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Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:21 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Those who have lost family members may be displeased, but hopefully we can explain that protecting those who remain doesn't require more death, and that no revenge will bring their loved ones back to them."

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:33 am
by Hantei Kinsen
“Are we sure this bear was the cause of the disappearances?” Kinsen asks.

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:39 am
by Nozomi
"It is likely that it would be blamed. This is why I want to be certain and make sure we have verified the truth of matters in our report." There was a possibility that something else was afoot and the bear a convenient threat to draw attention away. Admittedly, the sorts to think to do that... were a much bigger problem. "Once we are certain, we can make a full accounting."

Provided that she could do so at a retreated range, and with due care not to further draw the ire of their ursine neighbor, Nozomi's eyes would begin scanning with all thorough efforts to search for any clues to help make absolutely certain that their report indicated the fates of those missing.


Perception-Investigation: Void - 47 to be completely sure that the bear was responsible, or if there are signs of anything else at work. (If Wary applies, let me know. She has another 1k1)

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:13 am
by Akodo Kawauso
Nozomi wrote:
Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:08 am
...she agreed, turning to the Akodo and leaning in to almost put a hand on her shoulder, stopping just short. Samurai were touchy, and she was Lion.

"Well done, Akodo-sama. This could have been very different. There is bravery in discretion and wisdom."
Kawauso, who isn't a very proper Lion (or samurai in general), conveniently moves her shoulder into the monk's raised hand and smiles.

"I am sure I did very little, monk-sama," she declares. "Not being intimidated and finding empathy for someone with uninvited guests in their home is apparently very powerful," she says with smile that is mostly relieved, but also a touch prideful. "But my sister will be proud of me for not spearing it immediately. She is always the one to find better ways with animals."

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:17 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Bloodshed's impossible to take back. Glad you've figured that out at a younger age than I did."

He kept his eyes on the bear. Just in case

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:29 am
by Hantei Kinsen
“I, for one, highly doubt that Mamma Bear would make people disappear. I don’t remind bears eating humans. If she slaughtered folks nearby their bodies ought to be found.” Kinsen says, raising up and smiling to the Lion. “Good job, by the way. I guess, though, that if we don’t find anything else here, we should move away. I would adore to get to know more of you.”

And tell Genji-kun about a certain cute samurai-ko he might not aware. A different kind of hunt.

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:35 am
by Tyrus
Nozomi wrote:
Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:39 am
Provided that she could do so at a retreated range, and with due care not to further draw the ire of their ursine neighbor, Nozomi's eyes would begin scanning with all thorough efforts to search for any clues to help make absolutely certain that their report indicated the fates of those missing.
Nozomi, now free from distractions and able to look around hey keen eyes study the scene. The recent heavy snowfalls have obscured much erasing the smaller footprints of the people that had been here before them.

She noticed upon taking a second look at the scene that what the group likely took for rocks and boulders covered in snow were actually entirely too irregular with edges that made no sense for rocks and looking very closely she would see pink in the newer one around the edges as pooled blood was barely poking out before being covered by new snow fall. the piles were slightly closer to the bear than them and may even be territorial markers.

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:44 am
by Nozomi
"Sora is right. You learned well. Life, once taken, cannot be given back. It must happen from time to time, but it is a thing with weight." She narrowed her eyes and gestured towards the markers.
Tyrus wrote:
Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:35 am
Nozomi, now free from distractions and able to look around hey keen eyes study the scene. The recent heavy snowfalls have obscured much erasing the smaller footprints of the people that had been here before them.

She noticed upon taking a second look at the scene that what the group likely took for rocks and boulders covered in snow were actually entirely too irregular with edges that made no sense for rocks and looking very closely she would see pink in the newer one around the edges as pooled blood was barely poking out before being covered by new snow fall. the piles were slightly closer to the bear than them and may even be territorial markers.
"This bear may be a known quantity. The guards should be informed. There are markers here. Stones that should be serving as watch-posts, and warnings, but they're not. Not right now. The snowfall is too heavy. The unwary may have come too close." Which meant that if this was the case, the bear was in some sense protected. "The warning markers will need to be put up higher. Much further around to keep the people back. I don't think I see signs she is feasting. If she was... I doubt we would have calmed her. She is only protecting."

She brushed the snow where she could, keeping her distance and making sure to take note of the markers. They'd need to double check this with the guard of the city. If snow this thick was becoming an issue, then the bear would likely need to move to a further cliff and cave, once the cubs were grown in the spring. She also made sure to look for any signs of tampering partially concealed with the snow or bodies if she could find them.

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:30 am
by Akodo Kawauso
Kawauso looks overwhelmed by the praise, especially coming from an Imperial and a clearly regal Stag. She bows deeply in thanks for the compliments, her "Arigato gozaimasu" loud enough but slightly garbled as she speaks it to the ground.

As she straightens her face still shows a touch of embarrassment. To the invitation to speak she can only say, "Of course, Lady Stag-sama. At any time of your convenience." She bobs her head in a sort of additional bow, then, noticing Nozomi re-examining what she'd found, Kawauso takes the opportunity to do something where she isn't looking into Kinsen's imposing eyes.

Paying heed to the bear, giving her space and moving slowly and nonthreateningly, Kawauso pokes in the snow for anything to add to their knowledge. Although she's feeling some emotional exhaustion already, her eyes remain sharp in the investigation.

Rolling Investigation/Perception in case there's anything more to find: 39 ain't bad.

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:36 am
by Nozomi
There was a moment and she squinted. "I apologize. I misspoke," she said, rising and looking grimly. "Those aren't stone markers. They are ... ahem, the remains of at least a few others. It does appear that the bear is the one that killed them, though as they are closer than even we, they serve as a warning, a demarcation of sorts... and I think they must have come very close to the creature's den. Which is why it is so riled."

She narrowed her gaze. "I don't know if they came seeking it, or seeking shelter in the snow. That's impossible to say."

(OOC: Apologies, misunderstood Tyrus initially. *cough* Yeah, those are remains.)

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:45 am
by Hantei Kinsen
"Well. That's a very good observation and correction, Nozomi-san. We now know for sure that she was indeed defending her cubs and territory. Jyio-san is then correct in assume that those who lost dear family members might seek amendments."

Kinsen looks to the, now, Imperial samurai, "If I can be of further help, please do advice. I would not impose any harsh ruling or benefit, yet I have faith that our Wise Emperor will know how to bestow his grace on those few that have lost so much in such an accident."

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:48 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Either way, it complicates matters somewhat. Maybe they sought a fine white pelt and overestimated their capabilities. Maybe they just wanted to get out of the storm and got unlucky. Either way, they came to a bad end. I'll make sure to suggest to the Consort that a shugenja be part of the security, to see about offering prayers for the dead."

The last thing they needed were ghosts AND an unnaturally pale bear hanging out in the Imperial heartland.

"And I will also suggest that we do what we can for any dependents left behind."

He glanced at Nozomi.

"Maybe the Order could see about looking after any orphans that might have resulted from this?"

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:50 am
by Nozomi
"My chief concern is that the local populace no longer be threatened. Vengeance does not truly accomplish anything, but ... if the local lord demands that it be done, I would not stand in the way. For now, however, the danger is under control so long as nobody comes close." And at some point the bear would retreat, she certainly hoped.


"Retrieving the remains may prove difficult. But not impossible."

The mention of orphans made her lips turn down and she nodded to Sora. "If that has occurred, I will see to it that there is a home for them. Nobody grows up without a home if I have any say in this. So long as the Emperor permits it."

Re: [Event D3 EM] The Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:01 am
by Tyrus
A course of action decided the heroes have their task. Report the incident to the Captain and figure out the best course of action moving forward. Despite not killing the beast the heroes are still recognized for their skill in tracking the beast and their bravery in dealing with the situation.

The fate of the bear and her cubs will be decided at a later date. In the mean time the peasantry and soldiers have been told to give the area a wide berth to avoid further incidents.

all participants gain 3 influence
all participants gain 3 points of glory for completing a quest for the Captain