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Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:01 am
by Akodo Moshi
(Fluff later, giving a simple stuffed blue dove)

D1 LE: Courtier/Awareness, Base TN 20, 3 raises, final TN 35, Void point: 8d10o10k5 39
3 raises, 4 points
D1 LE: Courtier/Awareness, Base TN 25, 3 raises, final TN 40, Void point: 8d10o10k5 56
3 raises, 4 points
D1 LE: Courtier/Awareness, Base TN 30: 7d10o10k4 35
1 point

9 Gift points
Influence point

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:30 am
by Reiko Machiko
After a stern reminder that she had to do it, Machiko begrudingly went forward carrying two scrolls in her arms.

"Congrats on getting married. It was all nice and bright and happy."

She paused, looking down at the scrolls in her arms, taking a few moments before starting again. I have to at least pretend to care. Susumu said so.

"20 years, 10 months and 23 days ago, near enough to the hour, great minds and insightful people met in a spot drawn there by big glowy people who were like walking stars. In the days that followed was the shaping of all we have now, which I guess is better than before when people got enslaved for no reason. Anyway, on the second day of that occassion something else happened. Two people from very different worlds met. One a girl from a high tribe that rarely interacted with anyone, and the other a traveller who travelled around everywhere. They met over a fire, and shared stories. Including a story of the time the man saw a woman who guided him in his dreams to learn the language and to this place here. They became fast friends, both seers who saw the future both good and bad. Nanzi and Reiko."

Machiko placed the scrolls down.

"These scrolls, written personally by Reiko, document her first meeting with your father and the tale he shared with Reiko" she looked to the girl "enjoy them I guess. I haven't read them, but Reiko is very precise and factual with everything she writes. Or if not they might be something for your kids to read so they remember the past."

Machiko shrugged, then remembered to bow before moving away.

There Susumu, can't moan at me now. I did it and was nice!

(ooc: rolls
D1 LE wedding gift event - roll 1 etiquette/awareness TN20: 6d10o10k3 17 (fail)
D1 LE wedding gift event - roll 2 sincerity/awareness TN25 vp spent: 7d10o10k4 38
D1 LE wedding gift event - roll 3 lore: History/Int tn30 vp spent: 6d10o10k5 38
2 gift points
1 influence point \o/

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:48 am
by Saru Takurou
Takurou stood in his kimono between all these important personalities and felt tiny and insignificant. However, he had been chosen to represent the Dragon Clan at this celebration and he could not disgrace Lady Togashi!

He stepped in front of the bride and groom, outwardly calm, inwardly trembling. In his hands he held a simple pot with earth from which a small seedling sprouted.

"I, Saru Takurou, ask you on behalf of the Dragon Clan to accept this small gift," he said with a bow.
"This sapling doesn't look like much yet, but, much like marriage, if you care and look after it, fertilize it and nurture it, this little sapling will one day become a beautiful, strong tree."

He gave a final bow.
Hopefully i didn't messed up, he thought.

]D1, LE] Etiquette/Awareness BTN20, 4CR, VP, FTN40: 8d10o10k5 47 -5 Points

[D1, LE] Etiquette/Awareness BTN25, 3CR, VP, FTN40: 8d10o10k5 38 - 0 Points

[D1, LE] Etiquette/Awareness BTN30, 2CR, VP, FTN40: 8d10o10k5 40 -3 Points

8 Points

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:41 am
by Doji Tsubaki
Though some might expect the dance of refusals between Crane to be long and belabored, at least from the perspective of those observing, Tsubaki's offering actually goes quite swiftly and succinctly... at least on the surface. Those familiar with the courts of Crane, however, can pick up a much greater deal of layered nuance to the back and forth that occurs.

In the end she has presented the couple their own blend of tea, not just or personal use, but to be served at all Camellia Houses so that the couple's glorious and sure to be blissful union may be shared and celebrated throughout Crane lands and the Imperial City - with a delivery already scheduled so that the bride's parents can partake of it as well, despite the intervening distance, in the comfort of their palace.

From the crowd two young woman, not yet granted permission for Crane colors, watch their 'mother' intently and take careful note of her performance as if they could be quizzed at any moment.

(Roll 1: Etiquette(Courtesy)/Awareness, VP, 3 called raises, 1 free raise (Doji 1) - TN35 = 41 - Pass for 5 points
Roll 2: Etiquette(Courtesy)/Awareness, VP, 1 called raise, 1 free raise (Doji 1) - TN30 = 42 - Pass for 3 points
Roll 3: Etiquette(Courtesy)/Awareness, VP, 1 free raise (Doji 1) - TN30 = 35 - Pass for 2 points

10 Gift points total)

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:44 am
by Chai Kotsume
The young, athletic Ki-rin is clad in a purple and white gi with greenish-blue details which is similar enough to a kimono to be appropriate, but with a smaller number of layers and thus more simple - but also less cumbersome. She approaches the couple holding something cupped in her hands... somewhat more directly than would be expected by the Crane guests.

She presents to the couple a pair of bangles carved in bamboo with a stylised design of otters and fish in flowing water. "I present to the new couple of Doji's line this pair of Uso bangles. They're a time-long marriage tradition in the lands of the Great River. The paired bangles represent the new couple's connection to one another, while the animals in the water represent their connection to their people and their ways. The decision to share 'Uso' bangles also symbolise their will to keep together to brave through whatever may come - to remember their decision was the right one even in moments when they may waver."

Although her presentation interesting and compelling (as hopefully is the gift itself), it is clear that her manners when presenting it are closer to those of the river tribeswoman she sees herself as than to those expected in a Crane court. Her words, also, while interesting, lack any practiced effort to make them seem particularly believable. To those who might know her, it is no surprise - she usually says what she thinks must be said, and hopes others will believe her. 'Words are just words', and the gift was given.

She just hoped the bride and groom would see its value as she did herself.

D1 LE - Gift - Courtier/ Awareness. VP for +1k1, +4 due to Tawagoto's. TN 20: 5d10o10k4+4 28 - 1 Gift point

D1 LE - Gift - Etiquette/ Awareness, 2nd roll. TN 25: 4d10o10k3 9 - :lol:

D1 LE - Gift - Sincerity/ Awareness. 3rd roll. TN 30: 3d10k3 13 - Yeah, right

Total: 1 Gift point, 1 Influence

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:08 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu is in his best clothes, an elegantly embroidered outfit of teal, black and gold. He bows deeply to the bride and groom, holding a lacquered box out to present it.

""Greetings, honorable Hadananzi-dono and Ananzihime-dono. May the light of Amaterasu and all her children shine upon this union, and reforging of the ties between the Doji and Nanzi families. It is an honor to present these to you." Susumu opens the box, revealing a series of scrolls. "The Spider treasure teachings most of all, and we have done our best to hold these in high esteem.

"First, in tribute to Doji-o-kami-sama, we offer an illustrated collection of her lessons on behavior, drawn in ink painting by our finest artisans."

"Second, for the groom, a collection of stories of the lands beyond Rokugan, to inspire and regale your children.

"Third" Susumu unrolls a blank scroll. "Room to write your own legend and history. May they be auspicious and remembered for all time!"

Susumu bows deeply again and does his best to respectfully retreat, feeling that he has delivered his Clan and parents gifts well.


Gifting-Courtier/Awareness-Master of Games technique-VP Spent-3 raises-TN 35: 10d10o10k6 60 +4 Gift points
Gifting-Courtier/Awareness #2-Master of Games technique-VP Spent-3 raises-TN 40: 10d10o10k6 43 +4 Gift Points
Gifting-Courtier/Awareness #3-Master of Games technique-VP Spent-3 raises-TN 45: 10d10o10k6 64 +4 Gift points

12 Gift points

Edit: apparently my math was wrong and I forgot to add raises as extra points along with passong :oops:

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:18 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji stood before the happy couple, a wide, wiiiiide smile on his face. "Minna-sama, I am so happy for you and your blessed union."

Man, that smile was wide. And creepy.

"In honor of this blessed union" Didn't he say that already? "I brought you a gift. A great gift from the Great Clan of the Stag."

He pulled out....a lantern.

"To light the way in your blessed future, like how Amaterasu shines her blessed light on our people."

Welp...he's not too wrong there?

D1 LE, Wedding Gift, Sincerity/Awa, Prodigy, VP for +1k1, 3 CR, tn 35: 6d10o10k4 33
D1 LE, Wedding Gift, Courtier/Awareness, VP for +1k1, 3 cr, tn 40: 7d10o10k4 39
D1 LE, Wedding Gift, Etiquette/Awareness, VP for +1k1, 3 CR, tn 45: 7d10o10k4 55

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:49 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori decided to give a nice box filled with some sunflower seeds. She wasn't the best at this but she gave it her best."Honored couple I bring you this box filled with sunflower seed so that you can sow this marriage and watch it grow into something blessed by lady Amaterasu." She bowed and took her step down.Sigh, at least I didn't blunder much

D1LEGift Etiquette awa Tn 20: 5d10o10k3 34 pass
D1LEGift Sincerity awa Tn 25: 5d10o10k3 16 Failed
D1LEGift Courtier awa Tn 30: 6d10o10k3 24 Failed'

1 gift point 1 influence

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:02 pm
by Hisomu Matsu
Matsu literally towered over most, if not all, of the attendees. While not much of a scholar, or an orator (unless she was brow beating someone), she at least knew her history.

Her history was very much tied to the birth of this new Empire. Barely not a babe when the first Emperor was decided. Her rise to young adulthood given by a trek beside her father into the very gate of Hell.

"The Spider have sent along this." She unwrapped the present, within, was an old, well worn and used bronze club. Her father's old tetsubo. He had long since given it up for something finer, and his days of needing it were long since past. "The weapon of a kan who was the last of the old ways. It has seen much, and serves as a reminder of where we all come from."

LE1 - Wedding Reception - The Gift (Intellect 2, Lore: History 1, +3 Matsu Sentinel 1, VP +1k1, TN20, 25, 30): 3#4d10o10k3+3 28 35 18

2 gift points, 1 Influence Point

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:08 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
Ayumu wasn't a personal friend of any half of the couple and as such couldn't provide them with a gift of reminiscence. He knew for sure from their important place in the Crane family that there wasn't any material thing they were really missing in their daily life. Any cloth given would end up inside a dresser among many others at best, never leave some coffers in a storehouse at worst. Any tool or crockery would be similarly shelved.

And wasting something that could have been useful to another just to show off was contrary to Ayumu's belief. But he couldn't technically offer nothing either, as a concession to the peace between the Emperor and her sister.

So, dressed in his ceremonial Imperial uniform, he walked before the dais, bowed as appropriate and made his short speech:

"If someone is hungry, you offer them food. If someone is lost, you offer them directions. If someone is wounded, you offer them treatment. But what to offer to two young people who already have everything they could hope for, on the brightest day of their life?"

Ayumu produced a small urn sealed with a gift ribbon.

"Only something unique, something truly magical would do.

So I offer you the first snow of winter."

After further bowing and politeness, he deposited the curious gift and returned to his position.

When/If opened later, the urn will indeed contain snow. Raw, untreated snow. For all they know, perfectly normal snow, the same kind that could be found outside at that very moment. So normal there's a good chance the snow will have already melted, in part or in full, by the time of the opening.

D1LE | The Wedding Reception: Gifting | Etiquette/Awareness | Void for +1k1 | Tawagoto's Army for +Honor | TN20 | No Raise: 6d10o10k4+4 43
Choosing not to roll the next two rolls
1 Gift point

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:10 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Akodo Kawauso had sworn up and down that she wasn't going to some stranger's wedding, no matter how important they were. Then she swore if she went it would be in her preferred clothing, her hair done simply, like she liked for training settings. Then she swore she would at least deliver a gift reflective of good will from her beloved river people.

Yet somehow, the Lion staff in the imperial city had convinced her she must go, she must carry a gift worthy of the children of the kami, and that she would dress well enough to not offend the Emperor or anyone else as she presented this gift. So, amid the throng of other guests, Kawauso arrived in a shimmering, copper-colored kimono -- technically intended for a man, but needed to accommodate her height -- over black pants, her hair styled up off of her neck in a way that she couldn't even describe, let alone arrange herself. Its only real virtue, which even she had to admit, was it would be conveniently out of the way should swords be drawn.

The tall Lion woman, feeling incredibly out-of-place despite assurances that looking like a person-sized bronze longsword would make her blend in, focused keenly on her mission and its importance to distract from her nerves. In the moment that she stepped forward to deliver the gift, she thought of her people back home and doing right by them, and she found, improbably, the right words to please the stitch-counting, rules-lawyering sycophants and opportunists as well as the kind-hearted true believers in that diverse crowd. No one could complain about the humble Lion's sincere offering of a small glass sculpture in the shape of the yin and yang, one compartment holding earth and the other water.

Kawauso shared that it was one from a special set, created upon Lord Akodo's wedding, and carried with it the Lion kami's wishes for a marriage as blessed as his own. She added that the sculpture had special meaning also for the people of the river, who witnessed everyday the give and take of river shores. Thus, on behalf of the humble people of the Lion as well as their glorious leader, best wishes were conveyed.

And as soon as attention had shifted to the next gift bringer, Kawauso was striding purposefully to get a drink of something to calm her nerves.

1. Etiquette: success.
2. Courtier: success.
3. Sincerity: success.

3 gifting points, and probably a lot of side eyes and comments about the rube from up river that sounds so sweet in court.

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:20 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
“A small gift from Lord Yoshitsune,” the tall Crab said, as she bowed her head and presented the gift with both hands: a tiny box made of fragrant wood, intricately carved with the image of two cranes in flight, circling each other as if each was following the other in an endless spiral. “The wood is from the cedars of our northern province, and our finest craftsmen labored to make it especially for you.”

“We wish for the Crane the best, uh … that is .. we hope for .. I mean…” Chizu’s tongue stumbled, and all her prepared flowery speeches suddenly flew out of her head. Pausing a moment to take a breath, she composed herself and tried to clear her thoughts.

“It’s our hope that this union brings you both the greatest joy and prosperity,” she said at last, the simpler words seeming to carry more sincerity.

1LE Gifting with 3 called raises, Etiquette/Awareness +Void Point TN35: 8d10o10k5 42 succeeds for 4 gift points
1LE Gifting part 2 with 3 called raises, Etiquette/Awareness +Void Point TN40: 8d10o10k5 35 fails
1LE Gifting part 3 with no raises, Etiquette/Awareness +Void Point TN30: 8d10o10k5 56 succeeds for 1 gift point

Total: 5

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:37 pm
by Doji Dojihime
Dojihime gave an adequate gift.

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:20 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai, whose player remains on vacation, presents himself and his gift. Admittedly, he is somewhat distracted, and he lapses for a moment before recalling himself and offering--in what becomes a complementary gesture to the Lady Hantei--"a doll, carved by a student of Seppun Dawei, whose work graces this very palace and the homes of the Kami, in hopes for the delight of the future and in sign that we willl, all of us, be moving forward."

He bows and withdraws, his player needing coffee.


Roll 1 failed at 16,
Roll 2 passed at 26,
Stopping there, having accrued 1 Gift Point and 1 Influence after a failure

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:44 pm
by Ongaku Masanori
When his turn came, Masanori arrived and presented a freshly bound scroll, with an ornate wooden case marked with twin cranes, carved from a deep red hardwood native to the Imperial lands.

Inside was a beautifully calligraphed record of the wedding - the words of the ceremony, the names of those present, the details of place, time, and portents.

"Noble scions of the Doji, I am honored to present to you a gift on behalf of the Imperial Libraries - the first copy of the official history of this event, recorded as it will be passed down through generations, preserved for all who are yet to come."

Perhaps there would some day be some irony in how history looked on these players, but Masanori did not know that. His clear voice carried encouragement and celebration, clear and loud so all could hear - it was a herald's voice, and even when not put to that purpose, he could not help projecting when speaking officially.

"Know that this momentous occasion in your lives has been marked, and even now is being transcribed to be placed within each library as a testament to the lineages and future greatness that begin here today - that all who come after will know both the beauty and import of the moment."

Unfortunately, he also had a tendency to fixate on the details, and it seemed likely that the couple didn't want to hear how each copy was entrusted to a faithful runner, who would stop at well provisioned safe house each day, slowly spreading the written news of their wedding to each library across the empire.

He told them anyway.



Perf/Oratory, VP, Voice: - 4pts,
Perf/Oratory, VP Voice: - 4 pts,
Perf/Oratory, VP, Voice: - Near miss

8 pts total

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:04 am
by Wh'rr'kk
The Nezumi representative arrives resplendent in his pink coat and bright red courtier's cap, and the glitter of gold and gems the hang from his tail. He bears a canvas wrapped bundle under his arm of around four feet in length.

"Greetings children of great man-chiefs on the event of your two stories becoming one, I bring blessings from the chief of chiefs of the Nezumi for your union, may you fill your warrens and dens with the patter of a hundred tiny paws. We offer this token of friendship between our peoples."

(Success 44 +1 Gift)

"This gift, it belongs with your people, we found it, rescued it from a battlefield, but it is of your people and not ours, and as such should return to those whose hands made it. "

(Success 32+1 Gift)

"I mean if you don't want it I could just toss it back out, but it's still really sharp, it cuts really good, I thought man-people like sharp-sharp things?"

(Failure 18

D1 Event Ettiquette Roll Tn 20/25/30 No Raises, Name on All: 3#7d10o10k4 44 32 18

Total +2 Gift, +1 Influence

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:24 am
by Ryoshun Yua
Yua's mother had insisted that the 'good' outfit brought along for this trip actually be something suitable for so prestigious a wedding. Three layers of robes, enough to showcase several patterns and colors--grey, and deeper grey, and sea blue. Three also to signify the passing of the spirit from waiting into life and then the journey to waiting once more.

The finely pair of finely wrought iron lanterns bore designs both sensual and abstract. After studying them a while, one could find the kanji for the couple's names worked to cleverly incorporate symbols of good fortune, fertility, and healthy. With a candle inside, they would cast those designs all through the room they were in.

She'd made them herself. But honestly, any of her clanmates with knowledge of the forge could hammer such things into shape. The real gift was the designs, created just for them, and for this event. Yua had learned quite a bit in the process, but those particular versions of these symbols would never be used again.

Yua's bows were not precise, she stood too close to the dias, and her hems fluttered in all the wrong directions. But her honest and sincere wishes for the couples' happiness were evident in her presentation and initial reply. She'd forgotten that they were going to refuse again really seemed unnecessary, didn't it?

She did fumble through a final offer of the gift, only because she was dead certain they weren't rude enough to completely refuse anyone's gift. She could have picked up a rock on the way and offered it. They'd have remembered such a shockingly horrible gift, but they'd have accepted it with grace.

D1 Event: Sincerity/Awareness Void for +1k1, roll #1 TN 20: 6d10o10k4 23 1 point
D1 Event: Sincerity/Awareness Void for +1k1, roll #2 TN 25: 6d10o10k4 27 1 point
D1 Event: Sincerity/Awareness Void for +1k1, roll #3 TN 30: 6d10o10k4 28 0 points

2 points total
+1 Influence

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:31 am
by Miyako Masato
For his turn, Masato approached the newly weds. It took him a while, limping all the way over to them, where the Scorpion produces his gift: a painting of a landscape. It was an imaginary place, a mishmash of locations from around the Empire. The quality was of course quite good, though there lay a hidden value in the piece beyond skill of the artist: the materials for the pigments had likewise been gathered from all over the Empire, used to depict their corresponding location in the painting.

Masato offers a polite bow, as best he can manage, before speaking. "I offer my deepest congratulations to the both of you. A gift I offer: a painting whose depictions and materials come from all over the Empire. May the beauty of this new place bring you much happiness as you begin your new life together, no matter where your journey takes you."

The refusals were much less flowery, and seemed to meet the exact level of propriety for the situation.

"The materials were quite difficult to acquire."

"The artist wanted to make something truly unique for the two of you."


D1 Gift Giving Event Etiquette/Awa, TN 20, roll #1: 7d10o10k4 29 +1Gift point

D1 Gift Giving Event Etiquette/Awa, TN 25, roll #2: 7d10o10k4 25 +1 Gift point

D1 Gift Giving Event Etiquette/Awa, TN 30, Voiding, roll #3: 8d10o10k5 30 +1 Gift point

Total: 3 Gift points, 1 Influence

Re: [D1, LE] The Wedding Reception: Gifting (Event)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:58 pm
by Canary
The Gifting Event is Closed.

Hisomu Susumu won with 12 points and gain 3 Influence.
All other participants who made at least one roll gain 1 Influence.
All participants who did not roll gain 0 Influence.

Please note your Influence total in your PF.