Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

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Doji Tsubaki
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Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:48 am

Although she could have easily requisitioned one of the private rooms for herself this evening Tsubaki could be found relaxing in one of the public room enclosures in case anyone was seeking to speak with her.

Now and then Ni or San would bring a new pot of water and blend for her to sample and judge.
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:11 am

Ayano had heard of a Crane tea house, indeed it had been the one that had arranged the lovely evening yesterday. Even with her nervous encounter with the groom this morning, Ayano still felt a certain pull to the Crane. They possessed a beauty and elegance Ayano herself felt she lacked.

So it was a Lioness in a pale kimono in the goldish yellow of her clan entered into the Camellia House. The girl lingered at the door and studied the room quietly before fully committing to entering.
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:23 am

As a server directed Tsubaki's attention to the new arrival the older Crane stood and dismissed her two blossoms before sweeping her way towards the door. Her outfit, though less extravagant than she would wear to court, was no less stylish and exquisite.

"Ah, Makime-sama, welcome! It is an honor to have one of your esteem grace our fine establishment." A warm smile flashes, "This one is Doji Tsubaki, founder of this Camellia House, how may I be of service?"
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:45 am

Ayano turned to face the hostess, her eyes narrow in thought...the voice and poise seemed familiar but she couldn't place from where. She returned the warmed smile and bows, "You seem to have me at advantage Doji-sama." She held her smile as she rose, "Ayano of the Makime, senior envoy of the Lion." Ayano paused to consider Tsubaki for a moment...the woman likely knew already, "Daughter and Heir of Lady Makime, daimyo of the Makime."

Here green eyes take in her surroundings, before returning to the Doji, "I was merely possessed by curiosity, to see the famed Crane teahouse that had so graciously provided tea and entertainment yesterday."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:54 am

The smile widens and shines in the firelight, "Ah, wonderful, well I am glad you will have a chance to see it in full bloom. The arrangements at the palace, though of fine quality with Imperial help, were still somewhat rushed on behalf of the weather and not the purest showing of what we can do."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:54 am

Green eyes settled on the smile, "My family understands the value of a controlled environment. A hasty improvisation can only do so much."

She smiles, "Forgive my ignorance but does one take a seat or allow one of the hostesses to lead one to an appropriate table?"
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:01 am

Tsubaki smiles and nods, "If one wished to take in a performance then there is open and public seating. If you wished something slightly more private then they would assign you one of the sectioned off areas here in the common area. Of course, for someone of your station, we could also arrange a private room assuming they are not already in use."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:16 am

Ayano smiled at that, "I am not so important as to warrant a separate room I think." The Lioness nodded to the commons, "I believe the common area would be fine. Unless Doji-sama has some objection."

She paused a moment in thought, "Although come to think of it a private room would be useful at a later date. I had intended to meet the strange nezumi seen around court and perhaps learn a bit about their people." The Lioness tapped her lip, still thinking, "It would be myself, the nezumi, and your kinswoman Doji Misaki." A feint reddening of her cheeks briefly appears at the mention of the Crane's name. "The details are still being worked out."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:20 am

Tsubaki raises an eyebrow slightly at the first part and nods at the second. "If the heir of a major family is not important few souls are. Do not sell yourself short, Makime-sama. As for your meeting we would be more than happy to accommodate such a thing. Simply let us know the date and time and any requests you may have as to entertainment and we shall see it done."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:31 am

"I will send a missive when I have a more solid time frame." Ayano dipped her head in a small bow, "Thank you Doji-sama. I hope the nezumi will not cause undue problems."

"Ah...of course, it is a long and wearying day. Though I still do not wish to press for special arrangements tonight, merely to enjoy your offerings as in normal guest." Another pause, "Or perhaps one special request, if Doji-sama has the time to speak over tea, I would be consider it an honor."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:41 am

"We have had a few Nezumi guests without issue. Normally those that make their way to the Imperial Capital are fairly acquainted with our manners and customs."

At the request Tsubaki raises a well manicured hand to her chest, "I am most flattered Makime-sama and I have no pressing engagements so I can certainly make the time. Please, follow me."

The Crane hostess leads the Lioness towards one of the screened off areas nearer to the center of the House, and the warmth of the fire, where the music from the stage can be heard but is not loud enough to eclipse even soft conversation.
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:51 pm

"Thank you, Doji-sama, for your consideration," Ayano followed, she tried not to look too much the young lady amazed by her surroundings. Once they were at the seat, the Lioness would ask, "What inspired you to make such an establishment, Doji-sama. If I may ask?" Her eyes were still wandering, before finally settling on the Crane.
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:58 am

Tsubaki smiles as she settles comfortably into the cushions, "I was inspired by Lady Doji's desire to bring art, culture, and beauty throughout the Empire. It struck me that a grand way to do so would be to have them all under one roof welcoming all who wished to partake. That, combined with my own skills and interests in tea, led to the formation of the original Camellia House near her palace."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:36 pm

"All noble goals, Doji-sama," Ayano smiles warmly at that, "And it seems to have blended harmoniously. Though I notice there is still work to be done on the outside, I hope to see it when completed."

Her eyes do much to betray an actual sense of wonder behind her calm tone, "Might I ask if Doji-sama has a particular blend of tea, music, and display that is meant to all be done as one? A coordination to stimulate sight, hearing, and taste all in one precise experience?"
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:48 pm

A nod, "Yes there is still work to do. Even with the aid of the Isawa there was only so much that could be completed within the year. Do please return in the future to see the final showing." Another smile, "As for displays such as you speak they are generally crafted for a specific event or occasion but they can certainly be done."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:11 pm

"I see," Ayano nods then sits back, "I imagine such a crafted experience must make an occasion more memorable."

"I do not wish impose again, but might I allow Doji-sama to make the choice of blend? Lady Makime prefers blends that are...bland if I am blunt, and importing different ones has not really entered her mind."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:27 pm

Tsubaki offers a motherly smile, likely one never seen by her adopted children, and nods, "Of course Makime-sama. Hopefully you can bring her some recommendations to make some changes when all is done here this winter. May I perform the tea ceremony for you?"
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:48 pm

"Ah, yes...though I fear I will be a poor partner as I have only seen it performed and never participated." Ayano responds, her green eyes glitter a little at the prospect. "Ah...well I would be pleased to hear the recommendations but Lady Makime is...well she is very much the stoic warrior, her indulgences for such things are mainly given to silk."
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Doji Tsubaki » Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:12 am

Tsubaki signals to San who quickly hurries over to the table, "The setting for the ceremony, San, and the blend from this morning, yes?"

The girl bows and scurries away.

"Just follow my lead, Makime-sama, other than manners the work of the ceremony is in the hands of the host."

Almost as quickly as she had left the young girl returns with the various implements for the ceremony and a small container of matcha.

Once San departs and the air of semi-privacy once more descends upon them Tsubaki begins the ceremony. Something of her grace, focus, and solemnity gives it weight and silence even among the outside noise of the busy tea house locking the two of them in a quiet, serene moment. One motion flows into the other as she prepares the tea to perfection pouring out two cups. Motioning for Ayano to dink Tsubaki raises her own cup in perfect unison imbibing and enjoying the tea within.

The tea itself is an incredibly balanced blend of matcha whose slight grassy and floral notes somehow summon the very essence of spring growth and summer warmth.

(Not that it matters after Dayflip but Ayano regains 2 Void Points)
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Re: Queen in Her Court (D3, EE, Open)

Post by Makime Ayano » Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:15 am

Following the subtle instruction from Tsubaki, Ayano partakes of the ceremony. The warmth of the tea filled her and helped ease the tension of the day. Upon finishing the ceremony the Lioness's smile returns, "...thank you Doji-sama, I did not anticipate this feeling of calm and vigor the ceremony would bring."

She dips her head in a small bow, "The ceremony was of Lady Doji's making, if I remember correctly?"
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