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Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:17 am
by Canary
A list of characters attending the Imperial Court during the snowfall.

Imperial Families
x. Jiyo Sora
x. Jiyo Ayumu
x. Isawa Kyosei
x. Ongaku Masanori

Bat Clan
x. Kakita
x. Ryoshun Rei
x. Ryoshun Ume
x. Ryoshun Yua

Crab Clan
x. Yoshitsune Chizu
x. Anjing Sagara

Crane Clan
x. Doji Tsubaki
x. Doji Hikaru
x. Doji Dojihime
x. Doji Misaki

Dragon Clan
x. Togashi Satsuki
x. Saru Yatsufusa
x. Wu Zhe
x. Wu Ko
x. Saru Takurou

Ki-Rin Clan
x. Shinjo Ryoko
x. Chai Kotsume

Lion Clan
x. Akodo Moshi
x. Akodo Daigoro
x. Makime Ayano
x. Akodo Kawauso

Scorpion Clan
x. Bayushi Sasori
x. Bayushi Kogi
x. Miyako Masato

Spider Clan
x. Hisomu Kuni
x. Reiko Machiko
x. Hisomu Susumu
x. Hisomu Fumi
x. Hisomu Ayeka
x. Hisomu Matsu
x. Hisomu Kuni

Stag Clan
x. Otomo Gusai
x. Hantei Genji
x. Hantei Kinsen

x. Nozomi
x. Kuu
x. Sukuna

x. Wh'rr'kk

x. Viveki Doshi

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:09 am
by Jiyo Sora
Jiyo Sora
Imperial Families
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Build: Muscular and wiry.
Hair: Black, starting to show signs of grey
Eyes: Right eye is an inhuman orange color. Left eye is a normal brown.
Occupation: Formerly, companion and bodyguard to Shiba's children, as well as sometime emissary to real pains in the rear. Has spent the last fifteen years spearheading the Imperial Libraries. Which he is prouder of is sometimes hard to say.
Marital status: Married to Jiyo Kinyôbi with three children (two twin daughters, Shirayuki and Phi, aged 12, and a son, Soryu, aged 7), a fourth on the way.


Sora was born marked by the touch of the spirits, and in any sane or rational set of circumstances would probably have taken up magic. His parents, however, had different ideas, and their odd, marked son became another warrior for the Hikaru.

He was quite good at it, and his skill at arms marked his only significant contribution to his tribe's well-being.

As the Hikaru were an asocial bunch, and Sora was a weird one even among their number, he remained unpolished in social contexts, although the trust and acceptance he eventually found within the Imperial Families (and from the Emperor's children in particular) mellowed him somewhat. Having spent the last twenty years serving Shiba devotedly, he is a fixture of the Imperial Court, hearkening back to his time as personal protector of Shiba's children.

Formerly a man constrained by his circumstances and desperately thrashing against the bars of his cage to find some higher calling, Sora is much more fulfilled these days, since he no longer had to contemplate murdering people for trespassing on Hikaru lands or simply because they had things the tribe wanted- the only people he has killed in the last twenty years were either actual monsters, relentlessly hostile foes who came after the burgeoning Empire, or, most satisfyingly, fools who thought to strike at the Emperor by going after his children.

His oracular eye still gives him the odd difficulty, of course, and he remains keenly interested in the Spirit Realms-an interest somewhat enhanced by the experience of being one of the four sent with Hantei into Jigoku itself to rescue Hisomu.

As patron of the Imperial Libraries, Sora has been all over the Empire, visiting the lands of each Clan in turn to set up branches, and he is undeniably one of the best-traveled people in Rokugan. He also knows a truly blistering array of people of importance, having met every single Kami, and having at least a passing knowledge of every daimyo.

His best friends of his own generation tended to be Imperials, Dragon, Spider, and Ki-Rin, and those remain the broad groups he is most comfortable with.

His twin daughters, Phi and Shirayuki, have, despite their youth, already traveled extensively- both have been to the Dragon lands twice, while Phi has been to the Scorpion lands once, and Shirayuki has visited the Spider. Both have also been to the Nezumi Empire, although they were so young at the time that they probably don't recall any of it... apart from playing with Nezumi pups at a similar stage of development.

His son, Soryu, hasn't been out of Imperial lands yet, and Sora plans to take him on a jaunt or two over the next summer, once Kinyoubi's back on her feet and has a handle on the baby who's on the way.

Sora has visited the lands of every clan in the course of the Library project, and he has never been one to care much about status, so it is entirely possible for him to have met just about anyone.

Wanna hear about the trip to rescue Fu Leng, or about the old days before the coming of the Kami? No? TOO BAD!

Related to an old friend of his? An old enemy? Either way, he tries not to let his impression of a person's ancestors color his impression of them.

Know anything about the spirit realms? Please. Tell the scary man with the orange eye what you know.

Got ideas for the Imperial Libraries? Sora is still point man on that project, and always down for refinements, assuming they don't clash with his philosophy.

Did he beat up or kill some of your relatives? He's sorry if it happened in the old days, but if it happened in the last twenty years, screw you, they had it coming.

Are you related to or recruited by some of his prior contacts? If so, you either have a buddy or someone who regards you as possible trouble, depending on your attitude.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:38 pm
by Viveki Doshi
Viveki Doshi

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Build: Distractingly Curvy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Trustworthy foreign merchant.

Viveki is a merchant hailing from the Ivory Kingdoms. Her arrival in Rokugan comes as something of a surprise, as nobody had previously given much thought to just what was on the other side of the Shadowlands.

For obvious reasons, not much is known about Viveki's past, but she claims to be a merchant from a wealthy family whose trade routes stretch from one corner of the known world to the other. Some of that is verified by the Nezumi, who have had dealings with the Doshi for a few generations, and who ensured the merchant's safe travel through the Shadowlands and delivery to the Emperor.

Plot Hooks:
• Obvious foreigner is obvious.
• Viveki is a merchant! Come establish some trade routes or listen to her explain the concept of money!
• Are you a Nezumi? Viveki is your Ivindi liaison and is fluent in your language! Come talk about whatever.
• Viveki is in the Empire to meet people. Come meet her.
• Hello gentlemen! Look at your wife, now back to me, now back at your wife, now back to me. Sadly, she isn't me, but if she had the culture of an established civilization behind her, she could act like me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a trade ship with the cultured woman that isn't your wife. What's in your hand? Back at me, I have it. It's a handful of gleaming copper coins. Look again, the coins are now precious jewels. Anything is possible when you're with an Ivindi. I'm on an elephant.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:57 pm
by Nozomi
Name: Nozomi
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4”
Build: Athletic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Complexion: Ghostly and Pale
Marital Status: Single, but in a secret committed relationship

Image: Just pretend she actually keeps her hair cut short
Appearance: Nozomi stands at average height with an athletic, toned and scarred body that has seen years of hard labor. Her skin is a ghostly, almost sickly pale and she rarely ventures out into the light of day without wide-brimmed hat to shield her blood-red eyes from the ravages of Lady Amaterasu's rays. Despite the callouses of her hands and every sign and indication that she spends ample time that she can get away with under the sun, her skin remains so white that veins are visible along the edges of her garments and occasional freckling can be seen more prominently. Her lips are paler than usual, and though her short-cropped hair darkened from her childhood, her countenance does make some feel nervous around her because of those bright red eyes.

She can be a roiling thunderhead at times, rumbling with energy that is not pent up well. She never looks comfortable when sitting unless it is in meditation, her body clearly preferring to be in the midst of physical activity. When in a situation she is permitted to carry weapons, she can be seen with two ever-present wooden tonfa, weathered and well used from countless old stains in the wood grain, and in battle she dresses in peasant armor and carries a bow as well. Otherwise, she dresses in simple kimono and monastic robes of a dark hue. Normally, her calloused hands are wrapped, ready for both Jiujutsu and picking up a hammer and nails or a farmer's rake. Whatever is needed. The only piece of jewelry she wears is an old, faded jade bracelet of Nezumi make that has seen better days.

"An acquired Taste," some would say. You could drag the Hikaru out of the mountains, but you would never drag the mountain out of the Hikaru. Though it has been 16 years since Nozomi would refer to herself as a tribeswoman, she is still a rough around the edges woman with a tongue that would make a courtier blush in shock... when she thinks he can get away with it. Nozomi is a long way away from the barely-aged woman who entered the very edges of hell seeking the kami Hisomu, fantasizing about becoming a great killer in the ranks of the Bayushi. She has been forced, through countless visits to the Imperial Court, the Stag and Spider lands and her travels with Shinsei to learn to 'behave herself' in public. What this means is that, you can often tell that she wants to call you an ox-brained jackass of a man, she usually won't.

Her sense of humor has not improved with years. She could laugh at the executioner's block. She is a controlled, at times brooding woman who is open with those who she chooses to be, but usually more than a little stand-offish. She enjoys regailing people with colorful tales of others' heroism, but prefers not to focus on her own story that much. Though she is a meditative and reflective woman like many in the monastic order of heroes, she favors a life filled with labor and simple pleasures to one of constant study or politicing. Nozomi has never sought any level of status. As social castes stratify, she has been heard to grumble her dissent to the changes in the empire, but bows as quickly as any peasant to her betters. Within the Order, she is known to clear that she does not consider herself a 'leader' and all of them equals.

Accompanied by: Her daughter Mayumi (Again, the image is sort of perfect, but assume appropriate kimono rather than leathers)
Mayumi, age 14, is a girl nearing her coming of age. When Nozomi has been seen, she is almost always accompanied in her travels by her daughter. Though far from attached at the hip, Nozomi can be a touch on the protective side where her daughter is concerned. The girl is willful, and well aware that as she is not 'quite' considered an adult that there is a shred of latitude that she will enjoy as long as she must suffer not going through her coming of age. She is her mother's daughter to the core, stubborn, gruff, at times as outspoken as she thinks she can get away with, and impish. She idolizes the ground that the hero of the Spider, Hisomu Matsu, walks on and carries around a bisento as her preferred weapon of choice where she is allowed to do so.

However, as much as she reflects her mother, there is a different quality to the girl to that of Nozomi. She has a bit of an almost insufferable know-it-all edge, the girl having drank up countless scrolls of lore in her time within Dragon Lands. And where her physical traits differ from her ghostly mother, Mayumi looks very little like her father, not that anyone ever really remembered Taka well...

- She's a regular traveling companion with Shinsei. Even if she always gives him plenty of space, maybe your character ran into her at times like that?
(Some say she's too close to Shinsei, but they never say so to his face or where the kami can hear.)

- Did you travel down to the Shadowlands to rescue Hisomu? She's always up for catching up and sharing old tales with familiar faces. She still has an awful sense of humor and a laugh like a snickering hyena.
(Stories of Phi are fairly hard to come by. She doesn't sing her praises, and seems content for Nanzi's accounts to be light on details of her exploits.)

- Who's not keen on this whole caste system thing that's coming up? Nozomi's a receptive ear, but she seems unwilling to act out.

- Are you a Scorpion? They say she's never been back to Scorpion lands, not even her old Hikaru stomping grounds in the last 15 years and skirts well wide through Unicorn ones. She's never even BEEN to the Beiden Pass since the rescue of Hisomu. Why? Something to hide?
(Rumor has it she actively dislikes the Scorpion Clan, though she's never been seen saying anything ill of them, and still supposedly corresponds with a Bayushi Umeno regularly.)

(Player Note: If you are Scorpion in a scene with her, she will almost certainly at some point roll Perception-Lore: The Lying Darkness during the conversation, looking for signs of the Lying Darkness in your character. She does this for literally ALL scorpion but Shosuro. She just ... assumes with her.)

- Are you a Crab, Dragon or Spider? She spends a lot of time in your lands, and her presence is frequent enough to be memorable. She usually keeps to the peasants, but they say she used to come train alongside Hisomu Matsu from time to time.

- Are you a monk, or interested in monk-stuff? She was one of the founders of the Order of Heroes, though they say she doesn't hold any position in their ranks. Still, they say that the demonstration of power she gave Shiba a few years ago was very impressive, enough to help establish the Order.
(Some people think she avoids public life because of a child out of wedlock. Most, however, assume the refusal is a monk thing and that she prefers to honor the memory of Taochusu and Ch'Jack'Matt as the first great fallen heroes of the empire.)

-That kid of her's age. She would have had to be born in the shadowlands trip or close to it. They say she's a caravan guard's kid and that Nozomi used to be promiscuous in a former life.
(It's hard to find any other rumor than this. A favorite among courtiers to remind that one of the Order's founders has a bastard child. What's odd is how both women seem to simply tolerate the rumor, since they're peasants and at the end of the day who cares whose father a peasant's was?)

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:11 am
by Otomo Gusai
Otomo Gusai
Stag Clan
Age: Old enough to know, young enough to try
Gender: Male
Height: Average
Build: Rangy and weathered
Hair: Black, long enough to pull back, and often messy on deck; pulled back more smoothly ashore, especially in fancy places
Eyes: The right eye is dark; the left one ain't there
Occupation: Skipper of the Hopeful Endeavor
Marital Status: to the sea...but a home port wouldn't be taken amiss

Gusai was a young man in Otomo's tribe when it swore to Hantei, and he had already been apprenticed to one of the coastal traders, one Urimoto, master of the Hopeful Endeavor. As a hand on the catamaran, he did well, rising swiftly to the position of junior mate; he was aided by a certain demeanor that made people not want to brace him, as well as ready fists. He also began to develop something of a reputation for easing relationships with the increasingly downtrodden lower classes in the Stag, helping them perhaps more than would otherwise have been the case--but since it resulted in less argument from them about prices, it was generally overlooked. And, of course, he there are old adages about sailors in ports of call...

On one voyage back from the building Shiro Akodo to the resettled Stag lands, a storm kicked up, driving the Hopeful Endeavor far off course. Through no few trials and tests--which took both Urimoto and the senior mate, Joriyuki, as well as several hands--Gusai was able to bring the ship back to port at Seawatch. Gusai reported to his superiors, and, after a short while, was sent out aboard the Hopeful Endeavor once again, conducting more trade and enriching the Stag coffers after the Relocation--the effects of which continue to be felt years later.

As the Clans gather under the Imperial banner again, he is seeking support for the Stag in their continued endeavors--for the good of the Empire, of course.

Care to trade? Let's talk trade!

Care to arrange for trade? We can do that, too!

Know your boats? Gusai knows boats!

Know about the motion of the ocean and the size of the ship? Knot-work? Squeezing into a tight harbor? Want to? Gusai can help with that!

Wanna know how he lost his eye?

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:27 am
by Togashi Satsuki
富樫 咲月

Name: Togashi Satsuki
Clan: Dragon Clan
Age: 17 (Born Year 8)
Occupation: Priestess. Dragon-princess. Heiress?
Marital Status: Eligible Bachelorette?
Gender: Female
Height: 5’9”
Build: Sinuous
Hair: White silver
Eyes: Golden-green
Complextion: Fine
Noteworthy features: Tattoos (a dragon coiling down her right forearm, with its head covering the back of her hand, a crane in flight with its wings spread out over her collarbone)

Standing tall, Satsuki is a striking beauty with otherworldly features. There's a noticeably shine to her eyes, similar to that seen with some of the Kami, and her hair has the sheen of polished fine white silver. There is an agile grace to her figure and her movements, showing her as a clearly physically active person, with some muscle definition.

Many would say that Satsuki takes a lot after her mother, Togashi Saruko, at least in appearance by sharing her fine features and pretty face. Many would then also say that she might be more like her father as she seems more introverted and prone to introspection as well as contemplation. And then she usually proves that she is not exactly like her parents by opening up her mouth to give her honest truth, sometimes harshly.

She does try her best to meet up to the expectations that surround her and her siblings due to the circumstances of their birth. While hardly the only child of a god in the world today, it is still somewhat an exclusive club that she does feel put more pressure on her to do well.

Satsuki is young, and has spent most of her life with a sheltered upbringing. So while she possesses a keen intellect, she is oh so blissfully unaware of a lot of things in the world. But she approaches all challenges before her with great gusto, especially the ones she set for herself. Among the Dragon, she has spent the last year showing a great interest in the various religious and spiritual aspects of the different people that have joined her father's clan. Her activity has opened up some speculation in the clan... who actually is Togashi's heir? He has two other children besides her; her twin-brother Hoshi, and their younger brother, Taiyo. Most are expecting Taiyo to follow their mother's footsteps and eventually become the head of the Saru Family, but the path of the two eldest is a mystery. Togashi probably prefers it that way too.

  • My dad is a Kami and my mother is a hero: You might know them, or have heard of them. My mom helped save Hisomu, and was a major contributor for the wedding ritual that was part of the rescue. And my dad was second only to Shiba in the Kami's tournament, and is a literal god! If you're a fellow godling, we already have so much in common!
  • Do you like magic? Religion? Spiritual philosophy? Satsuki is super-interested in magic and all the theories on it that exist in the Empire, as well as various topics about all things spiritual and religious. Let's talk shop!
  • Do you like music? Satsuki isn't the great artisan like Togashi Saruko, but she knows a thing or two about singing and dancing or playing instruments.
  • Do you have glimpses of the future? I do too!

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:53 am
by Doji Tsubaki
Doji Tsubaki
Faction: Crane
Age: Her history suggests forties, her appearance looks thirties at most.
Gender: Female
Height: Average
Build: Very well figured
Hair: Black with a streak of prominent white, worn up.
Eyes: Dark brown
Occupation: Tea house originator and matriarch/foster mother
Marital Status: Single - escándalo!

Though none would mistake her for a maiden any longer Tsubaki's appearance belies her apparent age. Despite having joined the Crane, as an adult, in the 16th year since the fall of the Kami she still carries a beauty one would expect of a younger woman. The white streak in her, otherwise lustrously black, hair almost certainly an affectation as opposed to any impact of age and her dark eyes shine with life and emotion.

Those who spend time within the lands of Lady Doji or the Imperial City are likely already familiar with her Camellia Houses, if not with their originator herself, as bastions of culture and the arts. The original site, in the city forming around Doji's Palace, having impressed the Emperor himself sufficiently that Tsubaki was invited to found one within the Imperial City. Its construction and preparation were complete and Tsubaki almost ready to head back to Crane lands when the change in weather made such plans unwise. As such, though she has officially handed operation over to the eldest of her fostered daughters Doji Hanashobu, she has made it her home base for the winter.

When she is serving in her role as hostess Tsubaki is incredibly warm and charming and carries that presentation over to any other interactions she bears in the name of the Crane. Those who watch her with her student/foster daughters, her Blossoms, can sometimes glimpse a more hard and serious side to the woman. Not cruel, no, but hardly an affectionate and caring mother either - unless they have done much to impress her.

Tsubaki is often accompanied with two of her elder Blossoms, who are approaching the time of their gempukku... if she finds them worthy: Ni and San.


Like tea, performances, or conversation? The Camellia House offers the best of the former, and quite possibly the latter two as well, to be found in the Empire. Perhaps you want to meet the woman who made that happen.

Have a spare daughter you can't feed? Well there's worse fates for her than to end up a Blossom.

Looking for a bride for yourself or another? You're barking up the wrong tree by far, but it makes sense you'd try.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:40 am
by Doji Hikaru
Name: Doji Hikaru
Clan: Crane
Age: Near twenty years
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Build: Lean, but fit
Hair: Black, with a single streak of white. And well-kept
Eyes: Pale Brown
Occupation: Doji's Honor Guard
Marital Status: Single

Doji Hikaru is a handsome young man with a clean, elegant appearance. He clearly takes care of both his appearance, and his body, his daily training making him fit and trim. His clothing marks him as one of the new samurai class if his sword hadn't already. His long black hair has a single streak of white; fortunately, it favors his looks well enough to look like a sign of favor from the gods, rather than an ill-omen.

Dedication is the best single word to describe Hikaru, whether that is to his duty, his training, the skills he practices, or anything he might put his mind to. He is a perfectionist, always taking an extra moment to put the finishing touches on a sword strike, a composed poem, or the last few notes in a song. He speaks quietly, formally, and seriously.

It was nineteen years ago that Doji's retinue, traveling, encountered a baby, the only survivor of a deadly fire. The other villagers didn't know his name. Doji ordered him brought to her household, where he was raised by one of her handmaidens. She saw that he received an education in all the proper arts, and gave him his name, Hikaru.

For several years now, Hikaru has been a member of Doji's retinue, completing the circle. In the last year, he has asked for, and was given permission, to travel the countryside. It is only recently that he returned to her side, only to leave again for this wedding, much troubled by her mysterious illness...

*Are you familiar with the code of Bushido? Hikaru has studied it extensively, and would be interested in discussing it.
*Do you perform music? Create art? Write poetry? Practice swordsmanship? A proper samurai should be skilled in many things.
*Are you familiar with supernatural illness? Hikaru may wish to exchange a few quiet words. What sort of ailment could affect a god?
*Do you need assistance? Is your cause just? Hikaru will assist you.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:50 am
by Akodo Moshi
Akodo Moshi
Faction: Lion
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Build: Lithe, almost lanky
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Complexion: Pale

Young Moshi would seem almost out of place among the nobles who surround the capital city, if not for the air of dignity she keeps. Almost like there's a true leader hidden in her, it just needs time to come out. Her hair comes to half-way down her back.

She doesn't have gods for parents, nor the accomplishments of their friends, but she has learned from them about bushido and the Tao of shinsei. As such, she does her best to live by the new tenants that make up the new life that she was born into. She may have lost her father, but Moshi will not let him down.

Plot hooks:
* Has a great potential
* Greatly seeking new information
* Do you know anything about her father? She would like to speak with you greatly.
* Has various spiritual knowledges

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:55 am
by Hisomu Kuni
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Build: Sturdy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown

Kuni was a ronin when he joined the search for Hisomu. Many tales of heroism came from the journey into hell to save a god.

Kuni's tale was not one of them. People kind of forgot he was there. It's not that he served poorly. It's just that his little accomplishments failed to gain any recognition. Yet, even so, on the journey home, Hisomu offered him a place in the Spider.

In the Spider, he did prosper. While he may not have made a mark on the journey, it made a mark on him. He became obsessed with Jigoku and fighting it. In any other Clan, it would have seemed unhealthy. After all, Jigoku had been defeated easily enough. But in the Spider, they do not forget or forgive the imprisonment of their Kami. Kuni often finds himself working with the Seekers, both teaching what he has learned and learning from those in the field.

At some point, he got married and had children. He also learned about fashion since he "needed" a hobby. . But the important thing is that he has been preparing when Jigoku inevitably rises. The Empire will be prepared. That's all that matters.

- Been to Spider lands? You might have ran into Kuni.

- Interested the Jigoku? Kuni is very interested in such things.

- Did you go to hell save a god? Maybe you remember Kuni? Probably not. He was just random guy.

- Into fashion? Why not talk to the creepy guy obsessed with the Realm of Evil?

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:57 am
by Kakita
Name: Kakita
Faction: Bat Clan
Age: Early 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7’’
Build: Floating Elegance
Hair: Black
Eyes: Amber
Occupation: Escort to Ryoshun Rei
Marital Status: Single

Not much is known of the mysterious man with only one name. His gait informs one of a man who knows how to carry himself. His blade is of unique creation as it rests upon his hip. A motif of black feathers adorns the saya of his steel curved-blade. Some reports suggest he appeared from the mystical mountains in the north. People say that he traveled to the ancient homelands of the Kakita and there took a name of the people who had once lived there. There is a look in his eyes which does not seem to reside in this world... a focus on something beyond the mundane.

He is a handsome man when one takes a moment to notice such things. Congenial for his part for those who get to know him... but behind his eyes there is experience that does not commonly appear in one of his age. In fact it is almost impossible to guess this man’s age. He has come to the capital at the request of those who have given him home in the past few months. He travels with Ryoshun Rei as an escort and yojimbo for the young Bat.


-Mystical Samurai: There is an intense focus about Kakita. Travelers have heard him speaking of an ‘illness’. He appears to be on some kind of journey... seeking something... perhaps others could join in this noble quest. Some sense of destiny surrounds this man...

-“Hey Don’t I know You?’: Members of the Crane who trained in the Nanzi school might recognize a similar looking face to a Nanzi Hayaku, son of the former chief of the Kakita and star pupil in the early days of the Nanzi school. But certainly this must be a mistake... Hayaku died an early death, his father killed himself in remorse not long after and no one has seen or heard from his twin sister since. Such a tragic tale... must be your mind playing tricks on you.

-Steel and Honor: The man carries a unique weapon... others in the north may have seen blade similar to this, but its make is unique and of the highest quality. Where could this have come from if not the forges of the north?

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 4:37 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
  • Name: Yatsufusa
  • Clan: Dragon
  • Family: Saru
  • Profession: Shugenja
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 1,72 m
  • Marital status: Single
  • Hair color: Blonde
  • Eye color: Green
This young dragon shugenja coming from the Saru family is part of Togashi Satsuki's-himesama entourage. No much is known about him, since he is a lowborn samurai. He seems to be a quiet aide.

Besides that basic information, this shugenja seems to be quite fond of birds, as he came to the capital accompanied by two, a falcon and a little song bird.


A rare sight among rokugani, Yatsufusa has blonde hair and green eyes. Having delicate fair features the young dragon is rather atypical for what one could imagine for more brawny rugged mountain people. Moreover, one of Yatsu's legs is completely useless, and the shugenja must help himself with a walking stick in order to travel.

Other than that, Yatsu's appearance is quite handsome. The dragon shugenja carries proudly the mon of both the Dragon clan and from the Saru family.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 5:03 am
by Akodo Daigoro
Age: 47
Sex: Male
Profession: Civil Engineer
Height: 5'2
Marital Status: Hitched
Hair: Greying Brown
Eyes: Brown

The Old Man of the Lion delegation is a former dirt-farmer raised to samurai status by Akodo One-Eye for his marvelous ability to design machines and systems that are powered by water. Though a mediocre swordsman even before he sacrificed his hand to stop the collapse of a water-wheel, Daigoro remains an integral part of the establishment of a rich agricultural society in Lion territory. He is a strong proponent of the communitarian tendencies in the Lion clan, and devotes himself equally to teaching and encouragement of other thinkers and collaborators as to his own designs. That serves as part of the reason he left his home (and his first grandson!) to attend the Nanzi wedding. Brilliant minds were gathering, and Daigoro had no interest in missing out. Besides, who doesn't like a wedding?

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 7:24 am
by Reiko Machiko
Name: Reiko Machiko
Gender: Female
Clan: Spider
Age: mid 20s
Height: 5’8
Build: Lithe
Marital status: Single
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown

Machiko is about as typical a Spider as you can get; meaning she's entirely different in manners, actions and background. Being just old enough to remember the times before the clans, Machiko becoming part of the Spider is almost the same as every other. She heard Reikos words, while still just a child herself, and was inspired enough to sneak away in the night and follow them. Having no family and barely anything to her name it was easy for her to stop being a peasant orphan and become part of the Spider family.

Machiko is very intelligent, and was welcomed to the newly forming Seekers school with open arms by their founders, who made her feel like own of their own children. While rarely showing the care and kindness back, she did grow to care for Reo and Ninube and is fiercely loyal to them in her own way.

Plot hooks:
  • Machiko has been heavily involved in the Libraries of the Spider, and a little involvement in others (usually alongside someone of more authority)
  • Machiko is pretty smart, and loves to read and listen to stories. Even if she doesn't tell you it directly
  • She seems to have an extreme dislike for anyone hailing from the Noriaki tribe, and certain members in particular. Not that anyone remember the tribes, right?
  • Are you a crafter? Machiko is pretty good at many different styles of craft, and always interested in learning more

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 2:24 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Name: Hisomu Susumu
Gender: Male
Clan: Spider
Age: 19
Height: 5’9
Build: Skinny
Marital status: Single
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown

Susumu was adopted into the Spider after an illness took his biological parents, taken in by the traveling pair of Hisomu Ninube and Reo. Initially resistant to the changes among piles of scroll and dusty relics. Sensing the tension, his adoptive parents stepped back, allowing him to bond with the fellow adoptees and younger children in the family and allowed him out to the dojo of Hisomu Matsu to train in order to blow off energy. Going to the dojo allowed for Susumu to bond with children his own age and fully accepting life among the Spider.

He has split the majority of his time since finally considered an adult. He continues to train at the Matsu Sentinel dojo, though his absenteeism is well known. He continues to work in the Spider Archives, where he has taken it upon himself to keep an eye out on Reiko Machiko, a rapidly growing Seeker that he considers his responsibility. Increasingly though, Susumu has been stepping up as "Clan Representative" something that began by stepping in for Ninube and Reo when one was “indisposed” (spying) and the other “would rather go back to the Shadowlands rather than go to one of those meetings”. Susumu found that he has a way with words, and with the Imperial Archives to act as a resource, has been able to craft arguments and proposals in ways that things get done, citing Imperial precedent and providing clarification. This has resulted in a surprising growth in status within the Clan for his age, making him a common choice of mediator or proponent of a cause.

He comes to the meeting at the Imperial capital, hoping to learn more about the levers of power within the Empire, and learn more about the Imperial legal system that has been put into place for resolving disputes.


Plot hooks:
  • Up for a practice duel? Susumu likes to keep his sword sharp. Challenging him to a real duel? He'll step up.
  • Boring legal stuff? Count Susumu in! (Just don't expect his attention to hold)
  • Do you want something with the Spider? Susumu is one of the people who can help you get it. Alternatively, to stop someone from getting it.
  • Do you have a problem with Machiko? Then you have a problem with him.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:46 pm
by Makime Ayano
Name: Makime Ayano
Gender: Female
Clan: Lion
Age: late teens
Height: 5’4
Build: thin
Marital Status: Classified State Secret (Single, she's single)
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Occupation:: Heir to the Makime Family, Diplomat

Not long past becoming an adult in the eyes of her family, Ayano is surprisingly unassuming given her lineage. Indeed many would be surprised to learn she was the daughter the Makime even with their similar facial features. This is perhaps most noticeable in her more gregarious and empathetic nature, a marked difference from her increasingly dour and calculating mother. Which is, arguably, why she was sent to the wedding.

Despite her outward pleasantness, Ayano seems generally guarded on personal matters. In most discussions she has a noticeable tendency to avoid speaking on what she wants, pushing it back the questioner or else generalizing it to what the 'Makime' or the 'Lion' want.

  • Ayano is the heir apparent of the Makime family, if you had business with the family it is possible you encountered her.
  • Ayano's grandfather is a senior merchant for the Makime and has represented their trade interests across the Empire, and for a couple of years Ayano accompanied him on these trade missions.
  • The young Makime heir has a marked interest in learning and is surprisingly well-versed on a large number of topics.
  • Though not much of an artist herself, Ayano has a marked interest in the growing forms of artistic expression in the Empire and is generally eager to talk on the subject.
  • Economics - Ayano has a disturbing interest in the flow of trade, resources, and distribution thereof...despite her young age she seems to possess a keen mind for such things.

Doji Dojihime

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 3:58 pm
by Doji Dojihime
Doji Dojihime
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 6'1"
Build: Slim and Thicc
Hair: Black and worn in immaculate dreads
Eyes: Beautiful Almond Brown
Occupation: Heir to the Clan Champion, Courtier and Diplomat, and Rokugan Influencer
Marital status: Unmarried

She is a princess, in public she is quiet, wholesome, and attentive to the needs of her people and others around her. She lives in the shadow of her mother and father, one a living God and the other a living Hero and knows that she carries a great burden on her shoulders. She does not allow it to weigh her down instead she exults in coming from such a distinguished lineage.

She is always dressed in luxurious gowns and ensembles that blends the best of her father’s people with that of Doji’s preferences. She is never without her ladies in waiting and she spends a great deal of time tending to her appearance, as she feels it matters not just how one does their job but how they appear while doing it. In public she is compassionate, calm, and friendly and in truth she is much the same in private though more talkative as the situation demands.

She is never without her dear pet, Fuyuhime, a white raven that perches on her shoulder for public appearances. She dotes on the pet like a child, a dear gift from her father and honored uncle. She spends her time away from court sampling the latest fashions, and local cultures; she is ever a friend to all and is eager to see her sister wed and meet all the heroes and cousins she has not had a chance to meet yet.

  • She mixes the best features of her father and mother, but is yet her own creature and is eager to reconnect with her cousins and those that knew her august parents.
  • She has a pet white raven, that is a little trickster and lover of treats and shinies.
  • Love fashion, love looking beautiful, love taking a spa day? Then join me.
  • Are you a Lion, Crab, or Stag... and maybe a Scorpion; she is very interested in talking with you for official reasons.
  • Interested in a unique proposal that could have long lasting affects on the Empire, well Dojihime has a rather unique idea she would love to get your input on.
  • Slim waist, thicc hips and thighs... nuff said.

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 4:17 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Name: Ryoshun Rei
Gender: Female
Clan: Bat
Age: 19 Winters
Height: 6' 1"
Build: Lean
Marital status: Single
Hair colour: White
Eye colour: Silver

One of the earliest born of the Kami, Rei stands out in many ways. Whispers say she was held by her father in Meido before her mother carried her into Ningen-Do. Her connection to Ryoshun has remained strong throughout her life, giving her a keen mind and an aptitude for crafting. She possesses many of her mother's gifts as well, being one of Nazo's youngest students in the ways of the Void. As heir to the Bat, Rei has been preparing to take up her parent's legacy, hoping that she and her siblings may expand the small clan's standing and influence.

Physically, Rei holds a subtle, quiet beauty. Her tall, slender form is not uncommon among children of the Kami, but she still stands above many of her cousins. She moves with a graceful, confidant stride. Her snow white hair and alabaster skin seem to glow softly in the evening shadows. And, her smile is almost always friendly and warm. However, she often appears to be lost in thought or distracted by things only she is aware of. At times, this suggests an aloof personality, distant and cold. Those close to her may dispute that idea, but Rei does little to correct that assumption herself.

-Do you know what the future holds? Would you like to?
-Have you been injured? Some herbs may help.
-Do you like adorable piglets?
-Do you want to build a snow fort?
-Are you troubled by strange noises in the night?
-Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic?
-Have you or your family actually seen a spook, specter or ghost?

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 5:42 pm
by Doji Misaki
Doji Misaki

Clan: Crane
Age: early twenties
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5" / 1.65m
Hair: Black, long, well cared for
Eyes: Dark amber
Occupation: Priestess, inventor, champion of the people!
Marital Status: Married to her work (single)


Misaki can just recall the old times. Back when the Empire was just starting out and things were being figured out. Her family danced the old dances still and said the old prayers, rituals designed to appease the spirits and bless the crops, and had status to match such an old lineage. She is not interested in status or acclaim though, nor reliving the old ways. The Kami have brought new ways of thinking, and the meeting of minds has brought many innovations.

So instead, as Misaki grew up, she found her inspiration with the common people and the way these changes effected them. She saw ideas from other tribes, then other Clans, improve their lives and help to tame nature to make the world a more prosperous and safe place. Medicine, crop rotation, irrigation methods... she saw these as the true blessings of the Heavens, things that might now have been possible if the Kami had not come and shown the spirit of innovation.

Thus Misaki took up with the newly formed Doji architects, whose spirit of generosity and humble work matched her ideals. She still knows much about the spirits, and those who know her well say she seems blessed by the wind, a beautiful and friendly spirit who seems to calm and lift up those around her as she flits from place to place. But that does not mean she has any real fame or relations outside of those few who know her well, and they are things she seems to actively eschew; Instead she is usually found in her workshop or out in nature, studying and working tirelessly to find the next new thing that will improve the lives of everyone, searching for a legacy that will last the ages from behind the scenes.

  • Do you have any pets or animal companions? Misaki is quite good with animals and would love to meet them.
  • Do you work with plants? You may have heard of a certain architect's work then, vaguely.
  • Do you like learning? Misaki always loves hearing new stories and ideas, especially if they're about helping people or making the world a better place.
  • Are you versed with spirits and spirituality? Misaki comes from a long line of priests and priestesses, and she'll happily talk about the old ways... or new.
  • Do you think Shinsei is super swell? Misaki will talk about the wandering teacher all day if you want.
  • Are you interested in performance? Misaki knows much about song and dance and is trained in many different ways to bring song and performance into peoples' lives.
Reverse Hooks
  • Interested in marriage, maybe making some children with a beautiful Crane woman? Too bad! Ain't nobody got time for that! ...still, you are kind of cute...
  • Oh, my yumi? Yes, I know how to use it. No, I am not interested in having a contest with you. B-Baka.
  • I don't care if I AM trained with the Doji Courtiers; I'm not interested in your schemes or gossip! let me proceed to gossip about you behind your back.
  • Honor is its own reward; Going on about it only lessens its worth. That said, it is hard to say no to a bit of flattery, if you insist...
  • Yes, ancestors were pretty famous amongst the Kakita, back is ze day. No, I don't wish to dwell on the past. Still, it would dishonor them to ignore your inquiries completely...

Re: Character Descriptions

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 6:04 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Name: Bayushi Sasori
Clan: Scorpion
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Build: Lean, but fit
Hair: Long silky red
Eyes: Golden
Marital Status: Single

Sasori is a mystery. She wonder around looking if she can find something that might peek her interest. She might be the most plain person that you encounter, her cat is more memorable than her.

She knows a thing or two about fans
Her cat is quite the trouble maker
Do you want to study an odd way of defence?
Do you like to fold paper in animal shapes?