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[D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:17 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
A quiet figure stands away from others, enforcing a wide berth. Susumu isnt the most imposing figure in the dojo, but unlike many of the others, he is working with live steel. He keeps in a low stance, hand on sword before quickly sweeping it in a clean arc. He holds the position and continues again.

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:10 am
by Tyrus

In the dojo not far from where the Spider strikes a rather fit and formidable woman practices with the more traditional bokken rather than live steel. In contrast to the Susumu's quite the young woman was loud, not enough to disturb the dojo but with each strike came a vocalization. The training dummy weathered her blows with its expected stoicism as he cries and the sound of wood impacting filled her area.

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:01 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu slides the curved blade back into its sheath. The blade stops space before completely shutting, prompting a final push seal the steel completely.

"You are certainly working that dummy Dragon-san. I'm impressed, I wonder if it might break before that bokken."

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:15 pm
by Tyrus
As the Spider made his approach and spoke the Dragon struck the dummy one last time with a resounding thwack and a crackling sound at the same time. Looking at the bokken one would see a deep crack starting to form "It seems not." She said with a little amusement.

She turned to regard the man that had approached her with a slightly uninterested look "Spider eh? Can't say I've met too many of your clan, Or any really. What is it you want?" She asked bluntly raising an eyebrow.

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 5:26 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
"Curiosity to be honest." If Susumu is put off by the bluntness, he offers no trace of it. "I have heard a few whispered stories about duelists from other lands. Obviously, the Crane have been at it the longest, and have the most known reputation, but I have heard that some members of your clan specialize in the sword. I would be curious to see what a Mirumoto Duelist could do, were you one?"

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:19 pm
by Tyrus
She looked him over with a more interested but also more skeptical eye "So you are some Spider duelist is that it? I didn't know your clan was taking an interest in duelling. Are you challenging me to an actual duel? Or simply wanting to spar?" There was a gleam of excitement in her eyes as she raised an eyebrow at him.

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:20 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
"I'm something like that. As you say, the Spider are not known for their duelists, and that is precisely the root of why I ask. If we never see how others do it, how would we even think to try our own? If we do not test our methods, how could they ever compete. And I wouldn't say that I'm challenging you." Susumu quirks his lips to a smile. "More like "ascertaining your enthusiasm level for one"". A friendly one. Maybe, minimal stakes, like who buys who a round of drinks for tonight"

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:53 pm
by Tyrus
"One of us buying a drink for the other implies we'll be getting drinks together. Is this how the Spider court? Challenge the one they are interested in to a duel?" She grinned

"regardless we need no stakes. If you want to challenge me to see which one of us is better then do so. I won't shy away from such a thing."

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:57 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
"Does that mean that if you agree, then you find me worth courting?" Susumu asks drily. "If so, the lack of stakes are telling." Though he seems more amused than anything.

"Then my all means, let us take our stances...once you retrieve a non-wooden weapon then. We go to first strike?"

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:26 pm
by Tyrus
"Your worth" she said with a pause "has yet to be determined." He put away the bokken and went to the daisho stand at the front of the dojo retrieving the dual blades and tying them to her waist.

"I assume we would simply draw to first blood?" She asked settling into a stance hands resting on the hills of her blades.

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:52 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu nods in answer, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword, entering the Void stance, studying her.

Keeping Sharp-Duel Assessment-Iaijutsu/Awareness-+6 from Matsu Sentinel Technique 1: 7d10o10k4+6 37

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:40 am
by Tyrus
Reading people was not her strongest suit but her eyes were sharp and she seemed to be reading him about as well as he was reading her.

D3 keeping sharp duel - assessment tn 20 +5 from mirumoto tech: 8d10o10k3+5 36

Susumu may ask one of the following and when answer is given they may back out of the duel or continue forward. No honor or glory will be lost for backing down at this stage.

opponent’s Void
Opponents Reflexes
opponent’s Iaijutsu Skill
Any Iaijutsu Emphases the opponent may possess
The current number of Void Points the opponent has
The opponent’s current Wound Level

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:56 am
by Hisomu Susumu
(ooc: requesting opponents void)

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:33 pm
by Tyrus
(void 4)

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:07 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu nods. "I believe that you are better than I Dragon-san. But it be rude of me to pull out now without crossing blades. And besides, I am yet to see this technique"

Susumu focuses on the moment

Keeping Sharp-Duel Focus-Iaijutsu/Void-+6 from Matsu Sentinel Technique 1, vp spent: 8d10o10k4+6 40

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:57 pm
by Tyrus
The Wu says nothing but as they settle in both blades leave their daisho striking out at their targets but will they both connect?

D3 keeping sharp duel - focus +5 from mirumoto tech: 10d10o10k5+5 44

Karmic strike!

D3 keeping sharp duel - strike! +5 from mirumoto tech: 10d10o10k5+5 43

Atn 30

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:40 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Both strikes hit at the same time, both slashes landing on their opponents. Susumu keeps the damage as light as possible

Keeping Sharp-Duel Strike-Iaijutsu/Reflexes+6 from Matsu Sentinel Technique 1, TN 30: 7d10o10k4+6 32

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:19 am
by Tyrus
Both blades indeed seem to strike at the exact same time hers hitting his arm leaving only a thin red line. his own hitting her side doing little damage as well. She straightened with a slight frown but nodded at Susumu.

"Skilled enough it seems." She says as she Replaces both swords in their sheaths. "So the Spider has fangs?" She said casually "where did you study the blade?"

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:58 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Likewise, Susumu replaces his own sword. "The Spider are expected to polish a fang in one way or the other. Even someone went to talk is expected to back up their words if challenged on them with literal steel as well as rhetorical."

"As for where I learned, Hisomu Matsu-san operates a dojo. Most bushi in the village have studied under her. Not everyone trains for Iaijutsu such as myself, but relies using your senses. You're a bit faster than me Dragon-san so I shortened by stance. It's not a perfect solution, but it was enough this time. Oh!" Recognition dawns in his eyes. Susumu bows.

"I have been horribly rude. I never asked for your name Dragon-san. This one is Hisomu Susumu"

Re: [D3 EA] Keeping Sharp

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:16 am
by Tyrus
Yasuko shrugged "Only as rude as I." since the duel her tone had shifted, where she once treated Sususmu with a dismissive indifference she now seemed to be more engaged with him. She gave him a bow "This one is Wu Yasuko, warrior of the dragon."

she walked over and grabbed a jug of water pouring a cup taking a sip and offering some to him "Hmm maybe I should meet this Matsu, sounds like a formidable warrior. She trained you well , slow as you are to hit me at the same time." she shook her head smiling ruefully "I'm losing my edge trapped in this town."