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A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:11 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
After the sleeping futons were put away, Yoshitsune Chizu did a quick circuit of the room allotted to the Crab Clan to make sure everything was tidied up. Servants had left a pot of tea on the low table, and the big woman fluffed the cushions surrounding it. On the wall was hung a large scroll inscribed with bold strokes forming the character for "Duty".

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:56 am
by Anjing Sagara
Sagara made her way to the Crab hall, neither she, nor Chizu had decorated the room, so it looked just as it had been set by the hosts. Only the great banned decorated the room. Sagara scratched on the door so Chizu could see that she had arrived. "Good morning Chizu-san, you did wonderfully yesterday at the sumai match, very impressive. I hope you had your rice today."

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:13 am
by Tyrus
Takane rose early and so was already up and ready when the others showed up "Yes indeed Yoshitune-san. Your performance was exemplery." The tall and thickly built young woman sat at a table with some tea already prepared.

"Join me friends, the tea is a strong brew from home." She said with a smile.

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:50 am
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Thank you for the kind words, minna-san. But any success I had, I owe to my jiujutsu teacher," Chizu said, bowing her head modestly.

The tall girl took a seat and accepted a cup of the strong tea. "Ahh, that is a good blend," she agreed.

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:19 am
by Anjing Sagara
Sagara bowed in respect to the emissary Takane, "Sumimasen, Anjing Takane-sama. I hope you too have had your rice today." and the shugenja joined her sisters at the table with a soft movement down to the pillow. She smelled the aroma and it brought a smell of home, of a house where her husband and her children were, of laughter. She smiled, and then when her eyes saw the banner in front of her, she came back to her reality.

"We should discuss the situation of our clan at the moment after these 5 days in court, neh?"

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:45 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
Chizu nodded. "That seems a good idea."

"From what I've seen, it seems the Stag have gone to great effort to befriend us," the big woman commented. "Their efforts seem sincere to me. It's not for me to decide clan policy, of course, but could be an excellent opportunity to mend fences - if our superiors are so inclined. What do you think?"

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:15 pm
by Tyrus
Takane was a large woman tall and thickly built but her features were soft and her voice lighter and more pleasant than her frame would suggest "I think having as many friends as possible is always good for us. I have already been approached by a Spider and the Crane princess offering friendly terms. The Spider seems to seek an alliance between Crab, Spider, and Dragon."

She took a sip of tea "I dont hold the animosity our elders do regarding the Stag. From my read of the histories they merely were put in our place after the Emperor sent us North. They are just dutiful servants as we are. I am more concerned with our standing with the Emperor. He is a gentle Emperor but I think his memory sharp and not prone to forget slights and failings such as our clan has had."

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:38 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"This seems a good thought," Chizu said, nodding again. "What do you think we can do to make a more favorable impression on the Emperor?"

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:42 pm
by Tyrus
Takane took another sip of tea "I would say You have done well starting that Yoshitsune-san. We simply need to stand out. Show the value of the Crab. Making peace with the Stag will also help to show we endorse the Emperor's decision. Quell any thoughts of discontent the Throne may be worried about."

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:36 pm
by Anjing Sagara
"A united front with Bat, Dragon and Spider is something of importance to us. We the Crab have been given the North to guard, which is why our lands extend from one side of the northeast to the northwest. We are protecting them, so we should be on good terms with them. We donĀ“t have much to offer to the Empire but our strong arm, and our weapons." Sagara swirled the tea in her cup softly moving it. She could still remember the map of the Empire that she had looked through at the library. "There are lands to the south of our own that we could ask to look after, since our clan is overly populated on the mountains, and the river can supply us with a connection to the Empire."

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:07 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Making friends with our neighbors along the northern frontier seems a good priority," Chizu agreed. "I talked a little with Wu Zhe at the feast the Dragon held yesterday morning; though it was just friendly talk, nothing too serious. I could try to find out if they also see things this way."

"I haven't really spoken to any Bat or Spider people yet. Maybe I need to remedy that."

Re: A Cast of Crabs (5EM, Crab Rooms, Crabs invited)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:18 pm
by Anjing Sagara
"I was paired up with the bat princess. She seemed decent and open to establish a good relationship with the Crab. With the Spider I have yet to maintain any communication. In any case we should recommend building a Kyuden on our lands over the Spider to oversee them, and to protect the border to the north."