EVENT INFO: The Quiet Game (EM 7)

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EVENT INFO: The Quiet Game (EM 7)

Post by Nozomi » Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:15 am

So, in order to give advanced notice on what will be going on, I decided to post up some information on Nozomi's event on Day 7.
What is the Event: A Meditation-themed event in preparation for the 7th day of court.
--Nozomi, intent on teaching her daughter better patience in courtly events, tasks her with playing a "Game" of meditating and staying quiet for the longest time possible. Her method of inviting her daughter is sufficiently public that it ends up inviting others.
When Will this Happen: In the Early Morning/Dawn hours of Day 7.
Where? The Gardens
How Will the Invite be Passed Out: Nozomi will be using the Game of Letters
--This serves as a good lesson for Mayumi. A Note will be passed through the entire court for Nozomi's daughter, and because it is meant to reach her last, it will ultimately be available and seen for several hours publicly within the court on Day 6 (I will include this as a post within the Day 6 court and the Game of Letters post). It will speak of the merits of patience and listening, of silence and meditation in court and challenge the reader to be present at the gardens the following day, and offer a gift for their success and growth.

When Nozomi realizes or sees others present, she will smoothly transition to include a 'prize' for the victor, while incorporating her original intended prize for her daughter.

What is Going to Happen:
Nozomi will be holding quite literally the Quiet Game. It is an opportunity to demonstrate one's ability to remain meditatively silent in a setting with many other people present, and garner the benefits for doing so.

Mechanically this will proceed over four rolls with points! Obviously Meditation is a very valuable skill for this, but there's always another way to reflect courtly poise and quiet

1) The Test of Silence -
Willpower/Meditation (TN 15) or Willpower/Etiquette (TN 20)
--The simplest of tasks is just becoming quiet and remaining quiet. As simple as that.
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each

The Silent Advantage confers 1 Free Raise.

2) The Test of Hearing What You Could Not -
Perception/Investigation (Notice) or Perception/Hunting (Both TN 20)
--Now that people are quiet, it is an opportunity to notice things that they would not, had they been speaking. After the meditative period ends, they have a chance to mention anything interesting and innocuous that they happen to notice during this period.
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each.

The Wary Advantage confers 1 Free Raise.

Player Note: This task is for the noticing of a small, but innocuous thing in the surrounding area. The part of the garden is sufficiently secluded that it does not allow for the overhearing of secret conversations. People are far enough that you're not noticing little dark details. This is "I heard a cricket chirping in the distance" type stuff.

3) Maintaining one's Poise -
Stamina/Meditation (TN 15) or Stamina/Athletics (TN 20)
--The straightforward maintaining of one's meditation for the longest period. It is, after all, the quiet game.
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each

The Inari's Blessing Advantage confers 1 Free Raise

4) Finding One's Center -
Void/Meditation (Void Recovery) - TN 20 or Void/Lore: Religion - TN 15
--Hey, you're meditating. You should be able to recover void normally, shouldn't you? And in fact, achieving your center properly should confer its normal benefits. Success on a Void/Meditation roll recovers Void as normal, but Lore-Religion (while it will not confer void points) can achieve inner peace of a sort that is nevertheless visible (and earns meditation points)
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each

The Balance Advantage confers 1 Free Raise (That can only be applied to the contest, not regaining Void Points)

Rewards: Nozomi's awards are conferred from the pool of resources that she has personally within the monastic orders and the favor of that order.
--All Children will receive a piece of candy for participating. If there is more than one child, Nozomi will give three pieces of candy to one of the other children to help teach her daughter humility. Her daughter will just smirk knowingly at her.

--The Player Character who gets the most Meditation Points will receive:
Nozomi will offer to look within them, to show them a glimpse of their potential with a gift taught to her by Shinsei (The Harmony of Mind Kiho)
Nozomi will offer the services of herself or an appropriate monk in personalized training during the remainder of the winter court or shortly afterwards, in the arts of Meditation or appropriate martial skills.

--The Player Character who gets the second most Meditation points will receive:
Nozomi will offer to look within them, to show them a glimpse of their potential with a gift taught to her by Shinsei (The Harmony of Mind Kiho)
They will also receive a hand-crafted scroll of calligraphy by a member of the Order of Heroes with the tale of Taochusu or Chk'Matt from the Rescue of Hisomu (their choice)

--The Player Character who gets the third most Meditation points will receive:
Nozomi will offer to look within them, to show them a glimpse of their potential with a gift taught to her by Shinsei (The Harmony of Mind Kiho)
They will also receive a bag of bird seed, along with the recommendation that they find a crow somewhere in the midst of the court's proceedings, offer it the seed and accept the bird's wisdom.

Player Note: Nozomi must make a contested Air-Ring roll as part of the Harmony of the Mind Kiho. Success will learn the person's highest value spiritual advantage or disadvantage, highest skill or their highest ring, and result in her saying something appropriately Shinsei-esque about them. Her eyes also glow a little gold when she does it for flavor purpose. She'll spend void on the roll, giving her 4k4. She will admit that she's not as good as Shinsei is at this.
Got any questions? Ask away!
There are no sign ups for this event. However, there will be two available threads:
-the Meditation thread for point tracking
-A general interaction thread for anyone in the Meditation, where people can interact after the meditation itself occurs, during the time slot.
Monk * Ascetic * Experienced Phi * Mom * Disciple of Shinsei * Disturbing Countenance (Albino) * Shinsei's Receptionist?!?
Status - 1.0, Honor - "What is Expected," Glory - 3.0, Current Influence - 4
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Accompanied By: Her daughter, Mayumi (14)
Always Checks for Lying Darkness Corruption with Scorpion
CharacterProfile * Theme Song * (The safe word is still "Sea Cucumber")

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