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Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:51 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
Chizu thought it might be fitting to offer prayers to Amaterasu that morning. She knelt on the polished stone floor and gave one prayer for the good health of the couple that was being married, and, selfishly, one prayer for herself to make sure she didn't embarrass her family somehow during the ceremony.

After finishing her prayers, the tall woman rose to her feet and made sure to find the exact spot the Imperial functionary had told her was reserved for Crab guests during the ceremony, so that she would be sure to find it later. It felt a little like scouting out a battlefield, which made Chizu smile. Lines were drawn, tactics were planned, and perfect timing would be important. But there was no enemy today, only friends. Or so she hoped.

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:53 pm
by Akodo Moshi
Another young maiden spiritual advisor also decided that the morning was the best time to offer her prayers to Lady Amaterasu. Her prayer was a simpler wish, that all goes according to her will.

She then proceeds to observe the arrangements, figuring out the patterns of the ceremony as best as she could. Everything in the heavens has a certain order that one must parse together from the clues life gives us.

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:13 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Good morning," the tall Crab said, bowing to the new arrival. "I don't think we've met? I'm called Yoshitsune Chizu."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:20 pm
by Akodo Moshi
The lady bowed in response: "the pleasure is mine, I am Akodo Moshi. "

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:17 am
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"I'm honored to make the acquaintance of one from the Lion Clan," Chizu said, sounding formal. "Have you been at court for long? How are you liking it?"

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:22 am
by Akodo Moshi
"I arrived a little under a week ago. I am amazed at how much I have found in the Imperial libraries. I recall how hard it was for my parents to learn to read and write and now I'm learning that there are enough people who know how to do it and can do so with such eloquence too!"

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:07 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"I have not seen the Imperial libraries yet," Chizu admitted. "From what you've said, I'll have to correct that soon. We do have a library back home, but it's only a few books, and the scribes are very protective of them."

"What kind of books are your favorite?"

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:39 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"Well, I'm not too sure yet. We only had a handful of them where I live, and usually they were treatises on what honor is. We still have work to do on our library as well, but I'm doing my best to make it to where anyone can read it. I thank the spirits every day for their help with my work."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:21 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Are you a kind of librarian or scholar, then?" Chizu asked curiously. "I'm interested in books, but I'm afraid I'm just a simple fighter at heart."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:27 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"I commune with the spirits; there are many tasks which I can ask for their help with. Copying information is just one of the more noticable ones."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:31 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Really? What's that like?" Chizu asked curiously. "I saw a tanuki-spirit once, but that's not the kind you mean, is it? What do the spirits tell you?"

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:29 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"They tell me about the wellness of those I cannot talk to directly, ensure no homes catch on fire, and heal the injured. I am one of the few who can commune with the spirits of the elements."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:41 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"I've heard of people who can do that, but it's pretty rare in my village," Chizu said, nodding. "Are ... are there spirits here right now?" The tall girl looked around a little nervously, as if wondering if unseen spirits were surrounding them even now.

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:41 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"Yes, the elements reside in everything, you just don't notice them usually."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:49 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"What's that feel like?" Chizu asked curiously. "If there's spirits all around, and you can talk to them, is it like being in a noisy crowd, all the time? Does that make it hard to sleep?"

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:15 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"With the exception of the air kami, for me at least, they mostly ignore you unless you specifically call out to you first, like how in a city not everyone is shouting your name. With the air kami, they tend to be polite enough that it definitely doesn't bother me."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:55 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Ahhh, that doesn't sound too bad, then," Chizu said, reassured.

"What do the spirits think of the upcoming wedding?" the Crab asked, sounding curious. "It's Very Important for us people, of course. But is it something the spirits have opinions on?"

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:54 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"You know what, I haven't thought to ask that yet. Spirits of ningendo tend to be very reginal in nature, and I've been doing business for the clan since I got here."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:27 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
"Well, hopefully the spirits will look kindly on it," Chizu said thoughtfully. "They're supposed to be a good match, at least from everything I've heard."

"I can't say I know either of them, personally; but it was thought Proper that some of us Crab ought to be here to witness the ceremony."

Re: Morning prayer (1EM, open)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:39 pm
by Akodo Moshi
"I think we could ask the spirits of the air if we wanted. How about it?"