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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:10 am
by Anjing Sagara
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:46 am
Rei arrived later than she would have liked. A certain piglet had demanded more attention from her. She dipped her head apologetically as she approached the Crab.

"Good morning, Anjing-san. I am sorry for keeping you waiting."
Sagara bowed in front of the girl (much older here). "I am honored with your presence Ryoshun Rei-sama." She rose after a prudential time. "I don't think much time has passed since I arrived myself." She added, "Or it could had been that I was hypnotized by the music. In either case I had not noticed time passing long." The woman offered some tea with a gesture of her hand towards the servant holding the tea pot already hot and emanating a perfumed steam into the air.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:29 am
by Hisomu Ayeka
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:12 am
Kawauso, stopping to bow and announce herself, said, "Hisomu Ayeka-san, I presume. I'm Akodo Kawauso and I apologize for keeping you waiting." When the Spider recognizes her and Kawauso rises back to full height, she's a kindly looking but imposing sight.
The smaller Spider's smile widened just a bit as she offered a bow from her seat, motioning for Kawauso to join her. "There is nothing to apologize for, Akodi-sama. You do presume correctly my identity, and I am honored to have this opportunity to be introduced to you."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:53 am
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:01 am
"I have not as of yet...well no, I had some brief time when we first arrived while waiting for the other guests." Ayano's smile returned, "...seems I will have plenty of time now to peruse the library."

She sat down the cup and seemed to ponder something in silence for a moment, "...I might be able to arrange something before the end of winter. A demonstration of the Makime's expertise. If there is interest."
The corners of Hikaru's lips curled up. "I see the thought pleases you. For your sake, then, I am glad." He paused, his expression suddenly thoughtful. "If you might help me locate a book on a particular subject sometime, I would be grateful."

He waited, watching Ayano's face as she considered. "I can speak with some confidence for others, and with full confidence for myself. There would be interest." He took a sip of tea, the forehead crease reappearing. "Although I must confess, I am curious as to what form that demonstration might take."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:32 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
Miyako Masato wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:58 am
"I hope that I haven't kept you waiting very long. Timeliness can be difficult for me sometimes..." He gently taps his wounded leg a few times with his cane.
"Not at all," the Crab said, rising to her feet to greet Masato. She looked to be a young woman, tall and sturdy of build, in a blue-grey kimono of good cloth but not particularly ornate. Conscious of her height, she tried not to loom over him.

"I know the snows have thrown all plans to the winds," she said in a courteous tone. "I'm glad you were able to make it."
"I'm Miyako Masato." The Scorpion offers a polite bow, but nothing too fancy. "Who might you be?"

He carefully takes a seat before continuing conversing.
"I'm called Yoshitsune Chizu," she said, returning a bow and sitting back down as well. "I'm down here from the Crab lands. This is my first time to an Imperial Court; it seems all very exciting. Have you eaten?" Chizu indicated the tea cakes with a small movement of her left hand.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:51 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:51 am
“That is splendid. Making friendships in court is a very good way of making sure you know whom to speak to when you need things resolved.” Kinsen congratulates Sasori and replies, “Seeing all these Clans together under the guidance of the Kami and the mandate of the Heavens. This is, for me, a celebration of victory.”

Pouring tea, the Stag waits for Sasori to savor it. She asks, “Who were these Spider and Lion. Anyone of note, to you?”
She savored the tea and smiled behind her fan. "The two spiders in question are a female of the Reiko family and another a male from the Hisomu family. The Lion I befriended from the Akodo." She stated in a respectful way. "I also met two Dragons but that wasn't in the reception it was rather in the preparation for the wedding reception."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:00 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Hantei Genji wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:37 am
Genji arrived, dressed in Stag colors, his kimono was finely made, though more conservative and simple than what seemed like the fashion here.

Smiling, he took a seat opposite of his cousin. "Togashi-san, well met!" His smile was wide and bright, like the sun. Genetics for you. "You look lovely. Have you had rice today?"
"Cousin." Satsuki bobbed her head in greeting, sizing up Genji to get a good impression of him. Well aren't you a smarmy bastard. Why's he acting all good and proper and...

"You look ok, I suppose. And yeah, I've eaten - I don't think uncle would've allowed any of his guests to go hungry, right? Especially us two, since we're his family, so I'll assume you've eaten too."

At least Satsuki picked up her teacup without looking like a lout.

"So, uh... what are we supposed to talk about at this meeting? I've never attended anything like this before, but you seem like you fit right in."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:22 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:53 am
The corners of Hikaru's lips curled up. "I see the thought pleases you. For your sake, then, I am glad." He paused, his expression suddenly thoughtful. "If you might help me locate a book on a particular subject sometime, I would be grateful."

He waited, watching Ayano's face as she considered. "I can speak with some confidence for others, and with full confidence for myself. There would be interest." He took a sip of tea, the forehead crease reappearing. "Although I must confess, I am curious as to what form that demonstration might take."
"I believe for those who are skilled in arms it will be somewhat surprising, and for those who usually look to only pursuits of the mind more then they expect." Ayano responded with sly smile.

She raised her eyebrows, "I am not fully familiar with the library here but perhaps I can help. Is it a subject you wish to discuss now or another day?"

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:33 pm
by Hantei Genji
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:00 pm

"Cousin." Satsuki bobbed her head in greeting, sizing up Genji to get a good impression of him. Well aren't you a smarmy bastard. Why's he acting all good and proper and...

"You look ok, I suppose. And yeah, I've eaten - I don't think uncle would've allowed any of his guests to go hungry, right? Especially us two, since we're his family, so I'll assume you've eaten too."

At least Satsuki picked up her teacup without looking like a lout.

"So, uh... what are we supposed to talk about at this meeting? I've never attended anything like this before, but you seem like you fit right in."
"Ha, thank you. Everyone looks well dressed here, and I wear...brown." He shrugged. "At least dirt doesn't stand out on it too much." He grabbed his own tea cup, and took a sip. "'s some weird saying I keep hearing. Not sure where it came from. Crane? Lion?" He shrugged, unperturbed. "

He raised his eyes. "Oh? How so?" He glanced around. "I feel all out of sorts here."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:37 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Hantei Genji wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:33 pm
"Ha, thank you. Everyone looks well dressed here, and I wear...brown." He shrugged. "At least dirt doesn't stand out on it too much." He grabbed his own tea cup, and took a sip. "'s some weird saying I keep hearing. Not sure where it came from. Crane? Lion?" He shrugged, unperturbed. "

He raised his eyes. "Oh? How so?" He glanced around. "I feel all out of sorts here."
"Brown is a pretty average color," she agreed with the assessement on fashion. Not that she didn't wear brown herself, but she was told that wasn't one of her nicer clothes.

"That is a weird saying, actually. Do you think it's something auntie Doji started as a fad, and now it's just everywhere? But yeah! You just look... at ease! How do you do that? Is there some secret trick to not want to set the place on fire when there's so many people? It's... suffocating!"

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:38 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:51 pm
She savored the tea and smiled behind her fan. "The two spiders in question are a female of the Reiko family and another a male from the Hisomu family. The Lion I befriended from the Akodo." She stated in a respectful way. "I also met two Dragons but that wasn't in the reception it was rather in the preparation for the wedding reception."
The Stag's ears detect a familiar voice nearby, but she keeps her focus on Sasori with a firm smile. With a seated bow to the ceremony set, she excuses herself and fills her cup.

After a sip, Kinsen says, "Reiko..." And savors the drink by licking her lower lip.

"How interesting to see the Spider in such numbers. Let's focus on what's important, though. You here makes me wonder how Bayushi-kami is doing, and what sort of role you play in the Clan."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:39 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji let out a small laugh. "Oh, practice. Practice practice practice. Father taught me that a leader needs to be at ease and confident, so that his wards will feel the same way." He shrugged.

"That, and don't think too much on it, I guess?" He took another sip of tea. "I can see auntie Doji doing that. How did you find the wedding reception?"

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:42 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:22 pm
"I believe for those who are skilled in arms it will be somewhat surprising, and for those who usually look to only pursuits of the mind more then they expect." Ayano responded with sly smile.

She raised her eyebrows, "I am not fully familiar with the library here but perhaps I can help. Is it a subject you wish to discuss now or another day?"
"I see." Hikaru smiled, gently, but it was a real smile. "It sounds as though everyone should expect surprises from you, Makime-sama. I shall consider myself fairly warned, and prepare for our next meeting." For a moment, his pale eyes seemed to glint...

The smile faded like the extinguishing of a torch at Ayano's question. After a moment, the polite smile returned. "Another time, perhaps? Tomorrow, if you could spare the time. There is a subject I wish to research, and while I am no stranger to books, a voracious reader might do better than I.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:50 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:42 pm
"I see." Hikaru smiled, gently, but it was a real smile. "It sounds as though everyone should expect surprises from you, Makime-sama. I shall consider myself fairly warned, and prepare for our next meeting." For a moment, his pale eyes seemed to glint...

The smile faded like the extinguishing of a torch at Ayano's question. After a moment, the polite smile returned. "Another time, perhaps? Tomorrow, if you could spare the time. There is a subject I wish to research, and while I am no stranger to books, a voracious reader might do better than I.
Ayano made note of the change, a subject that must weigh heavily on the Crane, "Tomorrow then...I will give it my full consideration." Her smile grew more friendly, "But perhaps best to return to the subject of tea and art. You said you practice many but is there one you perhaps favor above others?" She quickly added, "Beyond the sword of course."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:58 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:50 pm
Ayano made note of the change, a subject that must weigh heavily on the Crane, "Tomorrow then...I will give it my full consideration." Her smile grew more friendly, "But perhaps best to return to the subject of tea and art. You said you practice many but is there one you perhaps favor above others?" She quickly added, "Beyond the sword of course."
"Thank you." Hikaru's expression remained politely neutral, but there was a flash of gratitude in his pale eyes.

He took a deep breath. "It is difficult to measure one compared to the other. One cannot measure blows struck with a brush, nor works of art with a sword. Still, I shall do my best to answer."

He took a long slow sip of tea, his eyes flickering over to check Ayano's cup for refilling. "I practice the sword and the bow, and the art of combat as brought to the Empire by the Kami, and spread by Nanzi-sama. I have painted with Lady Doji, and I have played the flute for her when she desired it." A gentle sigh. "A servant of the Kami is more than just a blade to be polished. I seek to excel in as many areas as I can, though this leaves me less time to devote to anyone. Perhaps with a lifetime..." He trailed off, letting the thought complete itself.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:06 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:58 pm
"Thank you." Hikaru's expression remained politely neutral, but there was a flash of gratitude in his pale eyes.

He took a deep breath. "It is difficult to measure one compared to the other. One cannot measure blows struck with a brush, nor works of art with a sword. Still, I shall do my best to answer."

He took a long slow sip of tea, his eyes flickering over to check Ayano's cup for refilling. "I practice the sword and the bow, and the art of combat as brought to the Empire by the Kami, and spread by Nanzi-sama. I have painted with Lady Doji, and I have played the flute for her when she desired it." A gentle sigh. "A servant of the Kami is more than just a blade to be polished. I seek to excel in as many areas as I can, though this leaves me less time to devote to anyone. Perhaps with a lifetime..." He trailed off, letting the thought complete itself.
"I see," Ayano nodded at his words, "But by doing so are you not diluting your talents? Can one really seek perfection in all forms of art?" She taps her cup, "Lady Makime believes that rare is the one who masters all aspects of war, but a great many can master one or two aspects and be taught to combine their efforts to make a more powerful whole. Would the same not be true in art? The painter paints the backdrop, the musician plays the melody, the writer writes the play, and the actor brings it to life? Separately beautiful but sublime when combined."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:09 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:38 pm
The Stag's ears detect a familiar voice nearby, but she keeps her focus on Sasori with a firm smile. With a seated bow to the ceremony set, she excuses herself and fills her cup.

After a sip, Kinsen says, "Reiko..." And savors the drink by licking her lower lip.

"How interesting to see the Spider in such numbers. Let's focus on what's important, though. You here makes me wonder how Bayushi-kami is doing, and what sort of role you play in the Clan."
Sasori was puzzled then realized. "Of course," she nodded "Reiko Machiko sama... and Hisomu Susumu sama." She smiled. "I might be taking the baton of my mother becoming Bayushi no Kami dono's cat." Sasori giggled. "I am here looking for information and enjoying the wedding ceremony. Now, it seems we are some what in a conundrum since the snow impedes our outings."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:10 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Hisomu Ayeka wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:29 am

The smaller Spider's smile widened just a bit as she offered a bow from her seat, motioning for Kawauso to join her. "There is nothing to apologize for, Akodi-sama. You do presume correctly my identity, and I am honored to have this opportunity to be introduced to you."
"Thank you, Hisomu-san," the Lion says as she sits. "I was pleased to make the acquaintance of some others of your clan last night at the wedding party," she says, speaking a little formally but with a pleasant smile on her face. "But with all the, ah, energy of the event, it wasn't ideal for conversation. I think I shall prefer this setting." Kawauso takes up the tea pot to pour, first for the Spider, then for herself.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:14 pm
by Miyako Masato
Yoshitsune Chizu wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:32 pm
"I'm called Yoshitsune Chizu," she said, returning a bow and sitting back down as well. "I'm down here from the Crab lands. This is my first time to an Imperial Court; it seems all very exciting. Have you eaten?" Chizu indicated the tea cakes with a small movement of her left hand.
"Ah, not yet, thank you." Masato procures one tea cake and munches on it a little.

"I hope your journey here was not too arduous. And that Imperial Court has exceeded your hopes. Have you made any good memories yet? Excited for anything yet to come?"

He continues to munch on the tea cake.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:14 pm
by Hisomu Ayeka
Akodo Kawauso wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:10 pm

"Thank you, Hisomu-san," the Lion says as she sits. "I was pleased to make the acquaintance of some others of your clan last night at the wedding party," she says, speaking a little formally but with a pleasant smile on her face. "But with all the, ah, energy of the event, it wasn't ideal for conversation. I think I shall prefer this setting." Kawauso takes up the tea pot to pour, first for the Spider, then for herself.
Ayeka's hands remained folded in her lap til Kawauso finished pouring and reached for her cup. It would only be then that she reached for her own. "The energy of the reception certainly had a certain feel, that is certain. I prefer a more intimate setting for conversation myself. The informality of an event like this makes it easier to simply speak, does it not?"

Her smile broadens just a bit. "Tell me, Akodo-san, how do you serve the Lion?"

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:16 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Hantei Genji wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:39 pm
Genji let out a small laugh. "Oh, practice. Practice practice practice. Father taught me that a leader needs to be at ease and confident, so that his wards will feel the same way." He shrugged.

"That, and don't think too much on it, I guess?" He took another sip of tea. "I can see auntie Doji doing that. How did you find the wedding reception?"
Satsuki sipped her tea too, very obviously trying to get a read on Genji. Those intense eyes were... something alright.

"It was... tolerable. Some interesting people were there at least. I hope the couple isn't going to be confused by the names - Nanzi Ananzihime and Nanzi Hadananzi is a weird mouthful to be sure, but this is coming from the ones who call themselves Doji Dojihime. If I went around calling myself Togashi Togashihime it would be weird, especially when adressed by the more formal folks who'd then call me Togashi Togashihime-hime."