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Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:06 am
by Doji Misaki
Misaki had not heard back from Wh'rr'kk-san, so tonight's private room at the Camellia House was for her and Makime-sama alone, sans the learning opportunity. Still, the day had been most enlightening indeed, so it wasn't as if there weren't things to discuss, in addition to the tea and snacks themselves. So it was that Misaki sat and waited, lost in thought, still in immaculate but plain clothes as was her way.

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:39 am
by Makime Ayano
The Crane was soon joined by a Lion. Ayano had picked one of her best kimono and had clearly taken a little extra effort with her appearance. She was carrying a little bundle with here and smiling to herself.

"Good evening Doji-san," Ayano bowed from the entrance of the private room. "I hope everything has gone well since we last spoke."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:07 pm
by Doji Misaki
As Ayano entered, Misa stood and brightened up, "Makime-sama, good evening!"

She bowed deeply and motioned to the cushions across from her own at the low small table, "Things have been more than fine for myself, though I've been counting the hours between then and now."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:59 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano's smile grew, then it faltered...turning more nervous. She held out the package in her hand, unwrapping it the Lioness revealed an amateur painting.

"I...painted this under the tutelage of Nanzi Hadananzi-sama this morning, it was my first painting." She held it up for inspection, " sorry, I should have asked permission but I just let the moment take hold. It was painted from memory."

The painting itself was of Doji Misaki, seated in the gardens. It was not the finest painting but if what Ayano had said was was remarkable for a first attempt.

"I wanted to give it to you." She dipped her head in a small bow.

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:13 pm
by Doji Misaki
Misaki contemplated the situation; She was genuinely happy to get the painting, and despite Ayano's worries she quite liked it as well. Normally though, it was the sort of gift one would refuse twice before accepting, being as personal as it was. But the Doji woman was afraid the ritual might be perceived as too much for the current situation.

In the end, she had to trust Ayano knew her well enough to understand, "I certainly do not think you owe me an apology like that. Coming from a Clan dedicated to the arts in many ways, I think it is wonderful you found something to inspire you and help you take up the brush. And it is quite remarkably done as well. So much so that I really could not take it; It is your first ever painting, Makime-sama, so surely it must mean a good deal to you."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:42 pm
by Wh'rr'kk
There is a slight scratching at the screen and a long nose is stuck tentatively through the gap.

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:04 pm
by Makime Ayano
Several emotions passed over Ayano's face. First hurt and sadness at rejection, followed by realization and joy, then a reddening of her cheeks. As she opened her mouth to offer the gift a second time there came a scratch.

"ItneverwouldhavecomeaboutwithoutyourbeautytoinspireitMisaki-chan.Iwantyoutohaveit!" Ayano says quickly and hopefully just loudly enough for Misake to less then a beat. She continues, "IcanalwayspaintasecondandmaybenexttimeyouwouldhonormebymodelingdirectlyMisaki-chan."

With that she holds the painting out full arms length. Her green eyes looking off to the side closest to the door, her emotions seeming to have settled on: completely embarrassed and utterly irritated at the nezumi actually showing it.

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:20 am
by Doji Misaki
Misaki smiles softly and nods, glancing at the door before taking the painting. She tucks it gently under an arm before bowing deeply to Ayano, "I will treasure your gift and the sentiment behind it, Makime-sama. And would be happy to help in future endeavors."

Straitening, she sets the painting carefully beside her, "Now, I will get things ready for our guest, if you would be so kind as to show them in."

She wasn't ordering the heir per say, but having something to do might do the flustered young woman some good. Besides, Misaki was too busy stealing glances at the painting while she poured a third cup of tea.

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:27 am
by Makime Ayano
"Ah of course," Ayano smiled, taking a moment to compose herself, "My apologies for the familiarities earlier, Doji-san." She glanced at Misaki before taking a deep breath and turning to face the screen.

"Please enter...Nezumi-san?" Her voice hesitates, suddenly recognizing she has no idea how one addresses an unfamiliar Nezumi.

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:28 pm
by Wh'rr'kk
The Nezumi paws open the screen, resplendent in his cherry blossom coat he bows low, "Greeting Samurai-sans thank you for inviting me to share your tea"

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:46 pm
by Doji Misaki
Wh'rr'kk wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:28 pm
The Nezumi paws open the screen, resplendent in his cherry blossom coat he bows low, "Greeting Samurai-sans thank you for inviting me to share your tea"
Misaki stands up to offer a bow rather than staying sitting, having finished with her quick prepartations for the extra guest, "Ah, welcome. I have poured you tea and set out a seat for you if you wish to join us. We had just arrived, so the tea is still nice and hot."

As she sat back down, she smiled at the Nezumi, "I am Misaki of Lady Doji-sama's Crane. And this is Makime Ayano-sama of Lord Akodo-sama's Lion. I take it you received my letter then?"

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:28 pm
by Wh'rr'kk
He returns her bow, and bows to the Lion. "Yes yes, the piece of wall with your smell on it. I am sorry but I do not know how to smell your man-man memory sticks"

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:22 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano calmed herself and turned her attention to the Nezumi, bowing in turn, "Ah...well that would be because it is not smell but sight that marks the...memories?" She looked to Misaki and smiled, "Seems Doji-san, we overlooked a simple complication."

"It seems you found someone who could read it for you I take it?"

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:49 am
by Wh'rr'kk
"Hai, Bayushi Sasori-san and Doji Hikaru-san were very helpful in arranging this meeting"

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:08 am
by Doji Misaki
"That was my mistake then. I thought the possibility was there that you could not understand our writing, but I know so little about your kind. That was partially why I invited you here; So Makime-sama and I could enjoy a talk with you and perhaps have some cultural exchange in the process."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:10 pm
by Makime Ayano
"Misunderstandings are still bound to happen as we, meaning our two peoples, learn more about each other." Ayano nodded, "Which as Doji-san said is one reason we wished to speak with you."

The Lioness taps her teacup, producing a light ringing sound, "We were not sure what brews, if any, you would find favorable. If it is not to your taste we can request something else."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:18 pm
by Wh'rr'kk
"Your tea is quite good, I enjoy it much. " HYe shakes his head, "It seems our peoples each have ways to pass on memories, but neither can smell the others"

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:56 am
by Doji Misaki
"Oh, you don't need to smell our writing to be able to understand it. If you can see the symbols and know what they mean, they convey memories with words, like us talking with each other. It's purely visual, like looking out a window to tell if it's cloudy outside or not. Or looking at a painting to see a scene from the past."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:08 am
by Makime Ayano
"Nezumi-san may not recognize visual patterns in a manner similar to us though Doji-san," Ayano added, "Just as we may not be able to discern the nuances of smells from their way of passing on memories. I suppose that is one thing we will have to learn."

Re: Sharing is Caring [Day 5, LE, ask]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:01 am
by Wh'rr'kk
"I have seen some of your painting, they are...confusing...they do not look like anything, they are flat and unrealistic, though some are aesthetically pleasing, they hold little representation to reality to my eyes at least"