standing there with the pain of his leg. Yatsu didn't flinch from it, keeping his On in perfect harmony.

'' I cannot speak for the Dragon clan, nor even for the Saru, it is not this one's place, but as an individual allow me to present my gratitude to you two with a small token from my part. '' He said, as a heimin approached with a small wooden cage, in which inside there was a small song bird. Yatsu picked up his fan and opened it, though it was clear that the young dragon was not yet totally accustomed the symbolic nature of the subtle movements, though he had some training, it was not perfect.

'' My family has traditionally trained birds, both big and small. They are more than just simple animals, but friends and companions from Chikushudo...'' He pointed to the the cage where the bird was, as the heimin presented the gift near the couple and then left it right in front of them so that Yatsu could finish his gift giving ceremony. '' My hopes are that this little bird, brings music and harmony to your home, family and new path that you two are walking now...'' He bowed for a fourth time.

After delivering the gift, and observing all the proper procedures for this ceremony. Yatsufusa bowed for a fifth time, quite low, took two steps back and then turn around, slowly moving to the rest of the crowd.



1) Etiquette/Awa, Benten's Blessing, 1 VP, 3 CR - 44|Pass [TN35, 3CR, 1VP]
2) Courtier/Awa, Benten's Blessing, 1 VP, 3 CR - 51|Pass [TN40, 3CR, 1VP]
3) Sincerity/Awa, Benten's Blessing, 1 VP, 3 CR - 37|Fail [TN45, 3CR, 1VP]


8 Gift Points
1 Influence
Song Birb delivered to the couple
0/3 VP
Last edited by Saru Yatsufusa on Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
*Dragon *Saru *Shugenja *Blessed Spiritually *Bishounen *Lame *Green Eyes *Blonde Hair *Avian Enthusiast

Honor: What is Expected|Glory: 2.0|Status: 1.0
Mon: Dragon, Saru

Equipment: Walking stick, sturdy clothing, trained falcon, songbird, small knife, wakizashi, han kyu, arrows


accompanied by Reimei, a falcon, sometimes by Getsumei, a songbird, since D6 onwards by Yukiashi, a female fox

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Hantei Kinsen
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Hantei Kinsen » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:50 am

The Queen of the Stag addresses the dais and bows deeply to the Emperor, then to the newly wed couple. Being taught by Doji-kami herself on how to behave in a situation just like this, Kensin unlocks the formality of her rather simple –– yet sufficient –– repertoire of good manners and etiquette to sincerely insist her intention thrice.

She waves toward the rather large wrapping, and, as it gets unfolded, reinforces a final time, "This cradle has been carved from the finest white oak that grows around the Seppun Hill by our artisans. Made in the very place where we were gifted with the landing of the Kami. The engravings of the cranes flying on the sky symbolize Doji's grace upon the land. The Stag nearby the base denotes our Clan's intention to ensure a safe ground for my dear husband sister's Clan to spread their wings safely. The tall header shows the light of Lady Sun coming through the guidance of the Phoenix, symbolizing our most wise Emperor."

With a wide across her lips she wishes the couple a happy life together, and many, many children.

D1, LE, Gifting: Etiquette/Awareness TN 20 (15+1 Raise) + VP: 6d10o10k3 21
2 Gift Points
Stag • Mom • Bushi • Fierce • Blessed • Rawr • Ouch • Nails • Golden • Hearts • Yuki-onna
DescriptionTheme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0

Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0

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Hisomu Kuni
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Hisomu Kuni » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:54 am

Kuni takes his turn. He hates this. Why is he here? Well, he is a Spider and must do his best for his Clan.

"I bring you a pair of tantos. Notice the fine line of jade that runs through the hilt and and blade. It will provide protection from darkness from outside this realm." Kuni tried to keep it light. He was told not to go into to much detail. Just make the point.

At his second offering, he brought up the jewelry. "The crystal will also protect you from the darkness. We have found while not as potent jade, it works." Well, he wasn't sent for his oratory ability.

Then, it was time for the third offering. "They were created by our famed weaponsmith, Hisomu Mai, with Hisomu-kami himself casting protective spells in it. The light of Tengoku can sweep the darkness away. May the Tengoku's light shine upon your marriage." That was good?

Well, he steps back. Relieved.

Lore: Shadowlands/Intelligence Void 2 Raises: 9d10o10k4 40 3 Points!
Lore: Shadowlands/Intelligence Void 1 Raise1: 9d10o10k4 34 2 Points!
Lore: Shadowlands/Intelligence Void: 9d10o10k4 40 1 Point!

Total 6 Points!
Spider Clan Shugenja * Antisocial * Fashionista * Slightly Paranoid * Not a Fan of Jigoku

Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.0 Reputation: What Is Expected


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Wu Zhe
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Wu Zhe » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:54 am

Third to go was the Wu representative of the Dragon delegation.

The young man wore a simple kimono of various shades of green without much embellishments except for a simple Wu mon.

He bowed low before speaking

''Honored ones, it is always brings so much joy to see two spirits who's fate become intertwined in love.''

He presents a wide flat box covered with red silk

''Please accept these humble gifts as a representation all the goodwill with wish upon you and your family''

He proceeded to open the box revealing two exquisite jade and gold pendants


''May you and your live long and prosper''


Gifting event, first roll. TN 20: 6d10o10k3 41 1 point
Gifting event, first roll. TN 25, void: 7d10o10k4 40 1 point
Gifting event, third roll. TN 30, void: 7d10o10k4 31 1 point

3 points, 1 influence
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed
Honor: What is expected, Infamy: 1, Status: 4

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Akodo Daigoro
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Akodo Daigoro » Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:50 am

The groan of wood turning against wood echoed through the hall as a pair of servants rolled in a sturdy cart topped by some towering machine--2 meters tall--shrouded in silk. Striding behind them was a short, square man, distinctive for his grey beard and missing lower left arm. He's doing his level best to look comfortable amongst all the finery, but there is an earthiness about the old man that seems to be on the defensive in the face of so much luxury.

He stood awkwardly for a second after the customary bow of greeting, then cleared his throat.

*Ahem* "Son of Heaven, my lords and my ladies, and you who find yourselves this day embarked together on the ship of life, I, Akodo Daigoro, beg leave to present you with a gift of my own design, built by my students. We are people of the water margin, our feet rooted in the clay and silt of the great rivers and the sandy beaches of the endless sea. Our humble efforts, directed by the vision of your uncle, Akodo, have produced a work of water, wood, and metal that mingles the physical and the metaphysical representationally, just as the great work of the Empire has begun to do actually."

The old man fell silent for a moment. Then he cleared his throat again and the servants reached up to take away the silk covering to reveal a campus of machinery dominated by three towers, the tallest of which stood at six feet. The lesser two, about half the height of and framing the main tower, reached out with a dozen arms between them to support substantial statues of precious metals. Each of the smaller towers was surmounted by an enormous bowl on which was inscribed a kanji. The rightmost tower read "day," the leftmost "night."

The great tower in the center was topped by a mighty sphere of burnished copper with silver clouds gathered about its base. The sphere was carved with the image of Amaterasu's face, faithfully described by her son. Spouts protruding from the sphere through the underside of the silver clouds permitted a slow trickle of water to fall from the tank inside the hollow sphere into the enormous bowl atop the night tower. In the wooden "fields" linking the towers at their base, a channel allowed the water in the formerly filled Day bowl to rush down through simulated rivers to be drawn up again into the sphere.

Even as they watched, the arms slowly moved, working together to elevate one statue or another in a ceaseless dance that suggested the time of day or night.

On the Day side: A farmer in a straw hat bent low to plant rice while a friendly rat sunned itself on his shoulder. Next a man in a theatrical mask struck a powerful glare while resting his left hand on the broad back of an Ox. Then a mighty bushi, sword in hand, faced off against a ferocious tiger. Then a noble lord was depicted sitting at a writing desk with an elaborately embroidered rabbit design on his garments. Then a perfect likeness of the Emperor, with the Empress and Consort kneeling at his side, was depicted in deep conversation with a mighty dragon. Rounding out the Day images, a long, coiled serpent was depicted bearing aloft the word Duty, which seemed to unify the theme.

On the Night side: the theme transitioned from the Celestial Order to the remaining virtues of Akodo's Bushido. An elegant horse bore aloft the kanji for Courage. A wooly sheep bore an engraved kanji for Courtesy on its side. A benevolent-looking monkey held a scroll that read Compassion. A proud rooster rested its mighty claw on the kanji for Honesty as it crowed. A trusty dog stood vigil over the kanji for Honor. Finally, a pig rested below the kanji for Sincerity.

The old man paused for effect, allowing the Courteous sheep to continue its downward arc as the merciful monkey of Compassion rose to take the highest place on the Night tower.

When the first refusal was uttered, the Old Man bowed his hoary head. "In the spirit of Compassion's Hour, my noble lord and lady, I beg you to accept our humble machine as our contribution to the culture your clan strives so mightily to promulgate under the loving eyes of Lady Sun."

At the second, Daigoro inclined his head. "My lord is most generous in his assessment of our skill. However, his acceptance of its fruit will serve to increase the splendor of the Empire. The Lion derive our strength from the meeting of water and land. When earth and sea are mingled with the strength of the Air which bears the Crane aloft, then the preponderance of the elements will inaugurate a truly auspicious time."

At the third, Daigoro paused to think before he spoke. "I understand your concern, noble lady. The Emperor's position is certainly the most important among those in service to the Celestial Order. However, the clock does not evaluate power or favor. Instead, it illustrates the way in which Lady Sun smiles on the Order as a whole, and how each part contributes to the success of the whole by fulfilling its ordained functions. In this sense, the clock instructs us to recall the harmony the Order and Bushido introduce to our Empire. A harmony which I believe will be reflected in your marriage."

The ceremony complete, the old man was favored with a young woman's smile as he bowed a final time and allowed the servants to bear the water clock away for display.

D1, Gift Event, Roll1, Lore: Bushido/Intelligence+Void, 1 raise. Tn=25: 6d10o10k5 39 2 gift points

D1, Gift Event, Roll2, Courtier/Awareness+Void, 1 raise Tn=30: 7d10o10k4 31 2 gift points

D1, Gift Event, Roll3, Etiquette/Awareness+Void. Tn=30: 7d10o10k4 42 1 gift point

5 gift points, 1 Influence
Honor: Exceptional * Glory: 3.0 * Status 1
Lion Clan * Bushi * Engineer * Ojichan * Missing Left Hand * Short * Patron Saint of Teamwork

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Doji Misaki
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Doji Misaki » Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:53 am

Misaki meekly stepped up and gave her gift; A carved wooden box, made from wood found near a lonely mountain shrine. The box had been lacquered and tastefully understated designs were carved around the edge. The box had been prayed over by the keeper of the shrine for one month, and it came with a lock and a small silver key.

All told, the box was quite nice, so that part went over well. But Misaki did not speak up well; It had been a long day, and her voice was tired from all the meetings and greetings the day had brought, so the ceremony wasn't very impactful.

1. fail

2. 4 points

3. fail

4 gift points total, 1 influence
Crane Clan ✿ Architect ✿ Engineer ✿ Gardener ✿ Pure White Flower ✿ Pious
Glory: 2 | Status: 1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question
Often carrying: plain but immaculately kept priestess' clothes
In the Wilderness: walking staff, yumi and arrows

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Bayushi Kogi
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Bayushi Kogi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:20 am

Kneeling before the bride and groom, Kogi feels her hands clench a little too hard on the beautifully carved box she carries. This is the part of this sort of event that she likes the least (not that she's been to an event with this degree of importance before)--the necessity of being, if only for a brief moment, at the center of attention.

She takes just a little too long to straighten up again, and her first offering of the gift is more than a little too quiet. The couple's first refusal is so formulaic, Kogi belatedly realizes that in addition to being nearly inaudible over the murmuring crowd, she's forgotten to actually open the box and show what's inside. She closes her eyes for a breath, re-centers, and picks up the thread of her performance again, properly this time.

Her narrow fingers lift the lid of the box to reveal a large, gleaming circular bronze mirror, perfectly silvered on the reflective side and patterned with intricate jeweled designs of flowers and fruit on the back. "This stands for the rest of the Scorpion Clan, who cannot be here today to see your happiness unfold with their own eyes--and as a reflection of our promise that we will watch over you at need."

"Please, keep it and see for yourselves the joy we feel at the sight of you together."

She bows again, and, blessedly, retreats out of the limelight.

Step 1: D1 LE -- Gifting 1/3, Courtier/Awa TN 20. 3 raises(=TN35), Void, Antisocial: 7d10o10k5 30
No points

Step 2: D1 LE -- Gifting 2/3, Courtier/Awa TN 25, Antisocial: 6d10o10k4 32
1 point

Step 3: D1 LE -- Gifting 3/3, Courtier/Awa TN 30. Void, Antisocial: 7d10o10k5 58
1 point

2 points total.
Scorpion ▪ Emissary (proto-courtier) ▪ Veiled
Glory: 2 ▪ Status: 2 ▪ Honor: Untrustworthy ▪ Description
Accoutrements: Extravagant clothing, veils, kanazashi and jewelry, fan, small sheaf of writing paper, etc.
Sometimes: Koto, medical kit, or daisho.

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Anjing Sagara
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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Post by Anjing Sagara » Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:31 am

Sagara swallowed slowly the trapped saliva in her mouth. She was nervous, more than she had expected. Even the subtle, comforting, voice of the Earth spirits could not help her. She was strong and determined, it had been a long time since she had not allowed the judgmental eyes of others affect her, but in this situation, in front of the Emperial court, she could not but remember the fault finding eyes. The samurai-ko advanced among the other envoys, her humble gift in her hands, a hand carved stone crane, done by the samurai-ko herself after she had learned that she would be sent to the event. She stepped up to the front when her came. She knelt before the couple and presented her gift.

-Honored ones, I come to you with this carving made from the mountains of the Crab, representing a Crane, symbol of good fortune and longevity for the couple.-

Sagara could remember all her words and her intonation, it had been well executed. Now it all depended on them accepting her offer despite her distinctive features.


ROLLS (I applied Disturbing Countenance after the roll)
-First Gift Offer, 1 Raise, TN25: 32 -5 from Disturbing = 27 - 2 Gift points
-Second Gift Offer, TN25: 29 -5 from Disturbing = 24 - 0 Gift Point
-Third Gift Offer, TN30: 31 -5 from Disturbing = 26 - 0 Gift Point

Total 2 Gift Points
Anjing Sagara
Crab Clan ❖ Shugenja ❖ Contrary ❖ Disturbing scar from intense burn
Status 1.0 ❖ Glory 1.0 ❖ Expected Honor
in court: sturdy clothing, Scroll Satchel. in battle: Scroll Satchel, Die Tsuchi
