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How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:59 pm
by Chai Kotsume
One of the ways in which many of the old tribes made a living, and now also do many in the clans, is by breeding, herding, training, and in fact sharing their lives with a variety of animals - whether to produce food, help hunt or do a variety of other activities. Ryoshun Rei, Wu Zhe and Chai Kotsume have called those in the palace who may be interested in honouring that proud tradition of coexistence between animals and men to a friendly competition to see who can, in a relatively short time together with an animal, earn its confidence and respect enough to get it to perform the most remarkable tricks or activities.
This event may be attended either as a competitor (who will try their hand at getting acquainted with a beast and try to teach them some tricks), or as a spectator (who will be in the public cheering for the others and observing the fantastic or odd shenanigans each of the competitors convince the animals they're paired with to perform).

As a Competitor, you will have a choice of a number of animals to work with. This choice is purely for fluff, and it may interfere in the actual tricks you teach to the animal, but they are of no mechanical consequence. The organisers kindly ask you be kind and respectful and treat them well, as some of these are their own pets or companions. Even for those who aren't, treating your animal badly will definitely be frowned upon - especially by those who deal with animals most often!

The animals available are:
  • 3 Otters (2 adults, Uen and Saen; 1 cub, Chuuen) -
  • 1 Horse (Ryuusei, a rokugani Pony)
  • 1 Piglet (Hen)
  • 1 Baby goat
  • 1 Red panda
  • 1 Young adult female fox (Yukiashi)
Note that more than 1 participant can choose the same animal to work with; this only means you'll work with them at different times during the morning!

If you bring your own pet with you, you are also welcome to work with it for the event - or to offer it as another option for other participants, if you want to!

After choosing an animal, the event consists of two steps: One in which you teach a number of tricks to the animal ('Training your human'); and one in which you perform the tricks you taught it ('Impressing your human').

Step 1 - Training your human
During step 1, you will have 5 attempts to teach tricks to the animal you're paired with. You can teach it Easy tricks or Hard tricks, although you can only attempt to teach it a Hard trick after you've taught it at least one Easy trick. Note that teaching new tricks gets harder as the animal masters tricks you've already taught it, as, especially in such a short time, it's hard to convince your wild friend to do too many different things. Please include in the description of each roll a 'name' for the trick you're attempting to teach it and whether it's Easy or Hard! The name may be anything you come up with, as descriptive or creative as you want it to be.
  • Easy tricks: An easy trick is a common trick often taught to an animal of the type chosen. This would be things like Sit, Heel, Down and so on - note the description is purely for fluff and has no mechanical effect. To teach an animal an Easy trick, you must roll an Animal Handling/ Awareness check at TN 10, plus 5 for each trick (Easy or Hard) you have already taught to the animal before.
  • Hard tricks: A hard trick could be a complicated task, or a series of simpler, unrelated tasks, or maths tricks, or things that would be uncommon for the animal you're training. Be free to go a little crazy with this option (within some reason, and try not to do something that would endanger the animal!), but remember the description has no mechanical effect. To teach an animal a Hard trick, you must already have taught it at least one Easy trick, and you must roll an Animal Handling/ Awareness check at TN 15, plus 5 for each trick (Easy or Hard) you have already taught to the animal before. Note this means the minimum TN to teach an animal a Hard trick is 20, since it must have learned at least one Easy trick before this is attempted.
  • Raises: Each Raise when teaching an animal a trick gives you one Free Raise when performing the same trick in Step 2. If you fail while calling Raises, though, you take a -2 penalty per Raise called on all later attempts to teach any tricks to the animal during this event.
  • Retries: Trying to teach the animal the same trick (or another trick) after failing carries no penalty, although you're limited by the total of 5 attempts. You can also attempt to teach the same trick to the animal a second time with more raises if you want to - although, in this case, the TN will be higher (as described above) as the animal will already have learned the trick. Remember the difficulty for teaching tricks is increased by 5 for each trick you've already taught to the animal.
Step 2 - Impressing your human
During step 2, you will have 3 attempts to perform the tricks previously taught to the organisers and spectators. You can only perform tricks you've succeeded in teaching during Part 1 - so if you couldn't teach your animal any tricks in Part 1, you're out of luck here and may just bow out (at 0 points) if you want to. Performing tricks becomes harder after the first attempt, as the animal gets increasingly tired and shy of the audience. When rolling for Part 2, remember to include the 'name' of the Trick, whether it's Easy or Hard, and any Free Raises you may have from teaching it in Part 1 to the description of each roll.
  • Performing Easy tricks: Performing easy tricks is obviously easier, but considerably less impressive than performing Hard tricks. To perform an Easy trick, you must roll an Animal Handling/ Awareness check at TN 10 if this is your First attempt at performing a trick. This TN is increased to 15 if this is your Second attempt, or to 20 if this is your Third attempt. Success at performing an Easy trick grants 1 Trick point, plus 1 point for each Raise called on the roll. Notice Free Raises from Raises while teaching the trick performed apply here. If you fail while calling Raises, you take a -2 penalty per Raise called on all later rolls to perform rolls during this event.
  • Performing Hard tricks: Hard tricks are much more impressive, especially if they are done particularly skillfully, as they are harder to both teach and perform. To perform a Hard trick, you must roll an Animal Handling/ Awareness check at TN 15 if this is your First attempt at performing a trick. This TN is increased to 20 if this is your Second attempt, or to 25 if this is your Third attempt. Success at performing a Hard trick grants 2 Trick points, plus 2 point for each Raise called on the roll. Notice Free Raises from Raises while teaching the trick performed apply here. If you fail while calling Raises, you take a -2 penalty per Raise call on all later rolls to perform rolls during this event.
After you've completed your three attempts at performing tricks, or when you give up on attempting any further tricks, your final score will be the sum of the Trick Points you obtained during all attempts at performing tricks.

Note 1: Alternative approaches: Some trainers use different approaches to train their animals instead of the most usual ones. This is usually harder, but for some people it works better. You may choose to use Animal Handling with Intelligence or Willpower instead of Awareness for any of your rolls, but the TN of any rolls in which you choose to do so is increased by 5. Note this affects this event ONLY!

Note 2: Using general knowledge: Folks who have general knowledge about animals may try to train animals based on that instead of actual instruction on how to deal with animals, although that is also less straightforward. You may choose to use Lore: Nature instead of Animal Handling for any of your rolls, but the TN of any rolls in which you choose to do so is increased by 5. This can be used alongside the option of using Intelligence or Willpower instead of Awareness (described above), but TN increases stack. In other words, the TN of any rolls in which you use Lore: Nature with Intelligence or Willpower is increased by 10. Note this option also affects this event ONLY!

Results and prizes
After all participants have shown the incredible results of their relationship with their chosen animals, the organisers will announce the three human-nonhuman pairs whose tricks have impressed them the most (i.e. those with most Trick points). The humans in the three winning pairs will be offered the following prizes:

1st Place: The winning human will be offered the opportunity to have one of the animals involved in the training which is not a close pet of one of the organisers as a lifelong friend of their own - if they want to and promise to care for them properly, of course. The options here are the young vixen and the baby goat. Chai Kotsume will also extend an offer training sessions along with her if the human wants to (either on D7/8/9 or as post-game).

2nd Place: The runner-up human will be offered the opportunity to have an animal not chosen by the winning human as their lifelong friend. Chai Kotsume will also offer to help them in training sessions if they want to, although she will give priority to the winner when organising a schedule for that (if it's done on days 7/8/9).

3rd Place: The human with the third most impressive results will be offered the chance to receive some tips about human-nonhuman interactions from Kotsume and the other organisers. Kotsume will also offer them to go out for a trip on the wild areas near the palace (on D7/8/9) to try to meet and tame a nonhuman friend of their own, should they want to - although of course the results of such a trip are not guaranteed.

A small influence reward to the winner will depend on some things, but is also a possibility ;)
Observation thread

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:40 am
by Bayushi Kogi
Kogi hadn't expected her morning walk in the garden to end with running into an assortment of semi-wild animals (and their humans, though in themselves those were a much more expected sight). What on earth are a pig and a goat doing in the royal flower beds? As a former upland child and current town girl, it takes her a moment even to figure out what the otters and the panda are. But she is charmed by the young fox somehow tolerating the ruckus, and once the activity is explained to her she decides to find out for herself whether the royal vulpines are as uncannily clever as they seem.

It can't be that much different from training a dog, right?

And in fact, it's not. Scorpion and Fox soon graduate from running to and fro playing fetch to prancing about on hind legs in a sort of vulpine parody of Crane-style formal dance. Attempts to teach Yukiashi the vixen more traditional Scorpion skills, like "hide over there" and "find the poisonous herbs," are less successful, but still, it's pretty impressive for one morning. You haven't really lived until you've seen a fox perform the stately Noh Sanbasō dance, balancing on her little hind paws with great dignity... except for the long pink tongue lolling out one side of her mouth.


D6 EM--Training #1, teach foxy "Come Here" (Easy). Base TN 10. 2 CR = TN 20: 5d10o10k4 70
Vixen learns "Come Here" (easy) with 2 raises.

D6 EM--Training #2, teach foxy "Dance" (Hard). Base TN 20. 1 CR = TN 25. VP!: 6d10o10k5 28
Vixen learns "Dance" (hard) with 1 raise

D6 EM--Training #3, teach foxy "Fetch" (Easy). Base TN 20. 1 CR = TN 25: 5d10o10k4 34
Vixen learns "Fetch" (easy) with 1 raise

N 30. 1 CR = TN 25D6 EM--Training #4, teach foxy "Find It" (Hard). Base TN 30: 5d10o10k4 24
Vixen learns... nothing!

D6 EM--Training #5, teach foxy "Hide" (Easy). Base TN 25 (3 other tricks known). 2 CR = TN 35: 5d10o10k4 28
Vixen learns... nothing!

D6 EM--Perform #1, "Dance" (Hard), base TN 15, 2 FR + 2CR = TN 25. VP: 6d10o10k5 40
Vixen does a Dance for 8 Trick Points (that should be only 1 FR, I mistyped in Orokos!)

D6 EM--Perform #2, "Come Here" (Easy), base TN 15, 2 FR + 2CR = TN 25. VP: 6d10o10k5 30
Vixen answers to "Come Here" for 5 Trick Points

D6 EM--Perform #3, "Fetch" (Easy), base TN 20, 1 FR + 2CR = TN 25: 5d10o10k4 37
Vixen Fetches for 4 Trick Points

Total: 17 Trick Points, and a very clear message from Orokos that it's coming for my head if I need dice luck for anything actually important after this...

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:00 am
by Doji Misaki
Misaki wasn't much for tricks, per say. While it was true she'd trained animals in the past, it was mostly for the purposes of riding or labor. And tricks felt like she wasn't really respecting the animal's individuality. Still, she'd had a pet at one time, and she had a sort of rapport with animals due to her understanding and gentle nature. So she figured so long as the animal seemed to be enjoying themselves, what harm could there be?

So it was that she brought one of the simple kimonos she'd made in the past, this one for a young child, and found one of the otters she'd seen Kotsume-san with in her fishing endeavors. Slowly approaching the animal with a small treat, the two got to know each other over a few minutes, Misaki letting the little thing sniff and learn about her as she watched it and gauged its mood.

Having learned the otter was named Uen, she worked with it to learn some basic things, getting them used to the sound of her voice and some tonal things. After a bit, she'd taught them everything she'd meant to so went with Uen to where the spectators were.

Soon, Misaki walked up on stage, followed by the otter. Smiling at Uen, she set down the small kimono on the stage and put the little treat in it. The otter waited as patiently as an otter could before Misaki stepped away and nodded, Uen immediately slipping over and up into the little kimono so their forelegs were sitting out of the sleeves. The motion also caused the little fishy treat to pop out the neck hole, and Uen sat up on hind legs to eat it quickly.


"Say hello to everyone, Uen-san."

It was the tone of voice more than the words of course, but the otter turned to the audience. Fish quite gone, Uen bowed to the audience before straightening back up and rushing over to Misaki, circling playfully around the Crane's legs even as she walked away, smiling down at her otter friend.


Day 6, EM, getting Uen to bow, easy trick, TN10: 6d10o10k4 24
easy bowing trick learned

Day 6, EM, getting Uen to put on a little kimono, hard trick, 2 called raises, TN15+5+5+5 = TN30, VP1k1: 7d10o10k5 37
hard kimono trick learned with 2 raises

Day 6, EM, Having Uen put on the Kimono for people, hard trick perform, 2 called raises + 2 free raises, TN15+5+5 = TN25, VP1k1: 7d10o10k5 60
Perform kimono trick with 2+2 raises = 10 Trick Points

Day 6, EM, Having Uen bow to everyone, easy trick perform, 2nd trick, 2 called raises, TN15+5+5 = TN25: 6d10o10k4 37
Perform bowing trick with 2 raises = 3 Trick Points

Total Trick Points = 13

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:38 am
by Yoshitsune Chizu
Pigs are supposed to be smart, thought Yoshitsune Chizu as she selected Hen, the cute little piglet, as her training partner. The little pig was stubborn at first, refusing to do anything at all - until the big Crab woman produced a box of tea cakes that she had liberated from the guest rooms and began bribing the piglet with them.

Thus encouraged, the little pig eagerly went through several of Chizu’s planned routines: sitting, doing a backflip, and even counting to 3 for the promise of a bite of cake. But despite her best efforts, Chizu could not get the piglet to sing; Hen stubbornly shook her head and refused to make any sound more melodious than an angry “OINK” of protest.

When it came to show their tricks to the judges, Chizu told the piglet, “Look, it’s the judges! Show how excited you are! Flip! Do a flip!” Hen obediently did a smart backflip, ending in an artistic three-point landing.

Chizu then held out a hand in which she held four tea cakes. “If I have four tea cakes, and then you eat one of them, how many are left?” she asked, as she drew one of the tea cakes away from the others in demonstration. The piglet immediately pawed the ground three times, earning a tasty reward for her superior math skills.

“We're almost done now, so it’s time to sit. Sit!” Chizu coaxed, as she herself sat down and held a bit of cake near the ground. Hen obediently took a seat, crossing her forelegs adorably and seeming to bow to the judge as she did so.

Soon the cake was all gone. Most went to the well-behaved piglet, but Chizu felt she deserved a reward too, so ate a couple herself.

6EM Training #1, Teach easy trick (Sit) with 0 tricks known and 2 called raises, AWA/Animal Handling TN20: 5d10o10k4 16 failed
6EM Training #2, Teach easy trick (Sit) with 0 tricks known and 1 called raise, AWA/Animal Handling -4 for earlier failures TN15: 5d10o10k4-4 52 passed
6EM Training #3, Teach hard trick (Backflip) with 1 trick known and 1 called raise, AWA/Animal Handling -4 for earlier failures TN25: 5d10o10k4-4 27 passed
6EM Training #4, Teach hard trick (Count to 3) with 2 tricks known and no raises, AWA/Animal Handling -4 for earlier failures TN25: 5d10o10k4-4 27 passed
6EM Training #5, Teach hard trick (Sing) with 3 tricks known and 2 called raises, AWA/Animal Handling -4 for earlier failures TN40: 5d10o10k4-4 20 failed

6EM Impressing #1, Perform hard trick (Backflip) with 1 free raise and 2 called raises TN25: 5d10o10k4 27 succeeds for 8 Trick Points
6EM Impressing #2, Perform hard trick (Count to 3) with 2 called raises TN25: 5d10o10k4 64 (!) succeeds for 6 Trick Points
6EM Impressing #3, Perform easy trick (Sit) with 1 free raise and 2 called raises TN20: 5d10o10k4 58 (!) succeeds for 4 Trick Points

Total: 18 Trick Points

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 12:31 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
Yatsufusa chose the little female fox. Because reasons. He felt that as a fellow being, he could make better connections with her than with the other critters. And he was right.

From the first moment, the little fox reacted positively to Yatsu's teachings. The part of his soul from Chikushudo reacting and becoming harmonized with the spirit of the fox. Yatsufusa didn't treat the little fox as a pet, but rather as a friend, an extension of his own being and this worked perfectly.

Yatsu didn't had experience with foxes, but he thought that the key to success was linking their souls. He first shown her how to sit, that was very easy. He performed the trick himself and then, because of their deeper connection, the fox reacted well and imitated Yatsufusa! Between foxes, they understood each other.

Then he shown her much more difficult task, one was getting inside a small kimono, and the little critter followed his lead in the first try. There was nothing that these two souls could not do together.

Finally he shown her how get on two legs, bow and then go back two steps. A properly taught bowing etiquette. And she performed it perfectly.

When it came to present their progress, the little fox did everything in the correct order, without much intervention of Yatsufusa. It was clear that their connection was beyond what a mortal ningen could had. Their spirits were connected and understood each other.



Training Trick n°1 (Easy) Animal Handling/Awareness, Touch of Chikushudo +1k1, 3CR - 28|Pass [TN25, 3CR]
Training Trick n°2 (Hard) Animal Handling/Awareness, Touch of Chikushudo +1k1, 2CR - 42|Pass [TN30, 2CR]
Training Trick n°3 (Hard) Animal Handling/Awareness, Touch of Chikushudo +1k1, 1CR - 34|Pass [TN30, 1CR]

Performing Trick n°1 (Easy), 3CR, 3FR, Animal Handling/Awareness, Touch of Chikushudo +1k1 - 47|Pass [TN25, 3CR, 3FR]
Performing Trick n°2 (Hard), 2CR, 2FR, Animal Handling/Awareness, Touch of Chikushudo +1k1 - 35|Pass [TN30, 2CR, 2FR]
Performing Trick n°3 (Hard), 1CR, 1FR, Animal Handling/Awareness, Touch of Chikushudo +1k1 - 58|Pass [TN30, 1CR, 1FR]


7 points Trick n°1 [1 (base) + 3 (CR) + 3(FR)]
10 points trick n°2 [2 (base) + 4 (CR) + 4(FR)]
6 points n°3 [2 (base) + 2(CR) + 2(FR)]

23 points

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:06 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Hikaru was there, but only as a spectator.

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:14 pm
by Bayushi Sasori
Sasori finally met Chuuen the one she hasn't had the luck to meet before. "Hello little guy. I am Bayushi Sasori and I will teach you some tricks." She starts with a simple command sit. "Nya! You did it little one....nya." She took out a piece of paper and showed the otter how to fold it. "Here you go... now let's fold it like so... and like this." She made a little mouse. "Nya!" Sasori clapped at the young otter. "You are such a smarty one." Sasori giggled. "I am going to give you an easy one...Follow me." Sasori walked and asked the otter to follow her complying to her command.

When it was time to perform the little otter got stage fright and the poor critter went into Sasori's sleeve. Chuuen just peaked his head out to see what was all the fuzz to just hide again. Sasori sighed. She couldn't be mad at such cute face.
//Chuuen was trained
D6 EM Training little Chuuen Easy trick 1CR TN 15: 4d10o10k3 22D6 EM Training little Chuuen Hard trick 1CR TN 20: 4d10o10k3 26 (wrote the wrong TN but passed)
D6 EM Training little Chuuen Easy trick TN 20: 4d10o10k3 25

D6 EM Chuuen folds paper(hard trick) 1FR +1CR extra pointsTN 20: 4d10o10k3 16
D6 EM Chuuen Sit (1st Easy trick) 1FR extra points TN 15: 4d10o10k3 14
D6 EM Chuuen follow (2nd easy trick) 0FR TN 20: 4d10o10k3 15

A sad Sasori

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:29 am
by Akodo Kawauso
The taller otter-twin appeared at the training event to support her sister, and started refusing it as soon as she saw what some people were teaching the animals. This is so not my scene, she thinks, starting to back away and hide in the crowd. But a big nose pokes her in the back as she starts to go, and the Lion turns to find a pony blocking her path. She's dimly aware that this is Kotsu-chan's pony. Ryu... something. Like my spear, but different. Kawauso looks into the big brown eyes, and has a moment of... something.

"Little ones getting all the attention, huh big guy? Yeah, I get that," she says, gently patting the pony's head. She scratches behind his ear for a minute, then strokes his big neck. "How about we show them that big kids can be cute too, huh Ryu-kun?"

Their training and performance went ok for a while, but it turned out that Ryu-kun really was a smart horse. He saw what that fox and the other critters were able to perform, and after a fantastically dramatic performance of "Play dead," the distressed pony refused to get up until Kotsume herself came to pep him up. Kawauso, slightly embarrassed but trying to put on a brave face for poor Ryu-kun, bowed deep to the crowd and then turned to give the sulky pony a giant hug around his neck. "You know what, Ryu-kun?" She whispered. "That was great. Really showed that darn fox what the tall kids can do."

Trick 1: Shake (easy): good boy, 1FR gained.
Trick 2: Play dead (hard): he loves it. Why didn't I call raises?!
Trick 3: Bow (easy): no. A hair too tricky.
Try 4: Bow again (easy, +2): oh yeah. This horse is smart af. 2FR on that.
Play dead: brilliant pass, total 6 trick points.
Bow: darn.
Shake: oh, poor pony! Too tuckered out.

Total 6 trick points, but fiercely proud Kawauso, and an alarmingly deep-seated bitterness toward fox boy.

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:40 pm
by Chai Kotsume
Will double-check and table entries and write results and prizes later tonight! :) )

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:28 am
by Chai Kotsume
After all competing pairs present the tricks they've learnt together to the public and the three judges, the Bat, Dragon and Ki-rin sit down on a rock for a short meeting. After some five minutes of intense discussion, Kotsume finally walks up to the makeshift wooden stage they'd set up for the participants to announce the results of this celebration of communion between humans and nature!

"Dear friends all - humans and otherwise!", she says, looking towards the Vulpine Retinue sitting to one side, probably still indulging in the feast provided for them. "We've seen a number of remarkable performances today, so before anything else I'd like to thank all of you who came here to watch or participate! From what I could see, all our wild friends had a very good time today, and most of us have learned at least something new. So regardless of the results of the competition itself, I'm happy to say that we're proud of everyone here, and that I believe we all gained something from this celebration!"

She then calls Uen, Saen, Chuuen, the fox Yukiashi and Ryuusui to the stage, as well as Ryoshun Rei and her piglet and Wu Zhe with his Red Panda and the baby goat.

"But now, on the name of all of us human and non-human organisers, we'd like to call forward those whose presentations were deemed the most remarkable!", she finally says, and goes on to announce the names of the winning pairs.
1st Place - Saru Yatsufusa with the vixen Yukiashi - 23 points, performing a routine of "sit, put on a kimono, proper bow" with great precision and grace!
2nd Place - Yoshitsune Chizu with the piglet Hen - 18 points, performing a wild "backflip" and a surprising "counting trick" followed by an adorable seating stance.
3rd Place - Bayushi Kogi, with the star vixen Yukiashi - 17 points, performing a delightful vulpine rendering of the Sanbasō Noh dance, followed by - more expected, but still expertly done - "come here" and "fetch".

The Vixen Yukiashi will be granted a generous offering of the fish Kotsume had catched - and may continue catching for a while - for the vulpine entourage.
The piglet Hen is probably less fond of fish, so Kotsume and Rei will talk about what they can offer to properly reward her for her fantastic performance!

Saru Yatsufusa will be offered the opportunity to adopt Yukiashi or Wu Zhe's adorable Baby Goat as a lifelong friend of his own - if he wants to and promises to take good care of the one he chooses, obviously. Chai Kotsume will also extend an offer of training sessions along with her if Yatsufusa would be interested (either on D7/8/9 or as a post-game thing!). Also, Yatsufusa receives 1 Influence as a result of his performance with Yukiashi!

Yoshitsune Chizu will be offered the opportunity to take either Yukiashi or Wu Zhe's Baby Goat as a lifelong friend - although her choice will have to come after Yatsufusa's. As for Yatsufusa, this assumes she'll promise to care for her chosen friend properly and respect them! Chai Kotsume will also offer to help her in training sessions with her new friend (or another animal if she owns one) if they want to, although she will give priority to the winner when organising a schedule for that (if it's done on days 7/8/9). Additionally, Chizu receives 1 Influence for her performance with Ren!

Bayushi Kogi will be offered the chance to receive some tips about human-nonhuman interactions from Kotsume and the other organisers. Kotsume will also offer them to go out on a trip to the wild areas near the palace (on D7/8/9) to try to meet and tame a nonhuman friend of their own, should they want to - although of course the results of such a trip are not guaranteed. Finally, Kogi receives 1 Influence for her performance with the star fox Yukiashi!

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:53 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
Yatsufusa will adopt the vixen. Of course he will treat her well, she is not a pet, she is a fellow being from Chikushudo.

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:02 am
by Chai Kotsume
Saru Yatsufusa wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:53 am
Yatsufusa will adopt the vixen. Of course he will treat her well, she is not a pet, she is a fellow being from Chikushudo.
On hearing Yatsufusa's choice, Kotsume gives him and the fox a wide, if somewhat emotional smile. She invites Yatsufusa to join her and the vixen as she's offered her prize, and will caress the vixen's head and back lovingly as she says goodbye to the good friend she'd met here in Imperial lands.

"I hope you two have a wonderful time together, Saru-san", she says as she finally gets up and watches the vixen go with him.

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:04 am
by Wu Zhe
And so Yoshitsune Chizu earned the baby goat led by to her by Zhe

''Careful, it loves jumping''


Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:21 am
by Yoshitsune Chizu
Wu Zhe wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:04 am
And so Yoshitsune Chizu earned the baby goat led by to her by Zhe

''Careful, it loves jumping''
"How adorable!" Chizu exclaimed, approaching the goat slowly so as not to startle it. "Does she have a name?"

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:38 am
by Saru Yatsufusa
Chai Kotsume wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:02 am

On hearing Yatsufusa's choice, Kotsume gives him and the fox a wide, if somewhat emotional smile. She invites Yatsufusa to join her and the vixen as she's offered her prize, and will caress the vixen's head and back lovingly as she says goodbye to the good friend she'd met here in Imperial lands.

"I hope you two have a wonderful time together, Saru-san", she says as she finally gets up and watches the vixen to go with him.
'' It will be an honor to share my fate and destiny alongside her, Chai Kotsume-san. '' He bowed towards her respectfully. '' And of course accept my sincere gratitude for allowing me to participate in this event, it was a honor.'' He adds.

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:36 am
by Wu Zhe
Yoshitsune Chizu wrote:
Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:21 am
"How adorable!" Chizu exclaimed, approaching the goat slowly so as not to startle it. "Does she have a name?"
''Not yet'' he replied ''It is yours to give''

Re: How to train your Human (D6 EM, Player event)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:19 pm
by Yuzuru
At Yatsufusa adopting the vixen correctly, Hsieh-Hsieh looks inordinately happy.