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Re: Show Off [Day 6, LA, Misaki's room, closed]

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:58 pm
by Doji Misaki
Misaki literally chokes for a moment, patting her chest to clear her throat.

"Show you?"

That came out strained thanks to the aforementioned choking, Misaki giving herself a second.

"Kawauso-san, well... these are marital aids. So they're for pleasuring oneself or others. Um... you know, with their privates. Surely you know something about that sort of thing, no?"

Re: Show Off [Day 6, LA, Misaki's room, closed]

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:21 am
by Akodo Kawauso
The revelation makes Kawauso's eyes go wide and her face pale.

"But... So, when... When I... touched..." Her hand waves toward the items, very faintly, as if believing they somehow might attack her if she got too close. As more information fits into this framework she now has, Kawauso looks even paler.

"And when... When you said... 'only so much you can do'... you can do... to test..." The last words come out almost anguished, and it's clear the Lion is struggling with what to think. She clasps her hands in her lap, staring down at the table.

Re: Show Off [Day 6, LA, Misaki's room, closed]

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:06 pm
by Doji Misaki
Misaki lets out a sigh before giving Kawauso a sympathetic look, "Yes... more or less, to say most of them are untested. And testing them out here certainly had not been my intention. Which is why I hadn't gotten them out with the others to show you, of course."

With the Lioness' embarrassment, Misaki started putting them back into the silk bag, "You have to understand; As a physician to both older and younger couples, issues such as sexual dysfunction and such come up to me, not to mention time spent away from one's loved ones in a more mental health capacity. Inventing these sorts of things has helped people in those ways and more, though I can't speak personally on the matter, really..."