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Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:52 am
by Jiyo Sora
Hisomu Kuni wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:17 am
Kuni notices him. So, worried about his disaster, he didn't notice a hero of the Empire was here. He nods to the girl. "If he has any questions, I'd be happy answer for him." He would have gone with her if he wasn't already with Nozomi and Mayumi.
Phi bowed and bustled off to talk to her father- who now looked even less fashionable than usual, with the torn end of his obi doing its threadbare best to look ridiculous.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:44 pm
by Makime Ayano
Ayano was there in the crowd, cradling her attempt at fashion. She watched the show with an impassive expression.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:25 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:39 pm
Kinsen returns from the catwalk and provides a bow to the Imperial, then she poses again, saying, "See. your style has passed the test of time."
"It would appear so indeed. There's a philosophical question about whether it remained unchanged all these years, or if some parts of it were lost but replaced with new knowledge, new experience. Earth versus water, permanence through lack of change or through constant change.

But whatever the process that led to it, the result is there all the same. You were right in that I should still have the capability to make a dress worth of you and of the occasion.

Any idea of when you will need it exactly? Both you and your son have been quite active during the last weeks from what I've grasped."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:20 pm
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:43 am
Kawauso's face turns up, so Misaki won't see the reaction to that. "Hmm," she says as she thinks about how to respond. "Well, maybe you've brought out the best in her," Kawauso finally says, forcing a tone of optimism. "That could certainly be it," she says a little more warmly, smiling as she glances down at the Crane's face.
Misaki seems a bit pale and she's panting for breath through her nose, but seems to have stabilized otherwise, still holding Sora's cloth to her face, "You think so? I would be happy if that was the case. Especially if it meant the two of you could be closer as well... I am glad she was not there to see my fall, but it would have been nice if she'd been there to see you modeling the kimono you modeled so prettily for me~"

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:36 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Doji Misaki wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:20 pm

Misaki seems a bit pale and she's panting for breath through her nose, but seems to have stabilized otherwise, still holding Sora's cloth to her face, "You think so? I would be happy if that was the case. Especially if it meant the two of you could be closer as well... I am glad she was not there to see my fall, but it would have been nice if she'd been there to see you modeling the kimono you modeled so prettily for me~"
Kawauso gives a little huffing sigh. "Well, if that works out that would be very nice," she says kindly but with a tone of pessimism. "But I am sure you're a good influence on her," the tall Lion says with a doting smile. "And whenever you need me to model this, I'm definitely ready." There's a little swagger in Kawauso as they reach Misaki's door, as she recalls her favorable turn on the stage.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:41 pm
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:36 pm
Kawauso gives a little huffing sigh. "Well, if that works out that would be very nice," she says kindly but with a tone of pessimism. "But I am sure you're a good influence on her," the tall Lion says with a doting smile. "And whenever you need me to model this, I'm definitely ready." There's a little swagger in Kawauso as they reach Misaki's door, as she recalls her favorable turn on the stage.
Misaki nods a bit against Kawauso before reaching out and sliding open her door for the Lioness with a shaky hand. "There... And I just want you to be happy, Kawauso-san. You are... a special woman. You don't need to wear that something I made to be that."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:59 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:44 pm
Ayano was there in the crowd, cradling her attempt at fashion. She watched the show with an impassive expression.
Sora (having told Phi she could correspond with Kuni if she wanted to, since the bizarre event had clearly made her happy) moved past the Lioness.

"There's a great deal of courage in trying something new, Makime-san."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:35 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Doji Misaki wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:41 pm

Misaki nods a bit against Kawauso before reaching out and sliding open her door for the Lioness with a shaky hand. "There... And I just want you to be happy, Kawauso-san. You are... a special woman. You don't need to wear that something I made to be that."
Kawauso athletically steps through the door and looks for an appropriate place to set the Crane down. "That's very kind, Misaki-san," the Lion says, thinking the other woman is starting to sound a little silly. "You are very special too. And I like wearing what you made, whether I need to or not."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:44 pm
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:35 pm
Kawauso athletically steps through the door and looks for an appropriate place to set the Crane down. "That's very kind, Misaki-san," the Lion says, thinking the other woman is starting to sound a little silly. "You are very special too. And I like wearing what you made, whether I need to or not."
Misaki nods before inclining her head over to the tea table, "I'll... lay my head on a cushion... if that's okay."

Truthfully she was happy Kawauso had asked her for help with the fashion show, though she'd held off on giving her the pocket-kimono. Maybe that had been for the best. Speaking of which, she was starting to feel the fact she had two heavy iron plumb-bobs in the pockets in her sleeves.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:01 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Doji Misaki wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:44 pm
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:35 pm
Kawauso athletically steps through the door and looks for an appropriate place to set the Crane down. "That's very kind, Misaki-san," the Lion says, thinking the other woman is starting to sound a little silly. "You are very special too. And I like wearing what you made, whether I need to or not."
Misaki nods before inclining her head over to the tea table, "I'll... lay my head on a cushion... if that's okay."

Truthfully she was happy Kawauso had asked her for help with the fashion show, though she'd held off on giving her the pocket-kimono. Maybe that had been for the best. Speaking of which, she was starting to feel the fact she had two heavy iron plumb-bobs in the pockets in her sleeves.
"Whatever you'd like Misaki-san," her dutiful transporter said warmly.

The Lion carefully puts one knee to the ground and gently slides/rolls Misaki into position with her head on the cushion. Seeing she wasn't lasting comfortably, she realized the darn weights were still in the kimono pockets. Annoyed, and perhaps more invasively than she should without asking first, Kawauso fishes the weights out of Misaki's pockets. She then checks to see if the inventor can lay down without interference.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:05 pm
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:01 pm
"Whatever you'd like Misaki-san," her dutiful transporter said warmly.

The Lion carefully puts one knee to the ground and gently slides/rolls Misaki into position with her head on the cushion. Seeing she wasn't lasting comfortably, she realized the darn weights were still in the kimono pockets. Annoyed, and perhaps more invasively than she should without asking first, Kawauso fishes the weights out of Misaki's pockets. She then checks to see if the inventor can lay down without interference.
Misaki lays down without too much trouble, certainly less trouble than getting the weights out of the sleeve pockets was. Misaki helps how she can once she realizes what Kawauso is trying to do, though holding her arms steady is tough with the way all the blood has rushed to her head and chest with the anxiety attack.

Still, once they're out, she's certainly thankfull; It makes holding the cloth to her head easier and makes it easier moving those arms, "Thank you... I'd forgotten about those for a bit. It feels good to... have my head on a cushion, though I do... wish the room would stop spinning. It's distressing."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:31 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Doji Misaki wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:05 pm

Misaki lays down without too much trouble, certainly less trouble than getting the weights out of the sleeve pockets was. Misaki helps how she can once she realizes what Kawauso is trying to do, though holding her arms steady is tough with the way all the blood has rushed to her head and chest with the anxiety attack.

Still, once they're out, she's certainly thankfull; It makes holding the cloth to her head easier and makes it easier moving those arms, "Thank you... I'd forgotten about those for a bit. It feels good to... have my head on a cushion, though I do... wish the room would stop spinning. It's distressing."
The Lion starts to fuss, asking where the herbs are that Misaki had mentioned, whether water of a particular temperature is needed, and any related questions she can think of. She knows little about what to do in this sort of situation, but has great energy and great dedication to making her fallen Crane feel better. When not specifically doing anything else, Kawauso is kneeling close beside Misaki, wanting to reassure with a comforting touch but desperately anxious that it will make things worse.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:26 pm
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:31 pm
The Lion starts to fuss, asking where the herbs are that Misaki had mentioned, whether water of a particular temperature is needed, and any related questions she can think of. She knows little about what to do in this sort of situation, but has great energy and great dedication to making her fallen Crane feel better. When not specifically doing anything else, Kawauso is kneeling close beside Misaki, wanting to reassure with a comforting touch but desperately anxious that it will make things worse.
The herbs were in the box Misaki kept her smaller inventions in. There was no water so a servant would need to be asked, and the water would need to be hot. The cloth should probably be taken away and replaced with a fresh one, if that could be arranged.

Misaki kept calm even as the room span; She'd not had many panic attacks in her life, but she was used to dealing with people having them... not to mention head injuries. So she calmly relayed instructions as she laid out in her pocket kimono, being mindful of her breath and slowing it down from the panicked state she'd been in slowly. It would take some time to feel better, she knew, but starting the process was good.

Besides, it also meant her head could feel more clear as she watched the energetic Akodo woman bustle about with a small smile, very glad to have the help.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:02 pm
by Makime Ayano
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:59 pm
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:44 pm
Ayano was there in the crowd, cradling her attempt at fashion. She watched the show with an impassive expression.
Sora (having told Phi she could correspond with Kuni if she wanted to, since the bizarre event had clearly made her happy) moved past the Lioness.

"There's a great deal of courage in trying something new, Makime-san."
Ayano sighed and looked at her silk pile, "I was hoping I would have inherited this skill from mother. But it's not to be, at least today."

"Failure always hurts a little, Jiyo-sama, but sometimes one must exhaust all the ways not to do something to progress forward."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:05 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Doji Misaki wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:26 pm

The herbs were in the box Misaki kept her smaller inventions in. There was no water so a servant would need to be asked, and the water would need to be hot. The cloth should probably be taken away and replaced with a fresh one, if that could be arranged.

Misaki kept calm even as the room span; She'd not had many panic attacks in her life, but she was used to dealing with people having them... not to mention head injuries. So she calmly relayed instructions as she laid out in her pocket kimono, being mindful of her breath and slowing it down from the panicked state she'd been in slowly. It would take some time to feel better, she knew, but starting the process was good.

Besides, it also meant her head could feel more clear as she watched the energetic Akodo woman bustle about with a small smile, very glad to have the help.
Kawauso labors happily to get Misaki as comfortable and content as possible. There's a flavor of guilt at times, as Misaki wouldn't even have been at the show if not for Kawauso's badgering.

After the cut had been cleaned, a cool cloth replacing the scrap from Sora's obi, and a pot of tea brewed, Kawauso knelt in front of the Crane with an apologetic frown on her face. She wasn't saying anything, not wanting to disturb Misaki now that she was finally relaxed.

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:10 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Makime Ayano wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:02 pm
Ayano sighed and looked at her silk pile, "I was hoping I would have inherited this skill from mother. But it's not to be, at least today."

"Failure always hurts a little, Jiyo-sama, but sometimes one must exhaust all the ways not to do something to progress forward."
"Hell, you did better than I did. You tried."

He smiled, then glanced at his daughter, who was examining all of the creations on display.

"Of course, Phi might have spontaneously combusted if I'd deigned to."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:16 pm
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:05 pm
Kawauso labors happily to get Misaki as comfortable and content as possible. There's a flavor of guilt at times, as Misaki wouldn't even have been at the show if not for Kawauso's badgering.

After the cut had been cleaned, a cool cloth replacing the scrap from Sora's obi, and a pot of tea brewed, Kawauso knelt in front of the Crane with an apologetic frown on her face. She wasn't saying anything, not wanting to disturb Misaki now that she was finally relaxed.
Misaki sat up a tiny bit, wavering before putting her back against the low table behind her. Using it as support, she took the offered up of herbal tisane and took a sip. The pain relieving herbal tonic was a bit bitter but had a faintly minty taste at the same time that soothed her throat and cooled her off. The steam even helped a bit with the chills that were going through her, despite that minty chill.

"Mmmm, you did very well with this. Just right even."

She took another sip before giving a serious look to Kawauso, "At this point, I just need time. If you want to go back to the fashion show, I'm sure there are those there that would love to talk to you about your showing. And I would certainly not mind you showing off my design a bit more. If you wanted, you could even show off my Kinpo here; It might be a bit short on you, but it would only come up to your upper ankles I think; I did design it as a bit big for myself."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:58 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Doji Misaki wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:16 pm

Misaki sat up a tiny bit, wavering before putting her back against the low table behind her. Using it as support, she took the offered up of herbal tisane and took a sip. The pain relieving herbal tonic was a bit bitter but had a faintly minty taste at the same time that soothed her throat and cooled her off. The steam even helped a bit with the chills that were going through her, despite that minty chill.

"Mmmm, you did very well with this. Just right even."

She took another sip before giving a serious look to Kawauso, "At this point, I just need time. If you want to go back to the fashion show, I'm sure there are those there that would love to talk to you about your showing. And I would certainly not mind you showing off my design a bit more. If you wanted, you could even show off my Kinpo here; It might be a bit short on you, but it would only come up to your upper ankles I think; I did design it as a bit big for myself."
Kawauso preens just a little at the compliment, her frown softening.

"I'm honored to wear whatever you wish, Misaki-san. You were kind to provide this lovely design," she says, patting where the fabric lays over her thighs. "I think both are fantastic designs."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:12 am
by Doji Misaki
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:58 pm
Kawauso preens just a little at the compliment, her frown softening.

"I'm honored to wear whatever you wish, Misaki-san. You were kind to provide this lovely design," she says, patting where the fabric lays over her thighs. "I think both are fantastic designs."
"Well, that was a design I made to compliment you. This was more an invention sort of thing. I suppose it just depends on what would be more what you would be excited to wear. I know you've been excited about my inventions in the past couple of days, but rare is the young woman who doesn't like showing off something made especially for them."

Re: Fashion of the Empire (D7 EE) [RP Thread]

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 12:22 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Jiyo Ayumu wrote:
Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:25 pm
"It would appear so indeed. There's a philosophical question about whether it remained unchanged all these years, or if some parts of it were lost but replaced with new knowledge, new experience. Earth versus water, permanence through lack of change or through constant change.

But whatever the process that led to it, the result is there all the same. You were right in that I should still have the capability to make a dress worth of you and of the occasion.

Any idea of when you will need it exactly? Both you and your son have been quite active during the last weeks from what I've grasped."
She bows again, "Jiyo-san does me too much credit."

With a smirk, she replies, "I hope soon –– if Genji acts as I expect. He usually does. If not that, then it would be for Kazoku-chan's gempukku. Which I have hopes to be soon, but... knowing her nature, could take a while."