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(D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:42 am
by Viveki Doshi
Still dressed in her pink saree, Viveki paid a visit to the library and was more than a little surprised to find it deserted.

Moving to the nearest shelf, she lifted one of the scrolls, unfurled it, and briefly scanned its contents. "Nonsense,", she murmured, returning it to shelf in favor of the next scroll.

"Boring... boring.... more nonsense.... oh, hello there." She paused with one scroll, then set it down on the table before returning to the others.

"...old news.... boring... poetry?" Her eyebrows raised as she read the poem, her mouth moving silently as she read the words. When she had finished, she shook her head and returned the scroll.back to its place. "If that was a poem, I am an elephant," she sighed.

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:03 am
by Miyako Masato
Masato wanders into the library hoping to find something... anything to distract him from that damn fox. He would gladly take a scroll of the dullest poems or even one with nothing but random numbers. So distressed is the Scorpion that he almost doesn't notice the foreign woman.

"Oh, I didn't think there would be anyone else here right after court. I'm Miyako Masato." He offers a polite bow before looking for anything to read to take his mind off of things.

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:07 am
by Viveki Doshi
"Hello," Viveki replies in an accented voice. "I am Viveki Doshi, of the Doahi family, of the Ivory Kingdoms." She rolls up the scroll she had been reading and bows to the shorter man.

"I did not think the costume orgy was starting so soon. Would it be rude to ask what you are intended to be?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:31 am
by Miyako Masato
Viveki's words certainly catch him off-guard, and he has to fight himself for a few moments to avoid laughing. Masato decides to play along a little.

"I suppose I play the role of a scorpion." He waves his cane around behind his back, doing a poor job of imitating a stinger. "Though my costume isn't really all that great, I suppose. Oh, and I wouldn't go around mentioning that particular, uh, festivity. Some might find it rude to talk about in the open."

He clears his throat a bit to change the subject. "So, what brings you here? Looking for anything in particular?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:34 am
by Viveki Doshi
She laughs softly at the impression, then nods. "I shall do so, thank you."

Viveki motions to the scroll on the table. "I am looking through the library for things I do not know. Thus far, there is not much of interest. What of yourself?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:48 am
by Miyako Masato
"I simply seek to take my mind off court. It can be quite stressful at times." Especially when someone's seeing-eye fox harbors some unearthly hatred towards you.

The Scorpion holds a hand to his chin, pondering Viveki's predicament. "Hm. Well, I suppose the best place to start would be to ask what interests you... Doshi-san?" The name itself was also question: Masato wasn't really sure if he was supposed to use her family name or honorifics or what.

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:51 am
by Viveki Doshi
"Viveki," she says, correcting him with a smile. "As for what I seek, new things to bring back to my home. I am surprised that there are not more scrolls..."

She returns the scroll he had been reading to the shelf. "What is stressful about court for you? Hated rivals gaining power? Is your family in trouble?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:10 am
by Miyako Masato
Masato nods at the correction. "Well, Viveki, animals aren't very fond of me, nor I of them. It's why I now walk like this; I was attacked when I was young and the healers couldn't quite fix everything. So seeing the consort guided by some intelligent beast that pointed straight at me through a crowd brought back some painful memories."

He takes a breath to compose himself.

"But yes, our writing system is relatively new, so it's no surprise that there's a lack of scrolls. Though, what sort of new things? Artwork? Stories? Goods?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:17 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"There were animals in the court? And they attacked you?" Her eyebrows raise in surprise. "That seems dangerous, does it not?"

"As for writings..." she shrugs. "Anything interesting. It could be art, or stories, or different ways of doing things. Anything that may be appreciated back home."

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:16 pm
by Miyako Masato
"Just the one, that I saw, at least. Though I'm sure a number of the other guests keep pets. But it did not attack me; its behavior merely reminded me of when I was attacked. The thing seemed unusually... smart."

"Anyways, if nothing in these scrolls intetest you... I'd suggest holding a competition. We have people from all over the Empire present here, so might as well have them help. Make it a competition with points and a deadline and they'll scramble to try to provide you with something interesting. Do you have something interesting to offer
in return as a prize? Something from your homeland?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:00 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"Perhaps," she answers, noncomittally. "Your people seem to be very competitive. Already I have heard talk of many different competitons at this wedding. Is this common?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:43 pm
by Miyako Masato
"It is certainly common in court, what with everyone trying to earn favor and prestige. I would say that it is much less common in day-to-day life, though. What about your people? Do they have a competitive spirit? Or perhaps one that is more curious about other cultures?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:22 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"Professionally, yes. We enjoy games, but not quite to the level I have seen here." She gathers up a few more scrolls and carries them to the table to look over. "Prestige and favor are very important to you, then? I am noticing that none of these games have prizes of money, why is that?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:12 pm
by Miyako Masato
"To some, depending on their goals and aspirations. But money? I've heard that the Nezumi use this, but the Empire still barters. I've heard that there was word some form of currency being established, but it was actually something I had planned on checking here at court. I would be very interested to hear about the currency of your people, though."

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:45 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"Bartering?" Viveki's expression betrays her surprise and disappointment. "You will want a formal currency very soon. We use copper coins, as do... most of the other nations in the world. Those who do not have their own coins."

She shakes her head and sighs. "What do your merchants do at the market? It must be chaos."

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:54 pm
by Miyako Masato
"Ive spent much of my life observing the goings on of the markets, and as you say, it can be rather chaotic, especially with larger trades. But how does this coinage work? Surely it is not as simple as everyone agrees that it is valuable, and therefore it is?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:09 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"It is an abstraction," she explains, pulling a few coins out of a purse and handing them to him to inspect. "The value of a coin is set by... well, it is a bit complicated, but the value of money is determined by the demand of the consumer, especially with regards to foreign investors."

She gestures absently with her hands. "Let us say that you had something of great value in your nation. Gold, perhaps?" She motions to the various rings on her fingers. "Other nations would be interested in purchasing that gold, and the amount of their currency that they would pay would influence...."

Viveki's voice trails off, and she smirks. "That is more for later, perhaps? In this stage of economy, value is most likely determined by your ruler, your emperor. He says, this is how much coin it costs for most common items, and distributes coin based upon holdings of those types. Prices and currency will fluctuate with supply and demand... that is, desired and rare things will cost more, while common and not wanted things will cost less."

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:44 am
by Miyako Masato
"Most interesting..." Masato tries his best to remember all this jargon to recall at a later time. "So essentially, you're saying I'd need to get the Emperor to declare prices on common goods. That seems somewhat... beneath him." He ponders a little while. "Maybe if he were simply presented with a list that he and his advisors could sign off on?" He can only offer a shrug. "Do divine beings set market prices in your lands?"

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:30 am
by Viveki Doshi
"It does not have to be the Emperor, of course, but... this is very important thing. If starting economy of his empire for first time is beneath him, then I do not know what else he is expected to do."

At the question, she shakes her head. "No, gods are the domain of the priests. The merchants handle our economy. There is some overlap - I hold faith in the gods and offer them prayers and praise - but the priests do not meddle with the economy, and our gods only assume mortal forms for... more pressing concerns."

She spreads her arms out to her sides. "But remember, the Ivory Kingdoms is very old. There is a momentum to these things that carry it forward."

Re: (D2, LA) International Woman of Mystery

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 6:32 am
by Miyako Masato
"Ah, indeed. It makes things a bit more clear-cut when there are traditions and customs to rely upon." He ponders a moment the countless questions in his mind. "Just how old are the Ivory Kingdoms, anyways? And your castes, are they divided by family? And where are the Doshi in this system?"