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[D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:45 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Hisomu had chosen this time, whhile others are attending the play, thinking that the rooms would be sparsely populated. He has laid out sake and a few snacks, pulling out a fan as he waits for people to arrive.

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:17 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei arrived with a small white pig snuffling beside her.

"Good evening, Hisomu-san." she offered a bow.

The pig looked up at him for a moment then continued to sniff around the area.

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:22 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
"Good evening yourself Ryoshun-san. Hello there Hen" Hisomu bows in greeting and then squats, extending a hand with a salty nut in it, offering it to the pig. "Can he eat these, or will they ruin his appetite?"

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:45 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
The pig quickly took the offered treat and gobbled it down

"He'll be fine." Rei smiled. "But, he may look for more."

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:11 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
"That's the trick" Hisomu replies playfully, a smile crooking at his lips. "I get him now, then get him to come back. And then you have to get him back. Oh ho ho ho!"

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:11 am
by Wu Zhe
A knock was heard at the entrance, soon followed by the arrival of the Wu envoy.

''Good evening everyone'' he bowed to the host and the second guest

He took a deep breath

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:27 am
by Tyrus
Takane walked to the place Susumu's invitation had listed. upon entering and seeing the others she bowed politely "Hello everyone, this one is Anjing Takane of the Crab Clan." Her voice was light and pleasant which belied her height and stature which was that of a stereotypical Crab.

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:02 am
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei offered a bow to the others as they arrived.

"Good evening, Anjing-san. I am Ryoshun Rei."

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:05 am
by Wu Zhe
''I am Wu Zhe of the Dragon'' he said with a bow

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:04 am
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu raises as immediately adopts a more serious expression.

"We have all already spoken, but I am Hisomu Susumu of the Spider. Please, sit and help yourself to refreshments." He gestures to what he has set out and seats himself.

" Now, I have all spoken to you separately, in the capacity of a representative of the Spider but as we discussed what we needed, a vision became clearer: the value of partnership and collaboration between Clans"

" We already see this, of a sort, with the Stag and Crane. They make up a significant duo, each rounding out what the other lacks.

"We are not like them. In many ways, but in this, that we do not have years of close ties. However, I see groups here who... they are doing well, but face challenges, while the solution is next door."

"This is not meant to be an exhaustive set of agreements between us, but rather, seeing what we all are willing to agree to with each other. I would like to start with a proposal. "

Susumu raises a finger. "Each of us opens a place in one of our schools for a member of each Clan. It can be more, if so negotiated, but at least one, and the training to be at the students choosing"

"now please, I would like to hear your thoughts as a whole"

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:24 pm
by Wu Zhe
There was a moment of silence before the representative of the dragon spoke

''With all due that it?'' he mused ''I am fairly sure acceptation in schools can be or is already done on a case per case basis.''

He sighed

''I do not wish to be a sour grape but I think there are more impactful issues we should be discussing right now. The situation of the northern border, for exemple.''

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:33 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Wu Zhe wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:24 pm
There was a moment of silence before the representative of the dragon spoke

''With all due that it?'' he mused ''I am fairly sure acceptation in schools can be or is already done on a case per case basis.''

He sighed

''I do not wish to be a sour grape but I think there are more impactful issues we should be discussing right now. The situation of the northern border, for exemple.''
Susumu seems to, of all things, brighten. "I will certainly address your topic of concern, but I wish to finish your first thought. Acceptance into schools is done on a case by case basis. However, there is a level of access: can worthy students who do not have the means make such a journey without help. Perhaps a journey could be formed each year by interested parties. This would also have the effect of what we have seen so far: people from different Clans have the chance to see life outside of their own, and broaden their horizons."

"But you make a good point that there is indeed an issue that impacts us all." Susumu clear his throat and casts a glance over at Takane. "I would like to hear what your concerns are Wu-san. I will say, for myself, that while I have no doubt in the ability of the Crab, I understand the monumentality of the task they have at hand. I am confident that we can find things that would resolve any worries all of us have"

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:48 pm
by Wu Zhe
''Instead of yearly journey, why not establish ambassadorships in each other's capitals instead?'' he asked ''Seems like a more feasible solution''

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:01 pm
by Tyrus
"The idea is a fine one that would foster closer ties between the clans to have individuals learning about the other clans first hand. It is certainly a start."

Takane then turns to face the Dragon with a tilt of her head "and what issue is there at the northern border? While additional support is greatly appreciated do you not think the Crab are capable of the task given by the Emperor?"

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:30 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu nods his head at Zhe's suggestion. "That would solve a number of challenges in one swoop, such as communication between Clans in case of emergency."
Tyrus wrote:
Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:01 pm

Takane then turns to face the Dragon with a tilt of her head "and what issue is there at the northern border? While additional support is greatly appreciated do you not think the Crab are capable of the task given by the Emperor?"
" I don't want to speak for anyone else here Takane-san" Susumu interjects. "But we are aware of the logistical challenge the Crab face. As defenders, you relinquish the initiative. The northern barbarians choose the time and place to strike. I have faith in your abilities, but erecting defenses takes time, manpower and materials in addition to your expertise. Among these things, I fear the most precious resource is time. For all of us."

Susumu looks around the room. "Respectfully, that's what I see that this partnership. Buying time. Many of the challenges I've heard are ones I am confident we all could fix in time: material demands, getting people with specific skills, knowing what works in our lands and what doesn't. Being prepared."

" And besides... I am no so sure that the first problem will come from the North. I have not ruled out that the first embers would come from the South. And I think I have at least two ideas"

" First is a pact of mutual defense. Were one of us to have our borders invaded the rest would be honor bound to send aid. Notably it would not apply if one of us chooses to expand and the current inhabitants object. "

" Second is the opening of trade routes. Already there is a chain of transfer. The Dragon possess minerals that they have offered in trade." Susumu gestures to Wu Zhe and then himself. "The Spider, though study, have discovered a technique that allows us to use a greater amount of refined iron ore in our steel, meaning that we lose less of the ore in the refining process. My own swords have been made with this technique" He slides out his wakizashi and places it on the table for others to inspect. "And those billets of steel can be used for forging weapons...or in foundations of construction."

Susumu looks back over at Takane. "Your engineers are an envy, but even brilliant engineers need craftsmen to cut the wood to fire the kilns to make the bricks. And then the rope to lift the bricks and the baskets to carry what you need. If the Crab are willing to lend the engineers trained by Kaiu-sama, or better yet, allow us to learn from them, we possess the builders to help make their designs a reality"

Susumu's gaze sweeps back across the table.

The school request was a real one...but only a first taste. Let's see how ambitious they are.

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:32 am
by Wu Zhe
''The Wu are indeed concerned with the logistics of the defense of the expansive northern border but we will not deny the Crabs it's imperial duty.'' he paused

''But we might have a proposition: each clan is responsible to marshall its northern border but the Crab clan is the one responsible to oversee the overall defense of the north taking leadership of the northern guard should conflict emerge. Since the new Crab lands are fairly central it will be easier to organise command and ​dispatch reinforcements where they are needed.''

He then turns to Susumu

''We do seem have large amount of iron and gold deposit. If our agricultural reforms take hold we might even have surpluses of food but we will have to see.''

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:40 am
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei had listened quietly. "Is there something, perhaps, our clans could work towards together? A project we could collaborate on to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of combing our knowledge, talents and resources? It is always best to test your designs."

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:42 am
by Hisomu Susumu
Wu Zhe wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:32 am

''But we might have a proposition: each clan is responsible to marshall its northern border but the Crab clan is the one responsible to oversee the overall defense of the north taking leadership of the northern guard should conflict emerge. Since the new Crab lands are fairly central it will be easier to organise command and ​dispatch reinforcements where they are needed.''
Susumu places a hand on his chin in thought. "It certainly makes sense to have the forces under one command rather than multiple clans all getting in each other's way."

"I am concerned at the possibility that an attack may come from somewhere else: an invasion by sea, or perhaps peace with the Nezumi falls apart."

Or the Lion, Crane and Stag get greedy

"Perhaps we offer a similar offer, in which the one summoning aid has the right to be in charge of overall defense, but may defer if they feel they are not best suited to the task.
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:40 am
Rei had listened quietly. "Is there something, perhaps, our clans could work towards together? A project we could collaborate on to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of combing our knowledge, talents and resources? It is always best to test your designs."
Susumu snaps his fan shut and grins. " As Fortune would have it, the Lion are preparing an exercise of something like this tomorrow. Perhaps we could hold a yearly version of it in our lands, rotating who hosts, with new challenges based on the host's tastes."

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:49 pm
by Wu Zhe
''Well the Crab Clan is tasked with the defense of the northern border so that task would be planned for...I am not sure where else a threat might emerge that would be big enough to need all of our forces that also wouldn't involve the rest of the Empire.''

Re: [D6EE] Call of the North

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:26 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Wu Zhe wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:49 pm
''Well the Crab Clan is tasked with the defense of the northern border so that task would be planned for...I am not sure where else a threat might emerge that would be big enough to need all of our forces that also wouldn't involve the rest of the Empire.''
"It would if the source is another clan" Susumu replies quietly. "I don't want to think that it is possible, but I would rather be prepared than not"