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Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:19 pm
by Wu Ko
Looking to Satsuki with purpose, she smiles briefly, "I am always here for you. Remember, do not rush yourself. A rushed hand makes for poor work, hmm?" she says, a little nod as she measures her gaze on Satsuki. A calm warmth to it.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:44 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"Yes... yes, you're right." She nodded, her smile more gentle now, but no less sincere.

"I just... think there's more going on, than we might understand, or know. But I feel it's important that I do this. I'm a little scared that others will be hurt, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Once, during the full moon, she had hurt her brother. It was something she never wanted to experience again.

"I can't say the reason why specifically why I have to do this, but... the vision I had, was in relation to a quest someone else asked for my help with. Doji Hikaru-san. It's... important, very important, I can say that much. But it is also his quest, and I won't break his trust. He'll be there, tomorrow. Along with uncle Sora, and Nozomi of the Order of Heroes. They've also volunteered to help out, and make sure no one has to get hurt."

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:16 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Then we will see what will happen tomorrow.'' He replied to her. '' We must find the truth and pierce the shadow that cover our eyes. I don't know the other two but i talked with Jiyo Sora-sama and he appears to be a good man and certainly if my suspicions are correct, part of this whole mystery.''

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:11 pm
by Wu Ko
"I am here. Nothing will happen that cannot be mended, Satsuki," she says, a brief smile given toward her with a confidence inspiring nod. Picking up the other half of the dumpling from before. Holding it half-raised, "You do it because you feel you need to. I need no more reason to help even more, if you would ask it of me," she says, another brief smile before popping the dumpling into her mouth and chewing.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:27 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
She seemed genuinely relieved, smiling to both of them.

"Thank you... you're both the best friends I could ask for. But enough about me, yes? Tell me what you've been up to and what you want to do in the next couple of days." Satsuki sipped her tea, eager to just listen to the other two for a bit now that she had dominated the conversation.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:44 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Well i don't have much to do except what the flow of chi moves me to.'' He said as he shrugged. '' I might explore more the spirit realms, just to have fun or discover other spirits.'' He said commented.

'' What about you Ko-sama? Anything that has catched your eye?''

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:17 pm
by Wu Ko
"Nothing of import," she says, hands laid in her lap she scratches at one thumb with another thoughtfully. Placing both up onto the shared table she searches around it for something to eat but adds, "Beyond this morning nothing at all. I have only properly met Yuzuru Hiroya today," she pauses in her search, gesturing vaguely toward the hotsprings from where they sat despite the certainly many walls between these two places, "When I washed my face this morning, he was there."

"Beyond that-" she looks around the room, to Satsuki. There wasn't much a need to say more as her staying here was well known.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:22 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"Yuzuru Hiroya? I'm not familiar with this name... is it one of the nature wardens? I know there are some of them around, looking after a white bear that was disturbed in their hibernation..." Satsuki thought out loud, picking up some more of the pickled vegetables for herself to eat.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:54 pm
by Wu Ko
Ko shakes her head, putting a long finger to her chin as she thought. "A student? Studies history. Records events. And paints," she says, a brief smile as she focuses back on the present. Looking to Satsuki, her brow furrowing, "A white bear?" she asks, her head tilting just a bit with the question. "I have never seen a white bear. I do not think. Do you mean it's fur or it's skin?"

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:19 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"Uh... it's fur, I think? I haven't seen it. But Sora, Nozomi, auntie Kinsen, and Akodo Kawauso saw it. It had been causing a bit of trouble in the area, I think and they've placed out these wardens to make sure that no one disturbs the bear or is hurt by it."

She looked curiously at Ko. "I've heard stories of white bears, but never seen one. I wonder if it's a spirit, maybe?"

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:32 pm
by Wu Ko
"Or different. Very different," she looks down in thought, her hand coming up to and holding her chin. "I will have to ask after it. I am curious, I think. Concerned for the bear? Maybe. Cannot know unless I see it. Spirit or not, it could probably use a friend with so many people near its home," she says, almost to herself but as if she was speaking to someone. Looking to Satsuki she smiles, nods.

"Perhaps I will share kinship in that, hmm?" she says, a brief smile and though her tone would not convey it experience with Ko would dictate the joke.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:38 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki giggled a little bit, her lips pressed together as she tried to do so while still chewing her food.

"Mm... just be careful ok, and try to speak with the ones responsible for looking after it, yes? We don't want to start any trouble with my uncles alright?" she chuckled warmly, hoping that Ko would at least be sensible to avoid sneaking past the guards or something like that.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:46 pm
by Wu Ko
"I will respect their rules. Though, to bar one from nature is-" she shakes her head, not wanting to step onto her box and harp on an opinion Satsuki and Yatsufusa would know all too well, and at breakfast no less. "Maybe I will speak with these others. They will be better at dealing with requesting access, I am sure. Much more difficult than speaking with a bear," she says, a brief smile, and though it might be humorous- it wasn't because it was intended as a joke.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:54 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"I don't disagree, but we are guests here. It's important that we don't overstep, and as mother would say; this is a time where it is better to ask for permission than forgiveness." She very much did agree with Ko that those best handled to speak with animals should just go and speak with animals. But she understood it would be terrible if it was an angry spirit who lashed out at Ko.

"Mm, speaking to them might be wise. And could see about you getting permission to go to the bear, if you want to help it."

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:57 pm
by Wu Ko
"I do want to help it," she says, with reflexive conviction following the 'if'. Ko looking to Satsuki with that held firmly in her expression. Settling in the moment she briefly smiles, looking back toward the food and collecting herself another one of those dumplings. Shoving half of it into her mouth.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:59 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' I spoke with my contact in the spirit world about this bear. Apparently is a very old and wise one, although, it doesn't seem to have gained sentience beyond its more natural state my contact said.'' Yatsu said to both. '' I was also worried that it could be some sort of spirtual protector of this region, but i'm not quite sure. My curiosity was sparked by a conversation i had with Hantei Kinsen-sama'' He added as he ate some of the food prepared.

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:03 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"... Is it possible for Ko to speak with it still then, if it is an old spirit?" she wasn't sure herself. The animal-spirits had never been her strongest point of study.

"What did auntie Kinsen say, that made you curious?"

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:09 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
'' Mostly it rare color. I have seen bears of many types of furs, but a white one? Sounds like a special one.'' He added. ''I don't know, it was worthy to investigate at the very least in my mind. I don't think there are many white bears around, specially this far south? It was peculiar to say the least.''

Re: Draconic Breakfast (D5, LM. Dragon Room)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:14 am
by Wu Ko
"I would like to try," she says, on the question of if she could manage it now knowing it was a spirit. Though, she then looks to Yatsufusa, "Peculiar," she gives a smile with the slow rise, slow fall, but altogether brief. "I have never seen one like it, and I have seen many. A bear with white fur.." she ponders a long moment, looking between both of them.

"If it was not special, I do not think it would have survived this long. A white bear lumbering through the forest is easy to see," she says, nodding to herself. "Though, maybe not now."