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A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:05 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
An early riser, Satsuki was well and ready for the day as she approached the Stag-quarters. Since she would be playing a host later today, she was already well-dressed in an outfit made by the Saru, in deep greens and yellow, with a red overrobe. Her silvery white hair was hanging loose down her back with no adornments now.

Ko would probably change that later.

"Togashi Satsuki wishes to speak with a representative of the Stag Clan."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:42 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
An attendant bows and makes Satsuki wait. A lot, in fact. Then, the attendant asks to be followed and opens the doors to the main room reserved for the Stag.

There, Kinsen is seated on a cushion while she prepares utensils for the morning tea. The other attendants are making sure food gets properly served in a side table. The Lady of the Stag looks to the unparalleled beauty that is her niece and, different from the last time she got ignored, doesn't even open up a smile.

"Ara. My dear niece finally found courage to meet face to face with her distant auntie. That, I do appreciate."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:04 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Ah fuck. It's the old granny.

Satsuki smiled politely as she had been taught. She didn't have to like the woman, but she was family is still - as her mother would remind her. "Honored elder," the princess bowed, hands folded into the sleeves of her robe.

"I'm glad to see you're well. I hope I'm not intruding upon you this morning?"

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:10 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen measures Satuski's every movement and gesture, much in the same fashion Doji did to her years ago. The Lady of the Stag replies with squinted eyes at the greeting, "I am grateful for your concern, dear niece. Welcoming family is never an intrusion."

Waving to a position in front of her, Kinsen invites, "Please, do sit here in front of me so I can have a better look at you."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:24 am
by Togashi Satsuki
"Of course, honored aunt," she didn't really feel like it, but she did it anyway. They had told her to be nice, after all.

Moving closer, she took a hold of the voluminous skirt to spread it around herself as she sat down, making sure it wouldn't get wrinkled. It was an outfit her mother had been very happy to see her in after all, as it was made in a style similar to that of the Ayakashi tribe, but with silk and linen instead of the wool and cotton the old tribe had used.

"Is this close enough?" she asked with a smile.

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:16 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen tilts her head, still analyzing the young girl. Her hands return to her lap, and her long glittering green coated fingernails tap the fabric of her white kimono on her thighs in a wave-like pattern. The Stag slightly raises her chin, as she tries to figure out Satsuki's perfume better with a gentle breath. Satisfied, Kinsen passes her verdict.

"Quite." The Stag mentions as there's a hint of a smile that is not there, but could be. "I confess I am amazed. Many have told me of how beautiful you were, and even though I am quite sour for you not noticing me before, I can't be dishonest not to mention it."

Kinsen chuckles, "Here I was thinking I had no rival."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:25 am
by Togashi Satsuki
There did seem to be a perfumed scent to her; a tranquil air of lotus and white tea.

The intense eyes blinked in surprise a few times. "Eh... I... did?" Ooops! When did that happen?! She was quick to bow her head. "My apologies, honored aunt. I... have no excuse for my poor manners, to have not taken notice of you."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:37 am
by Hantei Kinsen
"Nonsense!" Kinsen waves her hand dismissively and purses her lips to hold that smile nearly growing. She returns her attention to the tea utensils placed for inspection and begins preparing tea.

"My dear niece was focused in getting our Wise Emperor's attention. There's no fault in that. Also, I wonder if it was indeed her plan to avoid me as much as possible not to draw too much attention towards herself too soon."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:41 am
by Togashi Satsuki
"Ah, uh, well... I figured you were very busy. As you're the senior and highest-ranking member of the Stag delegation here. There's Genji-kun too, but I think he defers to you. And everyone talks about how you're busy looking for a match for him, so... didn't want to bother you..." Satsuki fidgeted a bit with her sleeve.

Kinsen was too much like Doji and Hantei in some ways. Like kind of having a test with an etiquette teacher. And she hated etiquette lessons.

"But! We're here now, yes? Have you had a good time these past days?" Focusing on cheerier topics!

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:53 am
by Hantei Kinsen
"I have, indeed. Thank you for caring." One tiny part of her lips on the left side rise a bit as they change topic. "It hasn't been that hard to find potential matches Genji-kun might be interested. We have several impressive, intelligent and honorable samurai-ko attending to Court. I am really proud of what has been achieved."

The Stag prepares the thick part of the tea, and asks, while doing so, "How has the Dragon Princess finding herself these snowy days?"

D6, EM, Tea Ceremony TN 15: 4d10o10k3 20
Both Kinsen and Satsuki gain 1 VP at the end of the thread

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:56 am
by Togashi Satsuki
"Is that so? Thats... good to hear I suppose." Poor Genji. Gonna be married off to someone he hardly knows probably.

She watched Kinsen preparing the tea with some interest. Tea ceremony wasn't new to her, but it wasn't the most popular past-time in Dragon lands. Mostly because tea had to be imported as it was too cold to grow the plants in the area.

"Surprisingly busy! There's a lot of stuff to do, and people who wanna talk, and... well, it's not often I get the chance to talk with so many people from different clans. This is my first time travelling outside Dragon lands, so it's quite the experience!" She added in a couple of enthusiastic nods. "And... that's why I'm here! Father has set a task to us, so after considering how to approach it, we've decided to approach the other clans about it."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:08 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen serves the thick tea according to the norm and slides it in front of Satsuki. "I imagine how thrilling it must be to leave your homeland for the very first time. I am glad you're enjoying it."

The Stag returns to her upright seiza and fixes a bang of hair that wildly sprouted off her kansashi. "How can I be of help so you may fulfill your duty, dear niece?"

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:16 am
by Togashi Satsuki
She dipped her head in gratitude for the tea. "Thank you." Lifting the cup, she took in the aroma of its scent but didn't drink quite yet.

"Father has asked us to see that four temples surrounding the Shinomen Mori will be erected, one at the point of each cardinal direction surrounding it. This would place the southern temple in what is currently unclaimed territory, but closest to the lands of the Stag."

Satsuki really wished there had been a Seppun in the Stag delegation now.

"Father is being his typical self in that he hasn't said why these temples should be built," a small smirk, "but I know that he doesn't make such demands without reason. From what I can understand, such sacred sites could form a warding barrier of sorts. The Shinomen Mori is still largely unexplored, and most of the accounts about it speak of its many dangers within."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:23 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Her left side semi-smile turns into a smirk. Having a placement at the –– yet –– unclaimed territory north of the Stag assigned lands was indeed one of the discussions at the Clans table. "The passage south of the Shinomen Mori is actually a very dangerous place. Several of our forces patrol those roads back and forth to secure passage and goods to and from our lands. Building a structure there would indeed be feasible. Yet, we need the Emperor's grace and approval to secure the region prior of doing so."

Kinsen closes her eyes and asks, "Four Temples sounds like an ominous name. What would they be devoted to; specifically in the south?"

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:35 am
by Togashi Satsuki
As Kinsen spoke, Satsuki sipped the tea. The genuine smile indicated that she liked it.

"The temple itself could serve a purpose for the people nearby like many temples do; a place of sanctuary, meditation, and teaching. Its purpose would be to be linked to the other three temples; to the north, west, and east. We have no interest in claiming territory ourselves and certainly not so far away from our mountains, to make that clear, though we understand this would be a joint-operation with the clans involved. The Scorpion and the Ki-rin border to the east and north of the Shinomen Mori, after all."

She nodded. "And of course, we would need his Majesty's approval. But we would prefer to work it out with the clans first, before bringing it to his attention. I don't see what is so ominous about Four Temples as a name though? Four cardinal directions, four seasons, four elements - who combined create a fifth element..."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:52 am
by Hantei Kinsen
"The number itself. But as you mention, they create a fifth entity." Kinsen waits for Satsuki to enjoy her tea, but also asks, "Four carinal directions would mean west as well. That is also a place nearby the Stag. In fact, in the direction where Shiro Yaban no Seirei has been built."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:56 am
by Togashi Satsuki
"Oh? Is it?" she seemed genuinly surprised. "Sorry, I didn't know. I thought the western plains were unoccupied. Maps are... well, not as accurate as we'd like, and there's a lot of changes and disagreements with them after the Crab became our northern neighbours." Which still felt a bit weird to her, even if they'd been there most of her life.

"I suppose that might make things easier then? We've spoken with Nozomi of the Order of Heroes as well on the subject, and from what I understand they're also supportive of the idea of building more temples in the Empire. I think it would be possible to include them in the project as well, and it could be of help to them to continue their teachings as well to more corners of the Empire."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:36 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen softens her expression as she hears about Nozomi. She actually had a conversation with the monk days ago.

"Don't be sorry for such things. If I may give an advice, one such as you shouldn't apologize all the time. Do so when it is needed." Her motherly instincts kick in, but she holds them at bay and mentions, "That is a castle outside the Stag Lands. An outpost, in fact. Glad to know that the Order showed interest. Having their help would definitely be valuable in securing all the corners."

"So, if they join up, this means we should find ask our Wise Emperor to promote four heroes... I mean, five."

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:00 am
by Otomo Gusai
Having been retrieved at length, Gusai raps lightly at the door frame.

Re: A Dragon Descends From The Mountain (D6, EM. Stag-rooms)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:26 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:36 am
Kinsen softens her expression as she hears about Nozomi. She actually had a conversation with the monk days ago.

"Don't be sorry for such things. If I may give an advice, one such as you shouldn't apologize all the time. Do so when it is needed." Her motherly instincts kick in, but she holds them at bay and mentions, "That is a castle outside the Stag Lands. An outpost, in fact. Glad to know that the Order showed interest. Having their help would definitely be valuable in securing all the corners."

"So, if they join up, this means we should find ask our Wise Emperor to promote four heroes... I mean, five."
Somewhere in the Empire, the poor etiquette teacher who felt that Satsuki was making progress, wept at the carte blanche the princess was given now in not apologising.

"I will take your words to heart," she said with a firm nod, then continue to listen to Kinsen.

"Hero--- ah, as patrons for the Order and each specific temple, you mean?"

At that, she heard the rapping at the door. And she looked to Kinsen - this was, in a way, her home.