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Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:18 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
While the floor is given to one person at a time, there is still opportunity to share in conversation for everyone else.

Refreshments are available to everyone; tea and light snacks.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:16 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Dressed in an outfit made by the Saru, in deep-green, yellow, and with a red robe over, in a style not too different from the Ayakashi, the princess Satsuki was sitting calmly - it was a rare image of her looking very much like her parents.


OOC: PM if approached directly please. :)

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:38 am
by Makime Ayano
Ayano was there, curious as to hear what strange theories those odd Dragons might speak on. While not an expert on the spirit realms...she feels at least somewhat confident she can follow the debate at least.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:46 am
by Yuzuru
Talk of Spirit Realms was always likely to attract a former Ayakashi blessed by two of them and a fox that was REDACTED, so Yuzuru and Hsieh-Hsieh arrived fairly early during the proceedings.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:38 am
by Doji Hikaru
Hikaru was at the edge of the proceedings, as stoic and well put together as always. And while he wore his usual polite expression to go with his finest kimono, he did seem to be attending with rather more interest than usual.

He came to stand near to Ayano, murmuring a greeting of "Ayano-san." As he drew close. A nod, and perhaps even a hint of a smile was given to Satsuki... and a narrowed-eyed glance at Hsieh-Hsieh.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:48 am
by Makime Ayano
"Doji-san," Ayano raised her brows, the familiarity with which he had addressed her was covered by the more pressing concern. "...are you on poor terms...with a fox?" Her own green eyes studied the critter for a moment, it was an odd creature to be sure...and at times the perceptive Lioness felt more then low animal cunning in the gaze of the fox...but it was just a well trained pet. Right?

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:03 am
by Wu Ko
Ko was not a woman comfortable in crowds. So many eyes on her, it was.. nerve-wracking. Still, she manages to come as the majority of this week was building up toward this in one sense or another for her. With her little companion tucked away in her pocket she did have that little comfort. Of course, as well as her fellows. However, at the moment as she was not currently otherwise occupied, it was her little companion that would be the one to ease her as he crawls from one pocket, around her back, and digs his little hands into the pouch at her side. With a brief smile her attention sifts with him.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:06 am
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:48 am
"Doji-san," Ayano raised her brows, the familiarity with which he had addressed her was covered by the more pressing concern. "...are you on poor terms...with a fox?" Her own green eyes studied the critter for a moment, it was an odd creature to be sure...and at times the perceptive Lioness felt more then low animal cunning in the gaze of the fox...but it was just a well trained pet. Right?
Hikaru considered that a long moment. "I hope not." He finally said, perhaps the slightest hint of dryness. It was surely a joke.

After a moment, he shook his head. "We played a game of stick. He was the victor, and won't let me forget it." He sighed, shaking his head again.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:12 am
by Nozomi
Nozomi was present among the others after her demonstration, looking relaxed enough, still very very aware of where everyone was in the chamber. Her daughter stood nearby, watching all of the magic with the same rapt fascination of anyone who might have watched a fireworks display, though she seemed eerily to follow everything that they were saying. She didn't necessarily follow it well, but she nodded along in the discussions in a way that made it clear she was paying careful attention.

(OOC: Free to approach. Just quote me if you do please.)

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:17 am
by Makime Ayano
"I believe he is a fox. You shouldn't antagonize him." Ayano responded, "He's also old from what little I know of animals. It seems cruel to torment an elder."

She sighed, then her smile returned, "I saw you were the first to put forward a topic of discussion. You mentioned many talents but I had not expected Theology to be among them." Her green eyes drifted to the monk, "Well...perhaps a bit unpolished compared to those who dedicate their lives to it."

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:08 am
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:17 am
"I believe he is a fox. You shouldn't antagonize him." Ayano responded, "He's also old from what little I know of animals. It seems cruel to torment an elder."

She sighed, then her smile returned, "I saw you were the first to put forward a topic of discussion. You mentioned many talents but I had not expected Theology to be among them." Her green eyes drifted to the monk, "Well...perhaps a bit unpolished compared to those who dedicate their lives to it."
Hikaru looked at Ayano, his eyebrows going up. "I assure you, Makime-sama. I am not trying to antagonize him. It is quite the other way around."

He inclined his head. "Yes. Thank you. I should not call it a talent, not by any means. But sometimes one must admit one's failings if one is to learn." He pressed his lips together a moment. "That I spoke first, well, I hope it may be considered bold rather than foolhardy."

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:01 am
by Wu Ko
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:08 am
Hikaru looked at Ayano, his eyebrows going up. "I assure you, Makime-sama. I am not trying to antagonize him. It is quite the other way around."

He inclined his head. "Yes. Thank you. I should not call it a talent, not by any means. But sometimes one must admit one's failings if one is to learn." He pressed his lips together a moment. "That I spoke first, well, I hope it may be considered bold rather than foolhardy."
Ko didn't approach, but from where she sat with her little furry companion she did look over toward him long enough she was sure she would catch his eye eventually. When she did, she offered one of her brief smiles and a little wave before attending back to her squirrel once more for the moment at least. Happy to leave Hikaru and Ayano to their conversation.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:39 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora wasn't about to waste anyone's time by participating- his knowledge of the Spirit Realms was less focused on the elements than on the baseline facts anyhow- but he always liked a bit of mysticism.

And it was a discussion he figured Phi and Shirayuki would benefit from.

"Wait, so the handsome Crane said-"
"Well, he's evidently a bit out of his depth."
"Yes, but points for courage, Phi."
"I'm just saying, Ryoshun-sama's approach seems more... holistic."


"Focus, girls."

"Is this like the lessons 'Yuki is taking with Uncle Kyosei?"

"It could be."

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:52 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Wu Ko wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:01 am
Ko didn't approach, but from where she sat with her little furry companion she did look over toward him long enough she was sure she would catch his eye eventually. When she did, she offered one of her brief smiles and a little wave before attending back to her squirrel once more for the moment at least. Happy to leave Hikaru and Ayano to their conversation.
Just as with her first approach, it was not immediate, but didn't take long. Feeling her gaze on him, Hikaru looked over, his expression its usual neutral mask.

After a few moment, he inclined his head, the corners of his lips turning up just a little.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:07 pm
by Yuzuru
While Yuzuru seemed content to listen to the proceedings, his fox . . . actually seemed to be listening as well.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:52 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:08 am
Hikaru looked at Ayano, his eyebrows going up. "I assure you, Makime-sama. I am not trying to antagonize him. It is quite the other way around."

He inclined his head. "Yes. Thank you. I should not call it a talent, not by any means. But sometimes one must admit one's failings if one is to learn." He pressed his lips together a moment. "That I spoke first, well, I hope it may be considered bold rather than foolhardy."
"I think that will depend on the listener," Ayano followed his glance to an unfamiliar Dragon, "Others might have a different opinion, but I thought it bold. Though it has been drowned out pretty quickly." She smiles sympathetically, "Failure is the harshest, but often one of the best, teachers."

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:28 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:52 pm
"I think that will depend on the listener," Ayano followed his glance to an unfamiliar Dragon, "Others might have a different opinion, but I thought it bold. Though it has been drowned out pretty quickly." She smiles sympathetically, "Failure is the harshest, but often one of the best, teachers."
"Thank you." Hikaru inclined his head, then fell silent a few moments. "I am no stranger to failure. As you say, it is one of the best teachers. And I have much to learn." He pursed his lips a moment, considering.

Then he sighed. "But I think there are some tasks where failure cannot be considered. Where the lesson learned comes at too great I price. I pray that when I encounter one of these tasks, that I have learned enough."

Another moment, and he looked at Ayano, smiling just a little. "But that may be drifting. Do you suppose we might liken that to the nature of the supernatural, somehow?"

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:42 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki was listening with great attention to everyone, even if theology wasn't their field of expertise - their insights were still appriciated. She needed to consider even those angles going forward.

At least for the guests, she had been well prepared. The cute mochi bunnies were probably perfect for Sora's kids.

And the most esteemed Hsieh-Hsieh was given a plate of not only one, but two eggs for him to snack on.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:13 pm
by Yuzuru
It was obviously egg day for the fox, with what was to come in the future, however these eggs were eaten almost distractedly. The old vulpine did really appear to be paying attention to the debate.

Satsuki did get a growled thank you though.

Re: Elemental Discussions: Roleplay (D6. LM. Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:50 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:28 pm
"Thank you." Hikaru inclined his head, then fell silent a few moments. "I am no stranger to failure. As you say, it is one of the best teachers. And I have much to learn." He pursed his lips a moment, considering.

Then he sighed. "But I think there are some tasks where failure cannot be considered. Where the lesson learned comes at too great I price. I pray that when I encounter one of these tasks, that I have learned enough."

Another moment, and he looked at Ayano, smiling just a little. "But that may be drifting. Do you suppose we might liken that to the nature of the supernatural, somehow?"
"I did say failure was a harsh teacher," Ayano glanced back to the debate, "Harsh enough that, as you say, would make whatever lesson learned irrelevant."'

"Mother has a saying for that actually, and forgive the vulgarity of its subject: A drop of sweat on the training field saves a bucket of blood on the battlefield. We practice to find our faults before it really matters."

"Though in this case...I think faults and failure are more useful then anything," She nods to the discussion, "Subjecting one's thoughts to be picked apart and destroyed is painful but leads to progress."