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[D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:04 pm
by Viveki Doshi
Viveki wasn't exactly a stranger to outdoor bathing, but she wasn't quite used to bathing in such cold temperatures. She still wasn't entirely sold on the idea, but the springs were apparently warm enough to make the experience enjoyable... or at least the servants had told her. It was only after they told her about the pre-washing inside and then walking out to the hot springs through the cold air, wearing only a towel, that her nose crinkled up in distaste.

That being said, Viveki wasn't one to disparage the customs of other cultures without trying them first, which led to her clutching a towel to her chest as she walked very quickly and deliberately to the hot springs. The towel was cast aside as she quickly lowered herself into the warm water, and then folded carefully and set aside for the return trip.

"It's not bad once you're actually in," she murmured to herself, sinking down to her shoulders and rubbing her arms beneath the water.

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:12 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
Ayeka was, similarly to Viveki, not terribly used to the whole tradition of hot springs. She hadn't lived terribly close to them, and as such the idea of them was somewhat new and foreign. Unlike the gaijin, however, she did not seem overly concerned about the whole matter. It was good enough for Shiba, and as such it was fine enough for her.

Much like Viveki, she made a very deliberate pace to the water, trying to avoid the worst of the cold as she slipped inside. A small, pleased sigh as the warm water covered her escaped. This was pleasant indeed.

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:16 pm
by Viveki Doshi
Viveki sits up a bit as she's joined by one of the samurai. "It is quite the difference compared to the biting air, is it not?" Her words carried the distinct accent of a foreigner, but it was not strong enough to garble her meaning.

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:20 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
Her eyes find the face that produced the unfamiliar voice. The young samurai offers a smile. "It is quite the difference indeed. I have not been so blessed to experience hot springs before today. I must admit that I am finding it an unexpected blessing." A pause, and a bow of her head, before she continues. "I am pleased to meet you. I am Hisomu Ayeka."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:26 pm
by Viveki Doshi
Viveki returns the nod. "This is my first as well. I know of a few springs like this in my homeland, but they are either heavy with unpleasant smells or too hot for bathing. I am Viveki Doshi, of the Doshi family of the Ivory Kingdoms."

She taps her fingers as she thinks. "Hisomu... that is the, ah..." A pause. "What is the word for... spider, yes? The spider family?"

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:35 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"That is unfortunate indeed," she offers. "I am glad to be introduced to you, Doshi-san. I hope that you have found our lands hospitable."

At the mention of the spider, her head bobs. "It is one of the families of the Spider, yes. The family named for our patron Kami, Hisomu."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:39 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"Please, Viveki," she says, smiling as she leans back against a rock wall. "There is no need to be so formal in a private setting such as this."

Viveki nods her head. "Yes, thus far it has been quite the hospitable stay. The furnishings are more comfortable than is usually the case among the Nezumi, though..." She pauses, lowering her voice slightly. "I have yet to determine exactly where my bed is located. I found the bedding, but no actual bed."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:42 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"If that is your wish, Viveki," she nods calmly. She wasn't so formal. Her head tilts in a bit of confusion before she finally speaks. "Bedding? You mean your futon? I am unsure what else you would need besides the futon itself..."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:46 pm
by Viveki Doshi
Viveki stares at her for a moment, and then laughs softly and shrugs. "Perhaps it is my mistake, then. I am accustomed to bedding being, ah... lifted from the floor." She lays her hands flat above the water and lifts them upwards to illustrate. "To prevent one from sleeping with snakes. But perhaps that is not an issue in your lands?"

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:50 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"Snakes?" Her head tilts. "A creature of some form, no doubt. I have not had any experiences with such a creature, and Shuri is adept at catching any rodents that might seek to make their way through my family's house." Her head tilts. "Do you have great issues with beasts attempting to attack you while you slumber?"

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:58 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"No, not especially," she says, shaking her head. "Perhaps I am using the wrong word for it. They are about this long," she holds her hands a few feet apart, "covered in scales, and they slither across the ground. They do not seek to harm humans, but many of them are poisonous and will bite if they feel threatened or startled. They enjoy the heat, so they will sometimes slither into bed with a sleeping person to warm themselves." She shrugs her shoulders and then sinks a bit deeper into the water. "I believe they eat rats and mice, so they are not without a purpose in the world."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:04 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"I have not heard of such creatures myself, but that sounds concerning indeed. One understands the need to keep onesself separated from them as best they can." She bobs her head again. "For such a purpose, I think I am content to keep my cat around. Deadly vicious to rodents, but also rather cute and nonthreatening to a human."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:07 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"Oh, yes! We keep a number of cats at our home." Her smile widens. "I would have brought one with me, but it was a long journey, and they do not take kindly to traveling. What sort of cat do you have? Is it its hair very long, or short?"

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:10 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"Her hair is somewhat short. She is a small, white haired cat. Very lazy when she is not hunting mice," Ayeka laughs just a bit. "Usually if I am home she just wants to rest in my lap."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:26 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"Yes, our cats are very lazy as well," she laughs. "Have you met any Senpet yet? Their Empire is far north of yours, but my family deals with them from time to time. One of my brothers returned with one of their cats... which was entirely without hair!" She shakes her head at the memory. "She considers herself to be a princess nevertheless."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:27 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"Then Senpet? I am afraid I am not familiar. You are the first gaijin I have met, Viveki." She shakes her head. "A cat without hair. That would be quite a sight. I think if I were to try removing Shuri's hair, she would claw out my eyes as I sleep."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:33 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"I would not recommend it," she advises, still smirking. "The Senpet are a very... strange people. They claim to have been the first civilization in the world, and I have never met any who could contradict them. They have large pyramids that are older than the entirety of my homeland, and ten thousand death gods that they worship with intense devotion." She scrunches up her nose in annoyance. "I would advise caution if you ever encounter them. They are an honorable people, but they have no love for foreigners, so every conversation must be done with great care."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:41 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"I shall remember your words should I ever encounter them," she offers with a nod. "Though unless they send envoys like your people have, I doubt I ever shall." She taps her chin as she thinks of a different topic. "What do your people in the Ivory Kingdoms think of Honor, if you do not mind my asking?"

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:48 pm
by Viveki Doshi
"A difficult question with many answers." Viveki ponders the question with pursed lips. "I believe that, were one of your samurai and one of our Kshatriya to sit down at a table and compare their beliefs, they would find more similarities than differences. As a people, the Ivindi celebrate peace, wisdom, and intellectual pursuits, but there are those who would turn away from such virtues for their own gain."

Re: [D1, LA] Ivindi Soak

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:52 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
"Perhaps I will be blessed to be able to talk with one of your... warriors? Apologies, I do not wish to dishonor your people by butchering the pronunciation of that word." She lets out a small laugh. "Perhaps you might teach me how to say them properly some time? Though I am unsure a hot spring is the appropriate venue for proper learning, even if I am finding it pleasant for making a new acquaintanceship."