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[D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:45 am
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori with now the blessing of the consort returns to see the warden. "Hello honorable warden. May I start my investigations?"

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:53 am
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei walked up behind her. It had been several days since Sasoru had told her about the bear. Auntie Kinsen hadn't seemed concerned, but Rei was still curious. Clearly she wasn't the only one.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:28 am
by Tyrus
The watcher on duty this time was a different one than before but she bowed as the two approached "Afternoon, word was sent ahead that you would be permitted to observe the bear so long as you were escorted. I will be that escort." she spoke with an efficient military clip.

"Come this way." she said and turned walking slowly deeper into the woods

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:38 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori nodded looking at the Bay woman. Having an expert in spiritual matters other than herself is better. Saori took out her fan and followed the warden. "Thank you warden sama."

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:46 pm
by Tyrus
The watcher continued to lead them further into the woods and after a couple of minutes they broke into a clearing. At the edge of the clearing she held up a hand and then signaled forward.

Ahead of them a hundred feet or so they would see the great white bear resting and a few cub playing in the snow. The bear's size was not over stated clearly larger than any bear they had seen before and with a pure white coat. It laid with eyes open and as you break into the clearing it'd head raises and watches you silently for now.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:20 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
As the bear watched them, Sasori decided to seat down. She started to talk to the bear. "Honored bear sama we mean no harm." She slowly moved her fan closer so the bears could smell and feel her presence.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:32 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Through the Void, Rei expanded her senses as her mother had taught her. If there were any ghosts lingering nearby, they needed to know.

- - -
[D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear, Using Spirit of the Bat, to Sense any spirits of the dead, TN 10, 50': 7d10o10k4 33

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:14 pm
by Tyrus
Sasori would indeed see the bear's nostrils flare and it would remain looking at them but make no move towards them but also doesn't seem to become aggressive.

Rei feels much spiritual activity in the woods around them but nothing so concentrated as a ghost.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:29 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Next, the Bat carefully and slowly drew her tanto. It was only enough to run her finger across the blade before sheathing it again. With the blood trickling through her fingers, she whispered to the Void, sensing the pattern of life through it.

- - -
[D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear, Casting Sense Void, TN 10, 1 Wound: 7d10o10k4 43

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:59 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori continued to talk to the bear. "We want to know the truth Bear sama... I don't think you are here to kill people. Would you tell me what you want?" She smiled.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 6:33 am
by Tyrus
As Rei opens herself up to the void she feels much life around them despite the winter. While it looked like everything was death and snow she could feel the insects burrowed in the ground, feel the repressed life in the trees around them as they awaited spring so they could bloom again. She could not sense the bears as they were much too far away but she felt something in the void. A primal energy, a spiritual energy that was not of this world. Something in these woods was giving off an otherworldly animalistic energy that was seeping into world around it.

Now as Sasori continued to talk to the bear it continued to stare back. It did not answer her with words but it's expression and way it laid, muscles never fully relaxed, told her volumes. This animal wasn't aggressive but it wasn't at ease either, ready to get up at a moments notice.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:51 am
by Ryoshun Rei
"I do not sense the dead here Bayushi-san." she called out. "But, there is something otherworldly about this place, something primal."

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:11 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori nodded. It is true. "Something is wrong." She told Rei. She looked at the bear. "You came through a portal, right? You want to defend your children. You must have something following you that you don't like." She frowned.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:41 pm
by Tyrus
The bear makes no indication that it understands her words only continues to sit there and watch the two.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:46 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori sighed. I hate doing this... but here we go. She takes her mask and whisper some words as she turns into an orange tabby and sit to watch the bear react. "Nya!"

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:13 am
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei tilts her head in curiosity as she continues to watch.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 1:04 am
by Tyrus
The bears head rose a little higher and a rumbling sound came from its throat. Through these senses Sasori saw the world differently. She could sense how the realm of Chikushido clung to the bear, an aura similar to one of this realm but slightly different.

She did sense confusion from the bear but not fear or distress at the moment.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 1:14 am
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori took a step closer to the bear carefully. "Nya, nya..." I am a friend. She pawed the snow around her. "Nya nya." I mean no harm. We just want to know what happened and why you are here. "Nya" Please

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:03 am
by Tyrus
"Rawrrrr" the bear growled and rumbled a response. It was not talking as humans do, clear ideas conveyed with words but rather emotions and energies swirled to tell her a story. A pregnant mother wondering, warm summer becomes icy cold, sudden, confusion, wandering, giving birth, cubs too small to travel back. Other animals, different, invading, yelling, coming close. Violence, again. Warning. More creatures the same but different. Calming. Peaceful. No creatures. Now you here. Almost time. Cubs almost old enough. Feel the tug of home. Deeper in the woods.

Re: [D7 LA Open] The Cat and the bear

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:18 am
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori nodded. "Nya!" Home She went closer to the bear hoping that she wouldn't be mauled by it and wanted to rub against its leg to show her a bit of compassion and understanding. The girl purred as she took a step back moving back to Rei. "Nya."