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[D1 - EM] First Light of the Morning (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:14 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
Fortune favors the bold, or so people say. And to enjoy each passing moment of life is the proper way. Thus, getting up early on and exploring around was the first thing in Yatsu's mind.

This whole concept was rather new for him, after all, he grew up among the mountains, eventhough he had proper training for this new era, he was still a Dragon.

Nonetheless, he absorbed with curiosity all around him, and decided to test what the Camellia House was about. He had heard about this new concept of tea and a place to enjoy it and well, experimenting, was indeed something that was in his interest.

With difficulty he went inside the establishment. Bowed and gave all the proper etiquette to everyone that was there. He went for a more public place of the tea house in order to taste what this was all about.

He waited.

Re: [D1 - EM] First Light of the Morning (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:10 am
by Doji Tsubaki
(Description, need to figure out my day to know if Tsubaki herself would be present yet)

Thanks to their on-site sleeping quarters the staff of the Camellia House are able to rotate shifts and even work through the night. As such, even at the dawning of the day, the venue was prepared to deliver levels of service matching the lofty expectations of the Crane. While there are not yet many patrons servers bustle back and forth and already the scent of cooking food from the central hearth joins the lighter aromas of steeping tea.

On stage a lovely young maiden with dark hair plucks a soft and melodic tune on her biwa. A gentle melody for the start of the day.

Re: [D1 - EM] First Light of the Morning (Open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:52 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
The young dragon observes in proper silence as the young maiden performs her melody. Yatsu closed his eyes for a moment trying to catch the harmony behind the music.

Quite different from his home up in the mountains, but still similar in some ways. The tune, the calmness. It reminded of the gentle touch of the wind, the roaring sound of rocks, the flowing of water streams, of the coldness of snow...