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Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:46 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Hadananzi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:28 pm
"One could hardly consider themselves stuck with you, I dare say." Tengu took the proffered hand and stepped in close. Very close, one might observe, as he began to lead the Fox in their dance. The positions of his hands weren't improper, but there was definitely a technicality being stretched in that regard.

"Have you been enjoying your dance thus far? I do so hate to interrupt, but I couldn't resist asking after you in particular."
"Tengu-san flatters." She chuckles lightly, amused with the direct advance although unaware of any potentially minor technicality.

"Indeed I have. My pair was extraordinary. Good grip, inspired and nimble. The interruption was polite. There's no offense, if not a test of restraint." Kinsen replies as she tries to figure out the person behind the mask a tad more. "Ask away what you wish, Tengu-san. I might provide a good answer."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:55 pm
by Hadananzi
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:46 pm
"Tengu-san flatters." She chuckles lightly, amused with the direct advance although unaware of any potentially minor technicality.

"Indeed I have. My pair was extraordinary. Good grip, inspired and nimble. The interruption was polite. There's no offense, if not a test of restraint." Kinsen replies as she tries to figure out the person behind the mask a tad more. "Ask away what you wish, Tengu-san. I might provide a good answer."
"If the truth is flattery then there must be some dishonest souls about." That warm smile seemed to permeate the mask again.

"Ah, all very enviable features, I only hope I can compete with such as she." Tengu was very light on his feet, and as usual possessed an inhuman level of grace to his every movement. "I'll start off simple. Why the Fox mask, of all the potential options?"

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:14 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Hadananzi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:55 pm
"If the truth is flattery then there must be some dishonest souls about." That warm smile seemed to permeate the mask again.

"Ah, all very enviable features, I only hope I can compete with such as she." Tengu was very light on his feet, and as usual possessed an inhuman level of grace to his every movement. "I'll start off simple. Why the Fox mask, of all the potential options?"
Kinsen grins to his comment and completes, "Sincerity may wear many masks, but there's always one truth behind it."

Then, she provides a giggle before replying his question, "I confess I first thought of a tiger, then a lion, but it could display unwanted aggressiveness too soon. Finally a phoenix, but it would have shown too much. I returned to the tiger since... well... it's just stuck in my head after meeting the Gaijin. Then, I decided I should please our Imperial Consort. After all, the Imperial House allowed us to further enjoy their hospitality."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:27 pm
by Hadananzi
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:14 pm
Kinsen grins to his comment and completes, "Sincerity may wear many masks, but there's always one truth behind it."

Then, she provides a giggle before replying his question, "I confess I first thought of a tiger, then a lion, but it could display unwanted aggressiveness too soon. Finally a phoenix, but it would have shown too much. I returned to the tiger since... well... it's just stuck in my head after meeting the Gaijin. Then, I decided I should please our Imperial Consort. After all, the Imperial House allowed us to further enjoy their hospitality."
Hadananzi nodded to each idea in turn, giving a soft 'ahhh' at the end. "I see, you clearly put much thought into your choice of mask, though I can't help but notice that the majority of your choices are predators. Even the Fox, while not as aggressive as the lion or tiger, is perhaps more dangerous for its cunning and patience, waiting for just the right moment to strike out with tooth and claw." He smirked. "Wily creatures, foxes, and undeniably beautiful to behold."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:34 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:34 pm

Kawauso looks up, the frown visible below her mask softening at sight of her Scorpion friend. "Bayushi-san," she says, pleasantly surprised, though her voice takes a little time to fully warm. "Ah, no, um, danger of drowning," she says, holding her cup a little bit farther from her to suggest everything is normal.

"I, um, don't always meet expectations," she says with a sad undertone. "But, well, an unexpected good fortune to see you." There's a mighty effort at a smile that more or less succeeds.
Sasori smiled. "Good... because I was worried I would have to use my little knowledge of medicine on you." She shook her head. "Some say I am a lucky cat... nya" Sasori winked. She looked at Nozomi and sighed. "Maybe we should get new friends hai?"

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:41 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Hadananzi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:27 pm
Hadananzi nodded to each idea in turn, giving a soft 'ahhh' at the end. "I see, you clearly put much thought into your choice of mask, though I can't help but notice that the majority of your choices are predators. Even the Fox, while not as aggressive as the lion or tiger, is perhaps more dangerous for its cunning and patience, waiting for just the right moment to strike out with tooth and claw." He smirked. "Wily creatures, foxes, and undeniably beautiful to behold."
"Well..." Kinsen presses her lips in a smirk and squints her eyes, "I am a predator by nature; raised as a tribal hunter. Were not the Kami, I would have been a problem to many souls."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:48 pm
by Hadananzi
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:41 pm
"Well..." Kinsen presses her lips in a smirk and squints her eyes, "I am a predator by nature; raised as a tribal hunter. Were not the Kami, I would have been a problem to many souls."
"Ah, I just knew there was some truth to that thought. I'll have to take extra care not to act like prey before the young Fox." He smiled again. "How are you handling the unexpected weather? It seems a great many people are trapped here in rather...close proximity." Hadananzi may have scooched a bit closer to Kinsen as he spoke.

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:00 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Hadananzi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:48 pm
"Ah, I just knew there was some truth to that thought. I'll have to take extra care not to act like prey before the young Fox." He smiled again. "How are you handling the unexpected weather? It seems a great many people are trapped here in rather...close proximity." Hadananzi may have scooched a bit closer to Kinsen as he spoke.
"I'm often either dressed up in hot clothes to care for some extra cold. Besides, we've been blessed with a steaming pool within the castle walls." Kinsen starts to laugh a bit at her sake fueled antics, and doesn't mind getting closer while dancing. "Tengu-san can't fly away either, I suppose. What are his plans to find food and shelter?"

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:15 pm
by Hadananzi
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:00 pm
"I'm often either dressed up in hot clothes to care for some extra cold. Besides, we've been blessed with a steaming pool within the castle walls." Kinsen starts to laugh a bit at her sake fueled antics, and doesn't mind getting closer while dancing. "Tengu-san can't fly away either, I suppose. What are his plans to find food and shelter?"
"Mm, I have my own arrangements for finding what I need, and a trickster never gives away his secrets for free." He added a quick spin to their dance, necessitating that he tighten his grip just a hair, the soft scent of Hadananzi's personal soaps wafting across the distance between them. "Suffice to say I'm quite able to take care of myself, should the need arise."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:17 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:34 pm

Sasori smiled. "Good... because I was worried I would have to use my little knowledge of medicine on you." She shook her head. "Some say I am a lucky cat... nya" Sasori winked. She looked at Nozomi and sighed. "Maybe we should get new friends hai?"
There's a tiny giggle at the wink. "Is that what a lucky cat does? Find a grumpy--" she touches the small stag horns atop her carved mask, "er, a grumpy stag some new friends?" She gives another small giggle.

Taking a deep breath, Kawauso stands. She smiles at Sasori again. "I suppose I won't object, as long as they are of similarly high quality to my lucky cat."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:26 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Hadananzi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:15 pm
"Mm, I have my own arrangements for finding what I need, and a trickster never gives away his secrets for free." He added a quick spin to their dance, necessitating that he tighten his grip just a hair, the soft scent of Hadananzi's personal soaps wafting across the distance between them. "Suffice to say I'm quite able to take care of myself, should the need arise."
"Such a mysterious, self made man. I am starting to think Bayushi-kami would have some real competition to his own swag." Kinsen says, putting a smirk back on her lips. "I hope there's no need for you to take care. I do hope you have someone dear that can take care of you, instead, just the right way."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:29 pm
by Hadananzi
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:26 pm
"Such a mysterious, self made man. I am starting to think Bayushi-kami would have some real competition to his own swag." Kinsen says, putting a smirk back on her lips. "I hope there's no need for that, and that you have someone dear that can take care of you just the right way."
"To be compared to a Kami so, and you say I'm the flatterer." Tengu was silent a moment, but he was evidently still smiling behind his mask. "Oh, I'm certain I could arrange to have someone take care of me without too much trouble, but what about the Fox? Does she have someone taking care of her in this time of isolation?"

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:12 am
by Bayushi Kogi
Hantei Genji wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:07 pm
Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:03 pm
Hantei Genji wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:36 pm
"Oh, arigatou. I was inspired the other day. A lovely Scorpion lady wore her clothes this way, and mentioned other people should try it. I figured I'd try her advice, what the heck." He mentioned innocently, before offering his arm to Neko-san.
Kogi almost gives the game away by reacting with self-conscious surprise to that innocent comment, but the mask helps her stay unruffled and cool-looking. "It suits you very well, sir Moon. I hope it's as comfortable as it looks?"

She settles her fingers on his sleeve as invited. "From your lofty position up there in the night sky, I'm sure you see your fill of lovely ladies," she addes with a purr-ish chuckle.
"Oh, it is not bad. There is a certain comfort in the layers, to be honest." He started moving slowly towards the dancing group. "Sure, sure. Not as many lovely cats, though."

Underneath the mask, Kogi has to smile at that riposte. The voice of 'neko-san' might carry some suggestion of the way a smile shapes sound, even if no expression can be seen on the wooden cat face. Well, not no expression; the cat's mood does seem to shift somehow as she ducks her head a bit and the light and lines of sight hit the mask's planes from different angles.

"Well, that's us cats for you, isn't it? You'll see us when we want to be seen."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:40 am
by Hantei Genji
Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:12 am
Hantei Genji wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:07 pm
Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:03 pm

Kogi almost gives the game away by reacting with self-conscious surprise to that innocent comment, but the mask helps her stay unruffled and cool-looking. "It suits you very well, sir Moon. I hope it's as comfortable as it looks?"

She settles her fingers on his sleeve as invited. "From your lofty position up there in the night sky, I'm sure you see your fill of lovely ladies," she addes with a purr-ish chuckle.
"Oh, it is not bad. There is a certain comfort in the layers, to be honest." He started moving slowly towards the dancing group. "Sure, sure. Not as many lovely cats, though."

Underneath the mask, Kogi has to smile at that riposte. The voice of 'neko-san' might carry some suggestion of the way a smile shapes sound, even if no expression can be seen on the wooden cat face. Well, not no expression; the cat's mood does seem to shift somehow as she ducks her head a bit and the light and lines of sight hit the mask's planes from different angles.

"Well, that's us cats for you, isn't it? You'll see us when we want to be seen."
"Oh? That I shal feel lucky that Neko-san has kindly graced the moon with her presence, rather than hide away like her kin" He started joining in on the danceflpor with...something. He obviousky had some coordo ation, but was lacking in the skill.

Still wasn't the worst thing ever.

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:11 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Hadananzi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:29 pm
"To be compared to a Kami so, and you say I'm the flatterer." Tengu was silent a moment, but he was evidently still smiling behind his mask. "Oh, I'm certain I could arrange to have someone take care of me without too much trouble, but what about the Fox? Does she have someone taking care of her in this time of isolation?"
"No mask could not hide the truth from these lips. Tengu-san is indeed quite the charmer." Kinsen says playfully, "This witty fox, though, has already been tamed a long time ago. She, thus, has someone forever responsible for her."

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:36 am
by Hadananzi
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:11 am
"No mask could not hide the truth from these lips. Tengu-san is indeed quite the charmer." Kinsen says playfully, "This witty fox, though, has already been tamed a long time ago. She, thus, has someone forever responsible for her."
"Must be quite the lucky man to have tamed one such as yourself. Here I thought I might have encountered a wild Fox, but it seems I was mistaken. All the charm in the world would avail me nothing but a polite smile and a shake of the head, of this I'm certain. But at least the dance was nice." Hadananzi's smile never wavered, but he did step back an inch or two.

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:08 am
by Bayushi Kogi
Hantei Genji wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:40 am
"Oh? That I shal feel lucky that Neko-san has kindly graced the moon with her presence, rather than hide away like her kin" He started joining in on the danceflpor with...something. He obviousky had some coordo ation, but was lacking in the skill.

Still wasn't the worst thing ever.
"For one night, anyway," Kogi/Neko-san agrees, amiably enough.

Luckily for Genji, she is in no position to criticize his dancing, since hers is at about the same level. While Genji's 'something' seems to be pretty enthusiastic (unlike the masked cat, he'd actually managed to consume some of his drink, after all), Neko-san's lack of skill mainly comes out as a certain hesitancy or even skittishness... which does fit the theme of her costume, at least. And at least she wasn't going to actively embarrass anyone.

"What a curious idea for a party this is! Who would have guessed the Stag like disguises?"

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:32 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:11 am

"No mask could not hide the truth from these lips. Tengu-san is indeed quite the charmer." Kinsen says playfully, "This witty fox, though, has already been tamed a long time ago. She, thus, has someone forever responsible for her."
After moving with the beat through the dance floor, a figure in a flat stone mask - the pattern of the stone seemed to continue into the kimono under it - approached the wife of the Hantei, and gave a little nod. One hand went into a sleeve, and pulled out a small, clear bottle, a deep green that almost glowed coming from within, and tapped it's fingernails, then offered the bottle to the woman.

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:49 am
by Anjing Sagara
Ongaku Masanori wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:40 pm
"Ah, the honor is mine."

Matching her pace, the veiled man's smile was invisible.

"I could not help but notice your natural grace and enthusiasm. Is it the party itself, or more specifically the dancing? I have not had the chance to visit the Crab, so I do not know the customs of your clan."
"I would have to say that it is the enthusiasm, since I have not had any training in dance, nor do I have the sense of a musician to understand music as fully as one would. I just react to what my mind tells me the rhythm is." She added as she continued following the beat. "My body is a little more used to outdoor movement, and to understanding the terrain and to react to it, that could had been a help to avoid stepping on others feet." She mostly joked. "But Ongaku-sama looks to have a pretty good sense of dancing himself. Did you take lessons?"

Re: [D2, EE] The Stag Ball [Player Event - Conversation Thread]

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:47 am
by Hantei Genji
Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:08 am

"For one night, anyway," Kogi/Neko-san agrees, amiably enough.

Luckily for Genji, she is in no position to criticize his dancing, since hers is at about the same level. While Genji's 'something' seems to be pretty enthusiastic (unlike the masked cat, he'd actually managed to consume some of his drink, after all), Neko-san's lack of skill mainly comes out as a certain hesitancy or even skittishness... which does fit the theme of her costume, at least. And at least she wasn't going to actively embarrass anyone.

"What a curious idea for a party this is! Who would have guessed the Stag like disguises?"
"Ah, then his must be a lucky night of mine." He smiled, and tried to match her movements...more or less. "Oh, that would be my dear mother. She is an endless font of creativity. I, on the other hand, am the stoic yet boring son of hers." He shrugged, not bothered by the idea. "I am glad you are having fun though."