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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:40 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:38 pm
“Well then. If that is the case, Bayushi-san will be most welcome in our household.” Kinsen says with a smile. “It would indeed be a great interest for me and my children to understand more about their ancestors from this land.”
Sasori blinked a few times. She looked at her fan and opened it as she covered her face as she looked down at her mon. Will I be the centipede in the chicken coop? Then she shook her head. "I will be extremely honored Hantei sama." Maybe I can even aid the relationship between Bayushi no Kami and Hantei no kami... no... I have to find father. "How many children do you have Hantei sama?"

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:42 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:33 pm
"Then why not begin with the foundation...Honor." Ayano responds, "But in truth all have equal bearing in the eyes of Lord Akodo, however for us mortals we must focus on one at a time to really understand them. Without falling into the trap of holding one above the rest."

"So...Honor then." She smiles, "The personal standard by which one my measure themselves. A harsh taskmaster at times, but one that pushes a person to be ever better."
Hikaru listened, his pale eyes rather intent. "Is it? Hmmm." He murmured. "When reading another's text, just as with looking at their art, one tries to find meanings in it. I appreciate hearing from one of his followers that all virtues are equal to Lord Akodo." Hikaru inclined his head.

"Yes." Hikaru said, matching her smile with one of his barely there ones. "Very much like a taskmaster." His forehead creased. "It seems that some are naturally inclined towards honor, and some not. Do you think that someone can teach themselves to be inclined towards honor, or will it always be a struggle?" He inclined his head again. "I do not ask if someone dishonorable can become honorable; that, I have already seen."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:56 pm
by Anjing Sagara
Ryoshun Rei wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:55 pm
"We are smaller than the other clans, but that has been helpful, in a way." she responded. "The Emperor blessed us with enough land around Shinden Ryoshun to be self sufficient. Resources may become a greater issue as we grow, but in our current state we are able to develop what we have to its full potential. My sister Agasha has been instrumental in that, as have those following my father's teachings."

"I would like to learn more about the Crab." she added. "I feel certain that there are ways we can assist one another."
"It is good to hear that the Bat is doing well, I wondered since we live in a similar type of place and know the different complications that may come up." The samurai-ko took a sip from the hot tea, too hot to drink at ease, but hot enough to ease the cold weather outside. "As for my clan, I would say that we are quite numerous, we were before and now we are in the opposite side of the Empire. Our lands can´t produce rice properly, so we produce other types of grains that are more suitable for the area, and we enjoy the game that lives around our mountains and steppes."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:56 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:40 pm
Sasori blinked a few times. She looked at her fan and opened it as she covered her face as she looked down at her mon. Will I be the centipede in the chicken coop? Then she shook her head. "I will be extremely honored Hantei sama." Maybe I can even aid the relationship between Bayushi no Kami and Hantei no kami... no... I have to find father. "How many children do you have Hantei sama?"
Kinsen smiles with her eyes, and takes another sip. “Two. Genji-kun and Kazoku-chan.”

The Lady of the Stag leans a bit closer once again to say, “Some say it could be three before next fall.”

Then, she straightens herself up and looks down to her lap with a warm, pleasant and motherly smile.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:58 am
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:42 pm
Hikaru listened, his pale eyes rather intent. "Is it? Hmmm." He murmured. "When reading another's text, just as with looking at their art, one tries to find meanings in it. I appreciate hearing from one of his followers that all virtues are equal to Lord Akodo." Hikaru inclined his head.

"Yes." Hikaru said, matching her smile with one of his barely there ones. "Very much like a taskmaster." His forehead creased. "It seems that some are naturally inclined towards honor, and some not. Do you think that someone can teach themselves to be inclined towards honor, or will it always be a struggle?" He inclined his head again. "I do not ask if someone dishonorable can become honorable; that, I have already seen."
"Perhaps it is viewed wrongly, that it is the struggle itself that truly defines a person." Ayano took a sip of her tea, "...indeed perhaps it is nobler for the one who must struggle to overcome their hardships then the one for whom all things are easy. Not to say those who find the path easier are lesser as a person, but perhaps the very lack of struggle on their part will deny them true understanding."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:27 am
by Ryoshun Rei
Anjing Sagara wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:56 pm

"It is good to hear that the Bat is doing well, I wondered since we live in a similar type of place and know the different complications that may come up." The samurai-ko took a sip from the hot tea, too hot to drink at ease, but hot enough to ease the cold weather outside. "As for my clan, I would say that we are quite numerous, we were before and now we are in the opposite side of the Empire. Our lands can´t produce rice properly, so we produce other types of grains that are more suitable for the area, and we enjoy the game that lives around our mountains and steppes."
She nodded appreciatively. "My mother and my sister spent many years in the wilds, surviving on what was naturally available. That made the early years easier for the clan as we adapted to the area, learning what we could grow, forage and hunt. I am glad the Crab have found their way, too."

She had let the tea cool a bit before her first sip. "I am not sure what we could offer to a clan so much larger than us, but I hope we can find ways to assist each other."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:46 am
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:58 am
"Perhaps it is viewed wrongly, that it is the struggle itself that truly defines a person." Ayano took a sip of her tea, "...indeed perhaps it is nobler for the one who must struggle to overcome their hardships then the one for whom all things are easy. Not to say those who find the path easier are lesser as a person, but perhaps the very lack of struggle on their part will deny them true understanding."
"Perhaps so." Hikaru pursed his lips. "As metal must be forged to be strong. And yet, the Kami are by their nature greater in both honor and understanding. Not that I doubt your interpretation; I do not have the answers myself."

He smiled gently, pouring the last of the tea into first her cup, then his. "The last of the pot will be a bit stronger. Some find it bitter. But in a sense it is the closest to the true taste of the herb. A good test to determine if you would enjoy sampling the same blend again sometime." He took a sip himself, hiding his lips, pale eyes watching her.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:52 am
by Makime Ayano
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:46 am
"Perhaps so." Hikaru pursed his lips. "As metal must be forged to be strong. And yet, the Kami are by their nature greater in both honor and understanding. Not that I doubt your interpretation; I do not have the answers myself."

He smiled gently, pouring the last of the tea into first her cup, then his. "The last of the pot will be a bit stronger. Some find it bitter. But in a sense it is the closest to the true taste of the herb. A good test to determine if you would enjoy sampling the same blend again sometime." He took a sip himself, hiding his lips, pale eyes watching her.
"Can mortals compare to gods? The Kami were hammered by the heavens, we are limited to that which lies in the mortal realms." Ayano responded another smile forming.

She takes a sip of the last of the tea and places the cup down. Closing her eyes Ayano savors the flavor. The bitterness was a bit more then she expected, but not unpleasant. She takes up the cup and tries another sip, another moment of quiet consideration. "It is a good blend Doji-san, though perhaps not one I would call a favorite." She remarks as her eyes open back up.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:01 am
by Miyako Masato
Yoshitsune Chizu wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:55 am
"Connections, eh?" Chizu nodded at this. "That sounds like a fine idea. Perhaps I could be a connection for you in the Crab, eh?" She smiled and tilted her head.

"What sort of trading do you do?" she inquired. "We could do with a few more merchant caravans coming by our lands, truthfully."
"Certainly, yes. And I would be a connection for you, as well, one within the Scorpion; one may walk both ways across a bridge."

He takes a sip of tea.

"Well, I don't really stand at the stalls vendoring goods, if that's what you're asking. My responsibilities lie with tasks such as negotiating agreements, identifying what sorts of goods are needed by the locals, and discovering what is becoming popular and why. But if the Crab are in need of trade, I would be happy to arrange something." He looks around at the setting, unsure about discussing trade deals in such a busy and public setting. "We can continue this talk of trade, if you'd like, or perhaps at a later time with less people around."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:11 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Wu Zhe wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:09 pm

''The wedding is an interesting opportunity for sure, it is rare one sees so many different people all at once since travel is not something done often. You live here I suppose?''
"In fact, I do not, though I have been here fairly often. Heh. Mostly, I travel for trade. Taking out the results of the mine I oversee, and bringing back what is needed to prosper, and keep the mine going. I still place my home in the traditional Isawa lands, between the Spider and the Dragon."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:49 pm
by Wu Zhe
Wu gave a nod

''Ah! I see. What sort of ore are you exploiting? I am responsible of a dairy farm myself''

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:03 pm
by Akodo Moshi
Saru Yatsufusa wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:20 pm
Akodo Moshi wrote:
Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:16 pm
"Interesting, I too have learned methods of the void. However, I learned from the monks of the Order of Heroes; they told my father that I have some sort of destiny. None of those present knew exactly what that was, but they pointed him to the town where the Kami fell. I haven't seen him since, sadly."

'' Fascinating how destiny plays out.'' He commented after hearing that the Lion also could feel the void. '' Seppun Hill? Well, then perhaps one day you should visit it and see what path lies for you, Akodo Moshi-san.'' Yatsu added.

'' Many ways lie before one's destiny, many different path, all leading to the final destination, but without understanding of the why, nobody can pierce beyond the veil that is destiny. One day i hope, you would understand what is that your destiny is leading to.'' He adds.

'' Also, i'm sorry to hear about your father.'' Yatsu said politely. '' I too have not seen them for a while, but i still get in touch with them. Though eliminating past connections was a lesson that my sensei taught me, it is rather difficult to shake off such links.''
"I plan to visit there, but a shugenja is an important thing and I couldn't leave my people on a whim. I need a reason to go, I figured I could use this opportunity to earn that. " She takes a moment of silence when he gives his sympathies, then moves to make the tea.

D2 LM: Tea Ceremony/Void, TN 15: 4d10o10k3 16

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:29 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:56 am
Kinsen smiles with her eyes, and takes another sip. “Two. Genji-kun and Kazoku-chan.”

The Lady of the Stag leans a bit closer once again to say, “Some say it could be three before next fall.”

Then, she straightens herself up and looks down to her lap with a warm, pleasant and motherly smile.
"Oh congratulations!" She said with genuine happiness. "I am the middle child of my family. My older brother will inherit the Dojo. My younger brother will probably continue some of mother's steps on becoming a hunter." She smiled.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:36 pm
by Shinjo Ryoko
Ryoko was wandering about, looking for her conversation partner.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:58 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:29 pm
"Oh congratulations!" She said with genuine happiness. "I am the middle child of my family. My older brother will inherit the Dojo. My younger brother will probably continue some of mother's steps on becoming a hunter." She smiled.
“Thank you! But tell me about this Dojo! That must be a great honor. What is the name and which kind of technique is taught?” Kinsen asks with interest.

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:21 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:58 pm
“Thank you! But tell me about this Dojo! That must be a great honor. What is the name and which kind of technique is taught?” Kinsen asks with interest.
"Ah... hai... Yes it is but is not that known and really people are not into such unconventional weapon. It is quite hard to master I hope my brother can make the technique simpler..." Then she gave it a thought and giggled. "Maybe I should be the one to inherit the dojo and make it an all girls club." The thought perish when she thought on the people she would have to kill. "Ah... my apologies Hantei sama..." She used her fan to cover her sadness. "I couldn't do such things..." As her scattered brain goes back to focus. "Fans... is the weapon of choice."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:33 pm
by Hantei Kinsen
Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:21 pm
"Ah... hai... Yes it is but is not that known and really people are not into such unconventional weapon. It is quite hard to master I hope my brother can make the technique simpler..." Then she gave it a thought and giggled. "Maybe I should be the one to inherit the dojo and make it an all girls club." The thought perish when she thought on the people she would have to kill. "Ah... my apologies Hantei sama..." She used her fan to cover her sadness. "I couldn't do such things..." As her scattered brain goes back to focus. "Fans... is the weapon of choice."
“Oh, fans. That’s... amusing.” Not to say odd. “I am now curious of how such a delicate thing could be used offensively.”

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:09 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Makime Ayano wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:52 am
"Can mortals compare to gods? The Kami were hammered by the heavens, we are limited to that which lies in the mortal realms." Ayano responded another smile forming.

She takes a sip of the last of the tea and places the cup down. Closing her eyes Ayano savors the flavor. The bitterness was a bit more then she expected, but not unpleasant. She takes up the cup and tries another sip, another moment of quiet consideration. "It is a good blend Doji-san, though perhaps not one I would call a favorite." She remarks as her eyes open back up.
"Yes..." Hikaru said, his forehead creasing. "And the Kami married mortals. And had children with them." His lips remained pursed for several seconds, but he did not elaborate on the thought.

"I see." Hikaru's eyes dipped to his cup as he drank the last of it. "Well, as Makime-sama is no doubt aware, there are many blends, Crane and otherwise. I trust that she will find a favorite sooner or later."

A moment, and he looked back at her. "Would you like to try another pot, perhaps?"

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 6:24 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:33 pm
“Oh, fans. That’s... amusing.” Not to say odd. “I am now curious of how such a delicate thing could be used offensively.”
"I could give you a glimpse. I am no expert but I know a few moves. My mother taught me the way of the fan. People watching my basic kata think that I am dancing but in fact it is all defense." She nodded. "It takes time to make a fan more durable. To find the balance with the metal and the silk that reinforce the delicate weapon."

Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:02 pm
by Saru Yatsufusa
Akodo Moshi wrote:
Sat Jun 12, 2021 2:03 pm

"I plan to visit there, but a shugenja is an important thing and I couldn't leave my people on a whim. I need a reason to go, I figured I could use this opportunity to earn that. " She takes a moment of silence when he gives his sympathies, then moves to make the tea.

D2 LM: Tea Ceremony/Void, TN 15: 4d10o10k3 16
Yatsufusa nods and waits in silence as she prepared the tea. He was just learning about this so call, tea ceremony. Though in the past tea had played part in various old ceremonial rites, this was different, as the culture, he assumed, devised by Doji-no-kami was spreading to the rest of the Empire.

Looking at how she worked in regards to the tea manipulation was fascinating for a rather culture inclined Yatsufusa and for now he watches in reverencial silence as the ceremony unfolds.