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Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:59 pm
by Makime Ayano
This morning, with a busy schedule before her it seemed, Ayano took the morning hours for her prayers. She paid respects to all the Fortunes of course, Bishamon in particular as befitting a Lion, but it was Daikoku who took much of her time. Her grandfather had visited every shrine to the Fortune of Wealth on their trip and brought a young Ayano along.

Strangely she always found the shrines to Daikoku comforting and familiar, even those she had never visited prior.

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:07 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
While Ayumu was a devoted Fortunist, his prayers did not follow any strict schedule. He had chosen to go to the temple today on an impulse more than anything else, at the end of a quick patrol through the gardens, to check if anything needed emergency fixing after the damages of the still ongoing snowstorm.

He was appropriately rubbing his hands to heat himself before the shrine of Jurojin when he noticed one of the palace guests was also inside the building.

Ayumu approched her and bowed:

"Jiyo Ayumu. May I help you in any way?"

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:23 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano had gotten lost in her thoughts, but the sounds of someone approaching ran in her mind...slowly stirring it back to the present. By the time Ayumu had reached the Lioness her attention was focused on him. She spent a second studying him before replying, " I was just finishing morning prayers." Her green eyes shifted to the statue of Daikoku then back to the Jiyo.

She rose to her feet and returned the bow, "Ayano of the Makime...the senior Lion envoy. A pleasure to meet you Jiyo-sama."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:10 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"All the same."

His eyebrow had slightly twitched at the word "senior" when the girl didn't look older than twenty at max. But looking one's age tended to be optional in the entourage of the Kami.

He tried to recall if there was some sort of particular shenanigan with the Makime's bloodline but... While Ayumu knew of all the clans, this knowledge wasn't shared equally at all, and the Lion had got the short end of the stick.

What was their deal already? He vaguely remembered an affair about them pushing their eastern border a lot further to gain access to the sea and... Some negotiations about trade routes and tariffs?

"Do you find the Imperial estate to your convenience? It's a constant work-in-progress, as we always have to expand in some ways to meet the always growing needs of the Empire."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:01 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano’s green eyes focused on the small twitch. She wasn’t a mind reader but it was clear enough what likely caused it…

“My apologies Jiyo-sama, I should also add that I am Heir and Daughter of Lady Makime, Daimyo of the Makime family.”

She smiles politely, “I have had no difficulties with finding my way on the grounds. They are both beautiful and well layed out. And it does not seem to me, though I am an outsider, that the unexpectedly extended stay of the wedding party and guests has placed any heavy burden on the palace’s resources.”

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:48 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"As for myself I'm Jiyo Ayumu, born of the Isawa, simple servant of Shiba."

Bow and all, followed by a circumspect stare at the end of all that politeness.

"Pardon me, but I fail to see the correlation between the fact you're the head of your delegation and the fact you're the first child of the second most important person of the Lion. Oh, maybe you mean by that you've been trained for such a role as part of your position?

Please excuse my ignorance in such matters. Each delegation seems to be organized differently, with a different hierarchy or lack thereof, it's hard to keep track to the proper usages. Especially as some of these usages can be in-clan traditions that are not common elsewhere in the Empire."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:18 pm
by Makime Ayano
"Ah, I see," Ayano nodded at his words, "Mmm...I suppose it better to say I am senior most Lion Envoy. My fellows are technically lower than me, but are not truly direct subordinates. I think the most accurate statement would be: my fellow Lion were sent or allowed to come for their own reasons, however as the representative of Lady Makime I have the superior rank."

"And...yes, mother assumes I will be the one to succeed her and has been seeing to my training for such an occurrence. Of course in the case of the wedding, Lady Makime sent a blood relation with the expectation I would return not long after it concluded. In context the decision was sound but the weather has broken those plans." She sighed then continued in a serious tone, "And yes...the Emperor has allowed all the clans to see to their own lands in their own manner."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:35 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
Ayumu listened quietly at the explanation. The fact the girl kept referring to her own mother as Lady Makime was particulary eloquent about the pressure upon her shoulders.

"So, you came to the palace exclusively for the purpose of the wedding? Even if the Lion lands border the Imperial ones, I'm surprised you didn't plan to kill two birds with one trip. No petition for Shiba? Or for any other official really? Not even a visit to the library to read some rare text? We have quite the selection."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:07 pm
by Makime Ayano
"I also serve Lady Makime as an advisor." Ayano straightened her kimono, "Truthfully it is to learn, but mother has found my insights useful. Primarily in what she calls logistics, keeping armies supplied. And matters of trade in general."

She frowns a little, "And I had hoped to help my grandfather plan his trade endeavors for the spring."

The Lioness's smile returns, "But since I am here there are a few things Lady Makime and Lord Akodo might wish brought to the Emperor's attention."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:20 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"War-focused logistics? An interesting skill, the need of which I can understand. To get the best one needs to be prepared for the worst.

Still, a war at the new scale that represents the clans would be such a terrible thing, I hope you will never have to put this theoretical knowledge into practice.

Wars between tribes were the affair of at most a few tenth of fighters on each side with crude weaponry. Yet there were already so destructive, so deadly, reaping lives by the handful, by the direct kiss of a blade or by the starvation resulting from food being lost, stolen, spoiled during battles.

Now professional soldiers account maybe by the thousands through the Empire. If they were to clash against an enemy of similar size, the ravages would be on a whole different level of horror."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:38 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano tilted her head slightly and held her calm smile, "Why yes...Lady Makime and her senior advisors have contemplated and tried to project the sort of destruction one could see. The numbers are bleak if conflict escalates to both parties leveraging everything to destroy the other, an unlikely scenario. Such expenditures would leave both parties too weak to defend themselves from predatory attacks from a third party. It is best to limit any armed conflicts to clearly defined and obtainable goals." She was remarkedly unconcerned given the topic.

"Actually...on that subject, the conflict in the south concerned Lady Makime greatly. While a peaceful solution was achieved, she feels there might be other outside forces that could threaten the Empire. As it stands His Majesty has several different armies of varying degrees of skill and quality, not to mention organization. Mother feels some manner of standardization should be applied to armies of the clans and a common framework for their mobilization under the Imperial Banner if some outside threat emerges. Perhaps even a standing army stationed near the capital."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:16 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"People tend to agree on the idea that standardization is a good thing... But not on what standard to follow. I think we have ten different models of spears through the empire, each with a different length and shape of the metallic bit at the end, and as many factions clamoring the one they're used to is the best.

In this very specific example, how would you determine which spear is truly superior? And how would you go about to convince people you are right in your choice? Because you will have to convince people, if only a few higher-ups that can back up your claim with their authority.

Don't take me wrong: I definitely approve of the general idea. The expedition of fifteen years ago was the first act of inter-clans cooperation in military-like matters... And absolute chaos in its organization. We only prevailed because we had good foragers and good diplomats to hunt and negotiate the many things we were missing, and literal magic to compensate for our battle strategy mistakes.

But the finest diplomacy will be required for it to see the light of day.

For example, let's say Shiba was to promulgate a decree making it so that each warrior is under obligation to spend one season every two years in Imperial lands to participate in common maneuvers with their fellows from all over the Empire, so to be ready for the day they will have to stand together on a true battlefield.

Without preliminary talks and arrangements, I think most clans would react pretty poorly to such an announcement. For clans with few warriors, one eight of their forces becoming unavailable at any given time might be a high price to pay. For clans whose role implies maintaining an army, like the Crab or the Stag, it could be seen as a hinder to their very duty.

Not to say it's a bad idea or impossible. Just difficult. And requiring as much of a silver tongue as a fiery brain."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:21 pm
by Makime Ayano
"I speak more to organization and logistical planning." Ayano straightened her kimono again, "A standardization of numbers and planning. So that when a Lord says they march with an army one might easily know the numbers and likely composition, thus having a chance to prepare for their supply and integration into a larger army."

"As to the later...well perhaps it might be better couched as a tournament of sorts? A test if you will for favor and glory." She smiled slightly. "Although my own original meaning was a standing force ready to march from the capital to any area in the Empire that may need aid sooner then later. And perhaps provide a core with which to form the armies of the clans around. Again the use of prestige for both warrior and their lord might soften the blow. And then when such warriors return to their clans they might be encouraged to teach what they learned."

"Finally the construction of roads and centralized storehouses would aid in the logistics of large army movement. And unlike the other things we have spoken of can be turned to less martial pursuits. The stores might be used to aid in the relief of a disasters or poor crop yields for instance. And of course the roads have already shown their promise."

She finishes softly, "Of course none of this is something that can be done in a winter...but every journey requires a first step."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:26 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"So things like defining that the smallest military unit is a group of 12 persons, that four groups make a company, that kind of things? Why not. Such a seemingly simple yet needed petition has its chances to pass without a hassle, and could be a gateway for other well needed standardization... Like units of distance or weight.

Roads, granaries, way stations... I think each clan is already trying to get them built at the moment, but I'm not sure there's much coordination about it, and we might have bad surprises when the roads eventually connect and they turn to be planned for widely different sizes and weights of carts. So once again, we find ourselves facing the issues of industrial standards.

Meanwhile the idea of a central army that could move to help any clan might an even harder sell, as it would also mean an army that could technically strike any clan. Not that Shiba will ever do it, but when your sibling has an arrow pointed to your back, even if you know they intend to shoot a distant enemy above your shoulder, you can't help but be nervous."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:37 pm
by Makime Ayano
"If such is impossible now...with the Emperor's own siblings leading the clans...then it would be impossible as the generations past." Ayano raised a brow, "But perhaps then certain safeguards should be in place? Making the unit a mix of all the clans would potentially prevent the central authority from using it on the clans, or else risk revolt from the inside."

"Should we go down this rabbit hole, what is to prevent the Empire from just turning one clan on another? Or for one to do it on its own accord?"

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:19 am
by Jiyo Ayumu
"A delicate balancing act.

If one clan was to turn rogue, the Emperor would have the political power to summon an alliance to fold it back into the ranks. If the Emperor was to turn rogue, the clans would eventually unite and depose him through superior military power.

But if a single faction has both enough military power to defeat armed opposition and enough political power to defeat diplomatic opposition, then there is no balance anymore, and tyranny is just a bad day away.

And while the Kami themselves are divine, a clan is not only its Kami, but the sum of all its people. If all their followers were to agree on a path of war and conquest, maybe even a god could be swayed."

The (statues of) gods around Ayumu did not seem fit to confirm or deny that statement.

"But yes, while it requires far more complex logistics, a force made of rotating people of many clans operating together for a time in Imperial lands could be an acceptable compromise for everyone."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:23 pm
by Makime Ayano
"It would have the additional benefit of promoting solidarity between the warriors of the clans." Ayano notes, "And help familiarize the clans with each's particular style."

"You forgot an option Jiyo-sama, if we wish to speak of darker paths." A small frown mars her face, "A full civil war erupting as no power has sufficient strength to force it's will but not so little as to be easily quelled. A scenario that is perhaps the most destructive."

"These are not really my concerns, or mother's, at the moment. We believe that any conflicts for the foreseeable future will be to small in scale to cause real damage. At least to the greater whole. Furthermore both clans and Empire are still solidifying, thus internal affairs have taken precedent."

She glances back out the doorway, "More concerning is the unknown, the south had the Nezumi...who we have been in conflict with already, though through misunderstanding...but what lies to the north? Or for that matter beyond the Nezumi. It could be a threat that requires a unified response, and right now the framework for one forming quickly does not exist."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:23 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"Yes at the moment the Empire is so big and its people so few in comparison that conflicts are naturally limited in size. Even if the clans are growing at an impressive pace, it won't be before several generations that they will start competing for resources instead of claiming them in unaligned lands."

A pause.

"Once the matter of the Scorpion's access to the sea would have been solved at least.

But as for an attack from an external force, yes the Empire is not ready for an army able to topple the Stag of the Crab.

There are many levers that could be pulled to improve that, some easier to work on than others.

First, how quickly messages travel the Empire. So something like better roads, regular way stations, professional messengers.
Second, how quickly a lord can assemble his army. This one seems a lot about defining proper processes to avoid hesitation and confusion.
Third, how quickly that army can get to the battlefield. This one is your specialty if I understand correctly, and the one I know the less about. The first idea that comes to my mind in some way to procure them with food en route instead of having them carry or forage it.
And finally, the junction with the local forces.

If you had to pick one thing to start with, which would it be and why?"

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:38 pm
by Makime Ayano
Without hesitation Ayano responds, "The roads." She rests her cheek in a hand, looking off in thought, "It is politically easier then a lot of suggestions and more importantly has benefits outside of war. Add in that the ability to move armies quickly benefits all other reforms. If an army takes a while to form up, it might still be able to take advantage of the roads to arrive on time. And of course it will make supplies easier to move. The coordination from making roads uniform could also be used to plant the idea that further cooperation in other areas would prove fruitful."

Re: Daikoku's Dues (Day 2 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:04 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
"Seems good to me. Do you plan to present a petition to Shiba in that regard in the following days? And if not, why, and is there anything I can do to help with the issue?"