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[D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:43 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Clues have been hanged around the city it is up to the players to find the final destination.

My first clue:
Players can make a Calligraphy (cipher) TN 15 or Forgery (documents)TN 20. You can choose that your raise can grant you a free raise on the next roll or gain an extra point. If you fail this roll you can try at a +5 to your current TN. For example this is your third try in Calligraphy then your TN is 25. A success on the first try gives 1 Hunt Point and allows you to continue on. On subsequent tries only those who raise to gain a point will gain Hunt Point and are successful you can continue on.

Follow your nose:
You are to follow the clue to the next point. Players make a Sailing (navigation) Intelligence TN 15 or a Divination (Astronomy) Intelligence TN 20. Absolute direction Advantage grants 1FR (cumulative with previous step), Wanderer disadvantage triggers with the Divination as well raising your TN. For each success and raise you gain 1 Hunt point. If you fail the roll you can try at a +5 to your current TN.

Final Destination
You get to the final destination. You need to find the cat. This is a contested roll against Sasori's steath that will only 1 roll for the overall event (for the sake of sanity). Player will make a Hunting (tracking) or an Investigation to find Sasori. If you fail this roll you can try again at a TN -5 and lose a Hunt point. Finding Sasori at first try will grant a Hunt Point.

TN 20 to find Sasori

//New Rule for Final Destination: Who ever helps a player who cannot find Sasori they gain 2 Hunt points and allows the player keep their points.

Using low skills will not lower honor for this event.

//D8 LA Event Sasori Stealth: 7d10o10k3 20
RP for this Event

Re: [D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 1:23 pm
by Otomo Gusai
Gusai finds his way to the garden, needing some quiet and calm after the events earlier in the day. But there, he sees something that catches his attention, and, when he looks at it more closely, he recognizes Sasori upon it--and he begins his search. Unerringly, he threads his way through the area, catching clue after clue escapes him, and his lone eye widens, swiveling in its socket as he looks for a sign he simply cannot find.

First Clue, TN 15, passed at 21,; +1 Hunt Point

Follow Your Nose, TN 15, 1FR for Absolute Direction, 2 CR to TN 25, passed at 38,; +4 Hunt Points

Final Destination: Auto-fail due to Missing Eye

5 Hunt Points?

Re: [D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:07 pm
by Yoshitsune Chizu
“Chrysanthemums are sleeping around me; find me if you can!” read the strange note that Chizu had found just outside the Imperial Court. This could be an interesting diversion, she reflected, and decided to try and find the mysterious person who had left the clue.

At first Chizu thought the note might be alluding to the Imperial apartments, but then she reasoned that no one would be sleeping there during the day. So it had to be the Imperial Gardens.

The morning snows had left a pristine blanket of white stone all over the gardens. The snow-covered plants and statues seemed magical in the afternoon light. Soon Chizu stumbled across someone’s tracks, left in the snow. Aha! The big Crab eagerly followed them; despite circling the gardens several times, Chizu was certain that this would lead to her quarry.

“Ha, I found you!” Chizu said after finally catching up. But it turned out the tracks weren’t those of light-footed Bayushi Sasori at all; the Crab woman had found Otomo Gusai instead.

8LA Scavenger hunt, First clue INT/Calligraphy TN15: 2d10 17 passed for 1 Hunt Point
8LA Scavenger hunt, Follow your nose INT/Sailing TN15: 2d10 9 failed
8LA Scavenger hunt, Follow your nose (try #2 at +5 TN) INT/Sailing TN20: 2d10 17 failed

Total: 1 Hunt Point

Re: [D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 6:31 pm
by Chai Kotsume
"Where snow melts and water's frozen, there I'll be if you're so chosen!", Kotsume read, finding a note with a handwriting she didn't quite recognise close to the Ki-rin rooms ad the palace when she went out again after recovering from the mess of the early morning and her walks around the river. The otter girl wasn't the smartest one around... but where snow melts and water's frozen? She thought she knew that one!

Making her way to the garden and close to the pond, she started looking around. She thought she saw tracks here and there... but there were so many different things they could be from, it was frustrating!

She then thought she caught... a scent? Was it... ah! She thought she had felt that scent before!

Was it... a cat? But... where did it come from?

She felt her wild instincts kicking in, but, well aware that there were others around - looking for the same thing, or the same person, probably? - she kept them in check. Her nose just *might* be good enough, even in her human form?

The otters who kept just behind her seemed to have caught it as well, so she was certain she was on the right track! She went on, picking hints from the mustelids from time to time, until she finally reached a thicket of grass. Aha!, she thought, and her wild siblings' purring seemed to indicate they were sure as well!

She made her way to it... and there it was. A hole in the ice, just behind the thicket of grass.

The otters looked at it intently, purring and squealing. She followed suit... and there it was. A part of the river particularly rich with fish!

... somehow, Kotsume felt that was not what she was looking for?... unless one of the fish was a spirit? Or had learnt to write?...


D8 LA - Scavenger Hunt - My first clue, Calligraphy/Int TN 15; VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's: 3d10k3+4 19

D8 LA - Scavenger Hunt - Follow your nose. Sailing/ Int TN 15: 3d10o10k2 14

D8 LA - Scavenger Hunt - Follow your nose. Sailing/ Int, retry. TN 20: 3d10o10k2 11

1 Hunt point XD But happy otters!

Re: [D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:25 am
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi remembers playing games like this with Sasori and all the other young samurai at Kyuden Bayushi. Sasori had usually been leagues better at it. Ahh, the memories! Not finding Sasori on the ramparts... not finding Sasori in the stables... not finding Sasori down by the canal... there had, Kogi reflects, been a sort of common theme.

Still, maybe senpai will go easy on everyone this time, since the guests at court this winter are from other Clans?

After following the trail here and there, she finds the last note. The cipher is a familiar one, but the cleartext is another riddle: "Where the mountains are false but the flowers are true, if you can find me I'm waiting for you."

A false mountain? Could that be... Kogi bundles her coat closer and trots across the garden toward the rockery. Was this the day? One of those oh-so-rare victories when...

"Ah. Found you, Sasori-senpai!"

((How do I help other people? I couldn't quite tell.))

D8 LA--Scavenger Hunt, Calligraphy (Cipher)/Int TN15, 1 CR (TN20): 5d10r1o10k4 22 +2 points
D8 LA--Scavenger Hunt, Sailing/Int TN15 (unskilled): 4d10 31 +1 point
D8 LA--Scavenger Hunt, Investigation/Perception TN 20: 5d10o10k3 25 +1 point

4 points and one pleased kouhai.

Re: [D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:23 pm
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi ‘accidentally’ lets one of her long red scarves catch the wind and fly out overhead like a banner… that should make the Search for Sasori trivially easy for the handful of lost samurai still searching the garden.

((Help the others reach the goal!))

Re: [D8 LA Event] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:09 pm
by Akodo Kawauso
Kawauso really wanted to support her friend's game.

And she had just been learning some calligraphy, and was excited to start using it. Learning can be so useful and fun, she thought.

Then she tried to decipher the first clue. And was totally lost.

Frustrated, she took some deep breaths, then looked at it again. Ok, ok, this is... starting to make sense...

Except it still didn't make sense.

Kawauso tried walking away, getting a drink of water, and then coming back. Refreshed, clear minded, she looked at it again. She was so close to getting it.

Ok, right, and then I just... WHAT?!?!

Instead of tracking her friend as planned, the Lion slunk back to her room and had a really good cry about how not part of this world she was.

Calligraphy (cipher) TN 15: oof. Followed by 15 when needing 20 and 22(!) when needing 25.