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[EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:28 pm
by Nozomi
Nozomi, along with her daughter Mayumi, entered into the gardens to the place that her mother had directed her to meet. The girl pouted, looking up at her mother and grumbling. "Mother, I've been quiet in court. I hardly think you needed to make a public spectacle of teaching me how to do this properly."

"You've been relatively quiet, Mayumi. To say that this leaves much to be desired is an understatement. There are days when your silence is fidgeting and thunderous as a storm across the mountains, lunging out without warning. And if this gets you to..." And she paused, her awareness peaking out and noticing there was someone else there. Another step and she held a finger in a warning gesture. A second person. A third... oh kami. "Perhaps you were right about the public invitation."

Mayumi folded her arms and gave her mother the cheekiest look that etiquette allowed before walking ahead of them and bowing to whoever happened to be present low. The monk followed her shortly afterwards, thinking fast on her feet. When she saw others in attendance, she quickly realized that she had inadvertently made an event of this entire thing. Well, fine. Damnit. She was not above teaching them all a lesson. This was something several of them could improve upon.

"Samurai-sama. Thank you all for coming," she said without missing a beat, though her pale smile was a bit drawn. "My daughter and I wished to offer a demonstration and an opportunity for growth in the skills of the court, one rigorously trained among the members of the order. The arts of patience, forebearing in listening to the world around us and the merits of silence. If you will join me in this open space, I propose a contest of sorts, an opportunity to display a technique all of us must use within the court from time to time. In remaining silent, patient and observant, we are best able to serve, in seeing what we might not otherwise and keeping our hearts still. And, since many of us already meditate within the gardens at this hour? What better place or time, yes? But, allow me to explain."
The Mechanical Nitty Gritty!

1) The Test of Silence -
Willpower/Meditation (TN 15) or Willpower/Etiquette (TN 20)
--The simplest of tasks is just becoming quiet and remaining quiet. As simple as that.
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each

The Silent Advantage confers 1 Free Raise.

2) The Test of Hearing What You Could Not -
Perception/Investigation (Notice) or Perception/Hunting (Both TN 20)
--Now that people are quiet, it is an opportunity to notice things that they would not, had they been speaking. After the meditative period ends, they have a chance to mention anything interesting and innocuous that they happen to notice during this period.
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each.

The Wary Advantage confers 1 Free Raise.

Player Note: This task is for the noticing of a small, but innocuous thing in the surrounding area. The part of the garden is sufficiently secluded that it does not allow for the overhearing of secret conversations. People are far enough that you're not noticing little dark details. This is "I heard a cricket chirping in the distance" type stuff.

3) Maintaining one's Poise -
Stamina/Meditation (TN 15) or Stamina/Athletics (TN 20)
--The straightforward maintaining of one's meditation for the longest period. It is, after all, the quiet game.
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each

The Inari's Blessing Advantage confers 1 Free Raise

4) Finding One's Center -
Void/Meditation (Void Recovery) - TN 20 or Void/Lore: Religion - TN 15
--Hey, you're meditating. You should be able to recover void normally, shouldn't you? And in fact, achieving your center properly should confer its normal benefits. Success on a Void/Meditation roll recovers Void as normal, but Lore-Religion (while it will not confer void points) can achieve inner peace of a sort that is nevertheless visible (and earns meditation points)
Success earns 1 Meditation Point. Raises earn 1 Meditation Point each

The Balance Advantage confers 1 Free Raise (That can only be applied to the contest, not regaining Void Points)

Rewards: Nozomi's awards are conferred from the pool of resources that she has personally within the monastic orders and the favor of that order.
--All Children will receive a piece of candy for participating. If there is more than one child, Nozomi will give three pieces of candy to one of the other children to help teach her daughter humility. Her daughter will just smirk knowingly at her.

--The Player Character who gets the most Meditation Points will receive:
Nozomi will offer to look within them, to show them a glimpse of their potential with a gift taught to her by Shinsei (The Harmony of Mind Kiho)
Nozomi will offer the services of herself or an appropriate monk in personalized training during the remainder of the winter court or shortly afterwards, in the arts of Meditation or appropriate martial skills.

--The Player Character who gets the second most Meditation points will receive:
Nozomi will offer to look within them, to show them a glimpse of their potential with a gift taught to her by Shinsei (The Harmony of Mind Kiho)
They will also receive a hand-crafted scroll of calligraphy by a member of the Order of Heroes with the tale of Taochusu or Chk'Matt from the Rescue of Hisomu (their choice)

--The Player Character who gets the third most Meditation points will receive:
Nozomi will offer to look within them, to show them a glimpse of their potential with a gift taught to her by Shinsei (The Harmony of Mind Kiho)
They will also receive a bag of bird seed, along with the recommendation that they find a crow somewhere in the midst of the court's proceedings, offer it the seed and accept the bird's wisdom.

Player Note: Nozomi must make a contested Air-Ring roll as part of the Harmony of the Mind Kiho. Success will learn the person's highest value spiritual advantage or disadvantage, highest skill or their highest ring, and result in her saying something appropriately Shinsei-esque about them. Her eyes also glow a little gold when she does it for flavor purpose. She'll spend void on the roll, giving her 4k4. She will admit that she's not as good as Shinsei is at this.
With the 'rules' of the quiet game, as it were, explained, Nozomi set out tatami mats as necessary and stoked a small brazier to make sure that the area remained warm enough before she settled into position and began. Her daughter, meanwhile, was dead certain that she was going to beat her mother at her own game.

...she wasn't, but children were bold like that.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:48 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"Dad, I get why Shirayuki's here, but-"

"This is of use to you too, Phi."

"Yeah, and it's actually kinda fun, Uncle Kyosei and I have been working on it a bit-"
"Got something on your nose there, 'Yuki."

"Daddy, I thought this was about quiet?"

"It is indeed, Soryu. It is indeed." Jiyo Sora took a seated posture. "And it's worth practicing."

His kids followed suit- Soryu and Shirayuki eagerly, Phi a roll of her eyes.

As with many events this winter, Sora wasn't in it to win- but to get his kids involved, and to support an old friend.

[The Test of Silence- 1-raise success, 2 meditation points
The Test of Hearing What You Could Not: In the finest Sora tradition, missed by exactly 1
Maintaining One's Poise: 1-raise success, 2 meditation points
Finding One's Center: Failure

Total: 4 points]

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:20 pm
by Shosuro
Phi had been teaching her about this, so it only seemed right to attend her event and practice with everyone else. Besides... it was fun doing things with other people sometimes.

The trick was keeping in touch with the Void and letting that connection to everything drown out the other thing-that-wasn't-anything. She ended up so absorbed in the meditation that she heard absolutely nothing outside of her own breathing and mind.

She didn't go completely unnoticed the entire time, which felt like a feat, and she felt more at peace than she had in some time by the end.


The Quiet Game: Willpower/Meditation TN 15: 5d10o10k2 18+FR for Silent (2 meditation points)
The Quiet Game: Perception/Investigation TN 20, 1 Raise: 7d10o10k3 24 (0 meditation points)
The Quiet Game: Stamina/Meditation TN 15: 5d10o10k2 27 (1 Meditation point)
The Quiet Game: Void/Meditation TN 20, 1 raise: 6d10o10k4 36 (2 meditation points)

Total: 5 Points

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:35 am
by Hisomu Kuni
Kuni finds a secluded place and begins meditating. Although he initially thought this was a way for Nozomi to get her kid to shut up (he used this same game on his own children). But to his surprise, he found a sense of peace. He could hear the swish of a kimono from far way. Ultimately, he reflected on his failures of understanding Shinsei and his Tao, and began to understand it a little better.

Meditation/Willpower 1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 26 2 Points

Investigation/Perception: 6d10o10k3 42 1 Point

Meditation/Stamina 1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 36 2 Points

Lore: Religion/Void VOID 1 Raise: 5d10o10k4 30 2 Points

7 points Total!

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:35 am
by Anjing Sagara
Sagara sat on her mat in a peaceful stance. She looked like a statue sitting there with her eyes closed. Her mind was closed to everything around her, to all the noises and disturbances. She sat for a long period of time, unaware of everything around her. Her senses were never very good, not like the Hiruma, nor like the Yoshitsune of the Crab. So she was unaware of it all. Her body started to ache, she tried to maintain herself, tried to push through the quietness and the requirements of the body. Had she had breakfast? She could not even remember. She caught herself wondering and pushed through it, focusing on the meditation, emptying her mind and finally succeeding in an empty and peaceful state of mind.

-The Quiet game, Test of Silence. 2 Raises, TN25: 37 - 3 Meditation points
-The Quiet game, Test of Hearing. TN20: 8
-The Quiet game, Maintaining Poise. 2 Raises, TN25: 23 - Too greedy
-The Quiet game, Finding center. 1 Raise, TN25: 32 - 2 Meditation Points, 2 Void recovered

Total 5 Meditation points

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:25 am
by Jiyo Ayumu
For a lot of the guests, this was an interesting exercise.

For Ayumu, it was routine.

The man had been practicing meditation for decades now, in the most unusual places, at the most unusual times, on the most unusual subjects. People might have found him in the deep of the night looking at the stars from the roof. At dawn in the middle of the woods, staring at a flower, both of them covered with dew. At the library, a brush in one hand, a blank sheet of paper before him.

He was the kind of people that saw the sacred in everything and anything, and could spend hours simply contemplating it.

Today, he was immersing himself in the collective soul of the circle of people around him, their attempts at reaching a different state of mind, their successes and their shortcomings in doing so, all fascinating and enlightening in their own way.


D7EM | The Quiet Game | The Test of Silence | Willpower/Meditation (TN 15) | 1CR (TN20): 6d10o10k3 24 -> 2 points
D7EM | The Quiet Game | The Test of Hearing What You Could Not | Perception/Investigation (TN 20) | 1CR (TN25) | VP for +1k1+4 (Tawagoto's Army): 5d10o10k4+4 34 -> 2 points
D7EM | The Quiet Game | Maintaining one's Poise | Stamina/Meditation (TN 15) | 1CR (TN20): 6d10o10k3 20 -> 2 points
D7EM | The Quiet Game | The Test of Silence | Void/Meditation (Void Recovery) (TN 20)| 3CR (TN35) | 1FR (Balance) | VP for +1k1+4 (Tawagoto's Army): 8d10ro1o10k5+4 40 -> 5 points

Total: 11 points

2VP spent for the event, but 2VP recovered thanks to succeeding the last roll + Meditation rank 3 mastery ability.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:37 am
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu had never been particularly meditative, but he certainly has been contemplative and needs to sort through thoughts after meeting with others last night.

Quiet had been part of his training, learning his moment to speak. He manages to embrace that calm, finding peace in the silence.

A great deal of Matsu's training had been to pick out details, honing his perception, and that had served him well in studying the nuances of court. Those same instincts, applied in silence instead of a dojo or a gossipy court proceeding was that...things weren't silent really. There were the slow breaths of the people around him, the rustle of their clothes, the wind brushing grass. It was a cacophony, if only you listened.

Holding the pose...that was the hard part. Try as he might, Susumu has to take breaks, his body growing tense from sitting still for that long.

Centering himself...Susumu thinks back to the discussion with Shinsei the other day, attempting to reach peace with it. And he does, finding himself more composed as he finishes the exercise.

Test of Silence: Quiet Game-The Test of Silence-Willpower/Etiquette-2 raises-TN 30-VP spent: 7d10o10k4 35 3 points

Test of Hearing: The Quiet Game-The Test of Hearing that you Could Not-Investigation/Perception-+6 from Eyes of the Mother technique 1-3 called raises-TN 35-VP spent: 7d10o10k4+6 52 4 points

Maintaining Pose: The Quiet Game-The Test of Poise-Stamina/Athletics-+6 from Eyes of the Mother technique 1-TN 20: 2d10+6 17 Failure, 0 points

The Quiet Game-Finding Center-Void/Lore: History-VP spent for phantom rank-TN 15: 4d10o10k3 17 1 point

8 Meditation Points

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:22 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Kotsume was never exactly a quiet girl. Nor was she very used to sitting still for long periods of time. But she did spend long times mostly silent when moving through the riverside and the woods, communicating only with the animals... so she did at least know the value of silence to pay attention to one's surroundings. And, at times, she thought she felt something when walking quietly, hearing the water running, the birds chirping and the leaves rustling as the wind touched them.

So when she saw Nozomi's letter, remembering well the monk who had gone with them to the waterfall the other day, she decided she would give this "Quiet game" a try.

She set the basket with the three otters down close to her, spent a moment with them to calm them down - which seemed... successful enough - then sat down herself.

Sitting quietly like that was... definitely something new for her. She felt an urge to move, to look around and see who else was there, to reach out.

But she did not. She managed to hold herself and keep quiet, throughout the whole thing, despite great effort. And, by doing so, she actually felt a bit as she did when walking through the riverside. She thought she could hear at least four different types of birds - and, in the distance she believed she heard the yipping of a fox, possibly even one of those she had befriended the previous morning. She also heard... was that her own heart beating?

That was a bit unnerving, at first, but soon she got used to it. She focused on that, and kept standing with her back upright in an almost perfect lotus posture. It was all a bit new, and she actually felt good! She wondered if she could get used to something like this. If by doing something like this she could, maybe, reach closer to the spirits of nature. Feel them better, understand them better. Did mother ever do something like this? She didn't remember her mentioning anything like that, neither had she taught her anything similar. So... probably not?

Maybe she should mention it to her! She'd definitely have to practice - her mind was serene a moment ago, maybe she could reach it again? But this was definitely something new and interesting to look into! It might help her calm down and focus, and... wait, where were Uen, Saen and Chuuen? Was that a wet nose on her leg? No... wait, she could hear them purring nearby? Oh wild spirits of nature, did they disturb the others?? No, but she had to calm down and focus, they would surely behave! But that did feel like a wet nose... It wouldn't take long, she would just have to open one eye, just slightly...

When she did, she noticed the others were already standing up and had started talking. She felt she almost got the meaning of all this, but there was just so much on her mind!

D7 EM - The Test of Silence - Meditation/Will, unskilled, TN 15: 3d10k3 18 - 1 Meditation Point!

D7 EM - The Test of Hearing What You Could Not - Investigation/ Perception, 1 CR, TN 25, VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's: 6d10o10k4+4 26 - 2 Meditation Points!

D7 EM - Maintaining one's Poise - Stamina/ Athletics, 2 CR, TN 30, VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's: 7d10o10k4+4 41 - 3 Meditation Points!

D7 EM - Finding One's Center - Meditation/ Void, TN20. Unskilled. VP for +1k1, Tawagoto's: 4d10k4+4 16 - Why, Orokos, oh, why?? No Points, no VP recovered :lol:

EDIT: Total 6 Meditation points

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:51 pm
by Akodo Moshi
D7 EM: Test of Silence, Meditation/Willpower TN 15: 5d10o10k2 13 (Fail)
D7 EM: Hearing what you could not hear, Investigation/Perception: 4d10o10k3 18 (Fail)
D7 EM: Maintaining One's Poise, Stamina Meditation, TN 15: 5d10o10k2 20 (Pass, 1 point)
D7 EM: Finding One's Center, Lore: Religion/Void, TN 15, Sage: 4d10o10k3 18 (Pass, 1 point)
2 points total

If there is one thing Moshi learned from this exercise, it is how unbalanced she truly is.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:44 pm
by Isawa Kyosei
Kyosei hadn't seen the notice. He had, however, followed the stream of people, curious what had so many, including Sora, and Kyosei's sorta student, heading into the depths of the garden so early.

When he listened, he nodded, and gave a glance at his student, then dropped into a position suitable for meditating that he had learned long ago. Even his dropping was silent, not a sound heard.

Including by Kyosei. He has learned to ignore all that is in the world, and thus doesn't hear anything, as he dips deep into his own mind. For one of his training, maintaining the position for the time is not an issue. The only problem he has is that he is more focused on the words that were spoken, and the threat still hanging in front of him, not the ability to reclaim his own inner balance.

He comes out of the meditative trance, physically fine, but with his inner balance out of whack.


1) The Test of Silence, Meditation/Will, 2 CR, 1 VP for 1k1, TN 25: 64, 3 points.

2) The Test of Hearing What You Could Not, Hunting/Perception, TN 20: 16, 0 points.

3) Maintaining one's Poise, Meditation/Stamina, 3 CR, VP for 1k1, TN 30: 32, 4 points.

4) Finding One's Center, Meditation/Void, 3CR, VP for 1k1, TN 35: 27, 0 points.

Total, 7 points.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:16 pm
by Nozomi
Nozomi was legitimately surprised to see quite this many people here. Honestly, it was a bit of a small crowd, but watching as many of them participated, whether out of some form of support for her as she had others in the last few days, or out of actual curiosity in the teachings? It ultimately didn't matter. Once the directions were indicated, she slipped very easily into a meditative silence, her daughter doing her best to follow.

Admittedly, with all of these distractions and now paying attention to another class even her wary eye and ear were a bit ... pre-occupied and she didn't notice anything, but she was the teacher, not the student. That would get passed off and brushed over.

Remaining truly silent for the longest period was actually difficult for her, given how much she needed to direct and make sure things went according to plan. However, she still was able to maintain her poise considerably and finish the exercise feeling refreshed from her efforts.


(Nozomi has 5 Meditation Points, not that her score actually matters. Mayumi, on the other hand gets an E for effort and will be earning a candy later. However, we'll do the tally once any last minute entries come in. Btw, thanks guys for popping in. Nozomi appreciates it even if she's terrible at showing that.)

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:16 am
by Nozomi
As the event wrapped up, Nozomi took a few of the various participants aside to speak to each of them, thanking everyone for their respective time. She appreciated their presence, after all, and the chance to turn a child's game into something more was certainly ... enjoyable in its own way.
Jiyo Ayumu wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:25 am
She leaned in to whisper softly at some point in the evening, her eyes glittering a little. "Jiyo-sama. While you did not call on the Teacher's gifts long ago, or ask him to look into your eyes as he did mine, I am willing to see what might be seen today. Perhaps it will have some value." And after a pause. "And... you aren't one I would consider to need additional training, but the offer is there."
Hisomu Susumu wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:37 am
"You know, Hisomu-sama," she said, smiling as she approached him. "I think that the story of Chk'Matt might be one that you'd enjoy one of these days. perhaps you'd like a copy of it to take home for your libraries? And... should you wish, perhaps I can offer you some insight for the days to come, if you wish to look into my eyes for a moment."
Hisomu Kuni wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:35 am
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:44 pm
To the both of them, because... honestly? She had bird seed to spare. Nozomi approached both of the shugenja and had much the same thing to say, remembering back to that day, so very long ago. "Friend," she said in a soft tone. "You were not given the chance for the Teacher to look into your eyes that day, long ago. It wasn't needed. Your place was known, performing the ritual that sealed the portal. You served as you were meant to, but I have never forgotten those he approached, and those he did not. If... you want me to try? I am not the Teacher, but I might still see something of value with the gift he once taught me."


1st - Jiyo Ayumu (11) - An Offer of Harmony of the Mind (Which can be done here) & Training in a scene or post-game should they wish it as above.
2nd - Hisomu Susumu (8) - A scroll of Taochusu or Chk'Matt's tale & An Offer of Harmony of the Mind (Which can be done here)
3rd - Hisomu Kuni & Isawa Kyosei (7) - A package of bird seed apiece and the same offer of Harmony of the Mind (Which can be done here)

Chai Kotsume - 6
Shosuro/Anjing Sagara - 5
Jiyo Sora - 4
Akodo Moshi - 2

All Children get candy as above!
Everyone else receives thanks from Nozomi for their support, not to mention any void regained.

Feel free to reply here for Harmony of the Mind:
This is a contested Air roll, but as has been seen with Shosuro in the past - your character can choose not to resist her roll. If they do, she will take one raise and roll 3k3 and give them a properly bit of mystical tone regarding what she sees. She will be looking for the highest Spiritual Advantage and Disadvantage for each person.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:57 am
by Hisomu Kuni
Kuni is curious, so he allows her to read him.

((I did roll, then when I reread, I saw that I auto-fail, so gonna do that instead.))

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:19 am
by Isawa Kyosei
"Perhaps you will see deeper." Kyosei also takes his turn, to see what she sees.


Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 6:48 am
by Hisomu Susumu
Susumu is curious, as father mad mentioned something like this in his travels and does not fight it.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:42 pm
by Jiyo Ayumu
Nozomi wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:16 am
She leaned in to whisper softly at some point in the evening, her eyes glittering a little. "Jiyo-sama. While you did not call on the Teacher's gifts long ago, or ask him to look into your eyes as he did mine, I am willing to see what might be seen today. Perhaps it will have some value." And after a pause. "And... you aren't one I would consider to need additional training, but the offer is there."
"And once again I'll decline the offer at a peek into my soul, passing it down to whoever in this assembly you think would benefit the most from it. While I'm far from knowing myself perfectly, I've got enough bases covered that it would be adding a lantern to a room lit with torches. Keep your light for someone whose path is more clouded.

As for the training offer, I don't know if I will take it for myself, but we'll have to discuss it later. My early talks with Kuu have left me with the idea there was a lot in common between the training of Shiba's servants and of monks of your order, and that both could learn a lot from sharing some of their teachings."

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:23 pm
by Nozomi
Hisomu Kuni wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:57 am
Kuni is curious, so he allows her to read him.

((I did roll, then when I reread, I saw that I auto-fail, so gonna do that instead.))
Her eyes glow as she looks into Kuni's eyes, the glitter apparent and the weight of what she was doing visible. The lack of resistance helped, ensuring that she was able to focus upon the spirit that was beyond. Within that sight, she could feel the raw weight of the influence of the realms. "You stand at the confluence, the influences of your ties to Heaven's rescued son bolstering you even as other influences yank and tug at your every moment, never ceasing to heckle and trouble you." She chuckled a little. "I would think of both as a blessing, in their own way. Take the lessons you receive from tricksome fate and fickle influence as chances to humble and grow yourself, while heaven's light guides you. You will become the greater if you embrace them both."


"And try to laugh more. It will be good for you."

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:25 pm
by Nozomi
Jiyo Ayumu wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:42 pm
"And once again I'll decline the offer at a peek into my soul, passing it down to whoever in this assembly you think would benefit the most from it. While I'm far from knowing myself perfectly, I've got enough bases covered that it would be adding a lantern to a room lit with torches. Keep your light for someone whose path is more clouded.

As for the training offer, I don't know if I will take it for myself, but we'll have to discuss it later. My early talks with Kuu have left me with the idea there was a lot in common between the training of Shiba's servants and of monks of your order, and that both could learn a lot from sharing some of their teachings."
"Of course, Jiyo-sama," she said demurely, giving him a nod as she did so. "It is, after all, an offer. And I can see three souls who are in need of their own answers. But feel free to get in touch with me at anytime. I'm sure that we are able to arrange for something. As you've said, there are many commonalities."

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:55 pm
by Nozomi
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:19 am
"Perhaps you will see deeper." Kyosei also takes his turn, to see what she sees.

"I am highly doubtful that I can see as far as the Teacher, I assure you," she said as her eyes glowed and she looked deep within Kyosei. Where she saw only the spiritual, Shinsei probably could have seen through to the mental strengths and weaknesses a person possessed. However, still within it, she could see something that did not surprise her.

"You are truly tied to the Earth. Its embrace enfolds you, as you well know, its warmth and camaraderie strengthening your magic. Within this, so long as you nurture and respect the elements, you will continue to grow and innovate. Only do not forget the Heavens as you nurture the Earth. Too much focus in one direction can be limiting at times." At the same time? She somehow doubted that he was unaware of these things. Still, it was good to see he had grown in his connection to the kami of Earth.

Re: [EM 7] Player Event: The Quiet Game

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:56 pm
by Nozomi
Hisomu Susumu wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 6:48 am
Susumu is curious, as father mad mentioned something like this in his travels and does not fight it.
Having spopken to the others, she drew close to Susumu and bowed low. "If you are willing to see within yourself, open your mind to me and I will see what can be seen." As she said it, her eyes began to glitter a faint golden light.

(OOC: If you're wanting to auto-fail, just let me know the top Spiritual Advantage and Disadvantage.)