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Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:11 am
by Wu Zhe
Wu was not quite sure about the Tea house's tea selection, preferring simple first flushes of green and black himself, but he supposed he could not find better on such short notice.

He honestly did not know what to expect from this discussion. Nozomi, the monk, had recommended this one but he never interacted with a member of the scorpion.

We will see

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:18 am
by Bayushi Kogi
Neatly composed and with an umbrella to protect her silks from any unanticipated snowflakes, Kogi arrives as well. She lets the teahouse attendant show her to where this Wu Zhe is waiting, though in fact she spots him herself before they're halfway into the main room--there can't be that many people from the far-off Dragon Clan in the capital this winter.

Padding up beside the table in her stocking feet, she bows politely. "Wu-sama, I presume?"

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:02 pm
by Wu Zhe
Zhe, wearing a simple green winter kimono, rose to meet the newly arrived scorpion when he herd his family name called

''I am. I assume you must be Bayushi Kogi-sama, correct?'' he bowed to the scorpion woman ''A pleasure to meet you.''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:22 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"Yes, I'm Kogi of the house of Bayushi." She nods; she'll wait for Zhe to resume his seat before gracefully settling into her own, smoothing her silk layers around and over her lap.

"The pleasure is mine as well, Wu-sama." Her performance of the courtesies is well-practiced. "You have some business to discuss with me, is that right? Though before that, we should give Doji Tsubaki-san's hard work its due and drink some of her tea together."

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:00 pm
by Wu Zhe
'' you have any preferences considering the tea?'' he inquired as he tried to remember what was on the menu

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:20 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"Unless Wu-sama is a student of the formal tea ceremony... I've heard the house's Emperor's Gift blend is pleasant for casual drinking," Kogi suggests, after thinking for a few moments with her hands folded in her lap--or one could say just as truthfully, after observing that Zhe really doesn't seem to have a preference in mind.

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:29 pm
by Wu Zhe
''If that is your recommendation than is shall be what we drink.''

He nods with a pleased smile and raised a hand to attract one of the attendant's attention

''You seem knowledgeable in this department''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:38 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"The proprietor quite generously shared some of her blends with the wedding guests on the morning after the ceremony," Kogi says in the same mild voice, hands still folded. "She seems to know her business. I was born in tea-growing country myself."

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:41 pm
by Wu Zhe
''The camellia sinensis also grows in dragon lands but the practices are quite different when it comes to preparation...although I do not know much beyond the basics. Tea was not my domain of expertise.''

He paused to glance and the snow outside for a moment

''Have you been enjoying your time here so far?''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:03 am
by Bayushi Kogi
"I'm surprised to hear that." Kogi looks a bit more intrigued. "I didn't think it could possibly grow so far north in the cold winters we hear so much about. Even in the south Spine, the tea farmers have to protect the plants with straw if there is ever a real frost."

She settles back on her heels with a slight sigh. "It's been a very unexpected few days. I thought to be on the road back to Kyuden Bayushi by now, but the elements have other ideas, it seems. But the capital is certainly interesting."

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:07 am
by Wu Zhe
''Interesting indeed'' he echoed ''I am certainly not use to this rhythm of affairs...everything is...slower...better paced, I would say, back home''

He joined his hand on the table

''Still we have our duties to attend to. Which brings us to this meeting''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:30 am
by Bayushi Kogi
"Mm." Kogi tilts her head a little and regards him steadily, with a hint of inquiry. "Is there some way you would like me to assist you in your duties, Wu-sama?"

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:12 pm
by Wu Zhe
''Perhaps there is something you clan can do. Nozomi-sama recommended that I speak to you of this as she holds you in high esteem.'' he clarified

''Togashi-no-Kami asked of us a most peculiar thing: he wants four temples to be built around Shinomen Mori...who occupies the temples is not important compared to the way and location these temples are built''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:41 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"Does she...?" Kogi's brows arch. "Hm. Monk Nozomi is generous."

At this moment, one of Tsubaki's servers arrives with their tea tray, causing a brief interruption for thanks and tray-wrangling. This gives Kogi a bit of space to think through what Wu is asking.

"Temples." Her eyebrows draw together a little. "Around Shinomen Mori? Depending on the sites Lord Togashi has in mind... the east and part of the north border are both under my lord's protection, yes. But," sounding genuinely curious and a bit perplexed, "what kind of temples? And why?"

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:40 pm
by Wu Zhe
Zhe took a deep breath for it was not a simple thing to guess the thoughts of a mysterious god

''I do not know. I do not think anyone beside Togashi-no-kami knows why he wants temples at each cardinal direction around Shinomen Mori...or why he wants them build in a very specific manner.''

He grasped a cup of tea with both hands, taking in the warmth

''But I do know that Togashi-no-Kami is not frivolous and only acts when needed.'' he frowns ''Shinomen Mori is worthy of attention, it seems.''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:58 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"Cardinal directions, hm?"

While Wu was speaking, Kogi had deftly managed a sip of her own tea, all without taking off her veil. It seems she's had a lot of practice.

"True east would fall in my lord's lands, and North could be his or Lady Shinjo's. But the south end of the forest has no master at the moment, and to the west is just waste land. A very remote place for a temple."

Setting her cup back on the table, she turns it between her fingertips. "Um... can you tell me anything more about Lord Togashi's wishes in this matter? What is this 'very specific manner' of building he wants for them? What god or spirit does he mean to enshrine there, and are they to have a resident priest? Or some other kind of keepers?"

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:04 pm
by Wu Zhe
''I am not sure of the specifics of the construction but I would not be surprised if it has some form of esoteric meaning'' he took a sip of tea that was less elegant but, at least, not crude.

''My lord seems not to care as to who occupies the temples as long as they are built. The Order of Heroes are interested in their construction and probably their occupation too.''

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:28 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
"Huh." That was interesting. Since it seems Zhe is as clueless as she herself is, Kogi turns over what little she knows about geomancy and nature spirits, trying to guess the significance of Togashi's wishes. "So... what is it exactly that Lord Togashi would request from Lord Bayushi in this? Land, obviously. At least one of these four temples would need a grant of land he holds, in perpetuity from the sounds of it?"

One hand wanders away from her teacup, and slim fingertips tap softly on the tabletop.

"Materials? Labor, for the construction? A shrine keeper? Or, if monks are to tend it... will they need an endowment of more land to support themselves? Or a promise of funds each year? And these temples might well need the clans to protect them. The Shinomen fringes aren't as dangerous as the deep forest, but things still happen there."

D5 LM--Lore:Theology (why four temples? If this is in fact the right Lore?), Sage: 5d10o10k4 26

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:41 pm
by Canary
If Kogi had to guess, just from the arrangement, the shrines seem like some sort of protective measure.

Re: Day 5 LM: Between Veils

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:50 pm
by Wu Zhe
''There is no doubt we would certain need to cooperate for the construction on many fronts and it would take investements'' he admitted ''Would Lord Bayushi be willing to support us in this? If only for the eastern temple.''