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Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:09 pm
by Nozomi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:05 pm
"Well, I'm sure I could bore you to tears with stories about my better's half's heroic rearing of this trio of little monsters during my long hauls across the Empire... and not just because I have all of the graceful delivery of a punch to the gut."


"You keep saying that like you think it'll slow me down, Phi."
She grinned down at Phi, half tempted for the thousandth time to either thank her friend for having named his child after her former name, half tempted to punch him in the gut just for the temerity. It always warred in her head, though she did actually appreciate it. It was a good name. "Just be careful. That name's a powerful one. It means ghost in an old dialect," she said to his kid. "If he's not careful, you'll be sneaking around him in no time and his troubles will only have begun."

"Three though. Your wife is a brave one. Our children teach us more than we teach them. Often in just how to keep them from making the same mistakes." Mayumi shot her a look and she raised an eyebrow back at her. "Don't even pretend you don't try sneaking up on your mother. You know I've got a better eye than you."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:18 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Nozomi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:09 pm
She grinned down at Phi, half tempted for the thousandth time to either thank her friend for having named his child after her former name, half tempted to punch him in the gut just for the temerity. It always warred in her head, though she did actually appreciate it. It was a good name. "Just be careful. That name's a powerful one. It means ghost in an old dialect," she said to his kid. "If he's not careful, you'll be sneaking around him in no time and his troubles will only have begun."

"Three though. Your wife is a brave one. Our children teach us more than we teach them. Often in just how to keep them from making the same mistakes." Mayumi shot her a look and she raised an eyebrow back at her. "Don't even pretend you don't try sneaking up on your mother. You know I've got a better eye than you."
"She always did, Mayumi." Sora found himself reminiscing about the bad old days in the Spine of the World, and tried to head it off. He failed. "Koyama sends his regards. Well, he WOULD send his regards if he knew you were here."

"Ghost, huh?" Phi's eyes narrowed at her father, then at Nozomi, as if she was just now putting something together. "Dad always said he named me after an old friend. When I asked him which one, he said it wasn't a name anyone was using anymore..."

Shirayuki chuckled. "Yeah, and we figured mine out the first time we visited the Dragon lands..."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:26 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Misaki wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:02 pm
Misaki comes over and sits down next to Ayano with a small frown; Nothing too deep, but Ayano would be able to notice it from so close as the Crane woman sits on the cushion with her legs to one side.
Ayano noticed the frown and glanced to Misaki, "Doji-san." She gave the Crane a sad smile, not wishing to openly express her sympathy and call attention to Misaki's discomfort...but still wanting to show empathy. Her expression softened, turning more friendly. "The day is beginning to wind down...and has been quite busy no? For being trapped in the palace."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:28 pm
by Doji Misaki
Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:26 pm
Ayano noticed the frown and glanced to Misaki, "Doji-san." She gave the Crane a sad smile, not wishing to openly express her sympathy and call attention to Misaki's discomfort...but still wanting to show empathy. Her expression softened, turning more friendly. "The day is beginning to wind down...and has been quite busy no? For being trapped in the palace."
Misaki looks up with a small smile, happy to hear the Makime woman's voice, "Quite the long and busy day indeed. So many things going on, so much to keep one occupied even with the harshness of the weather outside... You have been busy as well then?"

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:06 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
It was Yatsufusa's time to share a story to the audience. He slowly walked to the place where he could recite his words.

'' Minna-sama. It has been an honor to hear the deeds and prowess of many valiant souls through out the history of our new lands. No doubt many valiant heroes have live and died, inspiring through their actions, the many songs and words that today we can hear.'' He said.

'' But i have a different story. Perhaps not as impressive as those that have already been given today. But this one believes that is worth is as valuable as those of the names of great heroes.''

'' It is the story that has not yet been written, or rather not yet had to pass, to a certain extent.'' He commented.

'' Many souls will be inspired by your stories. And from there more stories will be created, but minna-sama. All these stories are not created in the vaccum. All of these stories presented today are just an extension of everything that exist in this world. The valiant deeds of our ancestors from before the Sons and Daughters of Heavens fell from the skies, the deeds of those that accepted their rule like the Seppun, or the absolute dutiful bravery displayed by those that went to rescue Hisomu-no-kami, are no more than a long string, weaved, by destiny. A thread that goes on an on, linking all past, present and future heroes to the soul of the Empire.''

'' The peasant that toils the field, the vassal that protects the land, the mother who cares for their children, all examples of heroism and inspiration that one day could create the conditions for a remarkable soul, like those that have been remembered by others here today, to rise among the crowd to lead the ningen of the future with no doubts in their mission to create a better world for everyone and everything. ''

'' Remember the past, because through it, we learn. Honor our ancestors, even those who did small deeds, because without them, we will not be here today.'' He finally adds, and bowed to the audience. Hoping that his perspective could inspire future generations of heroes.



Perform: Oratory/Awareness, +1k1 VP, 3CR - 45|Pass [TN35, 1 VP, 3 CR]
Sincerity (honesty - no emph)/Awareness, Benten's, 2CR - 44|Pass [TN25, 2 CR]


7 Story points
0/3 VP left

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:16 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Misaki wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:28 pm
Misaki looks up with a small smile, happy to hear the Makime woman's voice, "Quite the long and busy day indeed. So many things going on, so much to keep one occupied even with the harshness of the weather outside... You have been busy as well then?"
"More then I expected...seems the Emperor's guests are making the most of the winter imprisonment." Ayano nods to the ongoing story event, "This is...the fourth such display today. And who knows what comes tomorrow." She shifts her seat to better face the Crane. "I must confess I hope this is not the pace for the whole winter though. I do not wish to spend every evening barely able to keep my eyes open."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:27 pm
by Ryoshun Rei
Rei had been sitting quietly and listening attentively. She had shown no indication that she would tell a story of her own. But, she had looked to her side a few times and shook her head once or twice. Then she stepped forward.

"Umm... a long, long time ago, there was a hunter." She cocked her head, as if listening to something only she could hear. "There was a great hunter. He..."

She paused again, then shook her head and sighed. "He was beloved by his village for all of his great deeds... especially the women. There was a great bear in the forest, a danger to the village. The people pleaded with him to kill the bear and keep everyone safe."

"Without hesitation he took up his mighty spear and ventured into the forest." She nodded and continued. "He tracked the beast for days. The mammoth creature had traveled around the village in countless circles, walking for miles and miles. But finally, he found it, looking down at him from a mountain. He climbed up and charged it with his spear, but it batted it away. It jumped on top of him and he wrestled for his life. They struggled against one another for several minutes...."

"For several hours they struggled. It seemed hopeless. For all his might he could not keep the bear at bay any longer." She was quiet for a long moment. "He surrendered. Allowing the bear to finally crush him beneath its weight and maul him. With his last gasp of life, however, he pulled the bear forward. He fell with it off a cliff onto the rocks far below."

"That is how Ken... the Mighty died, a hero to his village whose story would never be known, until now. May he find peace in a new life."

She withdrew quickly and returned to listening quietly for more stories.

- - -
[D2 LE] Heroic Tales, Perform: Storytelling/Awareness TN 20, Untrained, VP +1k1: 3d10 17
[D2 LE] Heroic Tales, Sincerity/Awareness TN 15, VP +1k1: 4d10o10k3 29

One Story Point

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:57 pm
by Chai Kotsume
((A story about a tribe elder and guardian of the Daikawa tribe, Bantaro, leading the defence of his village against a large band of raiders led by a demon, unknowingly receiving help from the river's spirits and allowing all villagers to safely make it to their boats and move upstream is incoming when I have time and brains to set it down to paper properly! ))

D2 LE - Heroic Tale - The Greatest Tale. TN 20, unskilled, VP for +1k1 (+Tawagoto's): 4d10k4+4 31 - Passed with no raises; 2 Story points

D2 LE - Heroic Tale - The Tallest Tale - Sincerity/ Awareness TN 15: 3d10k3 12 - Aw, I was hoping to get dad into the histories of the Order of Heroes! But fail, no points :cry: EDIT: Actually! Luck reroll!

D2 LE - Heroic Tale - The Tallest Tale - Sincerity/ Awareness TN 15. Luck Reroll! (Totally forgot to use this when first rolling... let's hope! ): 3d10k3 24 -> Whooooo! 1 Story point, but yay!

Result: 3 Story points. EDIT: Actualy this IS enough to get dad into the Order of Heroes histories! Whoooo!!

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:09 pm
by Saru Takurou
Takurou absolutely loves hearing stories. He loves to listen to people and find out what everyone wants to tell with their story and what feelings they convey with it. That's why it was no wonder he was here.
In his simple kimono he sat with a hot cup of tea and listened to the people who were there.
At some point he got up to tell a story himself. He looked briefly at Satsuki, cleared his throat and began:

"A long time ago, there was a boy. This boy ran and ran, because behind him, he suspected, were only fire and monsters. He ran so fast and so much that he tore himself open on all the branches in the forest. And despite his torn clothes and his scraped arms and legs, he kept running. At some point he arrived at a large gate. "Help! Please help me!" the boy cried. It was nighttime and no one answered. "Please! Please! Help me!" he pleaded.


The boy began to cry. He didn't know what happened to his parents, nor did he know where he was. He was alone.

But suddenly an arm gently wrapped around him. "Don't cry, you are safe" said a voice so warm and full of love that the boy immediately stopped crying.
He tried to get up, but the effort finally caught up with him and he collapsed.

When he finally regained consciousness, the boy realized that he was sleeping on a straw mat. Someone had taken the trouble to bandage his wounds and wash him. As he tried to sit up, the beautiful voice told him in a stern tone, "Stay down, you need to regain your strength first!" And the boy listened to the woman.

Time passed, and when the boy could walk again, he saw where he was. A city as big as he had never seen it before. And the people who lived in it welcomed him as if he had always been here.

But the boy remembered. Where were his parents? What about the monsters? He needed answers. And so the people of the town helped him to search.

They searched day in and day out, but to no avail. No one could find the boy's village.
The boy was devastated. Where was he going to go? What should he do now? What hold did he have in life now?
But before despair could grip him, the woman with the beautiful voice came again and said: "Come, let's go home", grabbed him by the hand and walked with him back to the city.

The unconditional love given to the boy made him cry and he realized that there was nothing in the world that could express his gratitude to this woman.

This woman is Togsahi Saruko. My savior."

He bowed deeply at the end.

[D2, LE] The Greatest Tale, Perform:Storytelling/Awareness, BTN20, 4CR, FTN40, VP +1k1: 10d10o10k5 30

[D2, LE] The Greatest Tale, Perform:Storytelling/Awareness, BTN20, 4CR, FTN40, VP +1k1 -LUCK REROLL: 10d10o10k5 35

[D2, LE] The tallest Tale, Sincerity/Awareness, TN20: 5d10o10k4 19

.... I simply hate Orokos

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:15 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Saru Takurou wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:09 pm
Takurou absolutely loves hearing stories. He loves to listen to people and find out what everyone wants to tell with their story and what feelings they convey with it. That's why it was no wonder he was here.
In his simple kimono he sat with a hot cup of tea and listened to the people who were there.
At some point he got up to tell a story himself. He looked briefly at Satsuki, cleared his throat and began:
Satsuki looked eagerly to Takurou as it was his turn. But... she could tell it was a story that hit close to home for him. It seemed very somber, but heartfelt too for her, even if it wasn't delivered in a way that would capture the audience.

As Takurou concluded the tale, she made sure to gesture him over and pat the seat beside her. While she knew many in the clan looked to her as a possible successor to her father, Satsuki was now more concerned with being the supportive friend she knew her mother would be to Takurou and the other Dragons with her.

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:21 pm
by Saru Takurou
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:15 pm
Takurou accepted the offer with thanks. He had a slight glint in his eyes, but thanked Satsuki with a smile.
He took his teacup and drank a sip.
"One day, my retelling of the story can do it justice.... someday." He murmured.

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:59 am
by Doji Misaki
Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:16 pm
"More then I expected...seems the Emperor's guests are making the most of the winter imprisonment." Ayano nods to the ongoing story event, "This is...the fourth such display today. And who knows what comes tomorrow." She shifts her seat to better face the Crane. "I must confess I hope this is not the pace for the whole winter though. I do not wish to spend every evening barely able to keep my eyes open."
"I. certainly understand that sentiment; I am quite tired after a day like today. And I didn't even go outside to struggle with the snow. Dancing in particular. Still..."

Her voiced lowered a bit, "It was quite fun, I think. Perhaps I. I should say interesting instead, but. I would rather justbe forthright."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:26 pm
by Nozomi
Her gaze took in the dragons as they seemed to share a moment, and the rather personal tale, giving a nod towards him and towards all the others, raising a salute to each story in turn. So many good stories. Did she care if some were told better than others? Nah, not in the slightest. she was just beaming to watch the tales shared, sober or light-hearted.
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:18 pm
"She always did, Mayumi." Sora found himself reminiscing about the bad old days in the Spine of the World, and tried to head it off. He failed. "Koyama sends his regards. Well, he WOULD send his regards if he knew you were here."

"Ghost, huh?" Phi's eyes narrowed at her father, then at Nozomi, as if she was just now putting something together. "Dad always said he named me after an old friend. When I asked him which one, he said it wasn't a name anyone was using anymore..."

Shirayuki chuckled. "Yeah, and we figured mine out the first time we visited the Dragon lands..."
"Heh, how is the old man? I haven't been to Shinjo lands lately," she had to admit. "I'm sure the Ki-Rin are in good hands with he and his wife. She's a good woman." A thing she couldn't have said the day that they met, but Shinjo had won her over a lot during their travels. She grinned down at her, winking. "Oh, he did. I knew of a young Hikaru girl who called herself Phi. Once upon a time. She thought of herself as a ghost, who would slink in the shadows unseen, the last of her people. He's not wrong, though. The people who used that tongue have gone on ahead of that girl, but they wait in Meido."

She grinned over at Shirayuki. "Heh, she's a good woman, that one. Curious, unique even. But to be so close to Togashi, I can't imagine one could help but be one of a kind."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:18 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Nozomi wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:26 pm
"Heh, how is the old man? I haven't been to Shinjo lands lately," she had to admit. "I'm sure the Ki-Rin are in good hands with he and his wife. She's a good woman." A thing she couldn't have said the day that they met, but Shinjo had won her over a lot during their travels.
"Last I heard, still head over heels in love. Actually, one of their daughters is here..."
She grinned down at her, winking. "Oh, he did. I knew of a young Hikaru girl who called herself Phi. Once upon a time. She thought of herself as a ghost, who would slink in the shadows unseen, the last of her people. He's not wrong, though. The people who used that tongue have gone on ahead of that girl, but they wait in Meido."
"And of course we never talk about what happened to her." Phi was deadpan.
She grinned over at Shirayuki. "Heh, she's a good woman, that one. Curious, unique even. But to be so close to Togashi, I can't imagine one could help but be one of a kind."
"AND she tells the best stories."

Sora coughed. "Indeed. I kinda wish she'd been here..."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:08 pm
by Nozomi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:18 pm
"Last I heard, still head over heels in love. Actually, one of their daughters is here..."
Is she now? I need to meet her at some point. I can't imagine them not being free spirited sorts.
"And of course we never talk about what happened to her." Phi was deadpan.
She chuckled and winked at Phi. "The Phi I knew was a very secretive girl. When she crossed over the river, she put her old life behind her. Took on another name. Now she's a different person, but there's a few of us with long memories around here." She gave him a wink as her daughter tried to stifle a snicker. "They're good though, keeping her wishes and she appreciates it I'm sure."
"AND she tells the best stories."

Sora coughed. "Indeed. I kinda wish she'd been here..."
"So many of the folks that went south ended up famous and important. The lucky ones still get to travel," she added, this wink for him.

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:20 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Nozomi wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:08 pm
Is she now? I need to meet her at some point. I can't imagine them not being free spirited sorts.
"A bit... abstracted. Pretty sure she's touched by the Void, but there you go..."
She chuckled and winked at Phi. "The Phi I knew was a very secretive girl. When she crossed over the river, she put her old life behind her. Took on another name. Now she's a different person, but there's a few of us with long memories around here."
"Wait, you- er, that is, she... went on..." Phi blinked, apparently at a loss for words. Her father wasn't much fun when it came to getting specifics about the trip to the south out of him, and everyone else talked about it in terms that made her somewhat skeptical. "Wait. Wait. You... you and uncle Koyama were part of the group that saved Mom, weren't you?""
"So many of the folks that went south ended up famous and important. The lucky ones still get to travel," she added, this wink for him.
"I think the luckiest ones ended up famous, but not Important." There was the ghost of a smile. "The more important you get, the less time you have to yourself."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:02 pm
by Nozomi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:20 pm
"A bit... abstracted. Pretty sure she's touched by the Void, but there you go..."
"A unique challenge for her in her life if that is the case. It reminds me of Haka a little." MInd you, haka was her own strangeness. Her own, unique and overwhelming strangeness. She almost wondered how she was doing.
"Wait, you- er, that is, she... went on..." Phi blinked, apparently at a loss for words. Her father wasn't much fun when it came to getting specifics about the trip to the south out of him, and everyone else talked about it in terms that made her somewhat skeptical. "Wait. Wait. You... you and uncle Koyama were part of the group that saved Mom, weren't you?""
She blinked and then she laughed softly, grinning over at her. "I did know your mother. I remember how she and your father met in fact, though that's a story for another time unless your father has already told you." Bog Hags and all... not great story stuff for no nightmares.
"I think the luckiest ones ended up famous, but not Important." There was the ghost of a smile. "The more important you get, the less time you have to yourself."
"Without question. Why do you think I'm such a fan of the Order being equals?" Not that this was why she did it, but fringe benefits.

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:04 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Nozomi wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:02 pm
She blinked and then she laughed softly, grinning over at her. "I did know your mother. I remember how she and your father met in fact, though that's a story for another time unless your father has already told you." Bog Hags and all... not great story stuff for no nightmares.
"Dad doesn't talk about it much, and Mom just says monsters were involved, and that they were scary enough that seeing a bloody man in Hikaru war garb was a relief."
"Without question. Why do you think I'm such a fan of the Order being equals?" Not that this was why she did it, but fringe benefits.
"Hm, tempting... maybe if I ever get tired of this samurai business I'll leave my name and join up..."

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:36 pm
by Makime Ayano
Doji Misaki wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:59 am
"I. certainly understand that sentiment; I am quite tired after a day like today. And I didn't even go outside to struggle with the snow. Dancing in particular. Still..."

Her voiced lowered a bit, "It was quite fun, I think. Perhaps I. I should say interesting instead, but. I would rather justbe forthright."
Ayano imagined the scene of the Crane maiden dancing in the snow, her cheeks reddened a was cold out. "A pity perhaps, I am sure there would have been rumors of Snow Maidens in the gardens if you had taken to such an action Doji-san."

"Interesting does not always imply fun, though anything fun is usually interesting." She raised her brows at the comment.

Re: [D2 LE] Heroic Tales

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:30 am
by Wh'rr'kk
The Nezumi storyteller presents himself, in his resplendent Haori and hat, a large staff in his paws. "It my turn yes? Yes! I am Wh'rr'ik Rememberer, storyteller, what you would call, historian? of the Nezumi! I bring man-man story, great story of a Hero of the Nezumi race, " The ratling leans down to take a long whiff of the stick in his hand, running his fingers down it as he does,

"Yes...I member this story well, like it was told to my grand sires grand sire, at the knee of his own Tch'tch" He smiles and raises his hands. " This was a long time ago, before yesterday, but after the sun first rose. In these days there was a young nezumi Neelru'kir Wikkithich-hie A'chik, though young he was well traveled, and knew much of the other realms, realms of mischief, and of the beasts, and of the great stinky-stank. "

He lets his voice fall to almost a whisper at the last, "He was a shaman of our people, a weilder of great magics, and he was a curious sort, an adventurer and explorer, skilled in the ways of the scout to be sneaky-sneaky-not-seen-or-heard." He stands proudly at this. " Once on his adventurings he came to overhear a deal being struck between a great Porthungluin and an avatar of the big stinky-stank. It would enslave all the no'see'meez of Sakkukuku to the service of the smelly place. "

He pinches his nose with his free hand "Knowing that this would bring great un-balance in the realms and could cause the destruction of the realms, and wide spread stink, Neelru'kir Wikkithich-hie A'chik could not let it stand!" He nods slowly. "Calling upon the honored powers of his ... you might saw ancestors? ... he asked that the universe forget this deal existed, and that it be erased from history. "

He swallows looking solemn, "It was a great working of magic, but it had a price, the young shaman had to join the...ancestors?... much sooner then was normal, but they granted his wish." he nods, "The deal was not broken, but erased, in such a way, that the children of sakkukuku could never make it again, and thus the world was saved for one more day because of Neelru'kir Wikkithich-hie A'chik, and thus we will always rememberer his sacrifice!"

D2 Storytelling , Name, Friend, TN 20: 7d10o10k5 36
(2 Story)
D2 Sincerity <honest> Name, Friend, TN 15: 5d10o10k4 22
(1 Story)

3 Story Total