Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

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Bayushi Sasori
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Bayushi Sasori » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:10 am

Hantei Kinsen wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:04 am
"I did enjoy it very much. A fruitful evening to many accounts." Kinsen says while settings the utensils for the tea ceremony for inspection and politely waving for Sasori to help her into proceeding with the ceremony. "What part did Bayushi-san find it enjoyable?"

D2, LM, Breaking the Ice TN 15: 4d10o10k3 20
Sasori and Kinsen may recover 1 VP
Sasori took out her fan and opened it. "Making new friends sama. A Lion and two Spiders. I hope to make more in the course of a few days if the yuki let's us out in such short time." She sipped her tea and felt quite relaxed. "What about you sama?"
☆Scorpion ☆Courtier ☆Dangerous Beauty ☆Bland ☆Silent ☆Fan girl
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Makime Ayano
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:19 am

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:00 am
Hikaru looked back, meeting that gaze with the barest hint of a smile of his own... and then turned his attention to the tea. His expression was thoughtful indeed as he examined the pots; clearly he was taking this very seriously indeed.

It was perhaps a minute later that he returned, carrying a pot, a gentle waft of steam still rising from its spout. "This blend is Tsuru." He said, lifting the lid; more steam rose, and the scent of a moderate green tea. "It is a balanced tea, enjoyable for those trying it for the first time, yet rewarding for those who have had a thousand cups."

He inhaled a bit of the steam, and then knelt, putting the pot at the edge of the low table. "Another minute, I think." He looked across at Ayano. "If there were a tea that best fit the Crane, I would say it was this one." Another almost smile. "I suppose you shall be the judge of that soon enough."
Ayano nodded as he spoke, a favorite of this Doji then. She wondered if his talk of the tea's balanced nature was significant. "I suppose I shall at that."

She continued her study, "A warrior, but a graceful one I assume. I wonder if that influenced the pairing...given my clan's martial bent. Though I wager we approach a battlefield differently." Her preferred method being from a position where she could direct one...

With a shake of her head and sigh she continued, "But such things are hardly the good subjects for tea. Do you perhaps practice another art form...if it is not too forward of me to ask."
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Doji Hikaru » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:30 am

Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:19 am
Ayano nodded as he spoke, a favorite of this Doji then. She wondered if his talk of the tea's balanced nature was significant. "I suppose I shall at that."

She continued her study, "A warrior, but a graceful one I assume. I wonder if that influenced the pairing...given my clan's martial bent. Though I wager we approach a battlefield differently." Her preferred method being from a position where she could direct one...

With a shake of her head and sigh she continued, "But such things are hardly the good subjects for tea. Do you perhaps practice another art form...if it is not too forward of me to ask."
Another almost-smile. "I expect we do." His forehead creased as he considered. "The Nanzi school of swordsmanship teaches us the art of a single, precise strike. And the artistic nature of those who Lady Doji cares for means that we look for patterns in all things. I think, if you put these together, that is how we approach a battlefield." He looked at her again. "I would be interested to hear how a follower of Lord Akodo approaches it."

Briefly, he leaned closer to the teapot. And then, lifting it carefully, he poured into a cup, already warmed by the attendants. With both hands, he placed it in front of Ayano.

"Not at all. And I practice many. Seeds must be planted to grow. But I am the most practiced at painting." His pale eyes went briefly distant. "I have had the honor of practicing with Lady Doji herself... although my works cannot be compared to hers."
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
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Yoshitsune Chizu
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Yoshitsune Chizu » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:32 am

Chizu found her way to her assigned table and took a seat. Fidgeting a bit as she waited, the big Crab inspected the tea cups and tea cakes that the dining hall attendants had left for them. She made a minor adjustment to reposition one of the tea cups that she thought (or, perhaps, imagined) was slightly misaligned. Then she looked up and around at the other people who were busy in conversation.
Crab Clan ❖ Bushi ❖ Large ❖ Benten's Blessing
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Makime Ayano
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:49 am

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:30 am
Another almost-smile. "I expect we do." His forehead creased as he considered. "The Nanzi school of swordsmanship teaches us the art of a single, precise strike. And the artistic nature of those who Lady Doji cares for means that we look for patterns in all things. I think, if you put these together, that is how we approach a battlefield." He looked at her again. "I would be interested to hear how a follower of Lord Akodo approaches it."

Briefly, he leaned closer to the teapot. And then, lifting it carefully, he poured into a cup, already warmed by the attendants. With both hands, he placed it in front of Ayano.

"Not at all. And I practice many. Seeds must be planted to grow. But I am the most practiced at painting." His pale eyes went briefly distant. "I have had the honor of practicing with Lady Doji herself... although my works cannot be compared to hers."
Ayano pressed her lips together in a thin line, "Lord Akodo's personal followers practice precision as well, though not in a manner like Lord Nanzi. They excel at spotting and exploiting weakness in an enemy's defense. Lady Makime's..." She frowned and looked away, her cheeks reddened a little...which only made her frown more. She took a breath then continued, "Lady Makime's followers are more concerned with the whole. For those trained in her arts the individual warrior is just a part of the whole working to defeat any opponent."

She reentered herself, "Well that is if you want to know the directly martial aspects. I have studied under Lady Makime in the deeper art of war, which extends beyond the skirmishes of a few warriors."

A sigh, "I also practice Calligraphy, more out of necessity. I spent a great deal of time reading and writing, then felt a desire to make what I wrote look appealing visually."

She perked a bit, "I have seen some of the works of Lady Doji, beauty beyond compare in most cases and varied. And her followers have done little to disappoint as well."
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
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Viveki Doshi
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Viveki Doshi » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:57 am

Vivaki arrives at the event with her hair done up, dressed in a figure-hugging pink saree. She wasnt entirely sure why ice was being broken, or why that made it a formal affair, but she was content to go with the flow and see how it turned out.
Ivindi • Merchant • Dangerous Beauty • Trustworthy Foreigner • Kami-Resistant • Rich AF

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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Doji Hikaru » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:00 am

Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:49 am
Ayano pressed her lips together in a thin line, "Lord Akodo's personal followers practice precision as well, though not in a manner like Lord Nanzi. They excel at spotting and exploiting weakness in an enemy's defense. Lady Makime's..." She frowned and looked away, her cheeks reddened a little...which only made her frown more. She took a breath then continued, "Lady Makime's followers are more concerned with the whole. For those trained in her arts the individual warrior is just a part of the whole working to defeat any opponent."

She reentered herself, "Well that is if you want to know the directly martial aspects. I have studied under Lady Makime in the deeper art of war, which extends beyond the skirmishes of a few warriors."

A sigh, "I also practice Calligraphy, more out of necessity. I spent a great deal of time reading and writing, then felt a desire to make what I wrote look appealing visually."

She perked a bit, "I have seen some of the works of Lady Doji, beauty beyond compare in most cases and varied. And her followers have done little to disappoint as well."
Hikaru caught the flush, but gave no sign, of course. Still, it raised questions. What was life like, in the Makime household?

"I see." Hikaru murmured, pouring a cup for himself as well. He placed his hands around it, but would not drink before Ayano did. "Is war an art, then, and the commanders its artists?" It was an open question; perhaps every warrior painted his or her little corner of the battlefield.

He tilted his chin up slightly as Ayano perked up. "You speak as one with an appreciation for art, Makime-sama. I think perhaps I would enjoy seeing your calligraphy. And perhaps discussing books with you." His lips shifted. "As it happens, I've made quite a study of Leadership."
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:02 am

Just tagging thread to get back to in a couple hours and let
Hisomu Ayeka wrote:...
know I'm coming.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Hisomu Ayeka » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:04 am

Ayeka is, as they say, here to break the ice. Seeing the pairings, her eye quirked in intrigue. Another day in which she is blessed to meet someone from a clan she's never met someone from before! Joyous days indeed. She finds her appointed spot and waits.
Spider | Bushi | Swordswoman | Idealist | Kind | Kouhai
Honor: A Soul Above Question | Status: 1 | Glory: 3

Carries: katana, fashionable kimono, fancy hat with silk veil, sake cup.

Companion: Shuri, cat.

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Makime Ayano
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:25 am

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:00 am
Hikaru caught the flush, but gave no sign, of course. Still, it raised questions. What was life like, in the Makime household?

"I see." Hikaru murmured, pouring a cup for himself as well. He placed his hands around it, but would not drink before Ayano did. "Is war an art, then, and the commanders its artists?" It was an open question; perhaps every warrior painted his or her little corner of the battlefield.

He tilted his chin up slightly as Ayano perked up. "You speak as one with an appreciation for art, Makime-sama. I think perhaps I would enjoy seeing your calligraphy. And perhaps discussing books with you." His lips shifted. "As it happens, I've made quite a study of Leadership."
"I...think so yes, mother." Ayano frowns, so easily caught off guard and falling into bad habits, "Lady Makime is more...exacting in her views. Perhaps it best to describe her view of war as a riddle or a puzzle to be solved." She took a sip of the tea and let the heat of it relax her, "Lord Akodo views it more as a true art form, no different from painting or song. Leadership melds their views quite well. I brought my own copy with extra notes from speaking to the two of them."

"I am still no master of the art, of Calligraphy I mean." She said after another sip, "Your selection was quite good. Not overpowering but still memorable." Another small sip, "But I would be honored to show you regardless. On the subject of books you may find the opposite problem, I was and am quite the voracious reader. One of the benefits of the Makime household is our access to a growing Imperial Library."
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Doji Hikaru » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:44 am

Makime Ayano wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:25 am
"I...think so yes, mother." Ayano frowns, so easily caught off guard and falling into bad habits, "Lady Makime is more...exacting in her views. Perhaps it best to describe her view of war as a riddle or a puzzle to be solved." She took a sip of the tea and let the heat of it relax her, "Lord Akodo views it more as a true art form, no different from painting or song. Leadership melds their views quite well. I brought my own copy with extra notes from speaking to the two of them."

"I am still no master of the art, of Calligraphy I mean." She said after another sip, "Your selection was quite good. Not overpowering but still memorable." Another small sip, "But I would be honored to show you regardless. On the subject of books you may find the opposite problem, I was and am quite the voracious reader. One of the benefits of the Makime household is our access to a growing Imperial Library."
Partial understanding lit in Hikaru's pale eyes; he came from a disciplined household, after all. "Perhaps the Lion and the Crane have more in common than one might think at first glance, then." Hikaru inclined his head. "If war is Lord Akodo's chosen medium for art."

"Thank you. And I am pleased to hear you describe it so." Hikaru looked at her. "As with many things, tea is an acquired taste. A gentle first impression allows for a more complete experience on repetition."

His gaze lingered a moment, and then he took a sip of his own tea. "And have you had a chance to visit the library here? If not, it seems you have time." The barest hint of a grimace at that; the snow was still falling, after all.
Crane Clan * Loyal Retainer * Questing Samurai * Dangerous Beauty * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer
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Hantei Kinsen
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Hantei Kinsen » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:51 am

Bayushi Sasori wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:10 am
Sasori took out her fan and opened it. "Making new friends sama. A Lion and two Spiders. I hope to make more in the course of a few days if the yuki let's us out in such short time." She sipped her tea and felt quite relaxed. "What about you sama?"
“That is splendid. Making friendships in court is a very good way of making sure you know whom to speak to when you need things resolved.” Kinsen congratulates Sasori and replies, “Seeing all these Clans together under the guidance of the Kami and the mandate of the Heavens. This is, for me, a celebration of victory.”

Pouring tea, the Stag waits for Sasori to savor it. She asks, “Who were these Spider and Lion. Anyone of note, to you?”
Stag • Mom • Bushi • Fierce • Blessed • Rawr • Ouch • Nails • Golden • Hearts • Yuki-onna
DescriptionTheme • Honor: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.3 • Infamy: 1.0

Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Daisho, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Bayushi Kogi » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:55 am

Ongaku Masanori wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:29 pm
Masanori arrived, settling into the private corner he was assigned. He wore one of his best tunics, paired with bloused trousers, carrying a scroll satchel under one arm in case anything needed recording.

For now, he observed the others arriving, taking note of who was here and how they carried themselves.
Kogi was having minor second thoughts about this. Shut into a tearoom for an hour with a random total stranger, on potentially unfriendly ground? She'd considered taking the morning's foul weather as a perfect excuse to back out, but that stratagem had been rendered moot when the Crane moved the whole event from the town up to the palace. On the other hand, that meant at least that the gathering would take place in a familiar and unenclosed space. And so it goes.

Very little--if any--of this chain of thoughts shows itself on the visible part of her face as she moves in the direction Tsubaki's girls point out to her. She gives the tall gentleman at the table a dignified nod.
Scorpion ▪ Emissary (proto-courtier) ▪ Veiled
Glory: 2 ▪ Status: 2 ▪ Honor: Untrustworthy ▪ Description
Accoutrements: Extravagant clothing, veils, kanazashi and jewelry, fan, small sheaf of writing paper, etc.
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Ongaku Masanori » Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:08 am

Glancing up, Masanori studied her... for lack of a better term, face. Eyes, and the hints of what else hid behind the cloth gauze.

Interesting look.

His brush marked a quick note, a single word 'mirror', marked as a memory prompt for later.

Then he set it gently aside on its stand, rose, and bowed at the waist. "Good morning, Bayushi-san. This one is Ongaku Masanori - Imperial courier and historian."
Imperial :: Ongaku :: Courier :: Horned :: Voice :: Sage
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Resources: Twin Tonfa, Tanto, ceremonial attire, calligraphy kit, sake cup.
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Bayushi Kogi » Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:24 am

Ongaku Masanori wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:08 am
Glancing up, Masanori studied her... for lack of a better term, face. Eyes, and the hints of what else hid behind the cloth gauze.

Interesting look.

His brush marked a quick note, a single word 'mirror', marked as a memory prompt for later.

Then he set it gently aside on its stand, rose, and bowed at the waist. "Good morning, Bayushi-san. This one is Ongaku Masanori - Imperial courier and historian."
"Good day to you, sir Ongaku. I am Kogi, a vassal of the house of Bayushi-Kami--but I suppose someone mentioned that." She quirks an eyebrow--that, at least, is visible--and returns a bow of her own.

"Are you already busy? If this time is not propitious for tea and idle talk..." she flicks a curious glance at the readied writing materials, not quite what she'd expected to see laid out on the tea table.
Scorpion ▪ Emissary (proto-courtier) ▪ Veiled
Glory: 2 ▪ Status: 2 ▪ Honor: Untrustworthy ▪ Description
Accoutrements: Extravagant clothing, veils, kanazashi and jewelry, fan, small sheaf of writing paper, etc.
Sometimes: Koto, medical kit, or daisho.

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Miyako Masato
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Miyako Masato » Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:58 am

Yoshitsune Chizu wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:32 am
Chizu found her way to her assigned table and took a seat. Fidgeting a bit as she waited, the big Crab inspected the tea cups and tea cakes that the dining hall attendants had left for them. She made a minor adjustment to reposition one of the tea cups that she thought (or, perhaps, imagined) was slightly misaligned. Then she looked up and around at the other people who were busy in conversation.
Masato limps over to his assigned table only to find his match waiting, and even looking around at that other guests!

"I hope that I haven't kept you waiting very long. Timeliness can be difficult for me sometimes..." He gently taps his wounded leg a few times with his cane.

"I'm Miyako Masato." The Scorpion offers a polite bow, but nothing too fancy. "Who might you be?"

He carefully takes a seat before continuing conversing.
Last edited by Miyako Masato on Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
✿ Scorpion ✿ Courtier ✿ Mangled by Animals ✿ Doesn't like Animals ✿ Grumpy ✿
Stuff: cane, fan, mask
Status: 1 Infamy: 2 Honor: Untrustworthy

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Makime Ayano
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Makime Ayano » Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:01 am

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:44 am
Partial understanding lit in Hikaru's pale eyes; he came from a disciplined household, after all. "Perhaps the Lion and the Crane have more in common than one might think at first glance, then." Hikaru inclined his head. "If war is Lord Akodo's chosen medium for art."

"Thank you. And I am pleased to hear you describe it so." Hikaru looked at her. "As with many things, tea is an acquired taste. A gentle first impression allows for a more complete experience on repetition."

His gaze lingered a moment, and then he took a sip of his own tea. "And have you had a chance to visit the library here? If not, it seems you have time." The barest hint of a grimace at that; the snow was still falling, after all.
"I have not as of yet...well no, I had some brief time when we first arrived while waiting for the other guests." Ayano's smile returned, "...seems I will have plenty of time now to peruse the library."

She sat down the cup and seemed to ponder something in silence for a moment, "...I might be able to arrange something before the end of winter. A demonstration of the Makime's expertise. If there is interest."
Lion Clan • Tactician • Sage • Makime Heir Apparent • Favored by Daikoku • Easily Exhausted
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Ongaku Masanori
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Ongaku Masanori » Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:04 am

Bayushi Kogi wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:24 am

"Good day to you, sir Ongaku. I am Kogi, a vassal of the house of Bayushi-Kami--but I suppose someone mentioned that." She quirks an eyebrow--that, at least, is visible--and returns a bow of her own.

"Are you already busy? If this time is not propitious for tea and idle talk..." she flicks a curious glance at the readied writing materials, not quite what she'd expected to see laid out on the tea table.
"Of course not, forgive me."

Masanori, let the scroll roll shut, sliding it aside.

"I have a bad habit of bringing my work with me wherever I go - I confess I was taking note of who was attending, in case it was necessary for the histories to note it later."

A wry smile, "I suppose I would be most grateful if you might distract me with tea, and the necessity of being in the moment, rather than incessant concern with what will become of the past."
Imperial :: Ongaku :: Courier :: Horned :: Voice :: Sage
Status: 2.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 2.0
Resources: Twin Tonfa, Tanto, ceremonial attire, calligraphy kit, sake cup.
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Akodo Kawauso
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Akodo Kawauso » Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:12 am

Akodo Kawauso arrives with a look of mixed feelings on her face. Clan staff had suggested it originally to her derision, but after the rather positive experience the night before -- and the reality that she was stuck with this horde of strangers for at least a few days -- she decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, that late decision, combined with fussing over clothes and hair, had left her on the later side of the arrivals.

Walking in somewhat hurriedly in a simple, creamy-yellow-colored kimono over brown pants, she headed to check her destination. Remembering not to touch her carefully braided hair -- around each side of her head like a laurel wreath then into one wide braid down her back -- she walked purposefully to the proper table, where...
Hisomu Ayeka wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:04 am
Ayeka is, as they say, here to break the ice. Seeing the pairings, her eye quirked in intrigue. Another day in which she is blessed to meet someone from a clan she's never met someone from before! Joyous days indeed. She finds her appointed spot and waits.
Kawauso, stopping to bow and announce herself, said, "Hisomu Ayeka-san, I presume. I'm Akodo Kawauso and I apologize for keeping you waiting." When the Spider recognizes her and Kawauso rises back to full height, she's a kindly looking but imposing sight.
Lion Clan bushi * Spear master * Person of the river * Practical * Doesn't get out much
Status: 2.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 2.3
Carries, in respectable places: rustic tunic and pants, daisho. Outdoors, adds: worn but well maintained woolen cloak and big damn spear.

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Hantei Genji
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Re: Breaking the Ice (D2, LM, Player Event)

Post by Hantei Genji » Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:37 am

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:17 pm
Satsuki sighed, resigned to her fate of being social for the time being with uninteresting people. Well, ok, he was her cousin, unless there was another Hantei Genji, so maybe he wasn't that uninteresting.

The Dragon princess was dressed nicely again, though in this time something made by the Saru. A lighter garb in pale yellow and white that allowed for more freedom of movement, as well as showing off more skin so that the crane tattooed on her collarbone was visible, and the laced-up sleeves showed some of the dragon tattoo on her arm.
Genji arrived, dressed in Stag colors, his kimono was finely made, though more conservative and simple than what seemed like the fashion here.

Smiling, he took a seat opposite of his cousin. "Togashi-san, well met!" His smile was wide and bright, like the sun. Genetics for you. "You look lovely. Have you had rice today?"
Son of the Stag * Idealistic Prodigy * Blessed and Cursed
Status: 4.0 * Glory: 2.0 * Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, other stuff

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