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Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:33 am
by Hisomu Kuni
Following orders to get a hobby, Kuni developed a taste for fashion. Seeing all the different styles, Kuni decided to hold an event to determine who truly was setting the trends in the Empire. It would be a simple event. The tailor would create the kimono. Then, someone would model it while another would explain the fine details.

The set-up is simple. A small stage that allows the model to walk is in center. At the back of the stage, the orator will stand and highlight the fine details of the work. The seating will be around the stage allowing people to get their preferred view. Simple. Just how Kuni prefers it.

Of course, this is unlikely to be something a single person can do alone. So, recruiting the best Talent from your Clan may be necessary.


No Mess!: Due to blood magic be the common form of magic, magic is not allowed so the clothing does not get stained. And kihos are banned too just to be fair.

Making a Team: Any of the following rolls maybe substituted for Courtier/Awareness. This roll counts as a Social roll and triggers relevant (Dis)Advantages. It does not count as a Contested Roll.

Of course, finding the perfect person within your Clan and convincing them takes time. Doing this multiple times becomes harder for the later recruits as you also have to convince them to cram in their practice as well. The first roll that is Courtier is used as a substitute is TN 20. The second roll is TN 30. The third roll is TN 45. Points and raises are the same for whatever roll the Courtier roll is replacing.

The Design

The first thing that needs to be done is to create the kimono. A Craft: Tailoring/Intelligence or Artisan: Weaving/Intelligence check at TN 20 will grant 2 Fashion points. Called Raises will grant an addition Fashion point per raise to represent the fine technical detail or brilliant design.

Failure will grant 0 points and -1 Fashion Point per Called Raise. Failing by 15 or more will add a +5 TN to further rolls.

The following give 1 Free Raise: Wealthy

The following add +5 to TN: Ascetic

The Hype

The second piece to the puzzle is a good orator to expound on the virtues of the design. A successful Oratory/Awareness roll at TN 20 will grant 1 Fashion point. Raises will grant an additional Fashion point.

Failure will grant 0 points and -1 Fashion Point per Called Raise.

The following give 1 Free Raise: Voice

The following add +5 to TN: Silent

The Walk

Finally, there must be a samurai to show everyone what it looks like. After all, can fashion truly be judged if you cannot see it on a person? Each step must be precise to show the kimono in it's best light as you move. An Athletics/Agility roll against a TN 20 must be made for 1 Fashion Point. Raises may be called for an additional Fashion point per raise as you just make it look so good.

Failure will grant 0 points and -1 Fashion Point per Called Raise.

The Following give 1 Free Raise: Darling of Court/Fame (these two do not stack)

The following add +5 to TN: Disturbing Countenance, Lame

Hey, I Can Walk and Talk At the Same Time!
Kuni doesn't expect anyone to both walk and talk at the same. However, there is no rule against it. Doing both rolls yourself and succeeding will grant an additional Fashion Point.

However, if you fail the Athletics roll, your Oratory roll will also count as a failure (along with negative Fashion Points if Raises were called) since tripping will show that you cannot in fact walk and talk at the same time.

Prize: Kuni is writing a book about the fashion of Winter Court. Anyone scoring positive points will be mentioned. However, the PC with the most Fashion Points will be featured as the true trend setter of the Empire with a large portion of the book dedicated to style and abilities.

Anyone with 0 points will be forgotten about. Literally. Kuni will forget them when he goes to write his book and thus not mention them.

Kuni will remember those with negative points. And their style will certainly be noted if just as a warning to those who may come after him.

EDIT: I have decided to allow Artisan: Weaving as a substitute for Craft: Tailoring.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:26 am
by Akodo Kawauso
[Fluff to come]

1. Design: Sub Courtier. success plus 1 raise. 3 fashion points.
2. Hype: success. 1 fashion point.
3. Walk: success plus 1 raise, plus Walk and Talk bonus. 3 fashion points.

Total 7 fashion points, and Kawauso is proud af.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:31 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
Ayumu wasn't really so much competing in that contest that he was competing against himself. He hadn't forgotten about Kinsen's request for a wedding dress, and had practiced a bit in that regard. But was at a point where he wouldn't get much progress by simply dabbling. He had to either focus and work hard to resurrect the tailor in him or accept that part of him was long past and let it go.

This little event was a good way to test the waters, to try giving it all once again and see if the spark was still there or it had moved on.

So Aymu sat, and cut, and sewed. He likely had designed the dress and prepared most of the materials in advance, as two hours were not nearly enough to compose good clothing from scratch, but he did the last stretch live before the audience. An free-flowing ceremonial robe, sure to make a sensation if worn by a tall, confident person.

He definitely wasn't parading in it himself, and made like efforts to find someone to act as his model or to defend his design. Whereas he found the act of creation itself fascinating, glory hounding for the sake of glory bored him.

He hadn't found an answer to his existential questions, but he felt like he was getting closer.


D7EE | Fashion of the Empire | Design | Craft: Tailoring/Intelligence | TN20 | 4CR (TN40) | Voidx2 for +2k2+4 (Shiba Bushi 1, Tawagoto's Army): 7d10o10k5+4 42 -> 6 points
D7EE | Fashion of the Empire | Hype | Oratory/Awareness | TN20 | Unskilled: 3d10 17 -> Fail
D7EE | Fashion of the Empire | Walk | Courtier/Awareness (TN20) | No Raise: 4d10o10k3 11 -> Fail

Total: 6 points
EDIT: Fixed count (missed that the first roll was 2+number of raises, not 1+number of raises)

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:38 pm
by Akodo Moshi

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:16 pm
by Jiyo Sora
[Marking Sora as attending the event for head-count purposes, but he's not actively participating]

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:40 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
It had taken considerable wheedling on Chizu’s part, but she had secured the work of the best kimono designer in her Clan to construct her outfit. The tall Crab woman wore three layers of kimono: the innermost was sheerest white silk, the middle one was a pale grey with interlocking snowflake designs, and the outer a dark blue with angular, geometric designs at the bottom hem suggestive of snow-covered mountains. Each had been cut long to accentuate Chizu’s height. A wide sash painted with pink peonies tied her kimono at the waist, coming to an oversized bow at the small of her back. Chizu held a delicate parasol painted with the same peony design in one hand, and on her feet were tall black-lacquered shoes that further emphasized her height.

The tall Crab took to the stage with small, careful steps. Her lacquered footwear made a sharp clack-clack sound as she walked. The layers of kimono moved intriguingly, a glimpse of each under-kimono becoming momentarily visible with each step.

“This design is by Hida Kenzo, and incorporates three layers of kimono with winter motifs, as is appropriate for the season,” Chizu said in a dulcet voice. “The outer kimono is lined for extra warmth and to help it retain shape, making it both beautiful and practical.”

“The peony motifs on the obi and parasol also symbolize winter,” the tall, elegant woman continued, presenting the parasol with a flourish. “Although they are difficult to cultivate, they bloom with color in the winter season.”

Chizu bowed deeply, somehow maintaining perfect balance while doing so. “Thank you for your attention,” she said, before striding off the stage in a swirl of colorful fabrics.

7EE Fashion design, convince designer to help with 2 called raises AWA/Courtier +Benten’s TN30: 7d10o10k5 50 succeeds for 4 Fashion points
7EE Fashion hype with 1 called raise AWA/Perform: Oratory +Void Point TN25: 6d10o10k5 36 succeeds for 2 Fashion Points
7EE Fashion walk with no raises AGI/Athletics +Void Point TN20: 5d10o10k4 49 (!) succeeds for 1 Fashion Point
Walk and Talk for 1 Fashion Point

Total: 8 Fashion Points

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:20 pm
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu isn't really good with this kind of thing, but he knows someone who can help.

"Come on Makoto, I know you took lessons. And your grace! And I know you broke into Father's stash of toxins to come here"

Blackmail in hand to make Makoto work on the garment and do the walk, and his own spin in selling it, Susumu manages to at least be recognized.

Fashion of the Empire-The Design-Courtier/Awareness-TN 20: 7d10o10k5 26 1 point
Fashion of the Empire-The Hype-Oratory/Awareness-TN 20: 4d10 25 1 point
Fashion of the Empire-The Walk-Courtier/Awareness#2-TN 30: 7d10o10k5 34 1 point

3 Fashion Points

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:09 am
by Doji Misaki
Doji Misaki wasn't much for fashion in and of itself... but if it meant something new and innovative, then she was all for it. So it was that she'd worked on and off for a while for something to show off at the Hisomu's fashion show, and it had turned out wonderfully!


A simple blue and white traditional kimono, done up in Lion silk, was on the Crane woman as she walked out. Plain? Perhaps. But very well made and comfortable looking, with good stitching and well cut sleeves. The comfort factor was all the more apparent as Misaki moved, the thing seeming to conform to her movements without catching or tugging, hugging her matronly form without being either too tight or too baggy.

"This simple kimono is meant for those who wish to spend time at home comfortably while still conforming to good tastes for guests or servants. Notice the way the kimono moves naturally and the way the Lion silk slides along. Also, let me draw you attention to these."

She reached into some almost invisible slots in the front of the kimono to pull them open like the pockets in hakama almost.

"Deep, sturdy pockets can hold all sorts of things from scrolls to combs to even a baby otter if you wish! And the weight is distributed so not only do the pockets blend with the kimono's look normally, but they do when full as well. That weight distribution also means no strain if they have heavy things in the pockets, whether the front pockets or sleeve pockets. Ah yes, the sleeve pockets are even more advanced than normal as well. Watch the weight distribution at work as I put weights in my pockets and spin with them."

Misaki put a plumb bob in each sleeve pocket and... did a twirl right off the stage.

...well, at least the pockets didn't tear!

Day 7, EE, Fashion, The Design, Craft:Tailoring/Int, TN20+2CR = TN30: 7d10o10k5 47 (4 fashion points)

Day 7, EE, Fashion, The Hype, Perform:Oratory/Awareness, TN20 + 2CR = 30, VP+1k1: 6d10o10k5 54 (3 fashion points)

Day 7, EE, Fashion, The Walk, Athletics/Agility, TN20 + 2CR = TN30, VP1k1: 7d10o10k5 17 (-2 fashion points and changes the 3 from Hype to -2!)

Total Fashion Points = 0

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:36 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Jiyo Ayumu wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:31 pm
So Aymu sat, and cut, and sewed. He likely had designed the dress and prepared most of the materials in advance, as two hours were not nearly enough to compose good clothing from scratch, but he did the last stretch live before the audience. An free-flowing ceremonial robe, sure to make a sensation if worn by a tall, confident person.
Kinsen thought of only observing and making notes for herself to use in the future, but seeing the amazing and jaw-dropping work of art from the Imperial's craftsmanship which she had incentivized, and also greatly inspired by the outstanding maidens parading through the cat walk, the Lady of the Stag goes to the backstage and prepares herself.

She fetches the same old and reliable battle-ready kimono Ayumu made years ago and prepares it as she did on the say she fought the foul creatures in the south. Yet, this time, she adds on some modern adornments from court, such as high sandals and her exquisite makeup lines and works on her pose.

A better explanation would have benefited the outfit, yet, Kinsen felt being silent would already be enough for this tribute.


Art by Vu Nguyen

D7, EE, The Design TN 25 (1 Raise) + Benten + VP: 6d10o10k4 25 +3 Fashion Points
D7, EE, The Hype TN 25 + Benten: 5d10o10k3 23 - No success
D7, EE, The Walk TN 20 + VP: 5d10o10k4 31 +1 Fashion Point
Total = 4 Fashion Points with a tribute to Ayumu.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:45 pm
by Nozomi
(Nozomi is absolutely not participating in the rolls because oh god no... please god no... but Just want it clearly said. Oh she's not missing this for your life. Have to support Kuni, after all.)

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:00 am
by Hisomu Kuni
Kuni was excited. It was time show the court his fashion ideas. They were..... well, they were clothes. He had tried to put to many extras on them. It was the bells. The bells were too much. He knew that. Why did he do that? Because he was trying to be fancy. That is why. Stupid Kuni.

Well, surely he could find someone to introduce him to take the sting off it. Nope. People took a look at his designs and either laughed, became insulted, or just looked at Kuni with a pity in their eyes before leaving without saying a word. Finally, he found a young man barely out of gempukku to annouce for him. Unfortunately, the young man's voice began cracking when Kuni began his walk.

Kuni could do this. All he had to do was walk. Damn. Why is it so itchy? He does his best to not itch. But.... well, he gets finishes walk as quick as he can.

"You're becoming to obsessed with the Jigoku," they said. Get a hobby they said. Well, today Kuni proved them wrong.

Craft: Tailoring/Intelligence VOID 1 Raise: 6d10o10k4 20

Courtier/Awareness VOID (TN 20): 3d10 18

Athletics/Agility: 3d10o10k2 15

-1 Fashion Point

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:19 am
by Hisomu Matsu
Matsu would remain with the Spider delegation, though she would not participate. It wasn't her skillset to make.

Though watching those modeling the various fashions, she had a thought inwardly. I could walk like that...

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:16 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Fashion? Kotsume had to hold back a bit of a laugh when she heard it - she did find different fabrics and different styles interesting, in a way, but she had seen some of the looks she got due to wearing something that wasn't quite a Kimono in court, so she wondered how this might go...

... but when she heard Kawauso would be there, she knew she'd have to be there as well. Not to compete with her, of course.

This time she didn't even care to keep the otters in the basket - the basket was still hanging from her back, but the three furry balls were simply following her, curious but surprisingly well-behaved, as she went inside and took a place to wait for the first competitors to make their appearance. She kept looking one way and the other. Was that Kami child there? She felt she was a bit mad at him, but if he had done that... he better be, and he better be supporting Kawaii-chan!

When her sister appeared, though, her eyes went to her and kept fully focused on her for the whole display. She'd made her sister very surprised... but even more proud!

(OOC: Kotsume will not participate, but is around!)

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:42 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano was excited for this and eagerly turned her mind to designing something worthy of the runway. But eagerness does not replace talent and her design was...crude. But bad fashion just needs good marketing! And Ayano again turned to the task with gusto! But no amount of gusto was saving this disaster.

Finally she tried to seek out someone to model it, surely, surely the right person could make even this into something worth at least a little bit. She was turned down at every corner. Ayano briefly pondered using her position to make it all happen, but in the end she accepted her abysmal failure. The Lioness couldn't bring herself to destroy her work however and while others cheered and awed over the multitude of beauty on display, Ayano sat in the back clutching a blanket of silk that should have been a kimono...wishing she, not for the first time, possessed her mother's talent.

Artisan: Weaving/Intelligence for FASHION. 1 VP for skill. TN25: 5d10o10k4 19 - Failure 1 -1 pts
Oratory/AWA for FASHION. 1VP for skill. TN20: 4d10o10k3 17 - Failure 2 0 pts
Courtier/AWA to talk someone into modeling this crime of FASHION! 3 CRs. VP for +1k1. TN35: 7d10o10k4 30 - Failure 3 -3 pts

-4 points

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:50 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei remembered how Kuni had spoken of fashion and was accepted his invitation to participate. She kept things simple as se crafted an elegant grey and blue kimono, beneath a white cloak. She asked another of the Bat to speak as she modeled the outfit herself. She had not anticipated the difficult the length she had chosen would offer. She tripped and stumbled. Rei caught herself without falling, but the performance had been flawed.

"No capes..." she muttered to herself.

- - -
Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT], Craft: Tailoring/Intelligence TN 20, Soul of Artistry, VP for +1k1: 5d10o10k4 40

Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT], Hype (Team): Courtier/Awareness TN 20, VP for +1k1; Walk: Athletics/Agility TN 20 VP for Skill: 2#4d10o10k3 31 19

Pass, Pass, Fail

2 points

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [EVENT]

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 1:41 am
by Hisomu Kuni
Later, back in the lands of the Spider, Kuni will begin working on his book. Of particular note, was a beautiful three layered kimono in a winter motif that Kuni remembered perfectly. That was fashionable.

Yoshitsune Chizu will be featured in Kuni's book.

Akodo Kawauso, Jiyo Ayumu, Akodo Moshi, Hisomu Susumu, Hantei Kinsen, and Ryoshen Rei will be mentioned positively.

Doji Misaki will be forgotten.

Hisomu Kuni and Makime Ayano will be remembered as fashion travesties with the harshest criticism being directed at Kuni himself.

Please note, any characters, NPC or PC, who were mentioned in helping were also mentioned in the book.

EDIT: I forgot someone. Now, going to pretend I had them there all along.